Pathfinder in the Mists

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Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

CR 3 (XP 800)
NE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 30 (4d10+8)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
SR 13
Immune sleep, mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4+2), bite +6 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws; 1d6+3 plus xenophobia from scarring), grin
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude
Skills Climb +8 (3), Intimidate +7 (3), Perception +6 (3), Stealth +7 (1), Survival +5 (2)
Environment any
Organization solitary, gang (2-5), or pack (7-10)
Treasure standard
Languages Forfarian
Special Abilities
Grin (Ex): Goblyns can attempt to demoralise opponents as a move-equivalent action rather than a standard action.

Plus the spell (which I've posted before):

Create Goblyn (Transmutation [evil]): Sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Components: V, S, M (a handful of mud mixed with humanoid blood)
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft./level)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject of this spell is transformed into a goblyn. It is absolutely loyal to its creator, and has only dim memories of its previous life.
Ryan Naylor
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

And another template. Here, the underlying creature is almost immortal; the template just represents the forms that it takes in order to attack people.

Mist Horror

Mist horrors dwell within the swirling Mists of Ravenloft. They may be the spirits of those who have attracted the attention of the Dark Powers but are insufficiently evil to deserve their own domains. They may be those who died within the Mists, or were buried on a foggy day, or alien horrors that have made their homes there. Their true nature is unknown.
In its natural form, a Mist horror is simply an animate wisp of Mist. In this form, they are able to use their spell-like abilities, and are incorporeal and have natural invisibility within the Mists. It takes 2d4 rounds for a Mist horror to assume a form in which it can attack, although it can return to its natural form as a standard action.
The following template represents the Mist horror having assumed a corporeal form.

The Mist Horror Template
Creating a Mist Horror
“Mist Horror” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature. The Mist horror retains all the special abilities of the base creature except as noted below.
CR: As base creature +1.
Alignment: Any evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. It loses any subtypes.
Defensive Abilities: Mist horrors gain channel resistance +4. They have all the immunities and traits of the undead type and the ooze type (reflecting their nature as solidified Mists). The Mist horror gains DR 10/magic.
Special Abilities: The Mist horror gains the following special abilities (DC 10 + Mist horror’s CR):
Disruptive (Su): The Mist horror disrupts magical energy around it. Any spell that targets the Mist horror or is cast within 20 ft of it requires a concentration check as though casting defensively, with a -4 profane penalty to the roll. This does not affect spells or effects produced by magical items.
Mist-wreathed (Ex): The Mist horror is surrounded by a haze of Mists, continuously boiling away from or condensing into its solidified form. It has concealment, providing a 20% miss chance, within the Mists.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day—reckless infatuation, fear, seek thoughts, suggestion. It typically uses reckless infatuation to make victims stay within its territory long enough for it to assume a solid form, and seek thoughts to determine what form would be appropriately terrifying.
Skills: The Mist horror gains a +8 racial bonus on Stealth checks within the Mists.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Two monsters defined by their class levels (one good, one bad):


Paka are defined by their class levels – they do not have racial Hit Dice. They have the following racial traits. Their CR is equal to their number of class levels.
Humanoids (paka, shapechanger)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Medium: Paka are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Paka have a base speed of 30 feet on land.
Low-Light Vision: Paka can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Agile: Paka gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks.
Change Shape (Su): A paka can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The paka always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A paka in human form cannot use her claws, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the paka does not adjust her ability scores.
Speak with Cats (Sp): Paka with Cha 11 or greater are able to speak with animals (cats only) 3/day.
Lick Wounds (Su): Once per day as a full-round action, the paka can lick her wounds, as a cure light wounds with CL equal to the paka’s level.
Claws: In her natural form, the paka has 2 claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage.
Languages: Paka start knowing their own language plus one other, typically Mordentish.


Ravenkin are defined by their class levels – they do not have racial Hit Dice. They have the following racial traits. Their CR is equal to their number of class levels +1. Almost all ravenkin have at least 1 level in sorcerer (typically with the arcane bloodline and a raven familiar).
Monstrous humanoids
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Medium: Ravenkin are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Ravenkin have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a fly speed of 60 feet (average).
Low-Light Vision: Ravenkin can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Darkvision: Ravenkin can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Bite: The ravenkin has a bite attack as a natural attack, dealing 1d3 points of damage. On a critical hit, the ravenkin strikes its victim’s eye, sickening them for 1d3 rounds if they fail a Reflex save. This save is Dexterity based. If the ravenkin scores another critical hit against a victim sickened by this effect, the target is blinded for 1d3 rounds instead.
Languages: Ravenkin start knowing their own language plus one other, typically Balok.
Ryan Naylor
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

A curse of the sea (particularly the Sea of Sorrows, and particularly around Dementlieu):

Sea Spawn
CR 7 (XP 3,200)
LE Large aberration (aquatic)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
Aura mucous cloud (5 ft; DC 20)
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19; (+1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 84 (8d8+48)
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +11
Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.
Melee Bite +12 (1d8+6), 2 claws + 11 (1d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
3/day—summon nature’s ally IV (aquatic only)
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 17
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 24 (can’t be tripped or grappled)
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +14, Perception +14, Stealth +12, Swim +24
Environment any aquatic
Organization solitary
Treasure double
Mucous cloud (Ex): The sea spawn master is surrounded by a cloud of mucous. This makes it impossible to grapple or entangle the creature, and also causes infection. Any creature that takes damage while within the cloud must make a Fort save (DC 20) or be unable to heal naturally, and magical healing is only half as effective, until they receive a remove disease spell.
Spawn (Ex): Once per day, the sea spawn master can spawn, producing 6 swarms of minions in the space around it. These minions remain next to the master, trapped in the mucous cloud, for 1d4 rounds, before seeking out the nearest humanoid to infect. Creatures entering these squares may be infested.
Telepathy (Su): The sea spawn master is able to communicate telepathically with all the minions (and their hosts) that it has produced.

CR 5 (XP 1,600)
Upon entering a square with a sea spawn minion in it, a creature must make a DC 16 Perception check to notice the sea spawn (although hidden minions may be more difficult to see). If this succeeds, the creature can make a DC 16 Reflex save to avoid the minion. Otherwise, the minion begins burrowing into their flesh. Any amount of damage reduction is enough to prevent infestation.
Dealing 10 or more points of fire damage to the host within 1 round of infestation can save the host. Cutting the minion out also works, but the longer it remains in a host, the more damage this method does. Cutting it out requires a slashing weapon and a DC 25 Heal check, and deals 1d6 points of damage per round that the host has been infested. If the Heal check is successful, the minion is removed. After 3 rounds, though, the minion has reached the host’s brain and cannot be surgically removed without killing the host. Remove disease kills any minion in or on a host.
A minion’s host must make a DC 16 Will save each round after it reaches the brain to retain control of their faculties. If they fail, the minion permanently controls the host. The host retains all their abilities except divinely granted powers. They suffer a -4 competence penalty to Charisma-based skill checks while infested, and take 1 point of Intelligence drain per day. If the victim’s Int reaches 0, they die (although most minions will feed their hosts and themselves to their master before reaching that point).
Minions can survive without a host on land for 1 hour. They can swim at a speed of 20 ft, or move on land at 5 ft.

Obviously, I've made minions into a hazard rather than a monster.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Another piece of fallout from the Shadowlands, the terrible offspring of Addar (Kateri Shadowborn's mount) and a nightmare servant of the Ebonbane:

Shadow Unicorn
CR 4 (XP 1,200)
NE Large magical beast
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +10
Aura magic circle against good
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13; (+3 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size; +2 deflection vs. good)
hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 resistance vs. good
Immune charm, compulsion, poison
Speed 60 ft.
Melee gore +9 (1d8+4 plus 1d4 fire), 2 hooves +6 (1d3+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 2d8+8 plus 1d4 fire), shadowmerge
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
At will—darkness
3/day—blink (in dim light only), fear (DC 16)
1/day—cure moderate wounds

Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 21, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 23 (27 vs. trip)
Feats Multiattack, Weapon Focus (horn)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Intimidate +8, Perception +10, Stealth +8, Survival +7 (+10 in forests); Racial Modifiers +3 Survival in forests, +4 Stealth
Languages Sylvan, any domain language
SQ magical strike, wild antipathy +14
Ecolo gy
Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary or mated pair
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): This ability continually duplicates the effect of the spell. The shadow unicorn cannot suppress this ability.
Magical Strike (Ex): A shadow unicorn’s gore attack is treated as a magic evil weapon for the purposes of damage reduction.
Shadowmerge (Su): In dim light, a shadow unicorn gains concealment, can move at its full speed without penalty to Stealth checks, and can always take 10 on Stealth checks.
Wild Antipathy (Su): The shadow unicorn can temporarily improve the attitudes of wild creatures with Intimidate. The unicorn has a +6 racial bonus to this check, which otherwise works similarly to the druid’s wild empathy class feature.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

CR 4 (XP 1,200)
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +11
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 45 (7d10+7)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 30 ft
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d4+1), bite +9 (1d6+2 plus charm)
Special Attacks charm, blood drain (1d4 Con)
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +7; CMB +9 (+11 grapple); CMD 20 (22 grapple)
Feats Ability focus (charm), Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple
Skills Bluff +10 (7), Disguise +10 (7), Intimidate +11 (5), Perception +11 (7), Perform (any) +5 (2), Sense Motive +8 (7), Stealth +11 (7)
Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, brood (2-5) or pack (5-20)
Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Charm (Su): Creatures bitten by a vampire must succeed at a Fort save (DC 16; Con-based) or be affected with charm person (CL 7th). This is a mind-affecting poison effect.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

And just one I've always quite liked:

Wormwood (Undead) Treant
CR 10 (XP 9,600)
CE Huge Undead (augmented plant)
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low light vision; Perception +23
Aura fear (30 ft, DC 18)
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21 (-1 Dex, +14 natural, -2 size)
hp 78 (12d8+24)
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +10
Defensive abilities channel resistance +4, DR 15/slashing and magic
Immune cold, electricity, plant traits, undead traits
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 30 ft
Melee 2 slams +17 (2d6+9; crit 19+)
Ranged rock +7 (2d6+9, 180 ft)
Space 15 ft, Reach 15 ft
Special Attacks double damage against objects, trample (2d6+13, DC 25), blood drain (1d4 Con)
Spells (CL 6th, +10 concentration)
As 6th level druid (4/4/4/3)
Str 29, Dex 8, Con -, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 15
Base Atk +9; CMB +20 (+22 sunder); CMD 29 (31 sunder)
Feats Alertness, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Intimidate +17 (12), Knowledge (arcana) +7 (2), Knowledge (nature) +10 (8), Perception +23 (6), Sense Motive +21 (4), Spellcraft +13 (8) Stealth +7 (+23 in forests) (8)
Environment any forest
Organization solitary or grove (2-7)
Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Treespeech (Ex) A wormwood treant has the ability to converse with plants as if subject to a continual speak with plants spell, and most plants greet them with an attitude of friendly or helpful.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

With monsters out of the way, a new domain. Well, two. Well, a cluster. Well, an old cluster fleshed out a bit.

The original idea for the Scattered Lotus archipelago comes from Chris Nichols originally. This is how he put it:
ChrisNichols wrote:The obvious two domains in this cluster are Rokushima Taiyoo and I'Cath. The changes are fairly light to these domains. The domains in this cluster are isolated from each other, with large stretches of dangerous ocean between them.

Rokushima Taiyoo needs some refinement such as cleaning up the silliness of some of the place names and defining the locations and NPCs more. The focus is tightened a bit - instead of throwing *every* facet of Japanese horror and fantasy together in one place, Rokushima would focus on human evils, cruelty and brutality, warfare and class disparity, ninja and yakusa, and also the bonds of family and their dissolution, ancestry and the sins of the past (exemplified by Haki Shinpi). Mostly human horror, with plenty of ghosts and a sprinkling of other monsters.

I'Cath becomes a island in the Poison Sea. It needs to be polished to better reflect Chinese ghost stories and legends, but I'm not terribly familiar with that topic, so it's a blank. A possiblity is that I'Cath actually (or apparently) drifts in the Poison Sea, intercepting unlucky ships.

I'd definitely also add:

The Poison Sea (Dokyuumi) - I split off the Poison Sea (from Rokushima Taiyoo's maps) into a separate domain, much like the Sea of Sorrows and the Nocturnal Sea. In fact, I think every unique ocean should be its own domain. Anyhow, I re-read the description from the Red Box and took it literally. Dokyuumi is a dark and oily sea whose waters are so salinated that they are literally poisonous. Additionally, the Poison Sea is filled with sea monsters; any fish drawn from these waters are not only monstrous and dangerous, but also poisonous (save perhaps for near Rokushima Taiyoo's waterfalls, and even there the fish are ugly, salty-tasting and have to be carefully prepared to eat safely). Further, hundreds of rocky islets dot the waters, making navigation difficult.

The Rokushimans do *not* like sailing the Poison Sea, though the Great Mirror Lake has a long and deep history of seafaring. Their native suspicious of outsiders is exacerbated by suspicion of those who cross the Dokyuumi's waters (who must be in league with the evil sea spirits, in the Rokushimans' eyes). The inhabited islands of the Poison Sea have high cliff faces along their shores instead of beaches, which keeps oceanic horrors from crawling inland to prey on whatever inhabitants they might find.

The darklord of the Poison Sea is a sea serpent called Umibouzu-Ryuu. Somewhere there's a set of notes on its back story, but I haven't found them yet (I suspect they're in a box in my garage from the last time I moved).

Yellow Peril Domain - Based in pulp horror Oriental themes and real Chinese history, this is the largest domain of the cluster. Before being drawn into Ravenloft, this domain was *much* larger. The Mists border part of this domain, so it is unclear if this domain is merely the largest island in the archipeligo of the domain or is actually part of a "mainland." The larger size gives this domain more variety of terrain that the smaller islands, with drier grasslands that rise into mountains, once one is beyond the coastal plain.

One unusual feature is that a long fortified wall runs along the section of this domain where it touches the Mists. Similar to Darkon's Mistlands, the Mists wash against this feature like a tide, sometimes washing over the wall and at others, retreating a considerable distance, revealing unremarkable fields and hillsides.

The domain has several cities, which are invariably large, crowded, and dirty. The center of culture is the Imperial City, home to the emperor's extensive family and even more extensive court. These individuals live decadently, indulging in exotic pleasures and making byzantine plots to gain power and prestige. The ultimate goal, of course, is to become the heir that suceeds the emperor - either by appointment by the current emperor when he steps down (unlikely) or upon the emperor's death by natural causes or assassination.

The emperor himself is ancient, powerful, cruel, and brilliant, in the finest Fu Manchu tradition. He has dozens of wives and concubines, and even more descendants. Beyond this, its pretty open - whether he is a warrior or a mage, his history, and his crimes are undetailed. His curse is clear - he will never have an heir that satisfies him, no matter how long he lives or how many he sires.

That's all of the material I've found thus far. There's a lot of vagueness and some are just ideas, but it should be good enough to look at and get ideas from.

Sadly, I have neither the time nor the ideas to put all of Chris' ideas into action. However, this is what I've come up with.

The Scattered Lotus Archipelago is a cluster of 4 domains: Rokushima Taiyoo, I'Cath, the Poison Sea (called Dokyuumi by the Rokuma and Bien Doc by the Cua Song) and Dat Cua Nhen.

The Mistway to the cluster from the Core empties out into the NE corner of the Poison Sea, essentially more or less where it is in Rokushima now, but perhaps a little further out (preserving the idea of visitors coming through the Demon Gate and therefore being mistrusted).

The centre of the domain is Rokushima. As Chris notes, get rid of the grab-bag of Japanese horror ideas, and focus on the human evil of the war between the brothers. Obviously, there is a strong supernatural influence over the whole cluster, as the islands move about (or sink when a brother dies), and waterfalls keep the Great Mirror Lake pure and fresh unlike the Poison Sea outside, but it's more of an eerie supernatural feel than monsters rampaging around everywhere. If there are oni, ghosts and demons around, they're probably rare. As Chris notes, they're deeply suspicious of anyone who can successful navigate the Poison Sea, and they're much too tied up in their own affairs to have much to do with the outside world.

I have also toyed with the idea of making Mayonaka the lord of a pocket - his monastery, in Rokushima somewhere.

Northwest of Rokushima is Dat Cua Nhen. More below. Unlike the Rokuma, they live for trade, so passage from the Mistway to the Core through the Poison Sea to the peninsula is relatively safe (although it's still difficult to get to Rokushima, and they don't like the idea of trading with them because of a false history legend of Rokuma invasion). On the other side of Dat Cua Nhen is another Mistway leading to Sri Raji (to the mouth of the river near Muladi - a long way from where the Core Mistway to Sri Raji goes, which is why there hasn't been a lot of contact between the Core and Dat Cua Nhen, and to keep the Scattered Lotus relatively obscure and exotic.

I'Cath lurks somewhere W/SW/S of Rokushima, drifting back and forth with Tsien Chang's mood, or the tides, or the passage of the moon, or whatever.

The Poison Sea is really difficult to navigate, full of rocky crags, islet and reefs that seem to move about of their own volition. Apart from monstrous, poisonous fish, unintelligent aquatic monsters and the darklord, the domain is pretty much dead - there are no sea zombies (Saragoss), intelligent fish people (the Deeps, Saragoss) and pirates (Sea of Sorrows, Saragoss). This is so each of the sea domains has something of an individual character.
Ryan Naylor
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

The Poison Sea domain (Dokyuumi; Bien Doc)

This domain is based in the real world on Shi Cheng (Lion City) in Qiandao Lake (Thousand Island Lake), which was flooded when dam created. Google for images - it really is amazing looking. It also gets something of a role in World War Z, when the outbreak begins. I was also inspired by mah jong – the twittering of sparrows, imprisoning the dragons within the wall, and so on. And Asian dragons’ roles in water and agriculture.

So, the dragon who will become the darklord was arrogant. Stopped doing its duties unless it received tribute. Renamed itself Heavenly Dragon – felt it was more fitting for its splendour. Aspired to overthrow the Dragon Lord. Prophecy that it would be brought low by sparrows. Became more and more dangerous – tributes higher, began attacking peasants who couldn’t meet its demands. Finally, challenged to game of mah jong (machak) by old man – lost; imprisoned in the tiles for 100 years. Got angrier and angrier. Finally freed, ravaged the land, poisoned the sea, tidal waves etc. Dragon Lord (the old man) came to confront him – killed him. Massive, massive earthquake, huge tidal wave, whole country drowned, sea poisoned forever.

So, the land the dragon was supposed to nurture and protect is flooded in an apocalypse. Unlike the Deeps though, this isn't a ruined city at the depths of the ocean, and it's not still populated by anything other than distorted fish. Here, the hillsides, buildings and so on are just below the surface, creating shipping hazards and more or less intact, but enshrouded in weeds. The sea is choppy, squally and hard to navigate (you are constantly at risk of running aground or being driven onto an islet/hilltop), so the Cua Song and the Rokuma use very shallow draught ships, like junks, which are also a bit unstable on the sea. As well as the maritime dangers, the sea is eerie - it's nearly dead, and wherever you go, you can see the remains of the civilisation below. It's the sea equivalent of a desert - the challenges are mostly technical, rather than monster-based.

Except of course there is still an enormous angry dragon underneath it all.
Ryan Naylor
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Yuhaehan (The Poison Sea)

c100 BC Born on the Prime Material Plane, as a sea imperial dragon named Yonggwang (Dragon’s light).
c600 BC Begins to resent duties. Renames itself Yongcheon (Heavenly dragon).
c660 BC Tricked into being trapped in a game of machak tiles.
760 BC Present day.
763 BC Freed by carelessly knocking down the wall while setting up a game. Ravages the land it was charged to maintain. The Poison Sea (Dokyuumi) becomes its own domain. The Scattered Lotus Cluster forms.

Powers Checks
Caress (Betrayal: begins demanding tribute to fulfil duties: 4%; c600 BC):
Enticement (Blasphemy: aspires to overthrow the Dragon Lord: 32%; c650 BC): Half an age category.
Invitation (Violence and Betrayal: attacks peasants: 16%; c660 BC): Age category +1. Trapped in machak tiles.
Embrace (Betrayal and Violence: ravages the land and poisons the sea: 100%; 763 BC): Half an age category.
Creature (Blasphemy and Violence: kills the Dragon Lord and sinks the land beneath the sea: 100%; 763 BC): Becomes a brine dragon and darklord of the Poison Sea.

Base stats
S 40 D 7 C 23 I 23 W 20 Ch 21 (base dragon)
CR 17 (17 [base])

760 BC (Current day stats)
CR 17 XP 102,400
Male Brine Dragon Wyrm
NE Huge Dragon (water)
Init: +2 (Dex, feat) Senses: dragon senses, lowlight vision, blindsense 60 ft, darkvision 120 ft; Perception +32
Aura frightful presence (330 ft, DC 27)
AC 39 Touch 6 Flat-footed 39 (-2 Dex, +33 natural, -2 size)
hp 306 (12 + 23d12 + 144)
Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +19
DR 20/magic
Immune acid, poison, paralysis, sleep
SR 28
Spd 60 ft, fly 200 ft (poor), swim 60 ft
Melee Bite +37 (2d8+22 plus 1d2 Str, DC 28) plus 2 claws +37 (2d6+15) plus 2 tail slaps +35 (2d6+22)
Bite +30 (2d8+36 plus 1d2 Str, DC 28) plus 2 claws +30 (2d6+29) plus 2 tail slaps +28 (2d6+36) with Power Attack
Bite +37 (6d8+22 plus 1d2 Str, DC 28) with Vital Strike
Space 15 ft; Reach 10 ft (15 ft with bite)
S 40 D 7 C 23 I 23 W 20 Ch 21
BAB +24 CMB +41 CMD 49 (53 vs trip)

Awesome Blow, Greater Vital Strike, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Swim), Vital Strike, Wingover
Bluff +32 (24), Diplomacy +32 (24), Fly +17 (24), Heal +32 (24), Knowledge (arcana) +33 (24), Knowledge (geography) +32 (24), Knowledge (nature) +32 (24), Perception +32 (24), Sense Motive +32 (24), Survival +32 (24), Swim +56 (24), Use Magic Device +32 (24)
Draconic*, Aquan, Rokuma, Cua Song, Celestial, Auran, Sylvan


Breath weapon (100 ft line, 22d6 acid, DC 28)
Crush (2d8+22, DC 28)
Corrupt water (1/day, as black dragon except it affects sea water too)
Water breathing
Mastery +5
Sinkhole of evil

Spell-like Abilities
CL 24th; concentration +29
At will – control water, obscuring mist, speak with animals, water breathing
3/day – horrid wilting (DC 23)

DC 15 + spell level; CL 17th; concentration +22
At will – arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance
8/day – colour spray, feather fall, flare burst, ray of enfeeblement, touch of the sea
7/day – alter self, detect thoughts, invisibility, make whole, slipstream
7/day – aqueous orb, deep slumber, dispel magic, sleet storm
7/day – ball lightning, ice storm, greater invisibility, solid fog
7/day – break enchantment, dismissal, teleport, wall of force
6/day – fluid form, true seeing, transformation
6/day- control weather, mass fly, plane shift (excluding self)
4/day – seamantle, screen
Ryan Naylor
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Dat Cua Nhen

In Vietnamese, that means "Land of spiders" – a reference to Ke Le’s plotting, but it also has spiders in the jungles.

This domain is a bit of a hodge podge of SE Asia. It's inspired by Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, Apocalypse Now, the Quiet American, and, of course, Fu Manchu, although hopefully it avoids the racist part of that character for a more interesting modern take on a Yellow Peril domain.

The main city is Cua Song (River Mouth), a massive, hugely dense port city built across islands at the mouth of a jungle river delta. Steep hills etc and jungle makes travels inland difficult – the people stick to fishing, farming around city and river banks. Sailors and smugglers. Up in hinterland, ruined cities buried by jungle (Ankor Wat), then a huge wall – Mists on the other side, wash backwards and forward revealing seemingly normal jungle, legends of something terrible beyond (a little bit King Kong, a little Great Wall of China).

Cua Song was once an outpost of larger Empire. The Empire oppressed the indigenous races of the river mouth, made them part of greater empire. Closed, inward looking society for elite – indolent, cultural revisionism, smug.

Further outsiders came. They sparked a trade war to force access to the empire (a la the Opium Wars or the Boxer Rebellion), sold guns, opium, delicacies, religion. The Empire lost – Cua Song was opened as trading enclave – uneasy peace between elite and invaders. Invaders mostly rule with light hand, commercial interests. Old elite losing traditions because of radical progress, opium addiction, lost pride and standing. City largely anarchic now, as long as trade continues. Obviously, this alludes most directly to the British conquest of Hong Kong and the criminal gangs that arose there, but really, the story has been the same right across SE Asia (whether the invaders were European, Chinese or Japanese).

Ke Le Thanh, the darklord, is a nationalist. Born into a doan (crimical group; Tong), raised on stories of what used to be. Determined to arrest slide, restore culture, salvage pride (father lived through war, saw how it broke him). Family and doan killed/executed in retaliation for revolt Ke Le led. Wants revenge. Spent life amassing criminal empire, determined to bring them down – hypocritically happy to get rich off opium etc to get revenge, despite horror at how it ruins people.

Burnt down governor’s house with family inside as statement. At same moment daughter born and domain formed (Ke Meo Hua – evil, seductive, sadistic, weirdly attracted to heroes, as the psychotic daughter of an archvillain should be). Lots of wives and concubines. Sons all imbeciles, sick, mad, killed in pursuit of duties – no heirs. Getting older (no arrested aging, although may not die of old age – just get older and sicker, rotting from the inside), unable to find heir, worried will die before achieving goal, worried about being poisoned/executed by invaders/rival doans, no family to venerate memory.

Despite all this, he is honourable. Criminal mastermind. Respects family and tradition (even of enemies). Always polite. Operates from spice traders in the centre of the market. Lots of rivals. Hypnotic powers. Wasting away – can feel himself getting frailer, drinks rose water etc, traditional medicines, to arrest the decay. There may be a little bit of To Sleep With Evil here.

The domain has a lot of vices for sale: opium, gambling, prostitution, smuggling, piracy, trade, scheming. There should be a seductive, dark undercurrent, in the torrid heat of the jungle.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Ke Le Thanh (Dat Cua Nhen)

c480 BC The Empire conquers the Cua Song delta, crushing its indigenous peoples beneath a foreign elite.
611 BC Foreigners begin trading with the Empire; in false history, these are now believed to be Rokuma.
680 BC A trade war breaks out between the Empire and the Rokuma.
684 BC The Rokumans crush the Empire and force it to open its borders; they are ceded the city of Cua Song as a trading post.
697 BC Born in Prime Material Cua Song.
715 BC Leads revolt against city leaders; wife, his family and most of his criminal gang are killed or executed in retaliation.
725 BC Rebuilds position as major crime lord in Cua Song. Remarries, but all his sons turn out to be killed, sick, or imbeciles.
735 BC Ke Meo Hoa, his daughter, born. The governor’s mansion burns down. Dan Cua Nhen forms.
760 BC Present day.
763 BC The Scattered Lotus Archipelago forms.

Powers Checks
Caress (Violence: murder during first revolt: 16%; 715 BC): Family destroyed.
Enticement (Betrayal and Violence: actions as criminal: 4%; c720 BC): Dominate person (1/day)
Invitation (Betrayal and Violence: murder to wrest control of criminal empire: 8%; 725 BC): Dominate person (3/day)
Embrace (Betrayal: hypocrisy of selling opium to fund criminal empire: 8%; 726 BC): Dominate person (at will)
Creature (Violence: murder of the governor’s family in fire, vows genocide: 32%; 735 BC): Becomes darklord of Dan Cua Nhen.

Base stats
S 12 D 15 C 13 I 14 W 11 Ch 12 (high fantasy)
Racial: Int +2 (human)
Levelling: Wis +1, Dex +1
Aging: old
Favoured class: skills
CR 10 (10 [levels] + 1 [PC-level treasure] - 1 [aging])

760 BC (Current day stats)
CR 10 XP 9,600
Male Human Ninja 6 Wizard (Scrollmaster) 5
LE Medium Humanoid (human)
Init: +6 (Dex, feat) Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Perception +17
AC 14 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 deflection, plus scroll shield)
hp 48 (8 + 5d8 + 5d6)
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +13 (reroll once per day)
Uncanny dodge
Spd 30 ft, light steps
Melee masterwork dagger +8/+3 (1d4-1; crit 19+ plus 3d6 sneak)
Scroll blade +8/+3 (plus enhancement) (1d6-1 plus enhancement plus 3d6 sneak) plus Ki Attack
Ranged Shuriken +8/+3 (1d2-1 plus 3d6 sneak; range 10’) plus Ki Attack plus Point Blank Shot
Shuriken +6/+6/+1 (1d2-1 plus 3d6 sneak with Rapid Shot)
Shuriken +6/+6/+6/+1 (1d2-1 plus 3d6 sneak with Flurry of Stars)
Shuriken +4/+4/+4/+4/-1 (1d2-1 plus 3d6 sneak with both)
Hand of the apprentice scroll blade +11 (1d6-1 plus enhancement plus 3d6 sneak; range 30’)
Space/Reach: 5’/5’
S 9 D 13 (15) C 10 I 18 (20) W 14 (16) Ch 14 (16)
BAB +6 CMB +5 CMD 19 (17)

Focused Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Finesse
Acrobatics +11 (6), Appraise +9 (1), Bluff +16 (10), Climb +8 (6), Craft (alchemy) +13 (5), Diplomacy +17 (5; 11 with headband), Disable Device +8 (3), Disguise +10 (4), Escape Artist +13 (8), Intimidate +11 (5), Knowledge (arcana) +13 (5), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 (1), Knowledge (engineering) +9 (1), Knowledge (geography) +9 (1), Knowledge (history) +9 (1), Knowledge (local) +13 (5), Knowledge (nature) +9 (1), Knowledge (nobility) +11 (3), Knowledge (planes) +9 (1), Knowledge (religion) +9 (1), Perception +17 (11), Sense Motive +17 (11), Sleight of Hand +13 (8), Spellcraft +11 (3), Stealth +14 (9), Swim +5 (3), Use Magic Device +8 (2)
Cua Song*, Rokuma, Draconic, Vechorite, Rajian, Mordentish

(62,000 gp/82,000 gp)
Belt of Dex +2, cloak of resistance +2, goggles of night, headband of Int/Wis/Cha +2, ring of protection +2, ring of minor spell storing
Lots of scrolls and poisons

Sneak attack +3d6
Poison use
No trace +2
Uncanny dodge
Light steps
Ki pool (6/day)
Ki attack – speed
Ki movement
Ki stealth
Flurry of stars
Smoke bombs
Poison bombs
Hand of the apprentice (8/day)
Scroll blade (defending, keen, ki focus, shock, shocking burst, speed)
Scroll shield
Dominate person (DC 18; as vampire ability)
Mastery +3
Sinkhole of evil

(4/5/3/2); DC = 15 + spell level
0 – acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, spark, touch of fatigue (all)
1 – shield, illusion of calm, disguise self, silent image, lock gaze, memory lapse, true strike, reduce person, mage armour, identify
2 – invisibility, mirror image, hideous laughter, detect thoughts, see invisibility, accelerate poison, knock, whispering wind
3 – keen edge, haste, lightning bolt, dispel magic, deep slumber, hold person, suggestion, clairaudience/clairvoyance
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

One final note before I move on from the Scattered Lotus: my two domains are quite deliberately not specific to any particular culture. The Poison Sea has a name in Japanese/Rokuma and Vietnamese/Cua Song, but no real name for itself. Yuhaehan and machak are Korean words, and the specifics of dragons and mah jong are spread right across the region.

As noted above, Dat Cua Nhen speaks Vietnamese, and is based on colonialism in SE Asia, rather than any area in particular. There's Vietnam under the French, a lot of Hong Kong and Singapore, a dash of Macau. I don't think it's a good idea to slavishly reproduce particular cultures are eras as domains - Barovia is clearly not actually Romania, for example, and Har'Akir is not Egypt - they're settings that evoke the style of those places, and have that sort of tropes running around in them. Similarly, these domains are meant to evoke an idea of particular areas and times without actually being true to their historical counterparts.

If you are interested in other Asian domains, I recommend Dion's work.
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

Now: Pathfinder by request. He's no longer a darklord, but he remains everyone's favourite...

Loren Soth, the Knight of the Black Rose

c316 BC Born in Solamnia (Krynn) to Aynkell Soth, with two illegitimate half-siblings.
326 BC Becomes squire for Holger Windsound.
c336 BC Becomes Knight of the Crown.
c351 BC Becomes Knight of the Sword.
360 BC Caradoc allegedly murders Loren’s half-siblings on Aynkell’s orders to prevent succession disputes. He becomes Loren’s seneschal. Loren becomes a Knight of the Rose, Lord of Dargaard Keep and marries Korinne Gladria. The Kingpriest issues the Edict of Thought Control.
361 BC Rescues Isolde Denissa and other elfmaid pilgrims from ogres on the road to Palanthas.
362 BC Begins affair with Isolde. Korinne gives birth and is murdered by either Loren or Caradoc. Marries Isolde.
364 BC Peradur born. Soth found guilty of Korinne’s murder and exiled to Knightlund after he escapes prison.
365 BC Isolde prays to Mishakal for a quest to redeem Soth’s honour. He is charged with preventing the Cataclysm, but chooses to confront Isolde with rumours of infidelity instead. The Cataclysm occurs on the first day of 366 BC. Isolde is trapped by a chandelier, and curses Soth when he refuses to help her or Peradur. Knightlund is cursed and becomes Nightlund. Lots of people become undead.
c717 BC Soth and Kitiara form an alliance.
720 BC The Blue Lady’s War. Dalamar kills Kitiara after Soth betrays her. Soth claims her body, and is drawn in to Barovia. He meets Magda and Azrael, kills Magda’s tribe (Soth cursed again) and Medraut Gundar, and gives up a siege of Castle Ravenloft to punish Caradoc for betraying him. Sithicus forms.
724 BC Rudolph van Richten visits Sithicus for the first time, and meets Jameld and the Bog Monster of Hroth.
725 BC Creates bitterkinder (vampiric kender)
726 BC The Merchant’s Way becomes the Merchant’s Slash via burning to try to prevent bitterkinder ambushes.
730 BC The White Fever appears in Sithicus.
737 BC Soth begins to lose interest. Captures Tindafalus and commissions the Memory Mirrors.
740 BC The Bloody Cobbler appears.
743 BC Memory Mirrors completed. Tindafalus fakes his own death to avoid Azrael.
744 BC Sithicus nearly collapses. Soth is reawaken, and begins scouring Sithicus for fragments of a black gem.
747 BC Magda’s Wanderers vow to never repeat Soth’s history in return for protection from Malocchio Aderre.
752 BC Magda killed and releases Soth from her grandmother’s curse. The Night of Skulls and Hour of Screaming Shadows. Nedragaard Keep is destroyed and Soth returns to Krynn (possibly 4 years earlier).
760 BC Present day.
787 BC Soth killed during the War of Souls, having finally admitted he was wrong.

Powers Checks
Caress (Blasphemy: breaks knightly vows: 4%; 362 BC): Xenophobia
Enticement (Betrayal and Blasphemy: not trying to stop the Cataclysm: 100%; 366 BC): Wall of ice at will.
Invitation (Betrayal and Violence: refusing to save Isolde and Peradur: 100%; 366 BC): Becomes graveknight on death. Altered ruinous revivification and devastating blast.
Embrace (Betrayal: attempting to enslave Kitiara: 32%; 720 BC): Spell turning
Creature (Violence: destroying Caradoc: 8%; 720 BC): Becomes darklord of Sithicus. Improved spell turning, shadow walk

Base stats
S 15 D 15 C 12 I 9 W 8 Ch 15 (high fantasy)
Racial: Str +2 (human)
Levelling: Str +2, Cha +1
Aging: middle-aged
Favoured class: skills
CR 18 (14 [levels] + 1 [PC-level treasure] +2 [template] +1 [darklord abilities])

760 BC (Current day stats)
CR 18 XP 153,600
Male Human Antipaladin 15 Graveknight
CE Medium Undead (augmented humanoid)
Init: +6 (Dex, feat) Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Perception +22
Aura: cowardice (10 ft, not immune to fear, -4 to fear), despair (10 ft , -2 to all saves), overwhelming evil, sacrilegious aura (30 ft, desecrate)
AC 31 Touch 15 Flat-footed 29 (+2 Dex, +12 armour, +4 natural, +3 deflection) [+5 vs smite]
hp 224 (10 + 14d10 + 90 + 15 + 30)
Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +22
DR 10/magic
Channel resistance +16
Immune cold, electricity, fire
SR 27
Spd 20 ft (30 ft)
Melee +3 unholy wounding greatsword +29/+24/+19 (2d6+17 +3d6 cold + 1 Con; crit 17+; plus +2d6 against good)
+3 unholy wounding greatsword +29/+20/+15 (2d6+25 +3d6 cold + 1 Con; crit 17+; plus +2d6 against good with Power Attack)
+3 unholy wounding greatsword +35/+26/+21 (4d6+40 +3d6 cold+ 1 Con; crit 17+ against good with smite and Power Attack)
Touch of corruption +25 (7d6 +3d6 cold plus cruelty)
Slam +25 (1d6+10+3d6 cold)
Missile +17 (+19 within 30 ft)
Space/Reach: 5’/5’
S 24 (26) D 14 C - I 12 W 13 Ch 21 (23)
BAB +15 CMB +23 CMD 38 (36) [+5 vs smite]

Cleave, Endurance, Furious Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Toughness, Trample, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Bluff +17 (8), Diplomacy +14 (8), Intimidate +26 (9), Knowledge (history) +2 (1), Knowledge (nobility) +10 (9), Knowledge (religion) +5 (1), Perception +22 (13), Ride +18 (8), Sense Motive +13 (9), Spellcraft +8 (4), Stealth +5 (3)
Sithican*, Abyssal

(189,000 gp/240,000 gp)
Dastard mistral full plate +3, unholy wounding greatsword +3, belt of Str +2, cloak of resistance +4, headband of Cha +2, mask of the skull, ring of protection +3

Aura of cowardice
Aura of despair
Aura of sin
Aura of evil
Aura of vengeance (2/day)
Channel negative energy (8d6, 6/day, DC 23)
Detect magic (at will)
Touch of corruption (7d6, 13/day)
Cruelties (DC 23): Blinded (15 rds)
Frightened (7 rds)
Shaken (7 rds)
Stunned (3 rds)
Staggered (7 rds)
Smite good (5/day; +6 att, +15 dmg, AC bonus)
Fiendish servant (Advanced young cauchemar, SR 26, summon 4/day; summon monster VIII)
Unholy resilience
Sacrilegious aura (prevent positive channelling; desecrate included above)
Devastating blast (3/day, 30 ft cone, 10d6 fire, Ref half or 1/day, 60 ft spread, 20d6, Ref half)
Undead mastery
Spell turning (if caster level roll to defeat SR is 1-2, spell reflected back on caster. In Nedragaard Keep, reflects on roll of 1-5)
Shadow walk (at will, anywhere in Sithicus)
Wall of ice (at will, CL 15)
Mastery +6
Sinkhole of evil

Typical Spells
DC 16 + spell level; CL 12
1 – protection from good, bane, death knell, litany of weakness (2)
2 – bull’s strength, darkness, corruption ressitance, eagle’s splendour
3 – dispel magic (2), litany of sight
4 – fear, slay living
Ryan Naylor
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1285
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Re: Pathfinder in the Mists

Post by Ryan Naylor »

And (also by request), one hero to finish them all off:

Rudolph van Richten

671 BC Born at Richten Haus near Rivalis in Darkon.
679 BC Sent to boarding school in Nartok.
683 BC The servants of Richten Haus are all killed while the family is away one day.
688 BC The Crimson Death sweeps Darkon and kills Helga van Richten. Rudolph throws himself into his medical studies.
689 BC Attends University of Il Aluk
691 BC Marries his childhood sweetheart, Ingrid.
692 BC Erasmus is born.
693 BC Opens practice in Rivalis.
706 BC Suffers the wrath of the Radanavich clan. Erasmus is kidnapped and sold to Baron Metus. Azalin helps van Richten destroy all but Arturi Radanavich. Van Richten is cursed; Arturi is karash. Van Richten destroys Erasmus; Metus kills Ingrid; van Richten kills Metus. Unable to live with the memories in Richten Haus, moves to Corvia. Middle aged.
707 BC Begins researching vampires.
710 BC Begins researching lycanthropes.
713 BC Begins researching liches.
714 BC Realises Azalin is a lich and flees to Mordentshire.
716 BC Madame Radanavich (now a ghost) claims Richten Haus.
724 BC Begins researching ancient dead. By now old aged.
726 BC Meets Claudia deShanes and (probably) develops feelings for her.
727 BC Claudia killed by Merilee Markuza. Begins researching ghosts.
730 BC Gedlan Ironheart killed after 19 years of adventuring together.
734 BC Begins researching the Created.
735 BC Breaks into Castle Ravenlot, reads Strahd’s diary and then publishes the Guide to Vampires after Shauten nearly kills him.
736 BC Publishes the Guide to Ghosts. Emil Bollenbach left for dead and goes mad.
737 BC Publishes the Guide to the Lich. Begins researching witches and hags.
738 BC Publishes the Guide to Werebeasts.
739 BC Publishes the Guide to the Created. Raids the Black Vault.
740 BC Publishes the Guide to the Ancient Dead. Over the next 2 years, he writes but doesn’t publish the Guide to Witches (perhaps interrupted first by the discovery of fiends, then depression, then his time with the Vistani).
741 BC Meets and falls in love with Ottelie Farringer. Drigor kills her. Publishes the Guide to Fiends. Begins researching the Vistani. Venerable.
742 BC Publishes the Guide to the Vistani and retires.
750 BC Disappears while confronting Baron Metus and Madame Radanavich.
760 BC Present day.

Base stats
S 12 D 15 C 13 I 14 W 13 Ch 10 (high fantasy)
Racial: Dex +2 (human)
Levelling: Str +1, Dex +2
Aging: venerable
Favoured class: hit points
CR 12 (13 [levels])

760 BC (Current day stats)
CR 12 XP 19,200
Male Human Rogue (Investigator) 8 Monster Hunter 5
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init: +6 (Dex, feat) Senses: Perception +20
AC 15 Touch 13 Flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 armour, +1 deflection)
hp 57 (8 + 12d6 - 13)
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 (+4 vs fear)
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Trap Sense +2
Resist influence (undead, shapechangers)
Slippery mind
Spd 30 ft
Melee +1 mithral dagger +9/+4 (1d4 plus 4d6 sneak; crit 19+)
Missile +1 pistol +12/+7 (1d8+1 plus 4d6 sneak; crit x4, range 20 ft, ignore armour, misfire 1; 2 with paper cartridges)
Space/Reach: 5’/5’
S 7 (9) D 13 (15) C 7 (9) I 17 W 16 Ch 13
BAB +9 CMB +8 CMD 21 (19)

Alertness, Combat Medic, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Scholar [Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (arcana)], Stealthy, Warding Gesture
Acrobatics +9 (4), Appraise +8 (2), Bluff +8 (4), Climb +8 (6), Craft (alchemy) +10 (4), Craft (traps) +12 (6), Diplomacy +16 (12), Disable Device +11 (6), Disguise +8 (4), Escape Artist +15 (8), Heal +11 (8), Intimidate +5 (1), Knowledge (arcana) +11 (3), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7 (1), Knowledge (engineering) +4 (1), Knowledge (geography) +4 (1), Knowledge (history) +7 (1), Knowledge (local) +11 (5), Knowledge (nature) +10 (4), Knowledge (nobility) +5 (2), Knowledge (planes) +9 (3), Knowledge (religion) +12 (4), Linguistics +8 (2), Perception +20 (10), Profession (herbalist) +9 (3), Profession (scribe) +11 (5), Sense Motive +17 (9), Sleight of Hand +13 (8), Stealth +13 (6), Survival +9 (3)
Darkonese*, Mordentish, Vaasi, Balok, Draconic, Infernal

(27,000 gp)
Masterwork leather armour, +1 mithral dagger, +1 pistol, ring of protection +1, belt of physical perfection +2, cloak of resistance +2

Sneak attack +4d6
Improved uncanny dodge
Trap sense +2
Follow up
Coax information
Cunning trigger
Follow clues
Hard to fool
Favoured enemy (undead +4, shapechangers +2)
Lore master
Magical lore (1/day—magic circle against evil, halt undead)
Resist influence
Slippery mind

What is amazing here is how old he is. Really. He's 35 when he starts his crusade and 79 at the time of Bleak House. Obviously, lots of exercise keeps him limber.
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