
The Mordentshire Chronicles

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Mordentshire-at-the-Sea, August 26, 723

On the cliffs of the Arden Bay, high above the village of Mordentshire, a lone figure stood. Seemingly unimpeded by the gale that blew over the cliffs edge, it eyed the small harbor, where the last of its people receded to the safety of their houses. The night was falling, but the figure on the cliff did not make any attempts to leave its post. The terrors of Mordent's nights were no thread to it.

As the night's mists pooled around the figure, it turned to the shadows in the rocky barrens behind her. One of them shifted, and a thin, almost cadaverous form moved free from the darkness.

"Proceed. Find me the manuscript."

The servant seemed to hesitate, but a quick gesture made it think otherwise, and it turned, starting the descent towards the village. Several darker, clumsier shapes followed it down as the servant tracked the cliffs edge downward. The figure did not look to check on the servant. It would obey. There was no choice. It again focused on the pinpoints of lights in the town below it. Then it raised the arms, streching out to the night, to whatever was out there to answer the call.

"Sisters! Hear me!" she yelled, as a scraggy woman's form became visible against the pale moon. "The town and its butchers will pay! None will be left when we are done! I will promise you this! We will have our revenge!"

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