Maps of my Custom Core

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Remy the Wererat
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Maps of my Custom Core

Post by Remy the Wererat »

Alternate Map of the Core


Terrain Map

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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by brothersale »

Cool map, i see some names that i recoginise, but others appear to be original. Do you have any details on them?
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by alhoon »

Honestly, the map is a bit hard to read.
Could you please make one that has only the domain names so we could see them, instead of the one that has so much info on it?
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by Remy the Wererat »

alhoon wrote:Honestly, the map is a bit hard to read.
Could you please make one that has only the domain names so we could see them, instead of the one that has so much info on it?
For sure! Hopefully this one is a little easier on the eyes.
brothersale wrote:Cool map, i see some names that i recoginise, but others appear to be original. Do you have any details on them?
Some more than others, but yes I have a basic idea of each of the new domains. A lot of them were inspired by lists or brainstorming I've read while perusing on here or the web. ... t-setting/

This list helped to inspire a lot of the new ones, such as Neureni, emerging as a steppe inhabited by nomadic clans native to the plane Barovia was taken from. My idea was that they were a group wiped out during the conquest of Barovia itself, either by Strahd or a conquest of his father's. Those who consider themselves of Neureni blood consider the Zarovich line to be a wicked & tainted one, holding old grudges tightly while they hold fond memories of the Barovian countryside they claim as their ancestral birthright.
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by alhoon »

Yes, this map seems much better. Interesting take. I have to admit that.
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The Lesser Evil
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by The Lesser Evil »

I looked at the 25 mb version, and I have to admit I admire the detail. In addition to the inclusion of the noncanon domains, many of which you fleshed out from whole cloth based upon brief darklord blurbs, you included a lot of obscure spots in the canon domains, like Malanuv, Virinthe, and others in Darkon. I'm curious in how you redefined some of the interdomain relationships/power dynamics. For example, what has replaced the Treaty of Four Towers in diplomacy against Falkovnia? And does Borca still share that link to Barovia with the Dilisnyas and (false) history?

I can recognize or guess most of the sources for the noncanon domains, but a few elude me. I don't recognize any of the following, so I'm curious about them: Agatha, Boroklahdny, Cecropia, Corcyra, Drydalis, Ibiswood, Kaarme, Lancaster, Nortenmark, Setsona.
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by Remy the Wererat »

The Lesser Evil wrote:I looked at the 25 mb version, and I have to admit I admire the detail. In addition to the inclusion of the noncanon domains, many of which you fleshed out from whole cloth based upon brief darklord blurbs, you included a lot of obscure spots in the canon domains, like Malanuv, Virinthe, and others in Darkon. I'm curious in how you redefined some of the interdomain relationships/power dynamics. For example, what has replaced the Treaty of Four Towers in diplomacy against Falkovnia? And does Borca still share that link to Barovia with the Dilisnyas and (false) history?

I can recognize or guess most of the sources for the noncanon domains, but a few elude me. I don't recognize any of the following, so I'm curious about them: Agatha, Boroklahdny, Cecropia, Corcyra, Drydalis, Ibiswood, Kaarme, Lancaster, Nortenmark, Setsona.

Hey! Thanks for checking them out :D

One of my biggest motivations for making an alternate map was to play with the potential relationships between domains. In the original Ravenloft lore, one of my favorite domain interactions were between the Werepanther secret police of Valachan, the Sithican Armies of Azrael Dak, & the packs of werewolf patrols of Verbrek.

As of now, I'm mostly using the official lore with some revisions/edits that I liked from reading online, (like one pertaining to a populist rebellion fueled by mysterious merchants bringing gunpowder from the mists that I would link if I could find for you :| .) A main difference I've introduced was another conjunction type event, this time adding new lands while rearranging the older ones. Valachan for example, finds itself amongst the enlightened renaissance domains, desperate to fit within the surrounding nobility & high society. Baron Urik Von Kharkov is one noble especially enamored with his new surroundings, infatuated with proving his own status through elaborate gatherings & other eclectic affairs.

I'm still somewhat undecided about the state of the Treaty of Four Towers, seeing as in this timeline, Falkovnia ceases to be the breadbasket of the core. The new & sudden change of climate to the north forced the society to focus on the development of their infrastructure as opposed to outward aggression. Except for Verbrek, who is currently being subjected to a slow military takeover as the Falkovnian government has deemed them a suitable target for expansion. Their main form of resistance is from the werewolf packs of Verbrek, who aren't too keen on Vlad Drakov's invasion of their woods & hunting grounds. A lot of rumors say that the Falkovnian military has actually managed to capture several werewolves, attempting to use them to create super soldiers. Speaking of Drakov, this period of peace, societal advancement & lack of enemies to march upon is almost a state of torture for him with citizens starting to revere him as an architect & competent ruler instead of the fearsome, iron-fisted despot. Since I'm planning on having the current date about 50 years after the most recent conjunction event, I could see the treaty dissolving through a lack of immediate threat. The older generations who signed it have aged, allowing a newer generation unbeknownst to the atrocities & ferocity attributed to the old Falkovnian military to decide their future, believing many of the tales as exaggerations of past generations.

Borca still shares much of it's shared history with Barovia, but it's involvement in the Treaty would probably have been the first to dissapear, becoming engrossed in the quiet conflict of Darkon & Nova Vaasa attempting to absorb the newfound rural & forest domains of Agatha & Cecropia. Many merchant nobles hire out personal armies & mercenaries for any potential skirmishes or matters involving persuasion, usually with mayors & heads of towns. They rarely have any loyalty to these parties however, its very common for a force of troops or mercs to be in the employ of a lord from Nova Vaasa & a patron from Darkon.

& for the non-cannon domains you inquired about, I'll give my best hand at a quick description of each! ... t-setting/
(A lot of the non-cannon domains were inspired by entries on this list.)

Agatha is a heavily forested domain, very backwoods with a slight German influence. Within the domain there's a growing movement fueled by fear & suspicion of the supernatural. Just like the Inquisition of Tepest, they seek to burn the roots of evil & sorcery within their pure forests. "The people of this small domain burn every woman at the stake on her 40th birthday. Most women go willingly though tearfully to the stake, knowing that every day past this age the chances are growing for them to transform into monstrous hags and devour their beloved ones. The source of this curse is the spectral hag lord of the domain, who was burned at the stake herself, and only by destroying her can the curse be lifted."

Cecropia is another heavily forested domain, possibly from the same plane as Agatha, seeing as they both share the same language & culture for the most part. A lot of the paranoia enveloping Agatha is fueled by their odd neighbor. "Shadowy figures with wings and burning eyes, strange lights in the skies, haunting whispers in the heads, weird sounds coming from nowhere, crop circles, memory loses, time behaving strangely, second moon appearing, unnerving dreams on disaster, odd patterns of weather and animal behavior, mementos from the past reappearing, madness, bizarre behavior, laws of nature lapse - all of those eerie phenomena and more haunt the rural, Twilight-Zoned domain in the shadow of the mothman. The domain is actually locked in a time loop of 3 months and then destroyed by some calamity and restarted again. Nothing is known on the enigmatic mothman, and whether he is trying to stop the disasters or initiate them." (Still undecided what direction I want to take with the motivations of the "mothman." When I read it it reminded me of the giant moth demon flying around Barovia.)

Corcyra is a tiny domain made up of high mountains with breathtaking views, beautiful sunsets & nights full of stars. Many artists, poets, & thinkers make their way here to absorb the beauty of the domain. But unbeknownst to many, some whisper about a fountain of youth deep within the mountains. Almost none return from the mountains once they delve deep enough within.

Dryadalis is a forested coastal domain bordering the red woods of Sithicus. On their home plane, the land now known as Dryadalis was within an elven nation of a different name. At one point "there was a supremacist elven king who led a genocidal campaign against all other races, seeing them as inferior and impure. His plans backfired, resulting at the destruction of his kind. Now he is a skeleton warrior with long white hair and ornate armor, sitting on his throne among the ruins of his once magnificent city, his sword which turns flesh into dust in his hands. Surrounded only by ghosts and skeletons, he is fully aware that the other races thrive while he belongs to history - but still dreaming that his time will come...." The skeletal lord of Dryadalis plans on making the elves of Sithicus into denizens of his undead empire, preying on those too close to his borders or sending elven skeletons to steal the corpses of deceased elves. Not all elves resist or fear his ambitions. Some even worship him, suspecting he is the Black Rose incarnate.

Ibiswood is quite literally a forest devoid of any type of settlement. I wanted to have a domain comprised of a forest with the same amount of legend & mystery attributed to it as the Svalich Wood or Forest of Shadows. "There are legends of a owl-headed wizard who terrorizes this forested domain, helped by his daughter Odil, owls, owlbears and giant ravens. He has affinity for birds and polymorph magics, and among the rest has turned the local princess and her maidens into swans, who can assume their true shape only at night. Many princes tried to save her but failed. He also cursed a beautiful woman to change into a hawk every sunrise, and her lover to change into a wolf every sunset, so that they'll never meet as humans. Rothbart hates humanity and takes pleasure from causing misery and suffering." This one seems more fantastical than some others, with the inclusion of owlbears & an owl-headed wizard. I don't mind that kind of shift though, seeing as my Ravenloft has a lot of elements of dark fantasy instead of just solely gothic horror.

Karme as of now is a Lamordian colony (Portwych), serving as grounds to examine & explore the elven west & the bizarre lands to the south. The current darklord is the "Veiled Mistress", a medusa witch common in local folklore & children's tales as a figure of terror. I haven't fleshed this domain out as much yet, but I had themes of isolation in mind.

Lancaster is a sprawling but dying medieval French kingdom, sharing the culture & even language of real France (similar to Odiare speaking Italian). Sprawling spires can be seen from Kartakass across the Luna Bay, resulting in a beautiful sight. "The rightful heir to the throne, he was thrown away to the sewers as a child due to his deformities, while his good-looking brother inherited the kingdom. Growing in the company of rats, the Rat King - now a truly twisted, three-headed giant rat-thing - returned with a revenge and an army of disease-infected rats. Now he rules his plague ridden, debris filled kingdom from his crumbling castle, never seen in public. His domain reflects Europe during the Black Death, when fear and superstition ruled, and vile magic and twisted creatures abounded." Fading, dying kingdom + a meddlesome population of rat-weres? Sounds like a good time to me!

Nortenmark is essentially the named territory of Falkovnia's northern expansion & exploration into the new, frigid, & unforgiving north. It actually falls under the domain of Taitachak, "a Lovecraftian-arctic domain of black ice, polar bears, wild native tribes, ancient temples buried under the ice, yetis, orcas, winter wolfs and ancient horrors. In the heart of the domain Taitachak is trapped in the ice, an ancient xixecal who brought an ice age to his world and wishes to expand it further. His evil thoughts and dreams affects the domain and its denizens." With Falkovnia's newfound interest in science (mostly researched by Lamordian minds, sponsored by Falkovnian capitol), it's only a matter of time until they come upon something they never should have meddled with or encountered in the first place.

Setsona is a domain of masquerades & treachery. "In this large, colorful Venetian-styled city, everyone wears masks of all types at all times; being seen publically without a mask is outlawed and considered utterly immodest. There are several noble houses in the city, guilds, cults and other groups, each with their own style of masks; intricate conspiracies, schemes and plots abound everywhere, and one can never be sure who (or what) is behind the masks. Many unhuman beings are drawn to the city as well, easily camouflaging themselves among the masked population. The prince darklord is a Master of Masks (see D&D Complete Scoundrel) with a huge collection of magical masks, each granting him some powers and traits of the role he is playing now - but he is tormented by his inability to figure out his own true identity." I'm leaning towards making the mask aspect a cultural thing rather than something punishable by law. But I love the image of opera houses, theatres, & decadent restaurants. I could see Mordentish nobles riding or sailing over for the weekend before returning to their affairs in Mordent.

Right below it in contrast is the flooded domain of Blackwater, a place of crushing poverty & wet mud. Almost none of those who live there hold any fortune, scrapping what little money they can make from crops or anything they can get their hands on. These conditions make for some of the best crafts & tradesmen in the core, eager for any chance to get away from Blackwater. The darklord is a dark water elemental, risen from the dead after being drowned for his crimes in the prime material world. Another domain to develop as time goes on :D

Finally, Borokhladny is a Norse inspired domain, with the main themes such as the dangers of tradition & man's struggle against nature & man itself. While the darklord is an old, aging warlord far removed from his prime, the true terror of the domain is the domain it holds within it. The domain of Graf exists under-bridges of Borokhladny, "inhabited by ravenous trolls. However, the human denizens don't believe in trolls, considering them nothing more than children's legend. When cattle or people are missing or found devoured, it will always be attributed to bears, bandits or natural causes. Even if someone actually sees a troll or attacked by one, he will forget it a moment later, believing the experience to be something else. When troll dies it becomes a stone, so no evidence is left to his existence. It is all part of the curse of the dread troll lord, who wants humans to fear and respect trolls, but can't make them even acknowledge their existence." As a dread possibility, I had an idea about an old noble clan known for marauding before the clans settled down to establish their kingdom. While far removed from the days of pillaging, they still believe that might is the ultimate decider of fate & true way of their peoples. So this prompted them to interbreed with the willing & select trolls, producing beasts of men who can be found in the employ of those with the money to hire & feed them.
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by brothersale »

Interesting, i'm guessing Karme's, Blackwater's and Borokhladny's darklords are all orignals as they don't appear be within the link to the 100 darklords. Is the darklords for Corcyra, Leo and Rose the Ghosts of Love, or is it another original creation.

Also are Keimusho and Londkelume both orignals as i can't seem to place them.
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Wolfglide of the Fraternity
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Remy the Wererat wrote:Ibiswood is quite literally a forest devoid of any type of settlement. I wanted to have a domain comprised of a forest with the same amount of legend & mystery attributed to it as the Svalich Wood or Forest of Shadows. "There are legends of a owl-headed wizard who terrorizes this forested domain, helped by his daughter Odil, owls, owlbears and giant ravens. He has affinity for birds and polymorph magics, and among the rest has turned the local princess and her maidens into swans, who can assume their true shape only at night. Many princes tried to save her but failed. He also cursed a beautiful woman to change into a hawk every sunrise, and her lover to change into a wolf every sunset, so that they'll never meet as humans. Rothbart hates humanity and takes pleasure from causing misery and suffering." This one seems more fantastical than some others, with the inclusion of owlbears & an owl-headed wizard. I don't mind that kind of shift though, seeing as my Ravenloft has a lot of elements of dark fantasy instead of just solely gothic horror.
I see that Ibiswood has the film Ladyhawke within it. That is a fun inclusion.
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Re: Maps of my Custom Core

Post by Remy the Wererat »

brothersale wrote:Interesting, i'm guessing Karme's, Blackwater's and Borokhladny's darklords are all orignals as they don't appear be within the link to the 100 darklords. Is the darklords for Corcyra, Leo and Rose the Ghosts of Love, or is it another original creation.

Also are Keimusho and Londkelume both orignals as i can't seem to place them.
So the site I linked in the last post actually had another list of darklords that I took inspiration from! But for some reason, it isn't on the site anymore :( .

Karme & Blackwater's darklords are from the second list they made.

As for Corcyra's darklord, I'm either going to go with the Ghosts of Love or a dryad who was originally tasked with protecting a sacred fountain in her original world before she succumbed to corruption.

"Zarizinia, The Gremlin Princess was an elven princess who always loved making harmful pranks and embarrassing-to-deadly mischiefs to anyone around her. When her mischievous behavior became too evil, the Dark Powers gave her the hideous face (which she often hides behind a veil) and scaly skin of a gremlin. Now she rules the humans, elves and gnomes in her domain from her heavily booby-trapped palace, served by her hosts of gremlins and gremishkas, and no one is save from her mischiefs."

"Hanako, the Yurei. The people in this small Japanese-style domain rightly fear the night, for their land is haunted by yurei (Japanese ghosts), noppera-bo (faceless, corporeal ghosts often masquerading as humans), kuchisake-onna (slit-mouth women who cut your face if you fail to answer their questions properly), and other horrors from Japanese folklore and movies. The darklord is a powerful yurei of a murdered girl, seeking revenge. (Inspiration: J-horror movies like The Ring, The Grudge, The Eye, Dark Water, Shutter, One Missed Call etc.)"

& as for Borokhladny, I was mainly inspired by Drakov & how he represented the horrors of man in contrast to the supernatural terrors all around. I wanted to parallel that with Borokhladny & the trolls of Graf within it.
Wolfglide wrote:
Remy the Wererat wrote:Ibiswood is quite literally a forest devoid of any type of settlement. I wanted to have a domain comprised of a forest with the same amount of legend & mystery attributed to it as the Svalich Wood or Forest of Shadows. "There are legends of a owl-headed wizard who terrorizes this forested domain, helped by his daughter Odil, owls, owlbears and giant ravens. He has affinity for birds and polymorph magics, and among the rest has turned the local princess and her maidens into swans, who can assume their true shape only at night. Many princes tried to save her but failed. He also cursed a beautiful woman to change into a hawk every sunrise, and her lover to change into a wolf every sunset, so that they'll never meet as humans. Rothbart hates humanity and takes pleasure from causing misery and suffering." This one seems more fantastical than some others, with the inclusion of owlbears & an owl-headed wizard. I don't mind that kind of shift though, seeing as my Ravenloft has a lot of elements of dark fantasy instead of just solely gothic horror.
I see that Ibiswood has the film Ladyhawke within it. That is a fun inclusion.
I agree! Will have to find a way to fit it into a session for sure :D
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