The Eye of Anubis: Book Nine

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Evil Genius
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Post by lostboy »

So intent was Sascha on the destruction of the obelisk, a twisted smile touching his lips, he gets no warning as the cloud of frost and fire descends over him.

He roars in a world alive with pain, his skin burning and freezing at once. But rather than halting him, the pain feeds the fire within. So sucumbing to raw fury he staggers out of the cloud towards the source of his most recent torment.

[OOC: 1 on the reflex save for a total of 7 - think Im gettin your karma Nathan... :roll:
Moving to M22]
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Post by DocBeard »

Tomas looks a little relieved at Otto going from screaming panic to a state less likely to cause his heart to explode. Unfortunately..., "Otto, stay still!" Tomas barks, pulling his sword back up for another swipe at the gunsmith's precious torso, "I don't want to hit you while I'm getting this damn thing off!"

(OOC: 28 to hit, and 7 damage.)
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan floated upward, above the level of the angry, fiery cloud, and glided forward. The spiritual scalpel fell into his fingers again. The tumor had to be kept at bay if the atman was to be saved. He needed to buy his friends enough time to take care of it permanently.

Again, he swung his arms through the air, hurling invisible, rending blades at the obelisk, the source of the vile growth on the oversoul.

This time, though, his scalpel couldn't make the incision correctly. He swore to himself. Things were just going too good to be true, so of course it wouldn't work right now.

Kali can help.


Floating straight up 15 feet to an altitude of 45 feet and then forward to V10 and rolling a 5 on my dispel check.
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The Whistler
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Post by The Whistler »

OOC: Sorry for the quick post: Nothin' fancy here anyway, just taking one move action to get up and another to run the heck away from Tomas :P (to AC11)
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Post by NeoTiamat »

The Temple of Anuberith, Kamarn-Quse, Har'Akir
August 19th, 761, 3:12 PM; Day 155 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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PC Actions
Andre casts Dispel on Grey, does not succeed.
Kuzan casts Dispel on Green, does not succeed.
Tomas wanders over and hits Otto for 8 more damage.
Charles disables the Gold for 15 damage.
Otto is woken up, remains stunned.
Lia flies up and shoots a fireball at Green. Obelisk makes its save, so 33/4 = 9 - 8 = 1 fire damage.
Sascha moves

Professor Devereux didn't respond to Lia's cry. It was rather likely that he didn't even register it. The academic was looking off into the distance, into a distance the rest of you couldn't percieve. Yet.

His eyes were now a luminous, unnatural purple color, and as you watched, you saw the skin fracture. A tiny flake cracked off, revealing another vivid, violet glow. Humanity and Professor Charles Devereux were no longer on speaking terms.


As Charles rushed across ritual area, the young mathematician-cum-Demetlieuse-agent felt something cool brush agaist his leg. Against the skin, to be precise. A quick glance down revealed a small problem.

Against the polished black tiles of the floor, pale hands were pressed, pushing against the floor as though it were a cage. The tested the surface of the floor, and for a moment, Charles fancied he could see the floor buckle slightly under their pressure. But it held.

So... what had brushed his leg?

Enemy Actions
The Golden Obelisk has been deactivated.

The Cerulean Obelisk has been deactivated.

The Grey Obelisk casts Hostile Reality. This deals 41 damage (half fire, half cold), DC 19 Reflex save for half. This hits Andre. This also leaves a zone (see below)

The Emerald Obelisk casts False Void underneath Sascha, leaving a zone (see below). Sascha and anyone entering the False Void must make a DC 19 Will (Disbelief) save.

PC: Prayer (+1 Luck to attack, saves, damage, and skills)
Lia: 30/34 HP, Greater Mage Armor (+6 Armor AC)
Charles: 48/48 HP,
Andre: 41/31 HP, Amulet of Tears ( formerly +24 Temp HP)
Tomas: 57/91 HP,
Sascha: 64/92 HP, Rage (formerly +20 temp HP)
Otto: 56/62 HP
Kuzan: 64/83 HP

The Golden Obelisk: -61 to -103 HP, Destroyed
The Cerulean Obelisk: -48 HP, Destroyed
The Emerald Obelisk: -1 HP
The Grey Obelisk:

Ending Conditions
-The Obelisks are all destroyed or dispelled, OR
-Devereux is incapable of finishing the ritual (dead or unconscious or Feebleminded or whatever), OR
-Devereux finishes the Ritual. This occurs in 1 minute, which is 10 rounds, if Devereux is still directing the Ritual and at least one Obelisk is powering it.


Columns - The two squares immediately south of any given Column provide Cover. Columns also block Line of Sight.

Sphinxes - You can clamber onto them with a Climb Check. They are considered Difficult terrain for the purposes of moving over them.

Unstable Reality (The green) - Basically, this is a Wall of Thorns, with a slightly different movement requirement.

The gist is this. If you enter a square of Unstable Reality, or begin your turn in a square of Unstable Reality, you take 25 damage minus your Flatfooted AC (if your Flatfooted AC is 25 or higher, you take no damage). This happens every time you enter a square, so if you move through three squares of Unstable Reality, you take the damage 3 times.

To move through the Unstable Reality, one must succeed on a DC 15 Strength or DC 15 Wisdom check as a Full Round Action, and this moves you 5 feet through the wall (you don't need a check if you are in the wall and move out). For every 5 points by which you exceed DC 15, you move an additional five feet (so a Wis check of 20 lets you move 10 feet).

Hostile Reality (red area) - This is identical to Fog Cloud, with a few additions.

The Hostile Reality obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target). This means that you cannot cast any spell that requires sight on anything beyond 5 ft. (This includes Mass Cures)

The red terrain is now Difficult (that is, two squares of movement to traverse a single square).

False Void (blue area) - Every creature that enters the False Void, or is within the area when it is cast, must make a DC 19 Will (Disbelief) save.

Those that fail their saves fall prone and are unable to take any action except clawing desperately at the floor in the hopes of stopping their apparent fall. An attack on an affected creature frees it from the effect of the illusion but leaves it stunned for 1 round. Likewise, when the spell ends, creatures that believed they were falling are stunned for 1 round. Flying creatures passing over an illusory pit are unaffected by the spell.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

'That worked underwhelmingly badly,' Lia thinks to herself as she watches the fireball perhaps lightly graze the green obelisk. 'I need something better for this.'

Naturally, her eyes alight on those on her comrades still on this side of the divide. Wings whirring even as their strength starts to fail, the Mage flies to a point over Tomas and Otto. "Gentlemen," she calls down quietly, "I should like to invite you to a spat of vandalism. Are you game?"

Without waiting for a reply, Lia raises her hands over the two Lamordians and chants: "Facultam volati nos dono." A strange, yet by now surely familiar buoyancy fills Otto's and Tomas's limbs, even as it encircles Lia. With a sigh of relief, she folds her wings back into hiding.

(OOC. Flying over to AD14, dropping down 40 ft. and casting Mass Fly on Otto, Tomas and Lia.)
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Post by lostboy »

Sascha storms towards the grey obelisk, his hands clenching around the hilt of the sword in anticipation of destroying the damn thing. Then all of a sudden his foot fails to find purchase, and as he looks down a yawning chasm erupts around him, desperatly Sascha throws out his arms lookign for a grip to slow his fall.

[OOC: 14 on the will save :( ]
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Something has been done to the floor up ahead, just in the direction in which Charles intended to move next.

Fortunately, it looks as if (with a little luck) he will be able to jump over it...although long jumping has never really been his strong suit.

Moving over to the side, Charles estimates his distance, then rushes forward, planting his foot, leaping, alighting...

And falling.
And falling.
And falling.
And falling.

"Quetzal!" he gasps, as the ceiliing blurs and flickers. And nothing happens.

7 on the Jump check, 13 on the Will save. Alas, the chickens are coming home to roost. Ending the turn in K12.
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre resisted the urge to scream as his world again briefly became little but fire and ice, yet he pressed on, trying desperately to remain in a position where he could somehow get the Grey Obelisk in the area of one of his spells, even if he couldn't fully SEE the damnable thing, and then letting fly with the divine energies, trying desperately to unweave the unnatural enchantments powering the damnable thing. And anything else in the area, but that was a secondary concern at best.

OOC:Made the save, and yay cold resistance.moving to AH23, then Area dispel catching the grey obelisk, 19 on the check for obelisk, and negilgable on the checks for the false void, Otto's Fly, and Sascha's bless.
Last edited by yalenusveler on Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Whistler
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Post by The Whistler »

Rock wrote:Gentlemen," she calls down quietly, "I should like to invite you to a spat of vandalism. Are you game?"

"My pleasure," says Otto--from next to the grey obelisk, twenty feet up in the air, at a 45-degree angle to the ground, with an awl in one hand and a magnifying lens in the other. It's a wonder that the guy hasn't broken the sound barrier. His voice is muffled somewhat, but that's probably due to the welding mask.

...On second thought, you don't even want to know how Otto had managed to fit a welding mask into his belt pouches.

Right: this is your milieu. Take it easy, remember your theory--and try to keep clear of fatal magical effects.

OOC: Taking a double move to G20, and preparing to unleash a can of Disable Device on this thing.
Last edited by The Whistler on Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DocBeard »

"Sascha!" Aaah endless void! Again!

...waaaait a second.

"Eisenwald away!" Tomas shouts, kicking at the air and half-flying, half falling through the air, managing to leap over the horrible angry reality and land...right in front of the endless void Sascha just ran into!

(OOC: Double move to 021.)
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Kaitou Kage
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan swore again and dove over the defunct gold obelisk toward Charles. A ring on the priest's hand crackled and a sheath of flashing, flickering lightning surrounded his palm. Arm outstretched, he swooped on the mathematician and delivered a startling jolt of electricity through the man's body.

Diving on Chaz and using my ring of thunderclaps to deliver a 6-damage electric shock to him and ending my turn in L13, 1 square over the ground.
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Post by Isabella »

The Temple of Anuberith, Kamarn-Quse, Har'Akir
August 19th, 761, 3:12 PM; Day 155 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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PC Actions
Lia descends and casts Mass Fly on herself, Tomas, and Otto.
Sacha falls in a pit.
Charles attempts to jump over the illusion, fails, and falls in a pit.
Andre casts Dispel on the Grey obelisk, suppressing it.
Otto moves up.
Tomas moves up.
Kuzan moves up and electrocutes Charles.

A word of power from Andre sent the grey obelisk into a flurry of erratic pulses, the runes upon it glowing out of order and disrupting each other. The corona of red light above Devereux’s head wavered slightly.

Professor Devereux raised his hands slightly, his face no longer visible behind the blazing orbs of violet. A crack shot through his arm, and light began to pour forth from it, shedding an unearthly glow onto the temple floor.

Otto could feel the green obelisk pulse behind him as he moved toward his target. As the Lamordian began to examine the runes, searching for some way to deactivate them, he noticed the white, ghostly hands pressing up against the inside of the obelisk, visible through the stone like it was no more than smoked glass. As Otto watched the pale hands move, the obelisk behind him pulsed again.

Dark whispers filled the gunsmith’s mind, whispers that cried out for blood...

Enemy Actions
The Golden Obelisk has been deactivated.

The Cerulean Obelisk has been deactivated.

The Grey Obelisk has been suppressed for one round.

The Emerald Obelisk casts Psychosis on Otto. This is a DC 18 Will Save negates, or else you must move towards the nearest creature (Sacha, in this case), and attack them with whatever weapon you have in hand. If you cannot reach a creature by the end of the round, you simply move towards the nearest creature by the most-efficient route. You do not need to set up sneak attacks or power attacks or what-not, but you do make a regular attack. This spell lasts one round.

PC: Prayer (+1 Luck to attack, saves, damage, and skills)
Lia: 30/34 HP, Greater Mage Armor (+6 Armor AC), Fly
Charles: 42/48 HP,
Andre: 26/31 HP
Tomas: 57/91 HP, Fly
Sascha: 64/92 HP, Rage (formerly +20 temp HP)
Otto: 56/62 HP, Fly
Kuzan: 64/83 HP

The Golden Obelisk: -61 to -103 HP, Destroyed
The Cerulean Obelisk: -48 HP, Destroyed
The Emerald Obelisk: -1 HP
The Grey Obelisk:

Ending Conditions
-The Obelisks are all destroyed or dispelled, OR
-Devereux is incapable of finishing the ritual (dead or unconscious or Feebleminded or whatever), OR
-Devereux finishes the Ritual. This occurs in 1 minute, which is 10 rounds, if Devereux is still directing the Ritual and at least one Obelisk is powering it.


Columns - The two squares immediately south of any given Column provide Cover. Columns also block Line of Sight.

Sphinxes - You can clamber onto them with a Climb Check. They are considered Difficult terrain for the purposes of moving over them.

Unstable Reality (The green) - Basically, this is a Wall of Thorns, with a slightly different movement requirement.

The gist is this. If you enter a square of Unstable Reality, or begin your turn in a square of Unstable Reality, you take 25 damage minus your Flatfooted AC (if your Flatfooted AC is 25 or higher, you take no damage). This happens every time you enter a square, so if you move through three squares of Unstable Reality, you take the damage 3 times.

To move through the Unstable Reality, one must succeed on a DC 15 Strength or DC 15 Wisdom check as a Full Round Action, and this moves you 5 feet through the wall (you don't need a check if you are in the wall and move out). For every 5 points by which you exceed DC 15, you move an additional five feet (so a Wis check of 20 lets you move 10 feet).

False Void (blue area) - Every creature that enters the False Void, or is within the area when it is cast, must make a DC 19 Will (Disbelief) save.

Those that fail their saves fall prone and are unable to take any action except clawing desperately at the floor in the hopes of stopping their apparent fall. An attack on an affected creature frees it from the effect of the illusion but leaves it stunned for 1 round. Likewise, when the spell ends, creatures that believed they were falling are stunned for 1 round. Flying creatures passing over an illusory pit are unaffected by the spell.
"No, but evil is still being — Is having reason — Being reasonable! Mousie understands? Is always being reason. Is punishing world for not being... Like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason."
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre smiled, a touch off kilter as reality briefly re-asserted itself around him, his hands making the gesture as he spoke the words, a bolt of sound streaking towards the Obelisk in grey. Andre didn't take time to check the force of his spellwork though, instead heading to set up another such assault, but against its Green companion.

OOC:Sound Lance on Grey for 44, minus hardness and potential save, then moving to AH 17, 19 on the Save vs False Void
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

'Opportunity is knocking,' Lia notes as the grey obelisk temporarily ceases its hostile function - and she shoots forward, already muttering words of power as she goes. By the time she arrives at her destination, her hands are in full motion, conjuring fire from thin air:

"Ignem iubeo. Ter ex manu meu vole et inimici mei vore."

Three rays of sizzling energy lance out at the murderous hulk of stone -- and are lost to its defenses, scattering into bright sparks against its hide. While it looks rather festive, this is definitely not what was meant to happen.

'Not good,' Lia thinks to herself, lips pursed in quiet annoyance.

(Flying to Q19, launching Scorching Ray at the grey obelisk with attack rolls 27 - 11 - 13. Damage rolls, however, are 15 - 15 - 14, so no matter what hits, there's no damage to the obelisk left. Alas.)