HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Isabella »


Richard instinctively straightened at the shift, but aside from going as tense as a spring, did not react. He ran a hard-eyed gaze over the crowd, and then said, "Thank you-you kindly, sir. A-a moment, please," as if nothing at all was wrong.

Turning warily to the others, for his group's ears only, with a glance to make sure no one was listening in, he said, "Don't-don't panic. The Other Side is-is-is malleable, affected by emotions. This entire scene is a-a haunting, much-much like ghosts act out past events, but since we are-are in the Other Side, it-it-it is as real to us as the ruins are."

With another furtive glance over his shoulder he added, "If-if this is a haunting, then-then something significant might be a-about to happen here. Be-be wary. And I-I-I wouldn't touch anyone if I-I-I could help it."
"No, but evil is still being — Is having reason — Being reasonable! Mousie understands? Is always being reason. Is punishing world for not being... Like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason."
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by NeoTiamat »


It was a very good thing that Richard had some idea of what to do, since for the moment Lena was doing an excellent impression of a beached fish - mouth opening, closing, opening, closing once again, before finally coming to some manner of sensibility. The first thing she did was glance at Ushka, and once more master and familiar spirit shared some unspoken communication, prompting the fox to dash off after the young ghost (if that wasn't a contradiction in terms).

"Something violent, I suspect." Lena murmured under her breath. It was simply a guess, but ghost tales never seemed to feature happy things. "How much can we affect things? Is there any point in interfering, or had we best make ourselves scarce and search for the Shield? Anchoress, now would be a good time for you to point us in a direction."
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Isabella »


"Would-would that I-I-I could tell you, Baroness, but this-this place has it's own laws, and I-I-I don't know them. Only that we-we cannot assume anything here is-is true based on past experience. I-I don't even know how we will-will interact with this apparition. We might-might pass right through it, so we ought-ought to be cautious where we step, lest we fall through a-a broken floor we could not see." Richard looked over at the stern man at the table. "I-I-I can only hope the lord of this place assumes we belong here as well. If-if... if one of the elementals was attacked by a man with a sword, then-then we might get further here if we play along. Freiherr Isfahani, have you an unopened bottle of-of wine? I-I-I will reimburse you the cost. We-we ought to be good-good guests to our hosts, and bring him a gift."
"No, but evil is still being — Is having reason — Being reasonable! Mousie understands? Is always being reason. Is punishing world for not being... Like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason."
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by The Whistler »


Avram took the Lena von Zarovich approach to dealing with the situation, generally speaking. Less gaping, though, and more staying as absolutely immobile as possible, lest he…accidentally bump into a ghost, maybe? The circumstances really didn’t warrant a rational response.

"Be careful where to step…this, I can do." The hetman spoke through gritted teeth. "Only…let us perhaps not play along for too long a time, if it can be helped...and keep our eyes about us for this relic as we do. Stories with tragic ends are better told than seen…"
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Kaitou Kage »


Altan snorted and waved the flask in his hand. He'd been sipping from it the whole trip, and it had yet to run dry.

"I don't carry much extra alcohol with me," he said. "This is a magic flask I picked up in Ramulai. It never runs out. The wine is cheap and sometimes tastes vile, but it is excellent for keeping ones spirits high. Oh, look at that. I made a pun."

The Mulani smiled at himself in satisfaction.
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

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Tara shakes her head at Lena's asking about the shield. "I don't know...I mean...this." She gestures helplessly at the scene. "I suppose we can look if we can get in, but there are so many people around..."

The steward, who introduces himself as Colin ApDundee, gestures you forward to a high table where a young man and his wife, who's a bit older than he is, are seated. He is tall, dark-blonde, with hair to his shoulders, very good-looking but perhaps slightly too aware of it, dressed in a red shirt and red-and-blue tartan; she is also tall, with dark brown hair and a rather careworn expressing, in a blue-gold-and-red tartan. The resemblance between this Laird Ap Blanc and the statue is striking, though the statue would seem to be of a rather older man than you see here.

As you approach both the laird and his lady stand. Bowing, Colin says, "More of our visitors for the feast, my lord, my lady."

The Laird ApBlanc raises a cup to you and speaks in a ringing baritone, obviously intended to carry. "Friends from far places! We are honored by your presence. Be welcome to our hall. Please, introduce yourselves. Colin, see to their luggage, they'll be spending the night here, I'm sure."

"Yes," Lady ApBlanc says, running her hands over each other. "We do most gladly welcome you. Please accept our hospitality."

Sense Motive DC 20 for those who care to try it--this is for a specific piece of information. You may also, of course, attempt a Sense Motive for Laird and Lady ApBlanc for the question list.
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Nerit »


Nuray, realistically, was just as shocked as everyone else, and it easily played across her face as she brought up a hand to cover her mouth. She mumbled something, obscured by her hand, but it sounded an awful lot like an oath of fright.

Then she set her jaw and hardened her brows at the proceedings. She didn't reply to the Laird, not yet. This time, she waited for a Mulani to speak, if he was brave enough.

But Nuray watched the Laird's lady plainly, skeptical, as if waiting for something more from her.

Sense Motive: 27
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by NeoTiamat »


Tara was not being helpful. On the other hand, Lena could forgive the other Barovian woman a certain amount of confusion, because Lena was currently being wound up tight as a spring. She was actually grateful when ApDundee brought them over to the local Laird and Lady. This was a situation Lena could handle in her sleep.

So, analyze. A present would be a good idea, but Lena didn't have any, so she'd make up for it with charm. Indeed, the Laird ApBlanc seemed bored enough that he could do with some entertainment or company. The Lady, now the Lady was interesting. She was angry or upset with her husband, and judging by the way she straightened and looked at the group, she attached a certain significance to their presence.

"I am the Baroness Elena von Zarovich. This is Freiherr Renhalt Jarenberg..." Lena said, even as she observed all of these details. Theirs was a sizable group, and by the time Lena finished introducing them (Nuray and Rojan, as the junior-most members, were introduced last), Lena had thought. "And we are honored by being here, my good Laird. I've heard much of the hospitality of Forfar, and of the richness of its songs and its stories." Lena turned her grade-A smile onto the Laird. It could melt knees at twenty paces. "I'm something of a singer and storyteller myself, an amateur bard, you may say in Forfarian terms. Perhaps I could trade song for song, and later tale for tale?" This last was said with the faintest glance at the Lady ApBlanc.

K:Nobility (Etiquette): 21 (Go Bard)
Sense Motive (GM's): I don't even recall, but my modifier is +23 so I made it.
Sense Motive (Lord ApBlanc): 43 (natural 20! SIGNIFICANT)
Sense Motive (Lady ApBlanc): 33 (Curse returned an 11... and a 10. So much for Lena noticing her curse).
Bluff (Innuendo): 38 (natural 20... nooooot Significant)
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by DeepShadow of FoS »


Vasili's general reaction to the events so far could easily be mistaken for calm and collected action. In addition to stepping up to translate for the child, Vasili cracks off a message spell the moment the child appears, so that the group could share thoughts privately if need be. He sends Leila on a long, loping journey in the opposite direction from the child, circling the perimeter of the courtyard far enough to be as nonthreatening as possible.

When the crowd appears, Leila shrinks to her small size so as to get lost in it, and zips around between legs and feet in a general intercept course toward the boy. Not to actually meet up with him, but just to catch a glimpse of him, see if he's still there and perhaps get a bead on where he's going. Vasili, meanwhile, affects a hearty and affable demeanor as if he fully intended to join the festivities from the moment he arrived. When Altan explains that he's not carrying any wine, Vasili immediately searches his belongings for a replacement gift. His hands slap his sarong and robe, pausing with a quick grimace at his ring, and then withdrawing something else from a hidden pocket, which he holds tight in the center of his fist.

"I may have a gift," he says offhandedly, "but I fear it's much more expensive than a bottle of wine, and may therefore be inappropriate..." He looks around for anyone to offer alternatives, or even just some suggestions. He has a few semiprecious stones on his person as part of his cash, but fears that cash as a gift would be considered gauche. After a moment's thought--and any conversation--he reaches back into his robe, and stops. "What about an ordinary gift that was...entertaining...in the giving of it?"

Close observation of Vasili's behavior tells a different story than the casualness of his facial expression, the decisiveness of his actions of the offhandedness of his speech. His pasty complexion is even more blanched than usual, and beads of sweat appear on his bald head the moment the boy came into view. His spellcasting and commands to Leila are with snapping hand motions that suggest nervous energy, and indeed whenever he has no deliberate action, his hands begin to fidgit on their own, a rotating dance of each finger meeting his thumb and returning straight in turn, from his pinky to his index. If anyone is watching very closely, they may notice that Vasili began holding his breath the moment the child arrived, and didn't let it out until he spoke to translate. Even now, Vasili's breathing is a long, slow struggle, as if he's underwater and forced to breathe through a straw.


Bluff +22 to appear like he isn't thinking about another little boy that was mutilated, and wondering if these parents truly love their child, or punish him for arbitrary infractions.
Will save +8 to avoid being Spooked by the appearance of an obvious undead.
And what the hey, a Sense Motive +10 might help confirm or deny any resemblance to his own situation. He's going to focus on the Lord ApBlanc.
Another Sense Motive +10 (DM's)
K(nobility) +11 to read the boy's tartan.
K(nobility) +11 to read ANY tartan at the festivities
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Isabella »


Richard had been rifling through his possessions for a gift, having been shot down thoroughly by Altan (two signet rings with the wrong heraldry, a pound of cinnamon, a holy symbol of a religion that didn't exist yet, and a stone statue of a snake) and slowly getting more and more desperate. In his desperation, an idea occurred to him. He bowed deeply at Lena's introduction, and then said:

"We are-are honored by your hospitality, and wish-wish to present our lord hosts a-a gift. Your-your pick of the finest horse from our own, to-to grace your stables."

Richard shifted his eyes slightly and neglected to mention the horses were spell conjurations, on the grand assumption that the Lord ApBlanc was not magically trained and even if so, was highly unlikely to actually get around to picking one, since they'd already been stabled and something horrible was likely to happen before the party ended.
"No, but evil is still being — Is having reason — Being reasonable! Mousie understands? Is always being reason. Is punishing world for not being... Like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason."
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

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Laird ApBlanc does not look overjoyed at the news he gets his pick of the horses--in fact, he gives Richard a rather sharp and unpleasant look. His face smooths quickly, and he says, smiling, "Sure and I'm slow to take your offer, Sir...Blackwood, is it? As it seems one of you will have to be departing on shank's mare should I accept!"

The implied threat of not accepting your gift--with heaven only knows what social consequences- hangs in the air for a long moment, before the laird relents. "But it's a noble gift, fair and open-handed of you, and the gods will reward such generosity, I'm sure. Please, be welcome. Seat yourselves at our board and take your ease, for you've the air of ones who've had a long journey."

You are seated and dinner served; the Laird ApBlanc, very much at his ease, makes friendly conversation with all of you; his wife is mostly silent and eats but little of what is set before her.
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by NeoTiamat »


Lena winced, first at Vasili's apparent discomfort, and again when the Laird ApBlanc all but threw their gift back in their face. What in the Mists went wrong? In any case, events were proceeding quickly, and so Lena called up all of her charm, turning several Dementlieuse dinner parties worth of small talk on the Laird. It was a bit later that she asked, quite casually...

"Who was that young boy we saw earlier?" Lena said, briefly describing the youth and his Tartan. "He ran off before I got a chance to ask his name."

Speaking of which, where was Ushka? She'd gone after him...

Rolling Diplomacy (Making a Deal) for a 33, for four Diplomacy Points. Offering the Laird ApBlanc two uses of Intellectually Stimulating (+2 Morale bonus to Intelligence for an hour each) in exchange for 'Be nice to us for the duration of our stay'
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Isabella »


Richard, for his part, would have cared more for the laird's goodwill had the man not been dead - but being so Richard simply took the farthest seat possible from the laird and his wife and experimented with his dinner, trying to figure out how the ghostly apparition worked. The chairs seemed solid enough, or at least, no one had fallen through one yet. He wasn't quite curious enough to try eating the food.
"No, but evil is still being — Is having reason — Being reasonable! Mousie understands? Is always being reason. Is punishing world for not being... Like in head. Is always reason. World should be different, is reason."
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

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The apparition, Richard discovers, is quite indistinguishable from the real thing (if there's any distinction to be made). Sight, sound, smell and touch are all equally deceived (or informed), and Rojan, happily plowing through a plate of food, shows no sign at all of the least discomfort.

By the time Lena is halfway through her description of the boy, Lady ApBlanc is weeping into her husband's shoulder; the Laird's expression has become hard and cold. "Ye'll please forgive us," the laird says in a low voice. "The boy you've seen is our eldest, Gilan." A long pause, and then the laird continues, "Dead these ten years. Come away, Mother, it's all but time for me to retire anyway."

Standing, the Laird announces his and his wife's attention to leave the feast, which is received with surprisingly little surprise. Calling Colin over, he instructs him to see you to your quarters for the night when you've had your fill of meat and company, and he and his lady depart.

You have been turned down flat on the Diplomacy. Sense Motive DC 26 on Laird ApBlanc for his response to hearing about Gilan.

Vasili's knowledge on the tartans: the Laird isn't wearing one you recognize (and not all tartans are associated with clans, and people wear such non-affiliated tartans frequently, although if you see someone wearing a tartan that IS associated with a clan, they're almost certainly affiliated with that clan somehow). The Lady is wearing an ApVitt tartan (blue, gold, red). You recognize ApDundugan (red and green), ApMorten (red and black), ApVey (blue, red, green). The ApBlanc tartan is apparently white and green (the one Gilan was wearing). There's another one you hadn't seen before, sky blue and green, that's quite common here--a little questioning reveals this is the ApFittle tartan.

Vasili's sense motive about Gilan and the Laird I will communicate by AIM.
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Re: HLoM: The Firebird, Chapter 2

Post by Nerit »


Nuray stared at Rojan like he was a madman. "Didn't your mother teach you anything?" she hissed into his ear. "Don't eat spirit food!"

She didn't care how rude it was, Nuray refused to eat any of it. It seemed her companions were not doing any better and then...the beautiful Lena made a terrible misstep. Or so it seemed.

Nuray watched the Lady disappear. "I think she wants to talk to us," she said lowly to those of the group near her. "She did, anyway."
Petroselinum, salvia, ros marinus, et thymus.
Nuray Solak
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