The Shattered City, Third Interlude

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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"The Archeron was bound for Hazlan," Darius notes absently. "We have a long list of groups to consider at this point. We have this brotherhood." He gestures toward Lia. (He appeared distinctly unimpressed by her warnings, but being a Mulani of high family does, perhaps, accustom one to the prospect of the enmity of a cabal of powerful wizards.) "It is working in and through the University, and seems to have allies or at least common interests with the Black Tower. These interests are illegal here, and probably in Hazlan as well. We have the legitimate government of Dementlieu, represented by the so-called Marquis de Montfort--at least, as far as we're concerned, though there may be factions among them as well. We have the church of Ezra, as an interested party if not as a central participant. We have Poincare, whatever remains of her underlings, and whatever she managed to win through her ritual. We have have a heavily armed and surprisingly numerous militia of uncertain loyalties in the King's Forest. We have foreign actors, such as the Falkovnian ambassador...and possibly other prominent persons known to us."

He pauses, as if to invite additions to the list, then continues, "All of them want control of Dementlieu...not necessarily the same kind of control, but control. Who do you want to get it?"

The question, asked of the room at large, seems to echo oddly among the gathered group.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by DocBeard »

"There are lots of things that would take to living underground if infected with undeath." Tomas says to Agale, seemingly satisfied by Nerit's story. "Some breeds of vampire prefer to make thralls out of their own species exclusively, which can give the appearance of "towns" of the monsters." Tomas holds a finger up, pauses, and decides to save The Story of The Vampire Town(Which is to say a town that was itself a vampire.) for another day. "And the curse is known to engineer decent adaptations for living underground even if you aren't a member of a race normally inclined to it."

"It could have been something else." Tomas continues, holding up his hands in a preemptive mollification attempt. "Much like you have tribes of human barbarians with alien attitudes towards right and wrong, many species of fey that we see every day in the big city have tribes of cousins who see anything that isn't kin as an enemy and potential food source. I remember this one time I was in Invidia for my health." You can practically hear the air quotes around that reason. "And everyone was going mad because they thought the 'Bloody Cobbler' was back. Turned out to be a gnome who thought it was a fair trade to cobble a pair of shoes in exchange for..." Tomas looks at Celeste's delicate state.

"...what I mean is, a tribe of feral gnomes could use their inherent talent towards illusion to "play" undead and erk out a ghoulish living preying on unsuspecting mourners and other scavengers." Tomas takes a puff of his pipe. "Though generally I trust a member of the Church of Ezra when it comes to recognizing the unliving. Still, the logical people to ask if you wanted to follow that up, Mister Agale, would be the Reniers who saved our Sister Nerit in the first place, no?"
"Is there anything keeping us from checking that place out tonight?" Besides sanity, naturally.
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

At some point Cyrus had gone upstairs. He only now returned, a suitcase in one hand and a swordcase in the other. The dommer jerked his head toward Darius -- more twinspeak, no doubt -- and then set his cases by the door.

"It seems you will be short more allies," he said cordially. "The situation here in Dementlieu has become, ah, tense enough that my government is recalling Hazlani nobility and high-ranked nationals to the embassy. If matters in this country worsen and Hazlan calls for evacuations, my government and my church want its valued citizens. As my brother and I are members of a Mulan high house, we have been ordered to relocate to the embassy."

The priest bowed graciously -- more graciously than any of you had witnessed before. Then he gestured the sign of Spear and Coils at the assembled group.

"Lawgiver's guidance go with you," he said, "I suspect you will need it and more before this is all resolved. It has been a pleasure making all of your acquaintances. Should you wish to find us later, you may inquire at the Hazlani Embassy."

The priest inclined his head and then stalked toward the stairs for more packing.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Darius stands and bows, as well. "You see that, for us, that question has already been answered," he says. "Law and Light guide your path. If we learn anything useful, we will tell you."

With that, he follows Cyrus out of the room.
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Post by Nerit »

The nun tilted her head at Darius, then addressed the group at large: "I cannot speak for Ste. Mere des Larmes, only Nevuchar Springs. And I say we have nothing to gain from this. We seek to end the Legion."

As if to assure everyone, Nerit had finished a cup of her own tea, poured out of the very same teapot as everyone else's, and they were free to inspect the herbs floating inside the ceramic pot. She seemed more at ease now, her spine settled into the back of the furniture.

Nerit interjected between Tomas and Agale, as well. "Messieurs, I know vampires when I see them. Though they were hooded, they reminded me of...bah, I do not know the Mordentish word, but I think M. Eisenwald understands."

Finally, when the Mulani twins made to exit, Nerit formally inclined her head to them. "Aeternum vale. Dea gratia."
Petroselinum, salvia, ros marinus, et thymus.
Nuray Solak
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Post by Nerit »

Nerit waited for a moment in the silence.

"Messieurs...mesdames," she said with a glance at Celeste, "I must ask about M. Boucher. Please tell me? What happened down there?"
Petroselinum, salvia, ros marinus, et thymus.
Nuray Solak