The Nocturnal Sea - Maps

by Gomez

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This map of The Nocturnal Sea is based on the maps in Domains of Dread, and information from Ship of Horror.
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Nocturnal Sea map

Assumptions and Added Details

Graben was very much detailed in Ship of Horrors. The other islands are guesses based on the descriptions in Darklords (Monet), and Domains of Dread. Note that though this map includes the Nightmare Lands, it's exact position is unknown (in fact, it's entire existence is only a rumor).

The domains of Vechor and Liffe have their own chapters.

The islands of Graben and Todstein are described in more detail on separate pages.

The chapters for the Isle of Ravens, l'Ile de la Tempete, and the Nightmare lands are forthcoming.



References above are to the reviews page of the Secrets of the Kargatane Site


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