Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

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Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

Post by kottakinge »

Hi fellow members of the frat,
much respect to you keepers of the dark secrets, once again i seek wisdom from your unlimited knowledge of evil.
We'll play on Halloween, with my players, and they're on a very bad situation, let me summarize a bit:

We're concluding Servants of Darkness, they're in Tepest and had resolved the main plot and even managed to stop Loth to retrieve the ancient sword from the Banshee Tristessa.
Now they're resting at Brigdarrow planning their travel to Darkon.
BUT ...
The halfling "forgot" to give back a powerful item to Laveeda, one of the 3 hags, and last night she appeared in the cottage where the players were resting, a fight occurred and ... they killed her (bad rolls, forgot a lot of spells/hex and mainly an insane vampiric axe* wield by a 8th barbarian)!
They even managed to burn her corpse in a swamp a few miles away.

Now the others 2 sisters knew Laveeda is missing and that something bad happened to her (and IIRC they cannot regenerate her from the cauldron because there is no corpse but ashes).
They certainly have a small idea of who could possibly do that (the PC have to bargain with her a few sessions away and their last encounter with the hags was a great RPG moment: a barbarian raped by the two sisters, a cleric changed into a chicken, a fleeing bard and an halfling thief forced to do a gruesome task for them!)

They had chance with one of the sister but the remaining two will be a different story!
So for the moment they closed the border so the pc cannot escape the domain.
If they decided to hide in the village then very bad things will happen (the idea is to force the villagers to wish the heroes leave because the hags will changing the village into an hellish place as long as the heroes remains).

Do you have any suggestions to make the last session memorable?
I do not want a bloodbath in the village, after all the sisters need people to harass and feed upon, but they may inform the villagers by some ways that if bad things happens then the villagers had to blame the heroes because one of them is a thief (well in fact the thief had the item stolen by a vampiric gob so he cannot send back the item).

Thanks for your answers.

*vampiric axe is really an insane weapon in 3.5: on each attack it can do a vampiric touch (3d6 hp) AND wounding (1hp/round cumulative).
This item was stolen in Gundar's mad son lab, each creature slain by the weapon will rise as a vampire and when Gundar's son was slain is lifeforce was put in the axe, each hp drained restored Medraut essence .... That point the barbarian doesn't know it :azalin:
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Re: Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

Post by Zilfer »

Not sure how you want to go about this. It seems your pretty set on the TPK but I've always liked the idea that there are some things worse than death. I also note from your descriptions that what might equate to 'normal boundaries' are a bit loose at the table when it comes to the R word. :)

You could copy a sort of Storm of the Century vibe where the Hag's are the Other force, and terrorize the village they sought refuge in. "Give us what we want and we'll go away," and watch as the village people slowly turn against them. Then are they going to fight their way out? Hurting villagers might not be the best way to go in the Power's check department. (I haven't looked at DP checks in a long time)

Also hopefully your players are OK with TPK's. Some groups can handle that and others cant. One of my best RP sessions and moments of epicness actually came from a PvP near TPK of betrayal within the group, and everyone in my group loved it because it was played out IC. Anyways enough about that.

Not sure what else you might be specifically looking for. :)
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Re: Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Zilfer wrote:.... as the village people slowly turn against them. ....
The horror! The horror!
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Re: Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

Post by Zilfer »

Think it might be broken on my end Ron. :) I can't see the picture even revealing the spoiler :P
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Re: Concluding Servants of Darkness - AKA the halloween TPK

Post by kottakinge »

TPK mean: the halloween spanking! Not reroll dice for making new characters, the hags will have use for them, and if they strike them too much they can put them in the cauldron to brig them back.
And it will all turn into an hellish disco fever !
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