A halfling walks to church (3)

The Halfling campaign
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Post by Coan »

Nostalia groans slightly in pain as her eyelids flicker. To Heinrich's close ear he can hear her mutter a question on what happened. Thankfully it seemed she was slowly coming to.

At this time Simone looked around and answered Kimuriel's question.

"I'm ...I'm not sure. I was... and then. What happened? That storm in the-"

Everyone's attention seems focussed on Simone or in their bodyguard's case Nostalia so much that they barely hear the click of a gun being primed. Turning as if expecting anyone of their deaths to follow they see Artemis with his pistol reloaded and trained to Simone.

"Just one last thing. That is all that is needed." he whispers almost to himself then speaks up "How can we be so sure he is on our side? Something doesn't add up here. Just what was going on with that storm? We can't trust this one."
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinrich turns his head to Artyemis and spits his words at the man.

"And how do we know whos side you are on Artemis? You appear to change your loyalty whenever it pleases you!"

He then looks back to Nostalia.

"Lady Romaine, are you well enough to stand? Do not try to if you are not certain."
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Post by VAN »

As Kimuriel listens the word storm, his mind returns back at the time at which he has manifested his “negate psionics” power, when the blue light appeared and expanded all over the room and when finally the strange woman appeared in a mist and looked at him. Her face, her look, the feeling of love and pureness that this woman emanated in synergy with the draining of his mind power, had made the half-elf loose his conscious. Only the memories of these scenes provoke convulsions to the psion and a terrible headache.

Trying to composure himself, Kimuriel sits down and with a broken voice says:

“I don’t think that using guns is the most appropriate way to get our answers Artemis. However, Heinrich, please calm. Artemis has just saved your life and I think the life of all of us with his trick. Don’t forget also that Lurzed has escaped and I’m quite sure that now the rumor that Lord Pieter is dead is already known to the whole Manor. I think we should leave immediately. I’m feeling really bad and Heinrich and Lady Romaine are in even worse condition. Who will defend us in case many armed guards bump in?”

Kimuriel turns to Ixevim:

“ May you get us out of here, in a place at which we can be safe, at least for now?”
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinirch calms himself by force at Kimuriel's request.

"Very well, but this discussion is far from over. Lady Romaine needs immediate care, once that is taken care of everything else can be attended to."

He winces again as a stab of pain lances through his stumach, he stumbles but does not fall.

"Also, I fear I may not be able to carry Lady Romaine far enough to come under Lady Ivana's protection."
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“If we manage to go to a safe place and rest for a while, then we will have all the time to talk you want Heinrich. When I said that we should leave, I meant immediately. I cannot transport you because I’m very weak, but I think Ixevim can do it as well. We will go to Lady Ivana tomorrow, or when we feel better, now this Manor is really very dangerous for us. We don’t know who is really with our side and I don’t think that this is the right time to find it out.”

Kimuriel stands up and goes beside Ixevim:

“Well, you can always use your innate transporting power, right?”
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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"I agree, the disturbance we have caused will have attractedalot of attention."
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Post by Coan »

Artemis shakes his head and points the muzzle of his pistol into Simone's cheek.

"I'll just kill him then and we'll be off."
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Anger flashes into the old soldiers face, his brow creasing intensly about the falcon brand he bears.

"KIll him Artemis, and your head will be laying next to his before you could reload. He comes with us."
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Post by VAN »

Kimuriel shakes his head as sign of disappointment; a hint of anger is clear at his voice:

“What are you trying to demonstrate Artemis? That you are more powerful than Heinrich? That you can play with the life of a terrified man as you like because you are handing a gun? I agree with you that we know nothing about this man and many terrible things have happened these 2 days, but that doesn’t give you any authority to treat him like this. Have you considered the possibility that maybe he has nothing to do about all this? Have you Artemis?”

Kimuriel turns his back to both of them and goes at the direction of Pieter’s corpse. As he turns though, his green eyes spark and a missive reaches Artemis mind:

“I promise you that the first thing I’ll do tomorrow morning is to use my powers on that man. You will learn everything about him, even the things he maybe has forgotten. Just let us bring him with us.”

Waiting Artemis’ answer Kimuriel gets a piece of Pieter’s clothing and then uses his “detect psionics” power on the corpse.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by Coan »

Kimuriel finds nothing to indicate a presence of power while Artemis shakes his head.

"I heard their plans, when I was pretending to work for them. They said something about this. Putting a spy into their ranks, it could still be in effect! There are those still against Ivana and if we take this one to her he could report her where abouts. Ixevim ask this man a question, make him prove who he is! Do something, for I'll not have him just tag along."

Simone seemed slightly annoyed at this "Ixevim please. You know who I am and we haven't time. Let us just go."

Nostalia at this time opened her eyes.
"Heinrich.. please don't risk Ivana's... safety. Artemis may be right."
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

The warrior looked down at the woman in his arms, his angered face softening a little.

"That will be proven in time, just as whether he can be trusted."

"We will deal with whatever stands against Lady Boritsi when things rise up before us, same with their supposed spy. Until then we leave and rest."
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Post by alhoon »

Ixevim's mental voice reaches their minds. "We're wasting time here. Artemis, put down this gun. This man saved my life from the bioconstruct. He was killed by that treacherous creaure that destroyed the wondrous machine that I currently try to find a way to fix, the machine that may end Rook's problem and break our bargain with the creature Gulgarath. He has remained with me as a ghost for a long time and he unexpectedly was brought back.
I tell you again, we are just wasting time. Oh, and by the way, you can pull the trigger. I have blocked the pistolwith my telekinetic powers; your gun will not fire.
Also despite Heinrich's anger, I have to thank you for the way you handled the situation with Lord Pieter. I expected nothing less from a skilled diplomat than that. Bravo.
Now all of you touch hands in a circle around me, and we will be transported to safety."

OOC> Ixevim's tells the truth about Artemis' pistol. He holds back the cock of the gun with the far hand psionic ability.
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Heinrich crosses to Ixezim and lowers Nostalia to her feet, keeping hold of her to maintain her balance. He then follows Ixezim's instructions.

"Ready when you are."
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Post by Coan »

Artemis lets out a cry of frustration and throws the gun to the ground. Throwing his hands into the circle he sighs.

"You know what happened the last time you tried this."
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Post by alhoon »

Ixevim freezes. Indeed he remembered. However the images tormenting his mind, those of his fallen homeland, made him more disinterested in the workings of his allies.
"I hope this time it works as it should Artemis. By the way, thank you for the scrolls, but I didn't use them, so I'll return them to you. Lady Romaine, you will experience a slight dizzyness but this is normal. I'll merge my concious mind with the fabric of reality that is called Borca and then I'll merge our bodies and spirits with Borca and detach them in a random place of this land."

And Ixevim sent his mind and the bodies of his allies to wherever luck decided in Borca.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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