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Re: Javenloft

Post by Zilfer »

Felix approaches, the dead heavy on his mind. Not just Frinkelo but he believes this will put all his past spirits to rest as he watches them figuratively burn into the night, and the red pyres floating off like fireflies those would be burnt into his memory, he knew no matter what he would never forget this moment. He set the foundation letting the moment hit him, and unsure of whether it was appropriate at the wake to sing he began to sing in a low elvish voice, though it sounded of a whisper traveled through the silence of the congregation. He sang the tune that was so familiar to him....
There's always something to lose.

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Re: Javenloft

Post by Nemesio »


Nova Vaasa, Mid-Spring of 730 BC

Equaar Camp, The Funeral Pyre, 5:30 PM

To All

Once lit, the entire camp had gathered around the funeral pyre. Its flames danced hypnotically in the gentle rain, as a billow of black smoke rose to join the storm clouds looming overhead. Poised so stoically before the fire, the Equaar mourners had appeared almost too reserved, as they waited patiently for it to die out, but as soon as the flames had begun to diminish, their sorrowful wailing had ensued. At last, believing the soul of their loved one at peace, Frinkelo’s kin allowed their tears to flow freely as they said their final goodbyes…

Dame Antonina thanked you all once again for your steadfast friendship with her half-brother and Mikhailov generously loaned you enough horses to carry you with all your belongings to Castle Windbluff. Shortly thereafter, the Equaar captain ordered the readied caravan to depart...

The Howling Keep, 7:50 PM

To All

With Equaar steeds you are able to make it back to Steiner's ranch to gather your belongings, and then off to Castle Windbluff before sunset. As you draw near the keep, the rain finally subsides. Strangely, a chilling wind continues to blow down from the partially ruined structure that crouches so ominously on its stoney bluff. More so than the cold, the inexplicable whispers carried on the wind send shivers down your spine.

"Welcome... Welcome... We have been anxiously awaiting your arrival..."
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Re: Javenloft

Post by Zilfer »

When Felix finished he felt that something had left, and at the very same time that something had come. He thanked Nina before leaving and then headed back with those who were still with them. He felt oddly at ease this night like there was an uplifting force behind events that none of them could foresee or predict. The night didn't seem oppressive as they made their way through the night and the breeze was welcomed from the warm day they had just gone through.

Felix took out Dimmer's book looking at his signature marking the book as his in an Arcane Mark, and it glowed faintly with a glow blue light. He ran hand along the elven rune before smirking and popped the book shut suddenly, and putting it back in his bag. He turned his gaze over the plains and wondered how many elves had lived on plains outside of the forest that was said to have hid many of the Fae....


As they arrived back at Steiner Hiregaard's to pack everything of there's back into the wagon to head to the castle, he knew he didn't need to pack up much but instead he pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write in his Ink and a feather he had managed to save from the Dread Rook. It made quiet a good Inking pen for writing Spells he had already tested a few times.

Sir Steiner Hiregaard, thank you for your hospitality, and it was a pleasure to be your guest. Should you ever find yourself under siege by another Dread Rook, you know who to call. I fear this coming year will be very busy and I may visit a few times throughout the year if you wouldn't mind. This will probably be frowned upon by Baukis but have no worries you let me deal with her.

I've recently picked up a book of.... unique honing techniques. One of these days I request you let me look at your best blade, I promise you I won't disappoint. I've one last warning for you... Lady Baukis has an over protective servant by the name of Kerchek, if you do business with her be wary of him. I do not know what he plays at, but he does not think like normal people.

Felix signed the letter with his Elven last name Alnaethor before rolling it up and handing it to a servant asking them to deliver it to Steiner Hiregaard. He pulled a gold piece from his pocket and tipped the servant asking their name before handing it to them. This was so that when he saw Steiner again, he could ask if the servant had given him the letter or had just taken a.... "Gold Piece from a Child."


As they approached the castle, and were greeted by a disembodied voice, Felix wasn't at all shocked. Though he wasn't sure he could pin down the voice he was pretty sure it was Baukis' welcoming them back to the fold. Well this is where they would get to work, though the castle was a mess, he was betting there was going to be a lot of cleaning to come.

Felix put a knowing hand on Obergg's shoulder having seen with each passing marker they had gotten closer to the castle, that Obergg's anticipated reunion with his son was coming. He was glad his suspicions of Obergg's mental state had been wrong, he hadn't tried to commit suicide but he had drowned his troubles. Well he was going to have to face this sooner or later, that also brought his own discussion with Baukis to the forefront of his mind. Why had Mistress Baukis completed the transformation and turned Kerchek into a Vampire? He planned to find out, hopefully tonight.

They soon bid fairwell to the Equarr that had accompanied them on their journey, and took their horses back to the floak. Felix thanked them and told them to give their thanks to Dame Antonio. On coming in they had loaded the wagons off to the right of the courtyard and the left held the stable along with what looked like an unkempt well. Ahead of them was a stone stair way leading up to a double door about one story up. It looked like it was the main entrance to the castle but there would be more time to explore later. He noted a Tower shot straight up and he fancied perhaps he could explore up there for a time, he really liked being able to see as far as the eye could see.

"Come on, lets not stand around the courtyard they are probably waiting for us just in side," said Felix and as he walked towards the bottom of the steps he noted that the walls of the castle no doubt had been the reason for the castle's name. Castle Windbluff.... outside the wind's howled but the walls kept much of the wind at bay within the walls..... As he reached the double door he decided might as well make an entrance for the first time in the castle, and pushed as hard as he could on both doors swinging them inward and stepping into the main hall where a table with chairs laid all about. A fire was burning in to the right of them as they came in, low and dim but enough to give off light, and more than enough to light up the whole room for Felix's low light vision. He gave one quick glance of the room and smirked like a child who had just come to the carnival.

"We're home! Where's the rascal hiding! I know your there, Nyx!" came Felix childish call. Before anyone could say anything else he raised a hand and proclaimed pointing at Grim. "Anyone call the tower? If not I think it would be cool to use at my lodging.... That is if Baukis hasn't already claimed it for herself."
There's always something to lose.

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Re: Javenloft

Post by Zilfer »

“Greetings young master, we’ve not seen this Nyx since this morning we think he was sent off on a task for Mistress Baukis,” said a woman’s voice from over near the fire. Felix’s ear twitched though he was unsure whether it was the surprise of hearing a woman’s voice other than Baukis and Laura’s or if it was the fact that he was called ‘young master’. No one had ever called him master before and it was a bit laughable in his head. He turned slowly to look at the fire and saw two people standing by the fire.

Both of them were middle aged, not quiet to the ‘greying stage’ that humans usually got to but he knew within a few years. They both looked to be of Darkonian descent, and they wore the garbs of servants from back in Darkon.

“Yes, well he’s quick to tasks and always lurks about.” Said Felix still looking around, and then turns back to them and bows slightly to them. “Forgive the brash intrusion. I am Felix Alnaethor, this is Grimquest, Laura Winters, Obergg, and the other large man here is named, is Ragnar. He speaks almost no Darkonese so for give his seeming lack of manners. May I ask your names?”

“The name is Iddawg, and I was requrted to watch over Windbluff castle as the ground keeper. Ellie here is to be the maid, so if you require anything of us please let us know masters,” said the man. Felix looked at the others raising an eye brow, he wasn’t sure if he could get used to this ‘master’ business. I mean in a way they were slaves too.

“Please just call us by our names, titles gives me the hibbies,” said Felix as most of the group moved around the room. Looking over at Laura he could see that she was tired from today’s ordeal and suggested that perhaps Ellie could show Laura to a room? After the suggestion he took a seat and motioned for Iddawg to come forward and before he was fully at Felix’s side he took out 20 gold pieces and placed them on the table.

“I’m not sure how much you are paid or if you are paid at all, but if you’re going to be helping clean up this place I want to make sure you are paid in kind,” said Felix as he pushed the coins over to Iddawg. “Make sure you and Ellie spend it wisely.”

“Thanks you Mast- err… Felix.”

“No problem, I don’t suppose you know when the other’s will be joining us? I am rather eager to explore this castle, and my sleeping patterns may keep me up well past everyone else,” said Felix as he looked to Grim, Ragnar, and Obergg sitting around the table. He quietly wondered where their ‘furry friend’ had wandered off too. That reminded him to another fact.

“Grim, you should check to see if your furry friends are comfortable in the stables, and we’ll have to make sure to get feed in the future for the animals. In the morning I think we should focus on cleaning this place up to look as fashionable as possible, if we do entertain guests here… we wouldn’t want to give them the wrong impression. Castles can be creepy… or they can be magnificent.”

He looked about the table seeing both Obergg and Kamose seeming distant each one with something on their mind. He knew they were probably thinking about two different things but their minds didn't need to dwell on the sadness that had threatened to overcome the caravan. He gave it a moment tapping his fingers before speaking.

"Steiner warned me against going into town saying there were seedy elements there, I'm sure you remember was happened to the last resident that was supposedly sent out here by our.... or rather Azalin Rex. I think we should travel in pairs whenever we go to town, and that means if we go there and don't want to be seen it will probably be me and you Kamose. We both have unique abilities of.... not being seen," said Felix winking as he hinted towards the ring of invisibility they had found during the journey. He had used it once to examine the coffins so that no one would know they had looked.

The translator looked at Felix with a slight brow raised wondering what he had meant and was probably thinking about how to translate that to Ragnar, but Felix just shrugged in response. "Our years servitude begins tonight, and we best make the best of it. As long as we stick together we should make it through and with Ragnar joining us we'll have to be extra careful that someone doesn't try and exploit him for his lack of knowledge of the language. I know we didn't ask for this and most of our worlds were turned up side down and inside out but, we've met some good people along the way. I for one am glad that I have met you all," said Felix as Grim walked back in from the stables. He gave the large man a wry grin and a nod.

"Felix is right, we've made the journey but the danger is not over yet." Said Anselm finally speaking from his corner. Felix looked to him, realizing how much he had grown to like the man he had originally started out thinking was responsible for their enslavement. He hadn't realized the man was almost in the same position as him and with a wife to care about.

"Slayers of the Dread Rook, Champions of the People. Lead by a wry elf none taller than 5ft! Now there's a story for the peasants," said Obergg looking over at Felix. A slight amusement crossed his face. "I don't suppose that will improve our reputation of being Darkonians eh?"

"I suppose not, though I'd bet they'd get a kick out of that story....." said Felix before feeling a slight cool breeze as if someone had opened a window. He felt that another presence had just entered the room as he turned around in his chair to look....
There's always something to lose.

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Re: Javenloft

Post by Zilfer »

730 BC

Ilairam... even writing the word sounds familiar. I think I have come to the understanding as to why though a temperol fog still weights heavily upon my head since Darkon. If I thought it would help at all I'd smash my head against the wall until something formed clearly in my head for once. I'm pretty sure that it was the name of the my father, though my memories cant conjure up any time in which I had called him by his name. This is both Perplexing and frustrating though I'm determined to regain all of my memory whether it takes many years or not. The question is why was there a need after Darkon to keep the effect upon his mind? Surely Azalin does not fear me when he all but revealed his secret to us. Perhaps it is just a lingering side effect though I find that unlikely.

We also have stranger things afoot, we met a man by the name of Tor. He appears to work for this 'Lawgiver' religion in which magic is shown distain though luckily for me when my talents were revealed he only verbally warned me not to do it with so many people present. Perhaps he is a learned man compared to the rest of the rabble around this place. I've taken to wearing Dimmer's cap, to hide my ears since it gets me a whole lot less looks. They often mistake me for a human child unless they look closely. I've even been mistaken as a girl for my long golden hair, I find this rather amusing after I begin speaking and they are taken aback by their misjudgment.

Furthermore above this entry I made a note of someone Tor mentioned that we should steer clear of, but what he did has put me in a foul mood for the past few days though I try to hide it. This.... MALKEN fellow killed a wild animal just for the sake of killing, and it's people like him that I have no sympathy for. Just like Demlyn who assumed rather than find out for himself when he killed Dimmer... I'm not sure I can forgive either of these people. Not only that however but both these men inflicted pain upon my companions with unnecessary death. Grim had to be all but knocked out by Millicent and dragged outside while Malken stabbed the cat to death... a cat that showed odd behavior even coming close to civilization and we had tied it up after I had incapacitated it. I'm not sure how I stayed my blade against the man, or if placed in the same situation if I'd be able to do so again but at least that is past.... for now.

Besides cleaning the castle and making repairs to the castle, it seems that we have a very long leash when it comes to Baukis. Though I guess she wouldn't have much control over people that are mostly awake during the day and at night we are sleeping. A bit of mutual trust there, though I still have the feeling others aren't comfortable sleeping around vampires, werewolves, and a ghost for that matter. Hehe, I have the feeling if this book is ever found by someone else down the road that they might think its writer mad. Delusions and memory loss coupled with the fact that dangerous foes of the night do not seem to bother the writer. Well then dear reader should you ever find this book I will tell you I am quiet content in my sanity.

Though then again what insane person wouldn't claim that..?

-Felix Alnaethor
There's always something to lose.

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Re: Javenloft

Post by Zilfer »

Felix had gone up into the tower’s to conduct what would be his first attempt at enchanting. Most people didn’t have a knack for these things it was rare but amongst tomes and obscure lore there were mentioning’s of people that could add the element of Fire, Ice, and Electricity to swords that already processed magic. If his suspicions were true his blade was just waiting to be awaked to the power within itself. He had multiple books spread open over a desk and his blade lying between them all. He hoped his work wouldn’t be interrupted by wandering ghost but he knew he would have to make quick work.

He’d spent the last few days studying into the night when most of his party was sleeping, and though they had multiple places to stay here in Liara he found himself studying magic within the castle so not to scare the locals. Not all of them were close minded he reminded himself. Several times he had come across people that accepted magic. Steiner and Torr came to mind at that moment before he refocused himself back to his weapon.

Imbuing the weapon had cost him a small fortune, almost two years worth of supplies of various ointments, specialized chalk for drawing enchanting circles, and magic crystals to focus arcane power. It was no wonder some people could be wary of magic, for it was quiet often a precise thing. Something just the little bit off could cause a catastrophic effect. Most of the time it a spell would simply sputter and die but attempting something beyond your power was a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.

He’d already laid out the patterns on the floor pointed the crystals inward to allow the free flow of magical energy that was all around us, and encompassed it in a large circle. The circle he knew was a sign of protection, always good to draw when working with magical energy. He was currently reading a elvish book few could read let alone understand, when he felt something brush his leg.

Looking down Felix saw Vestige wandering around looking at what he was doing. He’d never seen the familiar talk, which some were capable of doing though mostly with their master. He wondered if he would ever have a familiar perhaps that is why he was so interested in the cat… besides them being a master at escaping and moving nimbly. His sword style he had realized some time ago must have been made to mimic some aspects of the cat family.

“Come to watch the apprentice magician attempt enchantment? Or did you come to knock over my crystals?” asked Felix wryly with a grin. The Vestige looked at him and then back to the arrangement at the floor. His tail flicked and Felix thought that was about as much response he was going to get out of the cat familiar. If he hadn’t set things about the room in a specific way he would have probably tried an attempt at catching the cat. A game they often played whenever Vestige was away from Millicent. He thought about that for a moment and was reminded that Millicent would be leaving soon, and so too would Vestige. He sighed remembering that and set the book down. Well he’d best get started.

He walked clockwise stopping at each of the crystals and letting a bit of magic into them just to get them charged, before picking up his weapon. First he ran water over the blade cleaning it of any residue that might have been on the blade. Secondly he took out a salve and ran a thin veil of ointment that was known to increase the chance of enchanting an item. Just the faintest touch of the ointment sent sparks of reactions rushing through him. He could feel a tingling where his hand touched, and knew the books must have been right about this stuff.
Gently running his hand down the blade and applying the ointment he next placed the blade within the circle. He thought he could hear the blade ‘humming’ but it must have been his imagination for there were no vibrations coming from the blade. He began to speak the language of magic and some guessed the language of Dragons. Many enchanters believed power came from that language that helped shape the items they created. As his words continued he felt power building up, the room was alive with energy, he felt he could almost reach out and physically grab it.

Next came Elvish, the soothing flow of his heritage asking the blade to unlock it’s abilities to him. He also asked the blade’s name in elvish as was custom in some of the greater tales. Sometimes blades named themselves, a name that just…. ‘came’ to the weilder. By now the power was intoxicating the crystals were beginning to glow with an inner light, and Felix barely registered what he thought was a ‘meow’ from Vestige watching from the side lines.

Too late to turn back now! Felix opened himself up to the energy within the room and was instantly engulfed by the energy… it was suffocating, and almost completely enveloping. A touch of fear gripped him wondering if he had gone too far in his reach, perhaps he wasn’t ready for this. No, at worst he’d lose touch with magic for a few days, that had been the only side effects of enchanting that he had ever read about. Then again… no one had ever described this… Nexus of energy! If this much power was possible just think of the things one could do with it! King Azalin Rex crossed his mind for a brief moment and a second shiver passed him. Why had he been specifically choosen? Coincidence or had he known my potential?

There was no time to think, Felix grabbed at the energy drawing it inwards towards the blade using his own energy to mold and force the energy where he willed it to go. Sweat poured from him as he instinctively knew to lose focus now was to ruin his priceless heirloom. The light in the room was beginning to become blinding. The candles nearby were starting to burn brighter along with the crystals, and was it his imagination that it felt like an inferno? Still the energy was almost all used up compacting it into a small area. He picked up the hilt of the sword and realized he had forgotten the small emerald he had planned to us as the final focus. A feminine hand reached out toward Felix from where the table was and handed out the small green gemstone. Felix grabbed it not questioning when Millicent had arrived in the room, most likely drawn by Vestige’s presence here. He pressed the gem to the hilt and gave one last attempt at drawing the last of the energy in the room as well as a little bit of his own into the blade.

The flames of the candles suddenly cascaded in brightness and height as well as the enchanting crystals before snuffing themselves out. Felix found himself in complete darkness, just his breathing. Just his? That’s when he noticed faint green glow. His sword now glittered a soft pale green glow. His gaze left the blade traveling to a set of eyes starting back at him in the darkness. Vestige’s eyes were narrow and intent. If he had human eyes he might not have caught that Vestige was slightly hunched like when cats are bothered. His hair standing on edge, like he had seen a….. Felix noticed the cat wasn’t looking at him but past him? Before he could look the cat went running from the room noisily. Lightning a candle hurriedly in the dark he glanced around once light filtered back into the room… he looked around the room and then glanced at the sword in his hand…. He was…. Alone.
There's always something to lose.

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Re: Javenloft

Post by Metaflux »

Cobwebs filled the canopy of a forest of bookshelves. So numerous were they, that Null nervously felt he was treading upon a spider's den. Sitting at a massive oak table bordered by sturdy benches, the studious cleric was surrounded by tomes of varying sizes. So high were the stacks of books that visitors, who came to check on Null every once in a while, had to strain to look over them, or tasked themselves to find the small path through the miniature maze of literature in order to converse with him properly. At very peculiar times of the day, even in the middle of the night, he would wander off into the halls of Bauchis' castle, looking for the dining chambers, and if he found individuals who partook in actual food, rather than the gruesome meals of the other kinds, Null would advise them to attend a feast with him, so that he could diminish the feel of loneliness in these dreary times.

At the beginning, the cleric was surprised to find at least a couple people who might dine with him. Speaking a prayer to his god, adding in a few articulations with his hands, both newcomers were surprised to find food sprawled all over the table. Three people were not enough to eat all of it, but they came back later in the same day to find the food perfectly edible as it was a few hours ago, so none of it went to waste. Eventually, though, more people heard of this scholar's magic, and having previously become somewhat adjusted to their vampiric homestead, real food was something of a gift to them.

During these events, individuals with wounds or minor injuries were revealed to Null, and using this as an exercise for his own capabilities, the cleric converted the spells he might have prepared for the day into healing, bringing a brighter mood to the community. Even those who did not attend the banquet for nourishment were told of the Scholar who cured the sick and healed the wounded. Whenever a particularly distraught father, mother, or even uncle would present offerings of copper, or silver to aid their relative, Null could not find it in himself to accept the gifts, and proceeded to heal the patients without a further word.

Eventually, at every evening, a daily ritual was established, where Null would leave the confines of the library, arrive in the dining hall, conjure food for everyone, and perform clerical duties before the night's end. This rhythm also established a healthy habit for the cleric, since, he found once his ancestry set in, he might have to use this ritual to keep himself sated. Otherwise, he'd act and live just like his uncle.

That brought another tangent thought to mind. Null's experience with the pack, though he felt more comfortable around them, was nonetheless filled with disgust and anxiety. He understand the need for order within the pack, but order needn't come so hastily and brutally. No wonder Lady was timid around him, for if he tried to converse with the woman, she would shy away or simply keep her mouth shut. Maybe he could coerce Uncle into a different means of leadership, but, then again, Uncle had kept this order for so long, he might be too old for change. The saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks," came wearily to mind. There had to be a better way, hence why Null was so fixated on study.

If he could find a means of controlling his lycanthropy once it emerged, he might find a means of retaining his self. The more he read, the more worrisome he became, since most tales revealed a man being turned, and then becoming consumed by the curse. All of the books which spoke and repeated such tales were returned to their shelves, and yet, the more the stories told of failure, the harder he drove himself to find success, no matter how dim.

Eventually, in a novel dated back centuries before even Null's time, he found an obscure recollection of a priest who tamed the curse within. Using magic that held the beast at bay, which resembled quite closely the very spell that had been placed on Null by his parents, the man found a means of controlling the curse's gift, and becoming a master of himself. It took half his life to complete the training he set before himself, but eventually, the man conquered the wolf.

A thrill of victory brought Null to a feverish venture in finding more information in the dusty library. Hours and days would pass, and finally it seemed the cleric was making progress. In another tome, the determined man found a farmer who was overtaken by the curse, fled from his family into the wilds, and almost succumbed to darkness when he found a grove of wolfsbane. Utilizing their properties, the farmer would awake by day, hunt in the wilds for food, and then return to the grove by night, therefore isolating his wolfish side into submission.

Finally, one night, after reading of a struggle involving the vampiric tendences, Null found himself walking towards Baukis' usual environs, one of which could be a sitting room, a balcony by one of her slumber chambers, or a simple study room where documents were cluttered in every nook and cranny. Finding her in the sitting room, enveloped by a luxurious armchair and sitting before a warm fire beneath the hearth, Null gently rapped his hand upon one of the double doors, and inquired, "Might I have a moment of your time?" Oddly enough, this room brought a moment of nostalgia to the cleric, for he felt as if he was a child asking for his mother's attention. Shaking the feeling away, Null entered the room at the mistress' nod, and entered.
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