Chronicles of Vieliria

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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

After Garret leaves the Bishop returns along with Boiros. The bishop approaches the dwarf. "Master dwarf, Warden Boiros informed me you are suffering from a deadly malady of the blood that you contacted while fighting to protect the followers of Ezra while you mantained your peace of mind and proved a bastion of morale for the rest. He asked me to call the power of the Lady of the Mists to heal you from this affliction. We're lucky to have a warrior of your resolve among us and you're lucky to have a friend like Warden Boiros to look after you.
I can heal your disease Lord Greyaxe, but it will take days for your body to regain the vitality and strength you've lost. Do you accept my healing? I should warn you, that the disease you carry is often fatal if left unchecked."

As Roddek accepts the healing, the bishop takes his holy symbol in one hand and touches Roddek's head with the other as he chants and prays to Ezra. A misty luminous halo surrounds the bishop momentarily and moves to cover Roddek. The luminous mist seems to be drawn to the bite of the unholy creature. Roddek has to clench his teeth as a feeling of freezing cold that burns like hot coal runs through the diseased veins, cleansing the condition. Roddek for a couple of seconds feels as if his blood carries this burning icy cold through his veins as the pain spreads. Then, as soon as it came, the pain numbs and the recedes completely and with it, the blood poisoning the nightmarish undead inflicted on him.
The Bishop takes a look at him, smiles, gives a grateful prayer to Ezra and departs along with his entourage. "Farewell Warden Boiros. May Ezra shield you and guide your sword as you serve her and protect the flock"
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros keeps a proper distance from the Bishop while he is praying to Ezra to have Roddek healed. When the chanting is over and the Bishop is up to depart Boiros says:

"Thank you very much for helping my friend Roddek, without your healing even if he is strong who knows if he could survive."

Making a small pause for picking the right words the cleric adds:

"Please if you plan to go after that Zevarzia spawn that did this I would like to come with you. I didn't know the halfling Panorin very well but nobody deserves a horrible death like this plus who knows how many more Ezra followers this spawn will harm. So if you are making a team that will go after it I would like to be part of it if possible."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

The bishop looks at Boiros for a couple of moments without speaking "That Zevarziaspawn is probably responsible for the death of two infants in a village close to the place when your friend met his horrible end. I thought you were going to hunt the Lamia. I didn't plan to do it considering that since one of Ezra's wardens was around he would deal with it. I understand the Toret of Mierana doesn't agree with your methods but you are both Anchorites in favor of our mistress. You may want to talk to him about a task force, or take your friends.
The Lamia isn't known for staying long in one place; she strikes and then disappears for a couple of weeks. If you want to track her and put an end to this abomination that enjoys stealing the life of the weak, you better do it soon before her trail becomes cold and the autumn rains destroy her tracks"
Looking to Wilfred, he just adds "And as always, proof of killing a Zevarzia spawn brings a reward of 1000 gold pieces from the Duke, along with any other rewards the local authorities have into place. And for the Lamia, the church of Ezra adds a couple of potent magical potions. Yes, magical treasure is offered to the heroes that will destroy that menace.
Personally, I would consider it an honor to heal anyone that has been involved in fighting that terrible menace"

Meanwhile Garret reaches the tavern they were looking for. It's a cozy place that has a few customers even so early in the day when most people are tending the fields. Arneau, still dizzy from the drug is sitting in a sturdy wooden chair with a half-full mug of ale in front of him. His mood seems to be bad and he doesn't socialize with the few other patrons. A red headed waitress, slim with a fair complexion, a foxy smile and with green eyes seems to have taken an interest in the bard never the less, passing by his table often and offering to refill his cup. Her eyes fall on Garret as he enters and she offers him a warm smile.
"Welcome sir! I'll be there to take your order shortly!"
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros nods even if he would have prefered going on a task force with the Bishop than with Toret of Mierana which more than once proved that he didn't like him very much. But Boiros wants this Zevarziaspawn dead for what it has done to Panorin, the two infants and who knows how many other deaths. The cleric knows that it's his duty to protect the followers of Ezra of Mierana even if he has to be in same task force with the Toret or with the companions mists brought to this strange land with him.

"I will talk to Toret of Mierana about the task force and with the rest of my companions as well. I will make sure the followers of Ezra will be protected and this Lamia slain as soon as possible. Farewell Bishop and thank you again for your help. May the Lady of the Mists shield protect you and her sword slay your enemies."

When the Bishop is out of hearing distance Boiros turns to Wil and asks:

"Do you want to help me find this Lamia? Your tracking skills are really remarkable and without a scout will be impossible to find it and the reward seems intresting as well."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

After the bishop left the group continues their way towards the mansion of Lord Eraffreu Alfeden, Lord of Misheril. The mansion the mayor resides along with his family, servants and aides is a large, 3 story tall building made of stone and painted white. The building is surrounded by a large elegant garden covered in the brown of autumn as the large trees lose their leaves. A tall fence, made of sparse strong wooden planks painted white surrounds the house. A gate door stands open and a tall guard with a thick dark mustache wearing scale armor and holding a polearm stands in the opening. His eyes peer at the adventurers under his open-faced conical helmet.
"Do you have business with the Lord?" He asks the party. "If so, I need to check your peaceknots before you go in. I'm afraid the rule goes for even you warden" the guard says apologetically to Boiros. His eyes then fall on the dwarf, his armor and his axe and frowns. "You know what, you better leave your axe here. You're too heavily armed for the safety of Lord Alfeden. I believe you mean no harm, but it would make me look bad to my superiors if I let one like you, covered in steel from head to toe walk in with a weapon like that."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Naliamegod »

*upon arriving in the tavern, G immediately sits down and orders a strong drink. He looks around the room and checks the crowd. When the bartender comes over, G smiles and takes a sip of his drink* So what is the local news?
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

A few people turn to check the newcomer but he doesn't seem to generate a lot of interest and they turn back to their drinks and private discussions. As the waitress brings G his drink she replies in a conspiratory tone "Levies arrived yesterday from Lord Matheron's estates to the west. Word is they were in a sorry condition after having a brush with a Zevarziaspawn. Lord Jean Matheron, Lord Matheron's son who was along the levies, arrived yesterday and told my employer, Vergen to send him the tab for the lodging of some people and gave him the names. A couple of the Levies from Harpton had a drink yesterday here before heading off to defend the border. They told some wild stories about what happened."
At this point Arneau intervenes and sits opposite to G. "Hey G" He says to him with a smile that quickly dissipates. He turns to the waitress "Benoit, this is G. He is a friend and he was with us"
The waitress Benoit looks at G with surprise "You're awful!" She says playfully. "You ask me for the news when you were there? I should be asking you! Well G, I'm Benoit. Everything you order will be provided for by Jean Matheron. Your... "name" was on the list. Perhaps later I'll get your real name out of you..."
A short man with gray hair, a mole under his eye and wearing a white apron interrupts them "Benoit, leave the customers alone please. Welcome to the tavern sir, I'm Vergen, the owner. As Benoit told you, I was instructed to provide food and lodging for you should you decide it. I would suggest you try the goat stew for lunch. Have a nice day." and with that, he motions to Benoit to move along. She leaves giving a wink to Garret.

"Alas, you arrive and you steal my thunder, G. I thought she had her eye on me till you arrived" Arneau said in an attempt to make humor. His expression sours soon though "Ezra, my head is killing me..."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros heads to the tavern and needs only a few seconds to spot his companions. After ordering a strong drink he says in low voice so only his companions can listen:

"I know that all of us had a really tough couple days and I will understand if you just want to stay at this town and not look out for more troubles but I'm a Warden of the Lady of the Mists and is my duty to protect these people. So I have decided to make a task force and go after this lamia, the monster that is responsible for my friend's Panorin's and so many others deaths. I will appreciate it very much if you decide to join my task force, we are stronger when we are together and the skills of all of you will be really handy against this spawn. But as I said, if you prefer to stay behind or go to another safer city I will totally understand."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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