4Edition. Do you like it?

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Do you like 4th edition?

Yes, more than 3rd/3.5 edition, more than all other editions. D&D at it's best.
Yes, but 3rd/3.5 (or 2nd, or OD&D) was better
Not really, but it's better than 3rd/ 3.5
Not really and I think it's worse than 3rd/3.5
No, I didn't like it at all. It's very bad.
Total votes: 101

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Post by alhoon »

Jester of the FoS wrote:PayPal is mostly free (small fee for payments) and you can sign-up with any credit card and e-mail. They charge a minimal payment to your CC with a code attached that needs to be added onto the website to log-on the first time for them to double-check (as you need to be the one receiving the bill to get the code). It's reasonably secure and probably safer than just using your CC. And it's pretty much a given for eBay.
Nope. I couldn't do it even with PayPal.

Does anyone has a clue who I should email about this?
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Post by Mortavius »

Well, the common denominator with all your problems (given the limited knowledge of your situation I have) seems to be your credit card, so I would start by calling them?
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Post by alhoon »

I did! Ages ago! They told me a looong time ago that WotC has reserved the money for 2 hours and then returned them back!
As a note, I did an internet purchase with this card this morning with no problems at all, as I had in the past. I just can't buy things from WotC.
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Post by HuManBing »

I remember back in 2002 or so I tried to buy some old pdfs legitimately from WotC's website. I used a Mastercard credit card to do so, and they sent me an email saying they could not ship to the country I was in. (China.)

I said "WTF!!! This is a pdf! I'm going to download it from your site!" and they said "Sorry, that's the way it goes".

So I ended up pirating the pdfs from a file sharer, which was unfortunate.

But then WotC made those pdfs freely downloadable from their site later on anyway, so it made it all better.

Edit: ... and if that's not enough, I ended up buying those actual printed adventures from ebay second hand anyway. (This is a truthful statement which I include here as insurance against overzealous mods who might want to ban me. The point still remains that TSR/WotC lost out on profits that went to a third party instead.)
Last edited by HuManBing on Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

I'd recommend a post here:
http://community.wizards.com/go/forum/v ... Di_General
There are some stickys that might help and voicing your problem might let someone with a similar problem know they're not alone.
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Post by Bloody Morgan »

I'd have to say I like it, but I don't think it's better or worse overall than any previous editions of the game. Just different.

I my own game I've found the happiest way of balancing the "1st lvl PCs get magic weapons" bit is to say that a +1 sword isn't necessarily magical. I can just be very well made - master crafted, if you like. Same game effect, very different rules. Mind you, I've dropped Residuum totally, because that does bug me. Will have to see how that plays out when my PCs hit higher levels.
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Post by alhoon »

I agree on Residuum, and on +1 being superior item.
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Post by alhoon »

Jester of the FoS wrote:I'd recommend a post here:
http://community.wizards.com/go/forum/v ... Di_General
There are some stickys that might help and voicing your problem might let someone with a similar problem know they're not alone.
I think I may have found the problem while checking there.

As I said, I had a subscription that somehow got cancelled (by the WotC, not me). Well, according to the info I got from the site, you can only have ONE subscription at a time.
I saw in my subscription history that I have asked for a year's subscription at February. Perhaps because of some bug it still counts as a subscription since I didn't terminate it?
I'll check.
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Post by Ravendragon »

What this poll needs is the following option:
Yes, however I see it as a different game than 3E and like both equally but seperately.

That's how I'd vote.
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Post by alhoon »

Hey, you like them exactly equally? :)
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Post by HuManBing »

This thread has been quiet for a while (and it's maybe for the best). I'm posting this to correct or clarify an older post that I made, about corporate priorities.

Specifically, I was comparing Wizards to Steve Jackson Games. As it turns out, I have learned that Steve Jackson Games only has one stockholder - and that is Steve Jackson himself.

Because it is not a publicly-held company, SJGames is able to put employees' and consumers' interests at higher priority than a publicly-held company could. Wizards has publicly traded stock, and so it is much more limited in how far it can deviate from a pure-profit emphasis.

This is meant purely as an explanation for Wizards' marketing decisions, and not as a further implication or accusation. If anything, it makes their model a little easier to understand now. If I were an officer in Wizards and removable by stockholder motion for failing to bring in profits, I'd probably conduct business in a similar fashion.
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Post by alhoon »

Yet, the people in the WotC manage to put out a cheap way for all that cannot afford to buy ALL the books, right under the nose of the greedy stockholders.

The character builder.

Remember, the first 3 levels are free so you can check the classes and the heroic feats from ALL books without paying a penny more than to buy the PHB.


Recently I have lost my arcane power book. I said "A pity... but at least I have read it and can see it in the CB". If I have lost say, the spell compedium of 3E I would propably had to buy it again.
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Post by HuManBing »

Ack, sorry to hear the book slipped your grasp. Hope you regain it quickly!

If not, I think Rotipher can rustle up a quick "Locate Object" spell for you.
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Post by alhoon »

Well... I lost it in a ship. It was a pretty book. :(
At least, I have CB (or at least the demo).
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Post by Mortavius »

The electronic tools are great; there's only one downfall. You have to have a computer handy.

For those with laptops, this is a non-issue. No one in my group has one, so we bring the books to the table (which I buy all of anyways). But the tools are great for when we're on our PC's between games.
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