Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

Darkon, Land of Wonders and Tyranny
Official Name : The Darkonese Egemony
Culture level: Chivalrious
Climate & Terrain: It varies greatly, from the fertile plains of the south east to the cold wastes of the far north, to the hills and mountains in the south-west..Some of the terrains are influenced by magic.
Languages:Common, Darkonian, Lamordian, Vaasan, Okrainian .
Religions: Erlik the Reaper, Vecna the Whispered, the Eternal Order, Zakhata the Overseer, Darkonos the Life Bringer, Ezra the Avenger, Elf Deities, Dwarf Deities, Halfling Deities, Gnome Deities .
Races:Humans 65%, Caliban 5%, Elves 5%, Dwarves 5%, Gnomes 5%, Halfling 5%, other 10% ).
Governement: Federal Meritocracy de jure Absolute Monarchy de facto.
Ruler:Azal'lan Firan Zal'honan .
Darklord: Firan Zal'honan .
Lightlord: Irik Zal'honan.
Inhabitants: 30 millions.
Surface :1,000,000 square kilometres.
Analog:Peter the great Russia with Soviet Union's vibes, on a smaller scale and Modern USA after a fashion.
Capital City:Il Aluk (450,000 in, Non Standard, L/E),
Important towns: Martira Bay (300,000 in, Standard L/N), Rivalis (283,000 in L/N), Nartok (200,000 in Non-Standard N),Vuchargate (180,000 in, non Standard L/G), Neblus (170,000 in Standard, L/G), Viaki (150,000 in, Standard, L/E), Maykle(130,000 in Standard L/N) Tempe Falls (120,000 in, Standard L/E), Delagia (78,000 in L/N, Standard), Devering (60,000 in, Standard L/E), Karg (50,000 in, monstrous, L/E), Sidnar (Standard, 48,000 In, L/N) Malanuv (35,000 in L/N Standard), Despondia (30,000 in, Non-Standard, L/E) Desolatus (30,000 in, Non Standard L/E), Rookhausen (28,000 in, Non Standard, L/G)
Borders: North: Okraina and Sanguinia, East: The Nocturnal Sea, South: Lamordia, Falkovnia,Tepest, Nova Vaasa; South-West: Nova Vaasa, West: The Sea of Sorrows.

Domain Overview
The vast Darkonian Egemony stretches from the Nocturnal Sea in the East, to the Sea of Sorrows in the West. The Capital city of Il Aluk, the largest city in the Core, lays in the eastern plains of the Vuchar River, the longest river in the Core (It is born in Lamordia, in the Rigor Lake) and it's the main riverport; The Vuchar is navigable for all it's Darkonese course, and it is the main trade route of the Egemony, it's mouth lays on the East Coast near the city of Vuchargate. The City of Nartok, heart of Darkonese Craft, in the Shadow Forest, makes good use of the neightbouring port of Malanuv on the Vuchar. The Cities of Viaki and Maykle are the two other main ports on the Vuchar.
The city of Rivalis is the main food producer in the Hegemony, layng at the mounth of the Valley of the Vuchar, near the Lamordian border, in the middle of two lakes, the Pacific Lake in the West and the Red Leaf Lake in the East where small hills and rade forrests signale the passage in the Valley proper.
A vast swamp, called the Great Salt Swamp lays in the center of the nation est of Il-Aluk; South-West to the capital lays the Great Forest of the Shadows, on the heavy fortified border with Falkovnia, while in the South-east the Mountains of Misery range marks most of the border with Nova Vaasa. Several rivers are born from those mountais and end in the Vuchar in the North; The Frozen Waste and the Icewall Mountains separates Darkon from Okraina and Sanguinia in the far north. The main port on the West coast, called the Jagged Coast, is Martira Bay; In the South East, between the Misty Coast and the Mountains of Misery a rocky steppa called Horse Graveyard, on the border with Nova Vaasa. On the Mountain of Misery two peaks stands far above the others, the Nylka and the Nyid (two active Volcanoes); The port of Rookhausen is the last Darkonese Stroghold before the Steppa. The city of Karg sits on a vital crossing of the Tempe river, one of the more important tributaries of the Vuchar river. The Tempe River is navigable up to the great Roaring Falls, an impressive waterfall were the Tempe Falls city lays, partially carved in the rock behind the waterfall. The greatest lake in Darkon is the Korst Lake, the source of the omonimous river; The city of Delagia sits on the mouth of the Foaming River, where it enter Lake Korst; The city of Sidnar lays at the crossing of the Khourx River, the twin tributary of the Lake Korst. The Main tributary of the Vuchar river is the Corvus River, which connects the cities of Mayvin and Corvia with the Vuchar River. The city of Devering in the Forgotten Hills, guard the way to the Dargal Pass in The Mountain of Misery. In the North, the fortified citiy of Despondia guards the Frozen Waste and the Icewall Mountains. The city of Desolatus guards the River Somulus and the Lake of Lost Dreams in the Dream Dales, while the City of Neblus control the crossing of the Nezron River in the Middle-north.

The People
Darkonese are a various lot, we can differentiate them beetween the ten (+1) regions Darkon is divided into;
The people of the Jagged Coast are open minded, and mainly human, deeply religious and wellcoming, full of traders and sailors; The People of the Vale of Tears, aka the Plain of the Vuchar River are a practical lot, adaptable and well-versed in trade and negotiations. The country Halfling Population concentrates here; People of the Icewall Mountains and of the Frozen Waste (collectively aka the Icy North) are a nomadic and hardened people, close-knitted in theyr clannish organizations, and do not discriminates the many Calibans inside the clans; The people of the Dreamdales are deeply spiritual, and usually human, a quiet people of farmers, fishermen and breeders, very hospitable if a bit reserved; The people of the Mountain of Misery and the Forgotten Hills (collectively aka the Rocky South) are a stout and battle-hardened people, many of them Dwarves, with strong family ties and a martial tradition; People from the Forest of Shadows are often on the Front line of Falkovnian invasions, and so they are a wary and tenacious people; they are also practical and resourcefull; Many Gnomes lives here. The Mist Vale is the region North of the Vuchar and south of the Frozen Waste; it's inhabitants are a cultured and fashionable lot, boasting a number of renowned scholars; many elves lives in this lsands; The Boglands are a land of marshes and lakes, inhabitated by a people renowned for easy-going attidude, sharp wit and ingenuity, if a bit naive; The People of the Misty Coast are an hard working people, honest and loyal, if a bit superstitious; the sailors there are of a more martial bent then on the Jagged Coast; The Horse Graveyard Steppa is the less populated region in Darkon, still, it boasts a pridefull and resilent population of crafters, goat-breeders and merchants. Il Aluk, while geographically part of the Vale of Tears, is politically and culturally autonomous; the biggest city of the core proper boast a very diverse and cosmopolitan population.
A common trait of Darkonese people is a certain degree of tolerance for undeath and magic; Mindless undead are seen as usefull tools, while intelligent undead are respected yet feared; magic is likewise an usefull tool even if a dangerous one. Since the fall of the Empire, and the raising of the Egemony, the national ideology in Darkon has been meritocracy, Darkonese do not judge people by blood and birth, only by theyr deeds.

Age of Creation
In the dawn of times, Elrik, Death personified, ruled a gray and lifeless world; Darkonos, one of his children, stole the spark of life from his father treasure, and gifted it to the word; his father pursued him in the lands now known as Darkon, were a battle ensued; the other gods, awakened by Darkonos, chiefly beetwen them Zhakata the Overseer, and Ezra the Avenger,fought alongside Darkonos and together they forced Elrik to yeld; life was allowed to spread, but Elrik bestowed three curses upon the living beings of the world: The Curse of Mortality: All life will have a term, and after that it will be returned to him; The curse of Strife: Life will prosper praying on other life; The Curse of Fear: People would fear his touch so much that they will be ready to kill others to escape it, and they will embrace his tenants to avoid the judgement. But as he tried to make a four Curse to damn anyone who die without his blerssing to ndearh and torment, he was stopped by the other gods, so Undeath did not completely fell under his control.

Age of Empires:
In the Age of Empires, The Olimpyan Empire claimed Darkon's fertile lands but it colonized it only partially, mainly due to the fierce opposition from Lamordic Barbarians and the concentration of powerfull creatures, like Dragons and Giants, in the mountains and vales. The Elven Kingdom of Nebion is born in this age while Dwarves immigrates in the Mountains of Misery from the Land of Bluetspur fleeing from the the underground menace of the Illithid.

Age of Darkness
The Wizard King Vecna I creates a vast empire unifying the lands of nowady Darkon, and the lands North of the Icewall Mountains; Vecna became the first Lich-King in Darkonese history; he developed the secret arts of Necromancy and started to animate vast armiers of undead; After his betrayal and killing by his lieuteant Kas, Vecna is reported ascending to godhood, leaving the throne for the taking to a long succesion of ambitious liches, which encouraged migration from many lands including Zherisian and Mordentish (which influences current Darkonese heavily).

The Modern Age
The last of the Undead Tyrants started his rule in the wake of a great upheaval; Vaasan and Lamordian victories in the wars lead to Okraina and Sanguinia independence; Vecna XVI was a lazy, abusive and ineffectual ruler, and he sow the seeds for his fall, at the hand of a minor noble, very well versed in the arts of magic.

The Current Age
The overthrowning of Vecna XVI lead by Azal'lan Firan Zalhoan, together with the last public execution in the history of Darkon, with Prince Irik executed by his own father on ground of treason, marks the end of the Empire of Darkon, and the beginning of the Darkonese Egemony.

Places of Interest:
Il Aluk is the biggest and most advanced city in the Core proper, a sprawling metropolis carefully designed to avoid the mess big cities usually has; there is no slum-town in the outskirt of Il-Aluk, and even popular quarters are clean, illuminated and fully patroled and serviced; Castle Avernus, the massive Royal Palace, now seat of the Egemony Council, of the Council of Chosers and of the Azal'lan, sits on the vacuum left by Cavitius, Vecna I first massive forteress which disappeared after his ascention; many inns, restaurants and hotels grace the districts of the Capital; The Eternal House is a massive cathedral of the Eternal Order, and the biggest temple in the whole core, dwarfing even the Dome of the Lawgiver in Nova Vasaa, Our Lady of the Shield in Borca, and the Pillar of Mankind in Paridon, Zherisia. The Sanctuary of the Betrayed Lord was builded in the place were Kas attempted to kill Vecna, and house a restricted library.
The Vecna I School of Arcane Arts with its 9 departments is a massive institute of magic learning.
Many hotels and restaurants can be find in the city, the most famous being the Sated Hill Giant (an inn renowned for the abundance of its portions, whose owner is a friendly Ogre named Carl Bonecrusher, N/G Fighter 5), the Manticore Head, a luxurious resort, The Azal'lan's Rest an inn famed to wellcome the Azal'lan himself once every month, at dinner. The Potter's Pub is frequented by very exotic patrons. Il Aluk host the Egemoy Council and the Ministry of Progress chaired by the Azal'lan himself.
Martira Bay is the greatest port on the Nocturnal Sea and is the seat of the Church of the Overseer, housing its principal temple, the Beacon of Faith. The principal inns in the city are: the Black Goat whose owner, Morris Blake (Human Thief 10 L/E) is an agent of the Kargat, the secret police of the Egemony; the Wellcoming Den, owned by Karlon Daanviers (Human Werelion Ranger 4 C/G) a Zeindosteinian retired adventurer, and the Laughting Skull Inn, a shady resort frequented by pirates and smugglers. Martira Bay is also the seat of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs role held by the governor of the City, which resides in the Black Tower the current Governor is Karimana Relddkasen.
Rivalis is a great hub of agricultural trade, cultivating rice in the Pacific Lake and grain and oil all around. Rivalis is also the seat of the Ministery of Agronomics role held by the elected governor of the City, which resides in the Crystal Palace; the Crystal Garden is a botanic garden and greenhouse which houses the Rivalis University. The two main Inns in the city are the expensive Traveler's End and the cheaper Old Waypoint, owned by an halfling named Karl Dustybreechs (C/G Rogue 6) a former smuggler. The Governor of the City, and Minister of Agronomics is Lord Arian Windfoot.
Nartok is the Darkonese green gem, and it's Governor is also the Minister of Environment; Nartok is also the seat of the Darkonese Circle of Lifebringers, a druidic circle who also patrons the School of Nature a prenstigious university specialized in ethology, zoology, and environmental sustenibility. This city armonize perfectly the environmental necessities of the national park it resides in, and the necessities of the citizen, managing to successfully exploit its resources in a very low-impact way.Many inns grace this turistical town, the four bigger ones are Cedar Splint, The Crow's Roost, Season's Turn and Veteran Arms which belong all four to the same person, a Forfarian Halfling merchant called Gordek Goldenhand (Actually, a Forfarian Goblin in disguise, Goblin Wizard 7 L/N). The Governor abode is the Grove Manor in the center of the city park; the current Governor and minister of Environment is Lord Burkhart Volker.
Vuchargate has been uncorrectly named Nevuchar Springs or Vuchar Springs until the deposition of the last Undead Tyrant (who wanted to impose the idea that the Vuchar was born in his land), and it is still known with that name in many places, outside Darkon; Vuchargate is the main hub of trade in the Core eastern coast and the seat of the Minister of Maritime Trade ; the Darkonese mercantile navy is primarily housed in the Docks of Vuchargate, while Martira Bay houses primarly passenger ships; The elves in the city are famed seafarers, up to the current Governor, Captain Thalis Redmast ; He rules from his docked flagship, the Blackstar; The city house a prestigios university and library called the Pharmacology Library. The Baths are a renowned termal station, and the Mist Refuge is the biggest inn by the docks; The Last Redoubt is the seat of the Darkonese branch of the Church of Ezra. The prestigiouse Darkonese Arsenal is located here.
Neblus is an ancient elven city which was capital city of the ancient elven kingdom of Neblion, until Vecna I conquered it and made it a stronghold for his army of the Dead. Today it still house a huge necropolis-fortress but the elves has returned to populate it, lead by the current Minister of Education and Governor of Neblus, Iomar Lonshadow, an Elf old enought to remember the reign of Vecna XV, who rules from the ancient Leochan Palace, which once was the seat of the Elven Kings of Neblion. The Shrine of the Spirits, a Dome-like temple of the Eternal Order which patronize the Eldest Superior School, a renowned philosophical, archeological, historical study and theological faculty. The most renowned inn, the Tower, has an owner which is in attraction per se, a ghost named Trillen Mistwalker.
Viaki is the main city in the Boglands, a very important trade hub who guards the Neblus Road where it cross the Zeron River; pharmaceutical industries all around the Core depends on the rare ingredients collected in the Boglands; The Zal'hohan Memorial hospital is the Core greater free hospital, and it house the Chapel of Life, Darkonos most renowned temple; The Governor of Viaki and Minister of Health is Mulciber Sleen; The Museum of Grotesque is a core-renowned funhouse, while the Viaki's Teahouse is a renowned expensive location for wedding and cerimonies by the welltier people; both belongs to the Borcan Dilisnya family; Four Inns, also belonging to a Borcan family,the Boritsi, are the Clearwater Inn, the Manticore's Tongue, the Mosscloak Inn and the Toadsfoot Inn, all four are more popular for the entertainmenbt they provide then for the quality of its food and rooms, with the exception of the Manticore's tongue, which is also the more expensive of the four. The Governor reside in the Grey House, a stone manor outside of the town.
Maykle is the largest town in the Vale of the Vuchar, and the main river port on it after the capital city of Il Aluk; it house a renowned mental health clinic, the Serene Abode Asylum, while the Serenity House is an hotel owned by the Asylum director Dr Quintin Clangor; the city hosts many retirement homes and holiday resorts, and a permanent Carnival. Iris Sturlock, the Minister of Wellfare double as governor of Maykle and rules from Quiet Hill Palace.
Tempe Falls is a most lively city, which employs its massive waterfalls to substain a fervid industrial activity; It's a mainly Dwarf-populated town, who have builded theyr houses behind the waterfall, growing theyr city even outside of it on the side of the river. The governor of the city and Minister of Infrastructures is a dwarf called Oscari Gunderin who resides in the Power Forge Manor; the main inn is the Boar's Tusk, whose owner is an agent of the Kargat called Argar Slashingfang.
Delagia is an halfling-dominated town, which is the main port on the Lake Korst and its governor is the Minister of Trade Alaric Pocketfull, an halfling who rules from the luxurious halls of Green Gate Manor, on an Hill in the center of the city proper. The main inn belongs to the Governor himself, and it is a vast wellcoming structure who can satisfy any kind of customer; it is named Abode of the Lake Guardian.
Devering is a an heavily fortified city which lays in the Mountain of Misery and it house the bulk of the Army of the Dead, and also the training facilities for the living soldiers; The Marshal of Darkonese Army and Minister of Defense is Devering Governor Jeffery Steelhand. Several inns are in the town frequented by the soldiers when out of duty; the Falcon's Head is the best known one, as it's owner, Quentin Talonslayer got his last name becoming a war-hero veteran of the Wars against Falkovnia;
Karg is the oldest human city in Darkon, and it was the birthplace of Vecna I; some says his secret lab is still hidden in the depth of the city's underground; if the local clergy of Vecna knows about that, it keeps the secret very much so; a temple of Vecna, the Cradle of Whispers, on the presumed birthplace of Vecna is found in Karg, as it is the Obsidian Tower, the seat of Darkonese intelligence service the KargATS (Karg Agency of Trouble Solving), sometime mispelled Kargat (and its agents, also called KargATS, are mispelled as Kargatane) outside of Darkonese borders ; the Tower doubles as state prison and as seat of the local governor, Minister of the Interior Affairs and Director of the KargATS, who is the mysterious Kazandra Redshroud. Karg has many inns or rumoured to be filled to the brim with agents; in truth no agent works in Karg's Inns, but the owner of the Maloudorous Goat, Venrith Chole is one. The Karg Security Enforcement Accademy, near the Obsidian Tower trains both agents of the Darkonese Conestabulary and KargATS.
Sidnar is a minetown, and it sits in a vital position, becuse throught the Stingo Road and the Khourx River it is joined with all the more important centers of Darkon; Timber and Construction material come frome the woods and quarries surrounding the hill; Sidnar is Governed by the Minister of Natural Resources , Kasen Constantine. The Collegiate Caelists is an University specialized in natural sciences and astronomy. Its observatorium, the Star Spire, is an huge structure, the biggest one in the known word. The Brooding Bridge dwarfs the majority of bridges in the Core, and in its center lays the majestic Water Palace, the governor's abode; Many inns exist in the city, the most renown,expecially for its cooking is the Logs Hut, which in spite of its name is a renowned resort, owned by lady Aletha Constantine, the governor's sister. Sidnar host also the Ezra's Motte, a temple of Ezra with a mainly Elven priesthood.
Corvia is the financial heart of Darkon, and house the third biggest Exchange Market in the known word, after the one in Paridon and the one in Levkarest; The Darkonese State Mint, the Darkonese Revenue Service and the Darkonese National Bank are all also seated in Corvia. Corvia's governor, currently a dwarf called Urjo Mustanen double as Minister of the Finances and directs the Darkonese economical instituions. and resides in the Gubernatorial Tower, at number 29 of Barricade Street. Two main inns distinguish themeselves: the cozy Obsidian Heart and the more vivacious Silver Mistress.The Economic Studies Institute is a very prestigiuos school of Economics and Finances.
Mayvin is the city of wonders; magic and technology are both employed to make this Gnome-majority industrial town stand out; every innovation which appear in Darkon have surly been in Mayvin for five years, before; The Governor of Mayvin is Minister of Industry, Arcane Research and Technological Development, and also directs the Patent House, and the Darkonese Institute of Technomancy, a school of applied archane solutions, engineering and architecture rivaling with Lamordian ones. The Market of Wonder is a permanent bazar in the center of the city, dominated by the Clockworks Tower, were the Governor, the brilliant gnome inventress Roodyl Narglin resides. The most distinguished inn in the city is the Clockwork Pot, which owner is an awakened Automaton named Raynard Tincan (Awakened Automaton Bard 7, C/G).
Despondia's name serves as a remind of less favorable times, when the Undead Tyrants ruled over Darkon; Despondia was a prison-city, where the families of the peoples who dared defy the will of the Emperors (or of those which simply despleased them) were forced to live a miserable life; it kept the name to kept the memory alive, but today, this livingly city is the last wellcoming place before the Frozen Wastes and the Icewall Mountains; this city, ones one of suffering has become a city of beauty, albeit a fortifyed one; to forget the misery of its past Despondia became the seat of Darkonese Academy of Arts, and also house the majestic Black Curtain Theater, also part of the Academy; the largest Shrine of Darkonos in Darkon is also in the city, it was built in the dark past and it was the only beacon of hope in the bleakness of those days; today, it is the unofficial center of the very loose ierarchy of the Cult. The Governor of Despondia is Francine Compton, and she double as Minister of Culture. Nearby the theater you can find the Gift of Darkonos, an inn renowned for its great cooking and very confortable lodgings, and for the great entertainment it provide its guest with; a jolly and wealthy halfling named Jomo Rockwell is the owner.
Desolatus, like Despondia, bores a name which is a reminder of a bleaker time; Desolatus was a refugee camp made up of the survivor of the city of Portus Somnis near the Dreamlake, which was razed to the ground and salted by Vecna XVI on a whim; the city keeps its name but it has rebuilded the old philosophical lore of Portus Somnis, with the Portus Somnis Memorial Philosphical School and Library; the city is a touristic location, full of thermal installation (the Dreamlake water is incredibly warm) The Pleasant Dreams House is the biggest hotel in Darkon and one of the most renowned in the Core. It is owned by Michelle de Voure a charming, yet mysterious Bard of Dementliuse ancestry. Desolatus'es Governor Rula Barcliff double as Minister of Tourism.
Rookhausen is a fortified port town, the last big urban center before the Dead Horse Steppa and the Vaasan border; In spite of its peripherical location, both magical and mundane way of comunication allows fast travel from and to Rookhausen, which house the Naval Academy and the headquarters of Darkonian War Navy; Lord Admiral Francis Stuart is the Governor of Rookhausen and the Minister of the Navy, and he doubles as Supreme Commander of DWN (Darkonese War Navy). He rules from the fortified Dismal Four, four islets in front of the port, which also house the Ruledge Beacon; The main Inn, the Fisherman Table is owned by the city welthiest merchant, retired army officer Edward Durkins (Middle Aged Human Fighter L/G)

Erlik the Reaper is an offshot cult of the Eternal Order; Erlik is a N/E god of Death, Undeath, Doom, Winter and of the Dead; he teaches his faithfull that life is a very small candle that he can snuff out in every moment; only death is eternal; everything can die and undeath is a reward for faithful service to him. His followers are assassins, gravediggers, graveyard keepers, evil undead and peasants which want to appease him. His symbol is a skull with a scyte, his favourite weapon is the Scyte and his Domains are Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Luck and Weather.

Vecna the Whispered, the Betrayed Lord and the King which will return is a N/E god of Dark Magic, Forbidden Knowledge, Secrets, Ambition and Treachery. He teaches his faithfull to keep theyr mouth shut and theyr eyes and ears well opened; he teaches them to never trust your underlings, and to crave power and knowledge. His followerss are unscroupoulus scholars, greedy reserchers and ambitious archanists, but also nostalgical of the Empire times; as it was the State Religion before the revolution, 50 years before the current year,it had a lot of followers, at least as a lip service. Its numbers have dropped in the years, but it is still the third religion in Darkon. His symbol is an hand holding an eye, his favourire weapon is the dagger and his domains are Evil, Knowlefge, Magic, Rune and Trickery.

The Eternal Order is a True Neutral religion which adores Death in all its aspects; the Church of Elrik separated from the Order century ago. The Church teaches that Death is unavoidable and a part of life, and thus life must be cherished and protected; Undeath is an abomìnation, but exceptions can be made to those whose time of service is yet to expire, as everyone who lives has a mission and a duty. Its symbol is a circle with a skull in its center; it has followers from any social class; it has quickly replaced the Church of Vecna as national church, even without being proclaimed church of state. It's domains are Community, Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose and Travel, plus whatever the single venereated aspect may allow (Osiris bring Earth and Plant, Hel brings Destruction and Luck exc,exc) its favored weapon may vary, but all clerics may take the Scythe as one)

Zakhata the Overseer is a god of Community, Tradition, Hard Work, Fairness, Social Bonds and Conservation, and his faith was the religion of the Terg barbarians which offshot formed Nova Vaasa but also settled in part of Darkon; this L/G religion is opened to every race, but it is mainly human; it's followers are humans from every social estraction; he teaches his followers to respect the law of the land, to work hard and to respect authority; it enphatizes the importance of bonds; family, community, nation, church and traditions. He also enphatize generousity, zeal and gratitude. This Lawfull/Good deity takes an iron lock with a golden chain as his symbol, and his favourite weapon is the mace; his domains are Community, Good, Law, Nobility, Protection and Strenght. It has followers from every social class, but it's conservative bent attracts particularly the wealthy and the middle class, and the seminomad population in the North and in the South.

Darkonos the Life Bringer is Darkon eponymus, a C/G deity of Hope, Change, Life, Light, Summer, Freedom and Courage. He teaches his faithfull to never stop fighting for theyr dreams, because no night is eternal, and every tyranny will end; he also teaches them that undead are prisoners in theyr own body and should be liberated as soon as possible; his favored weapon is the rapier and his symbol is a lightened candle; His followers are rebels, reformers, artists and revolutionaries, often young people. His domains are Chaos, Good, Healing, Liberation, Sun and Trickery.

Ezra the Avenger, is the aspect of Ezra venerated by the L/E sect in Darkon; This Church teaches that the world is a batterfield, with civilized being on one side and monsters on the other; everyone need to choose a side, the one who is not a friend is an enemy, and you can't have mercy for the enemy; you must know your enemy and plan carefully, only the smart fighters live to fight another day. The church favored weapon is the longsword, and its symbol is a shield with a bloodied sword. The Domains of the Church are Evil, Knowledge, Law, Strenght, Protection and War. Ezrite followers are people from every social class generally coming from the frontiers and the less urbanized zones of Darkon.

Elf Deities
Also known as the Seldarine, the family of deities descendants of Corellon Larethian. Elven Religion is extremely codified and rithualized. The Seldarine are divided in two faction Altha (faithfull ) Seldarine and Daitha (unfaithfull) Seldarine. The Altha Seldarines includes:
Corellon Larethian :C/G god of Magic, Arts, Beauty, Fighting and Nature, the father of the Gods in the Elf Religion, he represents Spring, and he teaches to enjoy the life and to create beauty. His favored weapon is the longsword, and his symbol is a an ornated silver crescent with six green gems. His Domains are Chaos, Good, Magic, Plant, Protection and War. Every Elf pay at least lip service to him.
Other important deities are Angarradh Salinmae ,Corellon's Consort, goddess of Fertility, Medicine, Maternity, Light, Summer and Life (N/G, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Plant and Sun; symbol downwards pointing triangle with three interwined circles in it; favored weapon shortspear ), and theyr children:
Moon and Autumn goddess Sehanine Moonbow, also a death goddess venerated in the Eternal Order (C/G, Chaos, Darkness, Good, Repose, Travel; Favored weapon shortbow, symbol an Arc over a full moon) ,
Love goddess Hanali Celanil (C/G, Chaos, Charm, Good, Magic, Protection, favored weapon: dagger, symbol:a golden heart),
Wind goddess Aerdrie Faenya (C/G, Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, Weather; Favored weapon quarterstaff, symbol: a flying heron),
Fire, Magic, and Rune goddess Alathrien Druanna (L/N, Fire, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Rune; Favored weapon, sling, Symbol: Seven silvery runes),
Sea god Sashelas Dulva, also worshipped by human sailors as Deep Sashelas (C/G, Animal, Chaos, Good, Water, Weather; favored weapon: trident, symbol: a dolphin),
Forrest god and Druid's patreon Rillifane Rallathil (NG, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Travel; favored weapon: quarterstaff, symbol, an oak tree),
Revenge god Shevarash Gilmadrith ( L/E, Destruction, Evil, Law, Strenght, War, favored wapon: longbow, symbol a broken violet arrow with a purple tear ),
Knowledge and Craft god Labelas Enoreth (L/G, Artifice, Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, favored weapon:quarterstaff, Symbol :a sundial),
Mishief god Erevan Ilesere (C/N, Chaos,Knowledge, Luck, Magic, Trickery; Favored Weapon: short sword; Symbol: Asymmetrical starburst),
Duels and Hunt god Solonor Thelandira (C/G, Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant, War, Favored Weapon: longbow, symbol: a green arrow.)
Mountain, River, Wildlands, Winter god Tarsellis Meunniduin (N, Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather, favored weapon: spear, Symbol: a stylized mountain.)

The Daitha Seldarine represent the dark side of the Elves; they followed the rebellion of Araushnee Lolthu, Corellon first wife, the Spider Queen, goddess of Lies, Treachery, Ambition, Turmoil and Cruelty who teaches her followers to take what they want as long as they can get away with it, to wait patiently in the darkness, and to spin webs of lies to pave your way to success, that love is weakness and that the weak must be purged , and that males are inferior; she is C/E, her domains are Animal, Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Evil and Trickery, her symbol is a spider and her favored weapon is the flail.
The other Daitha Seldarine are;
Assassination god Vhaeraun Maskedshade (C/E, Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Travel and Trickery, favourite weapon: short sword, symbol:A pair of black glass lenses that form a mask.),
Hope and Night goddess Elistraee Nightdancer (C/G, Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Good, Protection and Void, favored weapon: bastard sword, symbol: long haired dancing naked elf woman under the moon),
War god Selvetarm Xaranei (L/E, Animal, Evil, Law, Strenght and War, Favored weapon: heavy mace, Symbol: spider over a crossed mace and sword),
Death and Undeath goddess Kiaransalee Alabanshee, also a goddess of the Eternal Order (C/E, Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Magic; favored weapon: dagger, Symbol: hand with silver rings.)
Opportunism and Intoxicants god Keptolo Mithardan (N/E, Charm, Evil, Nobility, Plant and Trickery, Favored weapon:rapier, Symbol: mushroom);
Thief and Seduction goddess Zinzerena Shadenhand (C/N, Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Trickery; Favored weapom: shortsword, Symbol: Shorsword draped in a cloth)

Dwarf Deities
Dwarf religion is a strictly familiar and clan-based matter; The Morndinsamman (Hight Dwarves) are the legendary founders of the Dwarven Clans, descendants of Moradin Soulforger the All Father, theyr eternal king, god of the Forge, of Crafting, of Mining, of Creation, of Tradition, of Honour and of Family, L/G, his Domains are Artifice, Good, Earth, Law, Nobility and Protection, his symbol is an anvil with an hammer. His Consort is Berronar Truesilver a N/G deity of Family, Fertility, Home, Healers, Records and Marriage, her Domains are Community, Good, Healing, Law, Nobility and Rune her symbol is a pair of interwined silver rings.They teaches theyr followers, dwarves from every clan (every dwarf pay them at least lip service) to be true, brave and loyal, to respet the elders, to do your duty to family, to clan and to nation, and to be dedicated to your work, no matter how menial, so much as to turn it in an art.
The 18 Morndinsamman are the children of Moradin and Berronar.
They include:
War god Clangeddin Silverbeard, patron of the Silverbeard Clan (L/G, Glory, Good, Law, Protection, War; Favored weapon: battleaxe; Symbol: crossed silver battleaxes.)
Burial and Exploration god Dumathoin Hiddengem, patron of the Hiddengem clan and also a god of the Eternal Order. (N, Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Repose and Strenght, favored weapon: maul; Symbol: a gem hidden in a mountain)
Greed god Abbathor Tightgrip, patron of the Tightgrip clan (N/E, Community, Earth, Evil, Luck, Trickery; favored weapon: dagger, Symbol: enjeweled dagger).
Trade god Vergadain Smartfingers, Patron of the Smartfingers clan (N, Artifice, Community, Luck, Trickery and Travel; favored weapon : longsword, Symbol: a gold coin)
Healing and Moon goddess Sharindlar Mercydance, patron of the Mercydance clan (C/G, Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Good, Healing; favourite weapon: whip, Symbol:a fire ring coming from a steel ring.
Progress and Exploration god Dugmaren Brightmantle, Patron of the Brightmantle clan (C/G,Artifice, Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Travel, Water; Favored weapon:shortsword; Symbol:open book.)
Sentinel god Gorm Gulthyn patron of clan Gulthyn (L/G, Earth, Good, Law, Strenght, Protection, Favored weapon: battleaxe, Symbol:Bronze mask with flame eyes)
Luck goddess Haela Brightaxe, Patron of clan Brightaxe (C/G, Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, War; Favored weapon: greatsword; Symbol: Flaming Greatsword covered in rune)
Travel god Marthammor Duin Patron of Clan Duin (N/G, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel, Weather; Favored weapon: heavy mace, Symbol: Upright mace in front of a fur-trimmed leather boot.)
Wildlands god Thard Harr, patron of clan Harr (C/G, Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant and Strenght; Favored weapon: spiked gauntlet, Symbol: two crossed scaly clawed gauntlets of silvery-blue metal)
Alcohol god Hanseath Laughtroar, patron of clan Laughtroar (C/N, Artifice, Chaos, Travel, Strenght, Plant; Favourite weapon: greataxe, Symbol: a mug of beer)
Fire and Sun god Tharmekhûl Sunforger, patron of clan Sunforger (L/G, Artifice, Good, Fire, Law, Sun; Favourite weapon: Warhammer, Symbol: a lighted forge with a sun halo.)
Exploitation god Laduguer Grimhammer, patron of clan Grimhammer (Duergar) (L/E, Artifice, Evil, Law, Nobility, War; Favourite weapon: warhammer; Symbol: broken arrow.)
Tenacity goddess Deruena Teethgnasher, patron of clan Teethgnasher (Duergar) (L/G, Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Strenght, Favored weapon: Spiked chain, Symbol: hands with broken chians)
Mind goddes Duerra Deeplurk, patron of clan Deeplurk (Duergar) (L/N, Knowledge, Law, Magic, War, Favored weapon: Battleaxe, Symbol: an Illithid skull)
Sorcery god Diirinka Blackhand, patron of clan Blackhand (Derro) (C/E; Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery; Favored weapon: dagger, Symbol: a spyral grey white and black.)
Revenge god Diinkarazan Madslaywer, patron of clan Madslayer (Derro) (C/N; Air, Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Madness; Favored weapon: heavy mace.Symbol: throne wrapped in chains with floating rocks around. )
Freedom and Art god Diibarkan Brightspark, patron of clan Brightspark (Derro) (C/G, Artifice, Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Liberation; Favored weapon, Warhammer, Symbol: a chisel and an hammer.)

Halfling Deities
Halfling Religion is an evolution of an Ancestor Cult; All Halfling claim to be Yondalla's Children, and the deities are her first ones; the three evil deities of the pantheon Lo'ugal the Laughting Imp, Ilvuan the afflicted one and Sharrek the Despoiler are regarded as black sheeps but still included in the family tree, since Yondalla do not rejects any of her childrens.
Yondalla is a L/G deity of Protection, Bounty, Children, Security, Leadership, Wisdom, Crops Family and Tradition and her domains are: Community, Law, Good, Plant, Protection and Travel, her favoured weapon is the short sword and her symbol is a shield with a full cornucopia on it; she teaches her followers (every halfling, after a fashion) to cherish theyr families, to travel the world, working honestly and be good friends and good neightbours; She exorts her children to live in peace but to defend theyr life and theyr families if theyr life or freedom is threatened.
Her Children includes
Dalla Thaun, Goddess of Stealth, Subterfuge, Disonesty and Gambling is her eldest daughter, her Twin or her dark side, it is not clear; she is C/N; her domains are Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Luck, Travel and Trickery, her favoured weapon is a dagger and her symbol is the back of Yondalla's shield with abag of gold on it. Dalla Thaun teaches all Halflings to be smart, quick and quiet, to not attract attention, and to be ready to exploit any opportunity of gain and any opportunity to take advange of the tall peoples who keep understimating them.
The other children includes:
War god Arvoreen, a deity of defence and vigilance, (L/G, Law, Good, Nobility, Protection, War; favored weapon:short sword, Symbol: crossed short swords.)
Love goddess Sheila Peyoryl a deity of fertilty and weather (N/G, Air, Charm, Good, Plant, Weather, Favored weapon: sickle; Symbol:a daisy)
Thieves god Brandobaris, god of night, seas, and escape (N, Darkness, Luck, Travel, Trickery, Water; Favored weapon: dagger; Symbol a fading footprint)
Hospitality god Cyrrollalee, god of Cooking and daylight (L/G, Community, Fire, Good, Law, Sun; Favored weapon: quarterstaff, Symbol:opened door.)
Death god Urogalan, a deity of underground and burial, also a god of the Eternal Order (L/N, Death, Earth, Law, Ptotection, Repose; favored Weapon: double headed flail; Symbol: black hound head)
Children goddess Shirra, a deity of immagination and stories (C/G, Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery; favoured Weapon:dagger; Symbol: a sketchbook with coloured chalks)
Wagon-Makers god Truggar, deities of crafting and journeyng;(N; Animal, Artifice, Protection, Strenght, Travel; favored weapon: warhammer; symbol: A sledgehammer with a cart wheel)
Deabauchery god Lo'ugal, the Laughting Imp (C/E Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Madness and Trickery, favoured weapon: whip, Symbol: a laughting halfling with imp-like horns, tail and wings)
Misery god Ilvuan the Afflicted also a god of the Eternal Order (N/E, Darkness, Death, Evil, Luck, Madness; Favored weapon:short bow; Symbol: two crying eyes)
Industry god Sharrek the Despoiler (L/E, Artifice, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law; Favored weapon: dagger; Symbol: a smoking Chimeney.)

Gnome Deities
The Soreigns of the Golden Hills are the deities of the Gnomes, and theyr cult is more alike a philosophy, with the gods personifying the various tenants of it The Path of the Golden Hills has three main deities:
Garl Glittergold, a N/G deity of Humor, Wit, Innovation, Pranks, Friendship, Jewelry and Prosperity, who get lip service at least by every gnome; he teaches his followers to strive to be innovative and origininal in what they do, and to take life with a smile; use your humour as a weapon against the people which would like to harm you; be generous and luck shall assist you.
His favourite weapon is the battle axe, and his symbol is a gold nugget; his domains are: Artifice, Community, Good, Luck, Protection and Trickery.
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand, a C/G deity of Love, Passion, Fertility, Romance, Family and Flirts, who teaches her followers to follow theyr hearts and to love without restrictions, and without second ends; She also asks her followers to be lighthearted and flirtuos but without any malicious intent. Her favored weapon is the heavy mace, her symbol is a lightened torch with twin goblets. Her Domains are: Chaos, Charm, Good, Fire, Healing and Trickery.
Gelf Darkhearth, a C/N deity of Rage, Revenge, Destruction, Disorder, Revolution and Rebellion, who teaches his followers to revolt against the system, to never forget nor forgive a wrong, to always put sticks in your rivals gears and to always get the last laught, his favored weapon is the warhammer, his symbol is a broken anvil, his Domains are Chaos, Destruction, Liberation, Luck, Trickery and War.

The other Soreigns are:
Woodlands god Baervan Wildwanderer, a deity of exploration and climate (N/G, Animal, Good, Plant, Travel, Weather ; Favored weapon: halfspear, Symbol: The face of a raccon)
Illusion goddess Baravar Cloakshadow, a deity of deception and magic (N/G, Darkness, Good, Magic, Protection, Trickery; Favored weapon:dagger, Symbol:a dagger over a hooded cloak)
Mining god Callarduran Smoothhands, a deity of underground and caution (N, Artifice, Darkness, Earth, Protection, Trickery; Favored weapon:battleaxe; Symbol:Golden signet ring with sixpointed star.)
Forge god Flandal Steelskin, a deity of craft and fire (N/G, Artifice, Earth, Fire, Good, Strenght; Favored weapon: warhammer; Symbol: Burning hammer.)
War goddess Gaerdal Ironhand, a deity of preparation and battle (L/G; Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection, War; Favored weapon: warhammer, Symbol: Iron band)
River god Laevar Freeflow, a deity of navigation,river animals and floods (C/N, Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Freedom, Water; Favored weapon: Heavy Mace, symbol : an oar.)
Brilliance god Nebelun Brightmaker, a deity of light and progress (N, Artifice, Knowledge, Luck, Protection, Sun; Favourite weapon: warhammer; Symbol: A Sun shaped cog.)
Night goddess Nehara Spitesour, a deity of Envy, wind and gossip (C/E, Air, Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Trickery; Favored weapon: dagger; Symbol: a mouth with bat wings.)
Book god Rill Cleverthrush, a deity of knowledge and magic (L/N, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Magic, Rune;Favored weapon: quartestaff; Symbol: Two books with a common set of pages)
Health god Segojan Earthcaller, a deity of rest and soil, also a deity of the Eternal Order
(N/G, Earth, Good, Healing, Plant, Repose; Favored weapon:heavy mace; Symbol: Glowing gemstone)
Pact god Tarvan Goldenskin, a deity of Trade, blackmail and manipulation (L/E, Evil, Law, Knowledge, Trickery, Rune; favored weapon: dagger; Symbol: a dagger covered in rune with a spinning wheel).
Gluttony god Urdlen Ravenousclaw, a deity of selfishness, murder and greed, also a deity of the Eternal Order (N/E, Death, Destruction, Earth, Evil, Madness; Favored weapon: claw bracer, Symbol: White, steel-clawed mole emerging from the ground)

The Famed and the infamous and Azalin stats will be in the next post.

Feedback, as always is appreciated, and sorry for the eventual typos.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

The Famed and the Infamous:

The Angel of Death aka Irik Zal'honan
[C/G Unique Medium Outsider Cleric of Darkonos 15, ( Augmented Humanoid, Elemental, Incorporeal, Native)]
Irik was the last person officially executed in Darkon, with the accusation of betrayal; he was executed by behading by his father's own hand, and he was guilty......of trying to stop his father from becoming the next undead tyrant; The mist revived him as a personification of light, and a bane of the Undead and he strive to free Darkon and his father from themselves. He still love his father, and that is the burden which stays his hand.

Abel Canning
(Middleaged Human Ghast Rogue 12 C/N)
Abel is a cordial and talkative person who makes any patron in his inn, even the more exotic to feel like at home; he is always smiling, and offers good advice to any patron in need. His only excentricity are the gloves he wear and which he never take out; he acts uncharasterically briskly whenever the gloves are mentioned.
In truth Abel is a Ghast, and the extravagant gloves are the items who allow him to hide his identity andto keep his hunger in check; he is also a powerfull agent of the Kargat and a trustfull, if unhortodox servant of the Azal'lan.

Iulia Karkoff
(Human Aristocrat 6, L/G)
This young yet shrewed socialitèe is the Vaasan ambassador in Darkon and could be the key for a distension in the relationships with Nova Vaasa, andthrought them, with Falkovnia.

Rhisiard Krane/Nightcrasher
(Human Youth Vigilante 14)
An irrevelant little boy during day time he became a massive adult in a red and black suit and fights crime and monsters in Il Aluk, during nigh-time. His secret might or might not be known by the KargATS. His father was a known critic of the Agency, and was found dead in misterious circumstances; Rhisiard strives to uncover the truth using his misterious powers.

Aldea Mirana
(Old Gnome Necromancer Wizard 14, L/E)
Aldea is the Head of Necromancer Department at the Vecna I Arcane Arts school. She is also active in politics, she is the principal sponsor of the institution of the Undeath Research Regulamentation Act, which tutelate necromancers who abide to the rules;

Unwald Rotternail
(Adult Gnome Abjurer Wizard 12 N/G)
Unwald, the Head of Abjuration Department at Vecna I Arcane Arts School. As a devout believer in Segojan Earthcaller, and a standing follower of the Eternal Order, he is a firm rival both academically and politically of Professor Mirana. He keeps theyr rivalry a civil matter thought.

Latimus Rienis
(Old Wizard Universalist 14, N)
Professor Rienis is the Deputy Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School of Il Aluk; he is also the head of the Department of Universalism, and a renowned scholar. He is very helpfull towards the students and his collegues.

The Hand who writes
(Venerable Human Demilich Wizard 18, L/E)
This boney hand is all that remains of Vecna XVI; It acts as a faithfull servant and scribe to the Azal'lan, but sometime he seems to have a secret agenda.

August Montalva
(Venerable Lich Wizard Necromancer 15 L/E)
The Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School is a close collaborator of the Azal'lan and a great scholar, author of a great number of books.
Professor Montalva is a distinguished and soft speaking very old man, thin and tall with a mane of white hair and a long white beard, deceptively frail, but still sharp-witted he coats his manipulative way under a veil of grandfatherly attitude.
He keeps postponing his retirement with the excuse he has yet to find the best possible successor. The truth is that being a Lich he has no need for retirement.

Chief-Conestable Lowellyn Dachine
(Adult Human Negative-touched Inquisitor Heretic 10 L/E)
This law abiding and incorruptible officer was once an enforcer of the Eternal Order, than he became a disciple of Death/Elrik; he is as faithfull and loyal to his duties as he is to his deity. He mantins the rule of law with an iron hand.

The Speaker of the Chosers
(Adult Human Sorcerer 10, N)
This grey robed, white masked individual is the only member of the Council of Chosers allowed to talk outside theyr Hall in Castle Avernus; as for the rest of the council members no one know his real name and his face. Only the Azal'lan regularly see him.

Karimana Relddkasen
(Adult Human Aristocrat 7, L/N)
A raven-haired, tall woman, alway dressed in a simple yer alegant fashion, Lady Relddkasen belong to a rich merchantile family, and is a very wealthy woman; a shrewd businness-woman, she is also honest and capable; she governs Martira Bay with intelligence and ability, and also double as Darkon Minister for Foreign Affairs; she is very well versed in negotiation and diplomacy. She is happily married with three children. Her only known weakness is tea. She buys great quantity of various kind of teas, from Sri Rajan Black Tea to Zherisian Grey one, to Lazendraki Red one.

Chief Constable Liem Osgul
(Adult Human Fighter 9, L/N)
The reliable law enforcer in Martira Bay is a lean yet muscled man, tall and with a thick black beard on his face. He is an honest, polite and hardworking officer strict but not without humanity.

First Witness Derakoth
(Human Cleric 12, L/G)
Derakoth is the hightest ranking priest of Zhekata the Overseer, and he is truly an holy man, the real embodiment of his deity's dogmas. He respect the laws of Darkon even if he is increasingly convinced that something is not right in the Egemony's rulership.

Arian Windfoot
(Adult Halfling Commoner 7, L/G)
The Governor of Rivalis is of humble origins, being a farmer born a farmhand, but his intelligence, honesty and wisdom make him the best suited for the position and his results prove that. Humble and soft spoken, there is iron in the little Halfling spine and he is always ready to surprise people who underestimate him.

Chief Constable Schulyer von Anbach
(Adult Human Fighter 7, L/G)
The son of a veteran of the Falkovnian Invasion of Lamordia, Schulyer served as a volunteer in Darkonese army for the 4th Falkovnian invasion, and he still walks with a slight limp as result; he got Darkonese citizenship and a job of constable in Rivalis as a reward; today he is an honest and competent officer, but when working is not enought to assuage the demons he has in himself since the war, he drinks too much.

Gaile Tallgallows
(Old Halfling Urban Druid 12, N/G)
The groundkeeper of the Crystal Garden, Gail is way more than the meek and friendly old halfling he seems to be; the student of the school seek often his advice on matters related to plant, armony and similar.

Witness Erwing
(Adult Human Cleric 8, L/G)
Erwing is the current representative of the Church of the Overseer in Rivalis, and he is a sober and quiet man. His past is a bit of a mistery thought as he seem to have Falkovnian origins. He is not very open about that information.

Burkhart Volker
(Adult Human Ranger Battle Scout 9, L/N)
During the 4th War against Falkovnia, he defended the woods from Falkovnian outraiders and killed a spy in the Darkonese rank. After the war he retired and lived in peace in the Forest of Shadows for a while then he was chosen as Governor of Nartok and Minister of the Environment.

Chief Constable Turner Miktis
(Adult Human Ranger Trapper 7 N)
The head law-enforcer of Nartok is a reserved and close-guarded man. Althought nothing bad can be said about his professionality, you would have to dig very deep to find anything about his private life.

Headpriest Rikto Jaan
(Middle Aged Human Cleric Evangelist 8 of the Eternal Order, N)
Notorious for her uncharacteristically cheerfull countainance, Nartok's Headpriest Rikto preaches not to remind people about death, but to remind people to cherish theyr life, which is brief yet really precious. While here teachings are included in the faith of the Eternal Order, many of her fellow priests saw her as an oddity, borderline heretic.

Thalis Redmast
(Old Elf Expert 14 N)
The Governor of Vuchargate is a famous saylor, and he is one of the six living persons in the world to have ever circumnavigate the Core. He is a renowned merchant and has imported and exported a variety of stuff in the known world; his experience and contacts make him a very capable minister of Maritime Trade.

Chief Constable Sulien Moonshadow
(Adult Elf Fighter 10 N)
Sulien is a master fencer and archer, and a veteran of the wars with Falkovnia; he lost one ear in the battles and usually wear is hair in a pony-tail to show off his scar, both for pride and to indimidate his opponents.

Bastion Theodore Raines
(Adult Human Warpriest 10 of Ezra the Avenger, L/E)
The head of the Darkonese sect of the cult of Ezra is an hard and determinate person; he leads by example and patronizes crusades and expedition against the monsters which lurks in the wildlands.

Professor Cai Grovesong
(Old Elf Druid Green Savant 10, N/G)
A Druid and a scholar, Cai is the director of the Librariae Pharmacologae and she is also a member of the Circle of Green Savants, an ancient druidic tradition which focalise on the academical aspects of the natural mysicism.

Iomar Lonshadow
(Venerable Elf Wizard 13, N/G)
One of the oldest living elves in existance, he has trained some of the powerfull wizards of the known world. Today he serves as the Minister of Education and Governor of Neblus but he still find some time to teach in Neblus academies. His frail appeareance do not diminish his charm and his silver hair gave him great solemnity.

Chief-Constable Adrian Qualt
(Adult Human Magus 9 N/G)
Adrian Qualt is a brave and intelligent law-enforcer, who pursued both martial and arcane pursuits, thanks to his life-long frequentation with the Elves.

Corbin Eblandor
(Adult Human Cleric of Elric 10, N/E)
This sober and dry black-haired man has a soul blacker than his hair; he preaches that this life is suffering, and sucide is a legitimate way out of it; he will never kill without an explicit request, but he knows several way to assure he will get that request.

Trillen Mistwalker
(Adult Elf Corporeal Ghost Rogue 10, N/E)
Trillen Mistwalker was a very rich treasure hunter who died in that which would have been his last and greater hunt; bound to the place he most hated when he was alive, his father's inn, he decided to make the most out of it; he makes pacts with adventurers, managing to possess one of them to lead them in very risky enterprises.

Mulciber Slean
(Adult Human Alchemist 5, L/N)
The Governor of Viaki and Minister of Health is a talented healer and was a renowned battle-medic and operated on the field during the 4th war against Falkovnia. He isn't a shy and frail scholar nor an idealistic country healer; he is smart, ambitious and a bit cynical, but he is fundamentally honest.

Chief Constable Jinny Cingulo
(Adult Human Fighter 8, L/G)
The Chief law enforcer in Viaki was born from a Collodian family; as many others he fought in the 4th Darkonese-Falkovnian war; He still has troubles after that experience, but he is dealing with it somehow.

Glemmis McFadden
(Green Hag Alchemist 7, L/E)
This renowned midwife and medicine woman is a renowned advisor of the governor, and she is regarded as a prestigious member of the society; Few can even begin to suspect she is a Hag in disguise.

Carolus Lysander
(Young Adult Human Cleric of Darkonos 5 C/G)
Carolus exemplify what a Cleric of Darkonos is espected to be: Young, resoursefull, idealistic, cheerefull and life-loving. The fact that he is the current resident of The Shrine of Lifespark in Viaki shows his proactive stance as that.

Liliana Dilisnya
(Adult Human Rogue 7, L/E)
The agent of the Dilisnya family in Darkon, she his headquartered in Viaki; Liliana oversee his family businness and properties with a sherewd and ruthless mind. She has a flirtatious rivality with Ludovic Boritsi.

Ludovic Boritsi
(Adult Human Rogue 7, C/G)
The agent of the Boritsi family in Darkon, he his headquartered in Viaki; Ludovic oversee his family businness and properties with a sherewd yet compassionate mind. He has a flirtatious rivality with Liliana Dilisnya.

Iris Sturlock
(Adult Half-elf Wizard 3, L/N)
Iris won the place of Governor of Maykle and Minister of Wellfare after her father resigned, allegedely for health issues; it's a rare case of succession in the same family after the institution of the Hegemony, and she struggles to demonstrate that the trust given to her is deserved.

Gilros Dren
(Adult Human Fighter 6, L/N)
Giros is the chief law-enforcer in Maykle, and was appointed after succesfully dealing with a band of hightwaymen when he still was a simple militia officer, an act he is still renown this days; He is honest but, sometime, exceedingly cautious.

Elron Sturlock
(Adult Elf Fighter 8 C/G)
Elron was a noble in the old Empire, and raised back to prominence thanks to his exploits during the Falkovnian invasions; He was the patron of many free hospitals, schools and free retirement homes, and administrated personally one of those before he had to be recovered because of a sudden illness; no one knows exatly what afflicts him.

Quintin Clangor
(middle-aged Human Alchemist Mind-Healer 5, L/G)
Doctor Clagor was in his youth the apprentice of the infamous Dr Daiclouth Dominiani, which, before the scandal who tarnished his reputation, was seen as the best mind-healer in the Core; luckily for him Quintin had already parted ways with Dominiani and was not involved . He struggles hard to demonstrate he is a different sort of mind-healer. As the owner of the best hotel in Maykle Quintin is quite wealthy.

Oscari Gunderin
(Middle-aged Dwarf Wizard 7, L/N)
The head of Clan Sunforger, Oscari is the Darkonese Minister of Infrastructure, as well as Tempe Falls Governor; He leads his people with wisdom and fairness, even if his own ambitions and his greed can sometimes exceed his common sense.

Chief-Conestable Pekka Konum
(Adult Dwarf Magus 5, L/G)
The head Law-enforcer of the governatorate of Tempe Falls blends arcane arts and fighting prowless; He is an onorable, rightfull and loyal person and this some time put him at odds with the governor's ambitions.

Argar Slashingfang
(Adult Dwarf Werebadger Fighter 9, L/E)
The owner of the Boar's Tusk is a fat dwarf, unusually beardless, because of a number of burnings on his face; Jolly and wellcoming, he is also rutheless and can be a fury in battle, if he must. Rarely he leaves survivors alive; As a KargAT operative he knows how to cover his tracks.

Jargan Gunderin
(Adult Dwarf Cleric 6 of Tharmekhûl Sunforger, L/G)
Jargen is is his cousin Oscari spiritual advisor, but he is often frustrated when the Governor puts material gains above the spiritual ones.

Alaric Pocketfull
(Adult Halfling Rogue 7 N)
Silver tongued and sharp witted Alaric became one of the richest people in Darkon after an adventourous youth; named Governor of Delagia and Minister of Trade, he keeps contact with all the heads of the various guilds in Darkon, including the ones which engage in shadowy businnesses.

Chief-Constable Morgan Blackwater
(Adul Halfling Swashbuckler 5, N)
Level headed as much as he is charming, Morgan Blackwater was a professional fencer, turned private detective; Governor Pocketfull named him Chief-Constable after he solved the case of the Casdin's Reaper.

Flavian Sundapple
(Adult Halfling Cleric 5 of Cyrrolallee, L/G)
Flavian is half a spiritual guide, half a renowned chef, and in his hopinion, soul and stomach are deeply integrated; He is caring, generous, and well disciplined, and run a tight sgip in his temple-restaurant always ready to feed the needy.

Marshall Jeffery Steelhand
(Middle-Aged Human Cavalier Daring General 12 L/N)
The head of the Darkonese Army and the Minister of Defense, Joffery don't like all bureaucracy his role as Governor of Devering implies, so he delegates to his deputy; his main interest is drilling the army waiting for Falkovnia to attack again, because they will attack again, of that he is sure.

Chief-Constable Lukas Faran
(Adult Human Cavalier Constable 7 L/G)
War veteran and member of Marshal Steelhand unity he was handpicked by him for his unfaltering rightousness and sense of duty. Lukas is gratefull for this opportunity even if recently something seem to worry him very much.

Deputy-Marshal Fresson Woodhall
(Adult Human Cavalier Castellan 8, L/E)
Ambitious, hard and ruthless Fresson Woodhall is the son of an old brother of arms of Marshall Steelhand, who got his chance to prove himself during the last Falkovnian Invasion. He is loyal to Darkon, if anything else.

Quentin Talonslayer
(Old Human Fighter 16 C/G)
Few people can pride themselves with killing four Talons in battle, and only one can also pride himself with fighting the Kaiserfuhrer himself in combat and to live to tell the tale; yes, Quentin have lost an eye, a foot, and one hand, that day; but he lived, and his sacrifice saved his unit; He was a nameles peasant before the war but he earned his last name, and the money to buy his inn ransoming three of the armors, one he still keeps as a trophy, that day.

Kazandra Redshroud
( Human Old Vampire Rogue 12, L/E)
This reserved, quiet and inquisitive beautiful woman, director of the KargATS, Minister of the Interior and Governor of Karg, doesn't look a day older then 30 years, but she is way older than that, and she is ruthlessly effective and undying loyal to the Azal'lan.

Chief-Constable Chadvik Ludder
(Adult Human Natural Werewolf Fighter 7 L/N)
A surprisingly disciplined Werewolf, Chadvik isn't yet a member of the KargATS, as he is not inclined to abide to the agency pretty low moral standards. He is a very capable and trustworhty law enforcer thought.

Secret Keeper Hragris Allightron
(Old Human Cleric of Vecna 7, N/E)
Hragis is the resident priest of Vecna in Karg, and he is rumored to know where Vecna's first Lab in Karg is; he keeps any knowledge on the matter very closed to his chest.

Venrith Chole
(Adult Human Corporeal Ghost Rank 3 Bard 10 L/E)
The jolly, easy-going and reassuring owner of the Maladourous Goat Inn is the only person you feel you can trust in Karg, but in truth, he is one of the subtler KargATS; no one knows it but Vernith is not even alive, he is a corporeal Ghost.

Lord Kasen Costantine
(Adult Human Aristocrat 6, L/N)
The Governor of Sidnar and minister of Natural Resources is an exponent of an old noble Darkonese family; his father adapted to the new order and he builded on that heritage, becoming the administrator and owner of several mines. He is a renowned art collector.

Lescion Oakenheart
(Adult Elf Wizard Astrologist 9, N)
The Headmaster of the Collegiate Caelestis and the most renowned Astronomist and Astrologist in the Core, Lescion's advice is searched by elites for any corner of the continent.

Chief-Constable Echol Gauntglow
(Adult Elf Fighter Archer 6, L/N)
A veteran of the falkovnian Invasion, and formerly a mercenary, Echol is a renowned bowman; he sponsors a renowned archery scgool in Sidnar. He earned his place saving the life of lady Aletha Constantine from a robber. He killed the robber with one arrow in the neck.

Lady Aletha Constantine
(Adult Human Rogue 7 L/E)
The sister of Sidnar's Governor is a sherewed busnneswoman, and she is rumored to be the true mind of the family; she owns several inns and restaurants in the city, and, if rumor are to believed, brothels and house of pleasure too.

Sentire Helamil Duskbloom
(Adult Elf Cleric 6 of Ezra, L/G)
Sentire Helamil is the head of internal dissenters in Darkonese Ezrite Church, refusing the violent approach Bastion Raines, and favouring a more defensive stance.

Urjo Mustanen
(Old Dwarf Expert 9, L/N)
This wrinkled dwarf is the most shewred businnessman in Darkon, and occupy with merit the seat of Minister of Finances and Governor of Corvia. He works for the majority of the day and night; his familiar life suffers for his overworking.

Chief-Conestable Rikkard Jardher
(Adult Dwarf Fighter 6 L/G)
Rikkard is the sterotype of the honourable dwarf, he is noble, honest and straight forward; however, he suffers from his clan heritage and his brother is the Arch-priest of Abbathor.

Benedikt Jardher
(Adult Dwarf Cleric 7 of Abbathor N/E)
Benedikt is one of the richest persons in Corvia, and this means he is very coherent with his greedy god's teachings.

Damien Steelshade
(Human Shadow Rogue 10 L/E)
The mysterious director of the Darkonese Revenue Service, the only institution more feared than the KargaATS Damien has only one goal, to have people pay theyr taxes; Only a very small pople are familiar with him not being alive anymore.

Directress Roodyl Nargrin
(Adult Gnome Artificer 7, N/G)
The brilliant Governor of Mayvin, the City of Wonders is also the Minister of Industry, Arcane Research and Technological Development, and also directs the Patent House, and the Darkonese Institute of Technomancy; she is quite busy but she manage to multitask with relative ease.

Mimis Glockle
(Adult Gnome Gunslinger 6, L/G)
Mimis learned the art of gunsmithing in Lamordia; he his as able in using firearms as he is able in making them. He manages to impose law and order with a smile and a readied gun.

Wondermaker Stamitos Flacken
(Adult Gnome Cleric 9 of Neblun, N)
This priest of Neblun is the head of his church, and one of the most famous inventors in Darkon. He is always interested in ancient technology and magic.

Francine Compton
(Adult Human Bard 8 N/G)
The Governess of Despondia is a famous poetress and a knowledgeable person; she impose herself a very jollly attitude in spite of the past of the city and her own. She does that on purpose to show that the dark past is beyond her shoulder exactly like it is behind the shoulders if her city.

Chief Conestable Laureen Dalgan
(Adult human Swashbuckler 7, C/G)
Would you put a notorious smuggler and troublemaker at the head of law-enforcement in a city? Well mrs Compton does not agree with you, since she did exactly that in her own, and Laureen has not disappointed in spite of her unhortodox methods. Maybe you really need a thief to catch another.

Haldous Augustinus
(Adult human Cleric of Darkonos 13 C/G)
A man in his full maturity, Haldous is the eldest living cleric currently serving Darkonos; This, combined with his wisdom, his kindness and his great experience, have bestowed upon him the one thing he never wanted: the mantle of authorithy; his advice is seeked by clerics and followers of Darkonos from every corner of Darkon. While he doesn't fancy himself a leader, he tries to help those people, at the best of his considerable abilities.

Jomo Rockwell
(Adult Halfling Slayer 5 C/E)
This apparently jolly and easy-going wealthy Halfling is one of the most devious Serial killers in Darkon; currently he must reign in his worse instincts thought , since he was discovered and bonded in service by the KargATS; but it's only a matter of time, soon or later he'll manage to turn the table on those who keeps him leashed.

Lady Rula Barcliff
(Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 10, N/G)
Rula Barcliff was born in Darkon, but, thanks to her parents huge wealth, she spent her youth traveling the Core and beyhond; She forged connections everywhere, and managed to build up the only non-vistani travel agency in the Core, the Mistdarers Society. Upon her return in Darkonos, she discvovered the underdeveloped lands around Desolatus and Lake Somnis, and funded the first thermal establishment. She was subsequiently offered the seat of Governor of Desolatus, which got bundled with the newly minted role of Minister of Tourism.
She is quite good in that job, too.

Chief-Conestable Geoffrey Tow
(Middle-aged Human Fighter Field-Engineer 8, L/N)
Veteran of the Falkovnian invasions Geoffrey is a rare example of a native of the Ice Waste leaving his frosty hime to live in the Warmer Lands of the south; he his as cold as his native lands, but his loyalty is unquestionable and his sense of duty unwavering.

Michelle De Voure
(Adult Human Vampire Bard 7, C/N)
Vampirized in an elaborated plot of the KargATS, Michelle was freed by a stroke of luck, and she kept her personality intact, even if her humour got darker and her sarcasm stingier. She use her Inn as an easy way to feed, and until now, no one has suspected anything, or so she hopes.

Admiral Francis Stuart
(Middle-Aged Human Fighter Corsair 11, L/N)
Governor of Rookhausen, Admiral and Commander in Chief of Darkonese War Navy, Francis stuart is a relentless, hard-working man; His ships are instrumental to defend seafaring merchants from pirates, and he takes his duties very seriosly. In spite of his many scars he is still quite charming, and he is popular with women, and often seen in theyr company.

Chief Conestable Gherrold Trench
(Human Adult Barbarian Drunken Brute 6, C/N)
Gherrol is the last person you would choose as head law enforcer; he is uncouth, violent and alcoholic; but he is also a good friend, kind with kids and old person, and loath to harm a woman, and completely straightforward and incapable of duplicity. With his faithfull great axe always on his back, his statuesque body and huge hands he is the last person you would want to piss off in an inn or outside.

The Karg Agency of Trouble Solving, also known as KargATS is the feared Secret Police and security and intelligence agency in Darkon; At the sinister fame of the KargATS is counterposed the clean face of the Cities Conestabulary which are still trainedby the same facilities which train KargATS.

If KargATS are feared yed begrudgingly respected as they stop menaces against Darkon and its people, no one likes Darkonese Revenue Service, the Tax paying agency who are seen unanumously as more cold and ruthless than KargATS. They rarely compromise.

The Council of the Chosers
This assembly of citizens approves laws and elects the various ministers; they are selected on rigid meritocratic criteria after preliminaty universal suffrage elections; They have no personal name no identity until theyr mandate expire, and they won't never be able to disclose theyr election as all the candidate elected spents theyr time in Il Aluck for 5 years with no contact with the outside.

The Darklord

Azal'lan Firan Zal'honan aka Azalin Rex
Medium Undead Venerable Human Wizard 20
(248 HP)
Speed:30 feet
Initiative:+1 (+4 in Castle Avernus)
Senses:Darkvision 60 ft, fiery eyes, see invisibility, Perception +36 (+4 in Castle Avernus)
Armor Class: 25, Touch 15, Flat Footed 24 (+1 Dex, +5 armour, +5 natural, +4 deflection)
Space/Reach: 1 square /1 square
Combat Manouver Bonus/Combat Manouver Defense:+9/24 (+4 in Castle Avernus)
Str:10, Dex:12, Con:-, Int:33(27), Wis:22 (16), Cha 26 (20)
Saving Throws: Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +22 (+4 in Castle Avernus)
Special Qualities:Curse of the Dark Lord, Undead Traits, Channel resistance +10, DR 15/bludgeoning and magic, Immune: undead traits, electricity, cold; Fiery eyes
Resist fire 10, acid 10, Arcane Bond (Improved Familiar), Metamagic Mastery (6xd), Alertness when familiar in arm’s reach (+2 Perception, Sense Motive), Mastery 4, Sinkhole of Evil.
Empathic link, scry on familiar 1/day .
Special Attacks: Hand of the Apprentice (14xd),Fear aura (DC 28), Rejuvenation, Paralysing touch (DC 28) (heal self 1d8+10 hp as full round action), Undead dominion, Modify memory, Undead control
Attack: Melee: Melee Touch +9 (1d8+10 plus paralysing touch),(+4 in Castle Avernus)
Range:Missile Ray +9 (1d8+10 negative energy, touch), 120 ft.
Hand of the apprentice (dagger +1 human bane) +21/{+23 [humans] [1d4+1 (+2d6+2 humans)]}
Range:+2 Light Crossbow:+16 (1d8+2, 19-20 x2)(+4 in Castle Avernus)
Skills: Bluff +21 (13), Craft (alchemy) +34 (9; 20 from headband), Diplomacy +21 (13), Escape Artist +20 (19), Fly +14 (10), Intimidate +27 (19), Knowledge (arcana) +38 (20), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17 (3), Knowledge (engineering) +17 (3), Knowledge (geography) +17 (3), Knowledge (history) +34 (9; 20 from headband), Knowledge (local) +34 (9; 20 from headband), Knowledge (nature) +23 (9), Knowledge (nobility) +15 (1), Knowledge (planes) +32 (18), Knowledge (religion) +32 (18), Linguistics (Balok, Mordentish, Vaasi) +17 (3), Perception +34 (17), Sense Motive +34 (17), Spellcraft +32 (18), Stealth +23 (11)
(+4 in Castle Avernus)
Feats: Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magical Arms and Armour, Craft Construct,Craft Rod, Improved Familiar, Forge Ring, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Extend Spell, Dazing Spell, Sickening Spell, Toppling Spell, Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell,Penetrating Spell.
Spell Slots:(4/11+4/11+4/11+2/10/6/6/6/5/5), DC:21+spell level.
Spell Known:0 – acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, spark, touch of fatigue (all)
1 – Abjuring Step, alarm, animate rope, ant haul, blend, cause fear, change self, charm fey, charm person,chastise, clarion call, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, decompose corpse,decrepit disguise, detect charm, detect secret doors, detect undead, discern next of kin, disguse self, enlarge person, erase,feather fall, floating disc, grease, hold portal,hydraulic push, identify, illusion of calm, magic missile, message, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, restore corpse, sculpt corpse, silent image, unseen servant, weakened powder.
2 – alter self, arcane lock, beacon of guilt, blindness/deafness, blur, boneshaker, bull's strenght, cat's grace, codespeak, crimson confession, darkness, daylight, false life, flaming sphere, hideous laughter, invisibility, knock, locate object, magic mouth, minor image, mirror image, paranoia, raven's flight, see invisibility, shatter, spectral hand, shadow claws, spider climb, steal voice, unsettling presence, web, whispering wind
3 – arcane sight, clairaudience/clairvoyance, death sight,disable construct, dispel magic, earth tremor, enter image, explosive runes, fireball, fly, force punch, gaseous form,grasping tentacles, haste, hratstroke, hold person, howling agony, lightning bolt, magic circle against evil/good, monstrous physique I, nondetection, open book, pain strike, ray of exhaustion, sands of time, seek thoughts, shrink item, shroud of innocuity, suggestion, summon monster III, vision of hell, wind wall
4 - animate dead, arcane eye,aura of the unremarkble, beast shape II, bestow curse, black tentacles, brightest light, charm monster, confusion, contagion,contingent scroll, daze (mass), dimension door, enervation, familiar melding, fear, fire trap, flaming sphere (greater), fleshworm infestation, geas (lesser), ice storm,illusion of treachery, illusory wall,innocuous shape, minor globe of invulnerability (lesser), overwhelming grief, phantasmal killer, scrying, shadow conjuration, stoneskin, terrible remorse, wall of ice
5 - animal growth, bone seizure, callback (greater), dominate person, elemental body II, feeblemind, grease (greater), hold monster, illusory hoard,lesser age resistance, magic jar, mind fog,nightmare, ooze form I, passwall, permanency, polymorph, rapid repair, sending, shadow evocation, summon monster V, suffocation, telekinesis, vermin shape II, wall of stone
6 - acid fog, age resistance, analyze dweomer, circle of death, create undead, contingency, disintegrate, enemy hammer, eyebite, flesh to stone, forceful hand, geas/quest, greater contagion, guards and wards, legend lore, mislead, permanent image, planar binding, project image, reanimate, steal vitality, stone to flesh, true seeing
7 - finger of death, forcecage, greater arcane sight, greater scrying, greater teleport, instant summons, limited wish, power word stun, spell turning, summon monster VII, temporary resurrection, vision
8 - binding, call construct, create greater undead, demand, incendiary cloud, maze, prismatic wall, shades, telekinetic sphere, trap the soul, weird
9 - crushing hand, energy drain, foresight, gate, mage’s disjunction, temporal stasis, wish

Familiar:Squalimous (Imp Familiar)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, detect magic, see in darkness; Perception +21
AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 22 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural, +2 size)
Hp 81 (9d10), fast healing 2
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +12
DR 5/good or silver; SR 23; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10
Speed 20 ft, fly 50 ft (perfect)
Melee sting +14 (1d4 plus poison)
Space 2 ½ ft/0 ft
SLA (CL 6th): constant – detect magic; at will – invisibility (self only); 1/day – augury, suggestion (DC 15); 1/week – commune (6 questions, CL 12th)
S 10 D 17 C 10 I 14 (16) W 12 Ch 14
BAB +9 CMB +1 CMD 15
Dodge, Weapon Finesse; Acrobatics +9 (3), Bluff +16 (11), Craft (alchemy) +10 (7), Diplomacy +13 (11), Escape Artist +20 (17), Fly +26 (8), Intimidate +20/+12 to Medium creatures (17), Knowledge (arcana) +24 (18), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (1), Knowledge (engineering) +4 (1), Knowledge (geography) +4 (1), Knowledge (history) +10 (7), Knowledge (local) +10 (7), Knowledge (nature) +10 (7), Knowledge (planes) +24 (18), Knowledge (religion) +21 (18), Linguistics (Balok, Mordentish, Vaasi) +6 (3), Perception +21 (17), Sense Motive +18 (17), Spellcraft +24 (18), Stealth +25 (11), Use Magic Device +11 (3; 9 from headband)
SQ Change shape (boar, giant spider, rat, raven; beast shape I)
Poison Sting—injury; Save Fort DC 13; 1/round for 6 rounds; 1d2 Dex; Cure 1 save.
Share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master
Equipment: wands: summon monster III, black tentacles, magic missile (CL 7; 4 missiles), headband of vast intellect +2.

Challenge Rating:25
Proprieties: (398,000 gp/530,000 gp)
Headband of mental superiority +6, ring of wizardry I/III and II/IV, ring of protection +4/energy resistance (fire, acid 10), hand of glory, black robe of the archmagi, crystal ball of telepathy, metamagic rods (reach, intensified, focus), permanent see invisibility, dagger +1 human bane, pearls of power (4 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 2 x 3rd).
19,000 gp worth of wands (mostly for Imp familiar to use): summon monster III, black tentacles, magic missile (CL 7; 4 missiles), headband of vast intellect +2
Lots of scrolls

Firan Zal'honan was born in the last century of King Vecna XVI reign as Lich-Emperor; his family was an ancient Darkonese noble family, well-versed in the arcane arts; after his brother Irik died having ran afoul of the Lich-Emperor, his family was damned to Despondia, but he managed to escape and traveled Darkon and beyond, becoming a legendary revoluzionary Wizard, codenamed Azalin Rex; after 50 years of planning, the revolution began, and in an epic battle Firan killed Vecna XVI; he took the throne but never sat on it, instead starting to build a new society where everyone could be judjed by theyr actions and merit and not by theyr birth; but fifty years of clandestinity, the loss of his beloved wife, and several contacts with dark magic had changed Firan deeply; he started to enforce his reforms with an increasingly heavier hand, thus alienating his own son Irik who decided to rebel; so forced to choose beetwen his dream and his own son, beetwen his ideal of order and his own heart he choose the former; he personally executed his son in what was the last capital execution in Darkon, and proclaimed officially the birth of Darkonese Hegemony; The mist enveloped him, as an earth failure theatened his life; officially he survived and recovered; in truth when he woke up he was dead, forever cursed as yet another lich.

Current Sketches
The chronichles says that Firan Zal'honan serves as Azal'lan of the Darkonese Hegemony from 10 years; in truth, he is serving as such since 50 years,but he is the only one to know that detail, at least in Darkon, with one exception, an annoying wandering scholar named Archibald Everlast; in his youth, in the name of his revolution, he frequented a lot of powerfull arcanists all around the Core, and he performed several questionable actions; he has realized that his transformation in a Lich was not only due to the rituals he put in motions to preserve his waning health but was due also to the intervention of the misteryous mystical emanation called the Mists. He discovered that the Mists bound him with Darkon, giving him several unique powers; Every nation, his study demonstrated have a similar bound individual; not only but every such ruler had a foil of some kind; he christened the bound individuals Darklords and theyr foils Lightlords; the balance of power beetwen the two shifts contnuosly; he has correctly guessed that Irik is now his personal foil, and he has also understood that the powers the two Lords have came with a price; he was not correct in guessing that his own curse was his inability to sway Irik back to his side. Getting Irik back, control the power of the Mists, shape Darkon in a perfect working machine where everyting is taken in consideration, and anyone works for the common good and to make new great arcane discoveries; these are his goals. In spite all of his planning in 50 years of ruling he has not achieved anything of that, yet.

Azalin Rex prefer to use his endless minions and underlyng instead then get his hands dirty, if he really needs to intevenet he try to incapacitate his enemies in the faster possible way.

Special Abilities:

Modify Memory: (DC Will 31 to negate for 24 hours ). He has access to books which contains the memory of any citizen of Darkon, he can alter them with a trait of his pen; he usually order his scribe to do that for him; he uses this method to re-educate any criminal (or dangerous free thinker)

Curse of the Dark Lord:
Any time Firan take times to research the arcane arts (discover or learn new spells, develop new rituals, create and craft new magical items or construct) a crisis arise and he must once again choose; what he loves or his iron-clad order, He always choose to enforce his tiranny.

If he dies his soul goes to reside in his philatterium, a very heavy and big thing in the deep of Castle Avernus. In a month he can regenerate his body. If his philatterium was ever to be destroyed he could die as every mortal being.

Castle Avernus is the seat of power of the Darkonese Hegemony governement and is the place where the Azal'lan performs his most morally questionable actions; the Castle is a Rank 4 sinkhole of evil which can bestow the Amnesy, Awe, Fear and Stunned condition.

Closing Borders:
If Azalin Rex wish to close Darkon's borders whoever tries to cross forgets the reason if they fail a DC 31 will save every round for a minute; only mindless creature are immune. He can close the borders up to 1 year.

Here the missing part.
Last edited by Mistmaster on Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by KingCorn »

Alright. I does take great pains to show that Darkon is a land not just of undeath but also were any race can be accepted, functioning as an attempt at a meritocracy, hampered both by the culture of backstabbing and intrigue on which the nation was built as well as Azalin's growing paranoia.
I also like how it has painted Azalin's failings being more akin to a fallen hero, at least in comparison, what with Vecna himself founding the nation.
Does this Azalin have a rivalry with strahd?
Evil Genius
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

Yes; Azalin did meet Sthrad, when Azalin was still a mortal; The Vampire monarch exchanged knowledge with the scholar-revolutionary. My inspiration for Azalin are Peter the Great and Stalin.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mischief »

Mistmaster wrote:A common trait of Darkonese people is a certain degree of tolerance for undeath and magic; Mindless undead are seen as usefull tools, while intelligent undead are respected yet feared;
If necromancy is an easy labor source, how does society and the law decide whose bodies are fair game? Are there ever "anti-necromancy" rebellions sort of like how real-life workers protested against automation (and slave-owning) during the industrial revolution?
Mistmaster wrote:fierce opposition from Lamordic Barbarians
I have this funny image of these barbarian hordes sitting down to argue with one another about the math of their reserves and supplies and percent chances of victory.
Mistmaster wrote:fierce opposition from Lamordic Barbarians and the concentration of powerfull creatures, like Dragons and Giants, in the mountains and vales.
I too am a little weirded out by Darkon being smashed up against Lamordia so I have put a wintery land of trolls, giants, ogres, and goblins between them. I haven't labeled it on my map, but it's there.
Mistmaster wrote:Places of Interest:
Correct me if I am wrong but your map of Darkon uses the canon layout but bigger and more populous? It wouldn't take much tweaking to add some tech and make your Darkon into Shadowrun.

Interesting choice on making Darkon into lichland and stuffing Vecna in there. I can see the parallel between Kas and Vecna and Strahd and Azalin. I don't really like Vecna at all in my Ravenloft - too epic level, so I have sliced him out of my telling.

I still despise those Darkon city names ("Desolatus", "Despondia", etc. Heck, I even kinda hate "Darkon"). I fixed them in one thread to Furnia, Rubria, Tarpeia, and Vatinia.
It's not in my main notes but the four satellite towns, Il Aluk, and Avernus are tied to the six elemental combinations.

Fire + Earth = Magma. Rubria, a wine-producing town where grapes grow well in the volcanic soil.
Earth + Air = Cliffs. Tarpeia, a town built on steep elevation. Famous Darkonese execution grounds are here. You get tossed off a cliff.
Earth + Water = Marshes. Furnia, built atop the inland marshes. Parts of the town very slowly sink, so newer building are constructed atop the older ones. This has created an underground maze of lost streets and basements.
Fire + Air = Smoke. Vatinia, where the smog-making ore-refinement industry has been forced away from Il Aluk.
Water + Air = Fog. Il Aluk, the riverside city where it can be misty all day.
Fire + Water = Volcanic springs. Avernus is built over an extinct volcano and draws from its natural geothermal springs for nice baths and to power contraptions like moving bridges.
Mistmaster wrote:Gods
There is a lot of stuff going on there, it is a bit hard to follow.
Mistmaster wrote:Irik
Your Irik sounds pretty powerful. An Outsider, with a reality wrinkle I presume? Yikes! Is there some sort of link between Irik and Erlik? Are they same guy?

That's going to be a really interesting contrast when I release my Irik sometime in the next couple months. At the current stage, I have peeled off most of his combat features in favor of him being a powerful social manipulator with a little bit of spellcasting who occasionally turns Castle Avernus upside-down because that's just how ghosts are, especially ghosts who are stuck living with dads as awful as Azalin.
Mistmaster wrote:Rhisiard Krane/Nightcrasher
(Human Youth Vigilante 14)
An irrelevant little boy during day time, he became a massive adult in a red and black suit and fights crime and monsters in Il Aluk, during nigh-time. His secret might or might not be known by the KargATS. His father was a known critic of the Agency, and was found dead in mysterious circumstances; Rhisiard strives to uncover the truth using his mysterious powers.
A superhero! So who are the super villains?
Mistmaster wrote: Aldea Mirana
(Old Gnome Necromancer Wizard 14, L/E)
Aldea is the Head of Necromancer Department at the Vecna I Arcane Arts school. She is also active in politics, she is the principal sponsor of the Undead Research Regulations, which trains necromancers who abide by the rules;

Unwald Rotternail
(Adult Gnome Abjurer Wizard 12 N/G)
Unwald, the Head of Abjuration Department at Vecna I Arcane Arts School. is a devout believer in Segojan Earthcaller, and a standing follower of the Eternal Order he is a firm rival both academically and politically of Professor Mirana. He keeps their rivalry a civil matter thought.

Latimus Rienis
(Old Wizard Universalist 14, N)
Professor Rienis is the Deputy Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School of Il Aluk; he is also the head of the Department of Universalism, and a renowned scholar. He is very helpful towards the students and his colleagues.

August Montalva
(Venerable Lich Wizard Necromancer 15 L/E)
The Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School.
I'm really sorry but all I can think of is putting Hogwarts in Ravenloft and imagining how insane a domain that would be. A domain that is a magical school that kidnaps special children? Maybe you can escape when school goes on holiday, but the mists will grab you back when session returns. Can someone brainstorm on this?
Mistmaster wrote:Chief-Conestable Lowellyn Dachine
(Adult Human Negative-touched Inquisitor Heretic 10 L/E)
This law abiding and incorruptible officer was once an enforcer of the Eternal Order, than he became a disciple of Death/Elrik; he is as faithful and loyal to his duties as he is to his deity. He maintains the rule of law with an iron hand.
Mistmaster wrote: Her only known weakness is tea. She buys great quantity of various kind of teas...
I sympathize with this character.

I like how you have a bunch of warriors and survivors of the Falkovnian campaigns. In the canon it sometimes feels like the scars of the Dead Man's Wars conflict are borne entirely on the Falkovnians.
Mistmaster wrote:Azalin Statblock 3/3.5e Number Salad
Pre-4e is physically painful to look at. It takes me too darn long to decode what the salient combat traits are. Good for you Mistmaster, because Azalin was a PITA for 5e which has fewer moving parts (although I wildly over-complicated him).
Also I am super happy 5e freed wizards from familiars, needing a zillion magic items, and headbands that would make a Japanese RPG hero jealous. I truly love the freedom of being able to give NPCs any number of spell slots or attacks and not having to justify it with magic baggage, as long as it is balanced and feels fair in play.
Mistmaster wrote:19,000 gp worth of wands (mostly for Imp familiar to use) ... Lots of scrolls
Azalin's gonna need some magic pockets in those arch-magi robes.
Mistmaster wrote:Background
So you have made him a Ravenloft native which removes his interest in escaping. Strahd is also out of the picture. And I don't see any hard restriction on his magic-learning abilities (he is just driven to distraction). That's a fairly significant change to Azalin. So you want the core of his curse to be a desire for total control and order, and failure to convince his son. To be honest, I think this curse is a bit light on Azalin. He needs to suffer more.
Also, I feel like you didn't go into enough about how he and his son are fighting out their differences. What is the conflict in Darkon that makes it dreadful, besides Azalin being too controlling?
Mistmaster wrote:Closing Borders: If Azalin Rex wish to close Darkon's borders whoever tries to cross forgets the reason.
I like this a lot. This is more original-flavor Azalin than siccing undead on people IMO.


I notice there is no mention of the Van Richtens or their estate. Were they moved to Mordent? Or did you just not want to include them at this stage?

You removed the Requiem, but did your Azalin ever run his "clone himself and harvest the brains of his children for their spell knowledge" project? Is Lowellyn a clone? Is S- anywhere?
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

If necromancy is an easy labor source, how does society and the law decide whose bodies are fair game? Are there ever "anti-necromancy" rebellions sort of like how real-life workers protested against automation (and slave-owning) during the industrial revolution?
Yes there are; Exist a law which estabilish that a body belong to the state if not explicity disposed in a different way via will by the owner; every citizen can expliciry deny his body to necromantic animation, whith exception for convicted died in imprisonement, and the possibility to animate every corpse during military emergency. Those corpse need to be killed again as soon the threat to Darkon is over thought.

I have this funny image of these barbarian hordes sitting down to argue with one another about the math of their reserves and supplies and percent chances of victory. Eh. eh, they were less refined back there, the monasteries and the illumination had still to come.
I too am a little weirded out by Darkon being smashed up against Lamordia so I have put a wintery land of trolls, giants, ogres, and goblins between them. I haven't labeled it on my map, but it's there.
Lamordia still borders Darkon, but once there was a Lamordian Empire including nowadays Falkovnia, Tepest and other nations.
Places of Interest:
Correct me if I am wrong but your map of Darkon uses the canon layout but bigger and more populous? It wouldn't take much tweaking to add some tech and make your Darkon into Shadowrun.[/quote] Yes, interesting concept.
Interesting choice on making Darkon into lichland and stuffing Vecna in there. I can see the parallel between Kas and Vecna and Strahd and Azalin. I don't really like Vecna at all in my Ravenloft - too epic level, so I have sliced him out of my telling.
Well, I didn't put Vecna there per se, but his origins seemed just perfect for the first Lich-Emperor of my Darkon; beside this justifies the existence of the Church of Vecna in the Mistworld.
I still despise those Darkon city names ("Desolatus", "Despondia", etc. Heck, I even kinda hate "Darkon"). I fixed them in one thread to Furnia, Rubria, Tarpeia, and Vatinia.
I lept them but I did explain why they were given in first place;
It's not in my main notes but the four satellite towns, Il Aluk, and Avernus are tied to the six elemental combinations.
Fire + Earth = Magma. Rubria, a wine-producing town where grapes grow well in the volcanic soil.
Earth + Air = Cliffs. Tarpeia, a town built on steep elevation. Famous Darkonese execution grounds are here. You get tossed off a cliff.
Earth + Water = Marshes. Furnia, built atop the inland marshes. Parts of the town very slowly sink, so newer building are constructed atop the older ones. This has created an underground maze of lost streets and basements.
Fire + Air = Smoke. Vatinia, where the smog-making ore-refinement industry has been forced away from Il Aluk.
Water + Air = Fog. Il Aluk, the riverside city where it can be misty all day.
Fire + Water = Volcanic springs. Avernus is built over an extinct volcano and draws from its natural geothermal springs for nice baths and to power contraptions like moving bridges.
Really interesting.
Gods: There is a lot of stuff going on there, it is a bit hard to follow.
Indeed, but it was necessary to detail at least the bare minimum of the deities of the various non-human races; Darkon is the only domain which have the population of such minorities big enought to justify it.

Your Irik sounds pretty powerful. An Outsider, with a reality wrinkle I presume? Yikes! Is there some sort of link between Irik and Erlik? Are they same guy?
That's going to be a really interesting contrast when I release my Irik sometime in the next couple months. At the current stage, I have peeled off most of his combat features in favor of him being a powerful social manipulator with a little bit of spellcasting who occasionally turns Castle Avernus upside-down because that's just how ghosts are, especially ghosts who are stuck living with dads as awful as Azalin.
Irik is a Positve Energy Elemental; he is specialized in allowing Undead eternal rest.
Rhisiard Krane/Nightcrasher
A superhero! So who are the super villains?
The Karg Agents of Trouble Solving, of course;
Mistmaster wrote: Aldea Mirana
(Old Gnome Necromancer Wizard 14, L/E)
Aldea is the Head of Necromancer Department at the Vecna I Arcane Arts school. She is also active in politics, she is the principal sponsor of the Undead Research Regulations, which trains necromancers who abide by the rules;

Unwald Rotternail
(Adult Gnome Abjurer Wizard 12 N/G)
Unwald, the Head of Abjuration Department at Vecna I Arcane Arts School. is a devout believer in Segojan Earthcaller, and a standing follower of the Eternal Order he is a firm rival both academically and politically of Professor Mirana. He keeps their rivalry a civil matter thought.

Latimus Rienis
(Old Wizard Universalist 14, N)
Professor Rienis is the Deputy Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School of Il Aluk; he is also the head of the Department of Universalism, and a renowned scholar. He is very helpful towards the students and his colleagues.

August Montalva
(Venerable Lich Wizard Necromancer 15 L/E)
The Headmaster of the Vecna I Arcane Arts School.
I'm really sorry but all I can think of is putting Hogwarts in Ravenloft and imagining how insane a domain that would be. A domain that is a magical school that kidnaps special children? Maybe you can escape when school goes on holiday, but the mists will grab you back when session returns. Can someone brainstorm on this?
He He, Montalva is kind of an evil undead Dumbledore, in my portrait. That would be an interesting idea.
Mistmaster wrote:Chief-Conestable Lowellyn Dachine
(Adult Human Negative-touched Inquisitor Heretic 10 L/E)
This law abiding and incorruptible officer was once an enforcer of the Eternal Order, than he became a disciple of Death/Elrik; he is as faithful and loyal to his duties as he is to his deity. He maintains the rule of law with an iron hand.
Actually I would say not yet promoted.
Mistmaster wrote: Her only known weakness is tea. She buys great quantity of various kind of teas...
I sympathize with this character.
I'm a tea lover too.
I like how you have a bunch of warriors and survivors of the Falkovnian campaigns. In the canon it sometimes feels like the scars of the Dead Man's Wars conflict are borne entirely on the Falkovnians.
Indeed, I took great pain to flesh out a true History of the Misty Realms, The equvalent of World War I of the Core couldn't be fogotten or downplayed.
Mistmaster wrote:Azalin Statblock 3/3.5e Number Salad
Pre-4e is physically painful to look at. It takes me too darn long to decode what the salient combat traits are. Good for you Mistmaster, because Azalin was a PITA for 5e which has fewer moving parts (although I wildly over-complicated him).
Also I am super happy 5e freed wizards from familiars, needing a zillion magic items, and headbands that would make a Japanese RPG hero jealous. I truly love the freedom of being able to give NPCs any number of spell slots or attacks and not having to justify it with magic baggage, as long as it is balanced and feels fair in play.
I actually use Pathfinder rules they works nicely to me. Familiars are funny to play thought; I toyed with the idea of imposing good aligned familiars to evil spellcasters, and I still could do it, but, exactly like my good PC and NPC can circumvent Dread Companions with a feat, I suppose Azalin found a way to circumvent it too;
19,000 gp worth of wands (mostly for Imp familiar to use) ... Lots of scrolls
Azalin's gonna need some magic pockets in those arch-magi robes.
He does.
Mistmaster wrote:Background
So you have made him a Ravenloft native which removes his interest in escaping. Strahd is also out of the picture. And I don't see any hard restriction on his magic-learning abilities (he is just driven to distraction,). That's a fairly significant change to Azalin. So you want the core of his curse to be a desire for total control and order, and failure to convince his son. To be honest, I think this curse is a bit light on Azalin. He needs to suffer more.
Also, I feel like you didn't go into enough about how he and his son are fighting out their differences. What is the conflict in Darkon that makes it dreadful, besides Azalin being too controlling?
He still has a desire to controll the Mist which substitutes his desire to escape; and he has a fierce rivalry but not with Strahd, but with Archibald Everlast; Also, do not forget that he really loath to loose control so, anytime he needs to choose beetween to learn a new spell, or to invent a new magic item, or such and allow order to fade, he will 99% of time choose the latter; it does impede his magical researcher abilities; Irik wants to save his father soul, and Azalin wants his son back to his side; neither is going to bulge and theyr conflicting goals will lead Irik to cause mayhem with his Positive Energy based powers and Azalin retaliate with is elaborated schemes.
Mistmaster wrote:Closing Borders: If Azalin Rex wish to close Darkon's borders whoever tries to cross forgets the reason.It's not in my main notes but the four satellite towns, Il Aluk, and Avernus are tied to the six elemental combinations. I like this a lot. This is more original-flavor Azalin than siccing undead on people IMO.

I notice there is no mention of the Van Richtens or their estate. Were they moved to Mordent? Or did you just not want to include them at this stage?
Yes the Van Richtens were moved in Mordent.
You removed the Requiem, but did your Azalin ever run his "clone himself and harvest the brains of his children for their spell knowledge" project? Is Lowellyn a clone? Is S- anywhere?
Those are informations I will disclose in the QtR version of this article I mean to submit; but I can anticipate that Azalin is interested in clonation, notquite for himself, but to give a body back to Irik.
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by DeepShadow of FoS »

Mistmaster wrote:Official Name : The Darkonese Egemony
Egemony? is this like hegemony? It's an interesting take, but I fear that you're sacrificing the original word by giving it a new definition. Regardless of the size and power of a hegemony, that should never be the name of the nation or the word loses all meaning. Unless you're saying there's actually no formal government...? *checks notes* no, you're not saying that...
The vast Darkonian Egemony
That's gonna get old fast...
Vuchar River, the longest river in the Core (It is born in Lamordia, in the Rigor Lake)
Wait, you changed the course of the river? Why? What does the name "Nevuchar" mean if not the source of the Vuchar? Wait, what about all the tributaries? They all have their own headwaters...this makes no sense.
The Vuchar is navigable for all it's Darkonese course, and it is the main trade route of the Egemony
Okay, makes sense; I guess you got rid of Il Aluk?
and rade forrest signale the passage in the

The misspellings make it hard to read, and it gets harder when you don't finish a sentence.
The Curse of Fear: People would embrace his tenants to avoid the judgement, turning soon in the restless undead.
Okay, the pantheon thing was interesting, but this third curse makes no sense.
Dwarves immigrates in the Mountains of Misery from the Land of Bluetspur fleeing from the the underground menace of the Illithid.
Interesting. Possible connection to the Ildi'Thaan?
The Wizard King Vecna I creates a vast empire unifying the lands of nowady Darkon,
Okay, interesting. Possible connection to the Burning Peaks, or is this just false history?
leaving the throne for the taking to a long succesion of ambitious liches,
Okay, again, is this false history? Do you have false history?
The overthrowning of Vecna XVI lead by Azal'lan Firan Zalhoan, together with the last public execution in the history of Darkon, with Prince Irik executed by his own father on ground of treason, marks the end of the Empire of Darkon, and the beginning of the Darkonese Egemony.
So, you combined them both together, huh? What was the purpose of that--making Irik's death a matter of public record?
Il Aluk is the biggest and most advanced city in the Core proper
Okay, so I guess you have someplace else as the Necropolis.

Looking over the rest, I can generally say I'm not a fan of the place names:
Sated Hill Giant
the Manticore Head
The Azal'lan's Rest
the Black Goat
the Wellcoming Den
Laughting Skull Inn

But I like your ideas for NPC's:
friendly Ogre named Carl Bonecrusher, N/G Fighter 5)
Morris Blake (Human Thief 10 L/E) is an agent of the Kargat
Karlon Daanviers (Human Werelion Ranger 4 C/G)
Karl Dustybreechs (C/G Rogue 6) a former smuggler
Forfarian Halfling merchant called Gordek Goldenhand (Actually, a Forfarian Goblin in disguise, Goblin Wizard 7 L/N)
This city armonize perfectly the environmental necessities of the national park it resides in
Frankly, this sentence is a microcosm of why your stuff is hard to parse. I can't speak for anyone else, but you asked for feedback, and when you use this many words to say so little, and include a misspelling that causes the brain to trip, it causes me to gloss over it without processing it.
Vuchargate has been uncorrectly named Nevuchar Springs or Vuchar Springs until the deposition of the last Undead Tyrant (who wanted to impose the idea that the Vuchar was born in his land)
Okay, so you changed the name...but how can the river be born in Lamordia?! Did you change the location of Lamordia? Is it now on the Eastern side of the Core? If not, are you really having the river flow backwards? How? Why? How? This all just seems like complication for the sake of complexity.
The most renowned inn, the Tower, has an owner which is in attraction per se, a ghost named Trillen Mistwalker.
Oh, so Trillen has been outed as a ghost...but he's publicly accepted as such and allowed to own property? I would like to know more about this, and about your other NPC's.
temple of Vecna, the Cradle of Whispers, on the presumed birthplace of Vecna
This sounds very interesting
KargATS (Karg Agency of Trouble Solving), sometime mispelled Kargat
This sounds like a Bullwinkle comedy skit. Please, please tell me this is a joke.
(and its agents, also called KargATS, are mispelled as Kargatane)
Wait, the Kargat and Kargatane are the same group? Why?
awakened Automaton named Raynard Tincan (Awakened Automaton Bard 7, C/G).
Okay, I suppose if you have awakened constructs owning property, you can have ghosts, but it begs the question, is there really any xenophobia left in Darkon? Is xenophobia not something you want in the setting, ever?
Erlik the Reaper is an offshot cult of the Eternal Order
Why, if he came first?
Ezra the Avenger, is the aspect of Ezra venerated by the L/E sect in Darkon; This Church teaches that the world is a batterfield, with civilized being on one side and monsters on the other; everyone need to choose a side, the one who is not a friend is an enemy, and you can't have mercy for the enemy
It's always nice to see variations on the dark side of religion that don't go straight to the inquisition.

For the rest of this...yeah, that sure is a lot of gods. I'll consider this if I want to get more into theology.
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The Orphan Queen must take the throne
The Queen of Orphans calls them home
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

First of all thanks for your feedback.
Second I'm sorry for my writing but English isn't my mother language, and I'm Italian; my line construction is heavily conditioned by this factor. If you had typos, disaster is in the air, I'l try and fix them.
In regard of your considerations:
The official name is Darkonese Hegemony.
I changed the flow of the river Vuchar because his canon course is impossible as Lamordia is on highter grounds than the majority of Darkon. And Lamordia is on the West while Vuchar Gate is on the East as in Canon.
I don't use false history at all.
Darkon is the jure a meritocracy so no use for xenophoby, here.
Glad you liked the NPCs.
The Third Curse of Erlik/Death, the Curse of Fear, states that Fear of Death shall be mortal beings faithfull companions, and many will turn to undeath to escape death so damning themselves to his service.
The meaning of KargATS is not a joke, and is meant to sound funny and ridiculous; Under Vecna XVI, it used to mean Karg Agency of Terror and Sorrow; the new name is meant to give a more reassuring image of the organisation.
The Cult of Erlik was never popular in Darkon before the rise of the Empire; The Eternal Order was born as counterbalance of sort for the Cult of Vecna; Thus the Cult of Erlik as a separated religion in Darkonos is younger. Actually is the Cult of Darkonos the most ancient religion in Darkon.
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by The Lesser Evil »

I looked over it, and here's a few comments.

General Comments

Greatest Strength
Looking over this, the biggest thing I liked was how you expanded the historical elements to give Darkon an actual history, one with the span of years to be an actual place. Coupling Vecna with Darkon as a foil/parallel to Azalin seems quite natural. Vecna's disappearance with Cavitius allows for any sort of ominous plots later on down the line, and the various different lich kings allows for a number of insidious villains from the past in a pinch. It's obvious you've spent a lot of time putting everything together.

Biggest Thing to Improve Upon
The biggest challenge I faced when going over this was organizing all the information, specifically in the Famed and Infamous and especially the Places of Interest. There's so much information packed in there that I found it hard to sort them all before everything just ran together. Using headings and subheadings to group the NPCs and locations would probably help immensely (like say, by geographical region, etc.) Also in the Places of Interest, it might be helpful to use lines in between your paragraphs and/or break down some of the larger ones.

Section specific comments:

Several questions here:

1) When you said that Darkanos "awakened" those other gods, what did you mean? Were they sleeping for some reason, like they were leftovers from a previous universe?

2) How did the line of ambitious liches encourage migration from Mordent and Zherisia? Was there some kind of paid incentive? Did the need for building construction and other infrastructure bring economic development the immigrants were eager to be a part of?

3) What does the change between the Empire of Darkon and the Darkonian Hegemony mean in practice? What changes did the people in their lives? Or did they not see any, given the nature of the darklord?

Places of Interest
I noticed you didn’t go into a lot of detail in possible locations for adventure sites like haunted houses, old temple ruins, and the like. Adding some here could be useful.

You included a comprehensive selection of nonhuman gods, which is nice. I would like to hear a little bit more about how they specifically relate to your world in future posts. The human gods don’t speak to me much, as I find the new/remixed deities to be fairly generic archetypes (with the exception of Darkanos). This is not to say that they don’t have potential- I would just invite you to further flesh them out in later posts when you have more space for further detail.

This being Pathfinder, you might also consider assigning the deities subdomains.

The Famed and the Infamous
Other than putting in some system of grouping the NPCs, I don’t have too strong feelings either way. There’s a mixed range here of NPCs: generic public figure types, transplants from the campaign setting, and several few delightfully unique NPCs.
Irik is interesting, but I don’t know what his agenda is- does he hunt his father’s undead creations?

I find the KargATS thing mildly off-putting in that it breaks suspension of disbelief in a way that seems too “meta” to the setting I guess. I find something like the Hand who writes might lend itself more to humor due to irony and sort of a biting edge to it. Humor is coming from a context that's more believable within the setting.

The Darklord
So I get the theme of this take on Azalin is the difficulty or impossibility for a man (or even a lich) to serve two masters. That those who fight monsters should be careful they should not become them, or the great dangers of becoming a hypocrite. He tried to rebel against a system that he ended up replicating due to the brutality of his means to his end. Therefore, he lives an existence where in trying to do more than one thing, he does nothing. Is that something of a feel you’re going for?
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Mistmaster »

The Lesser Evil wrote:I looked over it, and here's a few comments.

General Comments

Greatest Strength
Looking over this, the biggest thing I liked was how you expanded the historical elements to give Darkon an actual history, one with the span of years to be an actual place. Coupling Vecna with Darkon as a foil/parallel to Azalin seems quite natural. Vecna's disappearance with Cavitius allows for any sort of ominous plots later on down the line, and the various different lich kings allows for a number of insidious villains from the past in a pinch. It's obvious you've spent a lot of time putting everything together.

Biggest Thing to Improve Upon
The biggest challenge I faced when going over this was organizing all the information, specifically in the Famed and Infamous and especially the Places of Interest. There's so much information packed in there that I found it hard to sort them all before everything just ran together. Using headings and subheadings to group the NPCs and locations would probably help immensely (like say, by geographical region, etc.) Also in the Places of Interest, it might be helpful to use lines in between your paragraphs and/or break down some of the larger ones.

Section specific comments:

Several questions here:

1) When you said that Darkanos "awakened" those other gods, what did you mean? Were they sleeping for some reason, like they were leftovers from a previous universe?

2) How did the line of ambitious liches encourage migration from Mordent and Zherisia? Was there some kind of paid incentive? Did the need for building construction and other infrastructure bring economic development the immigrants were eager to be a part of?

3) What does the change between the Empire of Darkon and the Darkonian Hegemony mean in practice? What changes did the people in their lives? Or did they not see any, given the nature of the darklord?

Places of Interest
I noticed you didn’t go into a lot of detail in possible locations for adventure sites like haunted houses, old temple ruins, and the like. Adding some here could be useful.

You included a comprehensive selection of nonhuman gods, which is nice. I would like to hear a little bit more about how they specifically relate to your world in future posts. The human gods don’t speak to me much, as I find the new/remixed deities to be fairly generic archetypes (with the exception of Darkanos). This is not to say that they don’t have potential- I would just invite you to further flesh them out in later posts when you have more space for further detail.

This being Pathfinder, you might also consider assigning the deities subdomains.

The Famed and the Infamous
Other than putting in some system of grouping the NPCs, I don’t have too strong feelings either way. There’s a mixed range here of NPCs: generic public figure types, transplants from the campaign setting, and several few delightfully unique NPCs.
Irik is interesting, but I don’t know what his agenda is- does he hunt his father’s undead creations?

I find the KargATS thing mildly off-putting in that it breaks suspension of disbelief in a way that seems too “meta” to the setting I guess. I find something like the Hand who writes might lend itself more to humor due to irony and sort of a biting edge to it. Humor is coming from a context that's more believable within the setting.

The Darklord
So I get the theme of this take on Azalin is the difficulty or impossibility for a man (or even a lich) to serve two masters. That those who fight monsters should be careful they should not become them, or the great dangers of becoming a hypocrite. He tried to rebel against a system that he ended up replicating due to the brutality of his means to his end. Therefore, he lives an existence where in trying to do more than one thing, he does nothing. Is that something of a feel you’re going for?
Thanks for your feedback the Lesser Evil;

Let's try to reply to you orderly:
1)Thanks for the compliment;
2) Yes you are right; I'll have to fix that.
3)The Age of Creation tends to be the domain of mithology more then history; the myth which I report in that entry is the more wildly believed in Darkon, and says that the other Gods were aslept; now, one of the few certainity of the Age of Creation is that the gods fought each other, and the Mists stemmed from those fights; stand to reason that this meet talk about a moment Death/Elrik was winning, his peers slumbering and him in control. But, as a mith it is open to interpretation.
4)Some of the Lich-Emperors were fairly competent rulers, and they made theyr Empire prosperous, attracting immigration as any prosperous nations do, and integrating them to strenghen themselves, as any smart nation does. So yes thigs went that way, unspecialized manpower being attracted by the many projects the various emperors started and specialized one being encouraged to move on purpose.
5)It means that a lot changed in theory; on paper, now, every citizen is equal uder the law, and is judjed solely on its actions; There is no more death penalty in Darkon as any citizen will boast, they don't need murder to repel crime; what happens to criminal, well that is a bit murkier, however Darkonese citizen enjoy unprecented rights and freedoms; there are plenty of pacific dissenters in the Hegemony; the fact they often back off theyr position should be proof of how much good the governement is, now shan't it? Propaganda and appearance means a lot for this kind of totalitarian state. So everything changed everything is brighter and lighter; Azalin pulls strings in a much subtler way Vecna XVI used to.
6) No, I did not I would like to leave enought space for every DM to put its own ideas; that said I could add something in the version I will submit for publication to QtR 27.
7) I simply interested in flashing them out as demihuman are important in Darkon; I will surely detail them in other posts.
8 )Yes Irik fight undeath and try to have his father admitting his fault.
9)It is deliberate; the Agency is a usefull tool which needed to be painted in a more friendly way to survive the change of regime;
10) More or less exactly; he fought to overthrow a despot and to create a system based on the rule of law, but he can't think to any law better then his own; he is genuinly convinced that he is foing what he is doing for the graeter good, even if faced constantly with proof of the opposite; his system works only because he regularly fix it and that is a clear proof he is wrong, instead he is convinced he is being sabotaged by the Mistpowers, which is true only partially; no one is actively sabotaging his efforts the curse only takes advantage from the weaknesses of the system he enforced;
Last edited by Mistmaster on Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by ewancummins »


It's a bit silly, but then again Ravenloft has quite the tradition of puns and humorous names, going all the way back to the original module.

And the OP has mentioned a Soviet element.
The over-the top name reminds me of SMERSH, which really existed.

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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by ewancummins »

RE Hegemony

While I agree that hegemony carries a particular sense in English that makes it an odd choice for a single state, I do note that hegemon in Greek means a governor.
https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicon ... gemon.html

So maybe this 'hegemony' is a state ruled by a hegemon. That could be the proper title of the ruler, rather than 'king.'

Or maybe Azalin is indeed King of Il Aluk, but he is also the ruler of the hegemony/federal gov't.

States can have misleading names. This version of Darkon is a federal meritocracy on paper but operates like an absolute monarchy. I think it's okay to mention the USSR, given that the OP referenced it as an inspiration. The soviets (councils of workers, soldiers, etc) did not govern the USSR in the way the name 'Soviet' suggested, but it was instead controlled by an oligarchy of Party officials or operated as a dictatorship (under Stalin).
'Hegemony' rather than 'empire' might have been used to falsely suggest that Azalin is merely a first-among-equals. It also sounds a bit like union, alliance, confederacy, etc, which fits the de jure 'federal meritocracy' of the OP.
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Wolfglide of the Fraternity
Evil Genius
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Re: Darkon (The Land of Wonders and Tyranny)

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

As I understand it, hegemon can also refer to the dominant state of a hegemony: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hegemony
It looks like the creators of Star Trek were willing to refer to two alien governments (the Gorn Hegemony and the Kzinti Hegemony) this way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorn

Coincidentally, I have been doing a bit of idle world-building, and in the process there is a state I have been referring to as a hegemon, even going so far as to include it in the official name of the realm. This discussion has made me question that decision, so I may decapitalize the word and use it as a descriptor of the nation's political position among its neighbors.
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