Tarlyn Xarann

Fiction about Ravenloft or Gothic Earth
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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 12102
Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:12 pm

Tarlyn Xarann

Post by steveflam »

Contest entry for the contest thread

Tarlyn Xarann:
Tarlyn is from the drow city of Chad Nessad. He was part of the Elite Guards who patrol the passages of the Underdark near the city. For many years Tarlyn also trained secretly at the Fighter School under light with other select few drow warriors for special missions to the surface, the slaughter of their iblith surface cousins! Since Tarlyn was to be the scout and lead patroller, having shown to be the best in his class, he received special training; the art of assassination!

Flamerule 17,1367 DR:

5 years later, he was ready. The patrol of 20 warriors, Tarlyn included, and 3 Priestesses left the city one morning very early.
Tarlyn led them, impatient for his blades to feast on iblith blood!

I shall spill the first surface elf blood and the glory shall be mine for the most kills! Tarlyn thought to himself.

The closer they got to the exit and their “raison d’etre”, the party grew more excited, smelling the elf blood that would spill. The lead Priestess stopped them suddenly. “Beware, foolish males, as we approach the exit, and that horrifying orb in the sky is up.
We rest here and go when the orb has passed the horizon and darkness is upon the surface world.”

The war party rested for the better part of the day. Tarlyn grew restless, anxious to spill surface elf blood. At sundown they ate one last meal, then proceeded near the exit and waited for the twilight to proceed onto the surface world. Tarlyn went first, cautious he proceeded as silent as the wind, exiting the cave entrance. He stopped for only a moment and peered into the night sky, the moon nor the stars bothering his eyes as he had prepared for this moment for years! Making sure the “coast was clear”, he beckoned the others to emerge. Off in the distance they heard reveling, as it was the summer solstice, and elves were celebrating.

The Priestesses started chanting lowly and the party glimmered once then disappeared, invisible to the naked eye. Tarlyn proceeded through the forest until they came unto a clearing.

Elves were singing and dancing, praising Sehanine Moonbow.
Foul goddess your followers perish tonight as we celebrate our victory over them!

Tarlyn grinned evilly as he entered the elf encampment silent as ever, and his first blade pierced an elf’s heart, the other blade slicing right through another elf’s throat! The carnage was quick and deadly, as the drow took the elves completely by surprise.

Tarlyn raised his fists in praise to Llolth and yelled his pleasure at the Spider Queen, as most other of the war party were ecstatic.

A slight mist started to move into the camp as they drow were searching the dead elves and killing any they thought still living.
Now the mist was even thicker, and Tarlyn had trouble seeing his drow brothers.

“Yathtallar(High Priestess)?,Abban(Ally)?Akh(Band)?”. Tarlyn called out but heard nothing. He proceeded through the mists
calling out, yet not hearing anything. It seemed like hours passed as he called out and walked in all directions searching for the rest of his party.

May 13th,754 BC Barovia

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the mists cleared. Tarlyn stopped. He was on the middle of a road and it was daylight! He heard horses off in the distance, and looked for cover or a place to hide. Off on both sides was a dark, gloomy forest, nothing like he had seen earlier. Not thinking much about it at the moment, he silently ran off to the forest, hiding behind a tree. As the horse hooves approached and the hoves sounded louder and louder, Tarlyn finally took a moment to take in his “bearings”.

This forest seems different. The trees are bigger,thicker. It is much darker here and the air seems almost dry and unbreathable. Something is wrong here, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Several men on horses rode by and stopped. One man, the one in the front frowned slightly, and looked around as if searching for something. Tarlyn stayed hidden behind the tree, out of sight he thought. The man disembarked from his horse and spoke a few words to a robed man in the middle of the group. He nodded and his hands made some gestures, and he started to utter arcane phrases! Tarlyn was no novice to magic, even if he wasn’t a Mage. Concentrating slightly, and looking at the robed man, a faerie fire enveloped the man. Tarlyn was hoping the man wasn’t that competent and it would ruin his spell.

The robed man frowned slightly, then finished his incantation. He spoke to the man who got off his horse and pointed in Tarlyn’s direction. Tarlyn sighed. What have I gotten myself into now?
I might as well show myself, hooded so as not to alarm these “waela rivvin”(Foolish Humans).

Tarlyn flips his cloak hood up and emerges from behind the tree, hands free and at his side, moving into the open, heart beating slightly.
In the common tongue he speaks to them “I am a traveler and have merely lost my way. Might you show me the way to Shadowdale?”

The first man frowns at Tarlyn’s words, then speaks in a broken common “Why do you hide under that hood, stranger? I sensed you from up the road there. There is no need to be afraid we are the militia of Barovia and are patrolling this road for rumors of a pack of hungry wolves. Show yourself, I bid you and be amongst friends”.

“Barovia? What part of Faerun is that, might I ask?”Tarlyn concentrates a moment and his face changes to that of a surface elf. He removes his hood slowly, then leaves his hands by his side, showing no hostility whatsoever.

The man, as well as the rest of the band, gasp, except for the robed one. He seems to ponder a moment, then disembarks as well, laying a hand on the first man’s shoulder.

“You are far from home, elf. And not everyone is as welcoming or open minded, for that matter, as I am. I am Yugov Petrova, practitioner of the arts, and elf friend. Who might you be and what are you doing so far from Sithicus or is it Darkon?”

Tarlyn doesn’t recognize those names at all. “I am Tarlyn, that is all you need to know for now.I know not of these places you speak of. Is it always so foggy and misty in these parts?”

“Mists you say? That may explain why you are here. Come, ride with us, let us get “acquainted”. Yugov speaks to the first man and he embarks on his horse. “You may ride with me, the men won’t let you ride with them, they think elves uncivilsed and unworthy of any assistance, rather filthy to be exact.

Just to emphasize his point, one of the riders spits on the ground at Tarlyn’s feet, scowling at him and laughing amongst his band.
Tarlyn looks at Yugov and says “Might I earn some respect here?
I am very skilled with these” as he pulls back his cloak to show his 2 blades on each hip. Yugov ponders a moment and speaks a few words to the spitting man. The man’s eyes go wide as his look darkens and he disemebarks from the horse. He stands , legs apart, and removes a two handed sword sheathed at his back. He spits in both hands and grips it firmly, going through a very sloppy routine, trying to impress and scare Tarlyn by his grunting and growling.

Tarlyn stood in front of the man, bowed, and it seemed as if his blades appeared in his hands! Tarlyn beckoned the man, taunting him by letting his weapons hang by his sides, yawning in forced boredom. The man, eager to split Tarlyn’s skull in 2, raised his two handed blade, yelling out and charging Tarlyn, thinking brute force was the way to go. At the last moment, Tarlyn steps aside, his blades flash twice, and the man’s pants fall to the ground, pooling around his ankles. The man’s eyes go wide a moment then he growls as he picks up his pants, tying them with some rope while Tarlyn waited, leaning on his blades lazily. This shall teach them all a lesson, filthy humans.
The man rushes Tarlyn again, but this time his blade is low. When the man is close enough, Tarlyn moves inside the mans’s reach, his blades flashing. Once! Twice! Tarlyn steps back, a smug smile upon his face as he watches the man frown a moment, unsure of how his breath is coming shorter and why he cannot lift his sword. He then drops it as he falls to his knees, a stunned look on his face, as his throat runs a crimson red, hislife leaving his body. Tarlyn moves forward and places his foot nonchalantly on the mans chest and pushes him to the ground, lifeless eyes staring off into nowhere.

Gasps and Ooohs and Exclamations erupt from the band. Tarlyn looks to Yugov who is smiling wickedly. “I think you can take his horse, Tarlyn, the wolves will have an easy feast tonight”. The men nod at Tarlyn approvingly and leave him the horse.

Over the next few weeks, Tarlyn traveled with the band and Yugov, proving his worth tenfold and teaching them a few tricks.
Yugov and Tarlyn exchanged tales, and even though Tarlyn was a Dark Elf he had no choice in the matter to accept his situation. Every once in a while his dark elf nature would emerge but, the brigands and wolves suffered the consequences! Tarlyn learned that he was not in Faerun anymore but in Barovia, he also learned from Yugov that there were other provinces in this land, but Yugov knew not how to get there(or more precisely hadn’t tried Tarlyn suspected).
Months turned to a year and one evening, early summer, Tarlyn spoke to Yugov.”You say there are other provinces? I’d like to visit this strange land of yours. I have searched the area where I appeared many times but found no sign of the entrance to the Underdark there. I might find a way home via another province, Yugov. On the morrow I part down the road to the border of Barovia. Thanks for your help these past months, and you’re not too bad for a human”.

The next morning Tarlyn walked down the road to the edge of Barovia.(I guess Strahd was feeling somewhat wistful this morning as Tarlyn passed through the border of Barovia into a barren land. Nothing much here looked even alive or had been for years it seemed. After a few hours he saw in the distance an abundant flourishing forest. Heading that way, he passed from the dreary place into the forest. It was afternoon by the time he was into the forest, and Tarlyn for some reason felt a surge of urgency, like he had to get through the forest before nightfall at all costs. His subconscious was telling him to get the hell out of here fast, but don’t turn back its useless!

June 20th,756 BC Kartakass

Near nightfall, and after having heard wolves howling all afternoon, Tarlyn was actually glad to see an opening in the forest and lights in the distance! Pulling his cloak tight around him he started walking towards the lights in the distance. Continuing on the road he walked tiredly, head lowered. He heard a commotion in the distance, growling and scuffling, a man screaming. Tarlyn, knowing that most wolves he’d encountered in Barovia were not of the normal variety, wasn’t expecting to see anything different in this province. Rushing forward he unsheathed his blades and was not expecting what he saw at all. He came upon a huge wolflike creature hovering over a screaming man, his eyes red as he looked back at Tarlyn, a wicked smile as it turned towards him and on 2 feet ran towards Tarlyn.

What in the name of all that is unholy is this manner of beast. I’ve only heard rumors of lycanthropes from my studies at the Priest school in Chad Nessad, but nothing prepares you for the real thing, even if I am a dark elf.

Tarlyn braced himself as the wolfcreature leaped at him growling, mouth foaming. Tarlyn dropped to the ground, rolled to his back, and thrust his two blades up, skewering the beast as a
Shot rang out, startling Tarlyn and making the beasts eyes go wide as it howled in double pain! It landed on its side, howling in rage and pain. Tarlyn stood up to see the man holding a smoking arquebus in his hand, the other clutching his stomach, grimacing.

Blades still out he approached the beast, as it appeared to be shrinking? Tarlyn kept his blades out as the beast seemed to convulse and shrink even more, becoming less a beast and more a woman?

What in the 9 hells is this? They transform, how interesting. Well it won’t live any longer, my blades will see to that.

Tarlyn looked at the man, and nodded, looking to his blades then the woman, nodding once more at the man, sure the man understood. He sliced twice, in perfect strokes, beheading the woman. He then wiped his blades on her dead body, searching her for anything of value, but finding nothing.

“My thanks, stranger”, the man said to Tarlyn in a quivering voice. “You came upon me just in time. Caff…. Caff….Caff… I am
Pietro Ovonovich, Cough ….. Sputter…..” his eyes go in and out of focus, and he falls to his knees. “Get me to my home, stranger, and I shall be in your debt. Cough,,,,, sputter,,, cough,,,,,,,
It is the first house we come upon on the left there” he points it out to Tarlyn and proceeds to fall to the ground unconscious, slumping like a dead weight to the ground.

Tarlyn shrugs as he tosses the head into the forest , then pulls the dead body into the forest as well hiding it behind some foliage. He returns to the dead man, examining him closely. He appeared to be injured on his abdomen and was bleeding profusely. Tarlyn got to one knee and reaching into his pouch pulled out one of the potions Yugov had given him. Why must I be nice to this human, Tarlyn sighs inwardly. I sure do miss Chad Nessad, this land must be Llolth’s little joke on me.
Well let me cure him and see what may come of my “kindness” to this “wael”(Fool).

Tarlyn quickly uncorks the vial with his teeth. As he pours the potion down the man’s open mouth, he massages the throat with the other hand’s fingers so he doesn’t choke. Once it as completely down his throat, the man coughed once, eyes wide, then fell asleep.

Tarlyn noticed that the wound was almost completely healed. Searching quickly, he spotted the “gun” and put it in his pouch, then grabbing the man by his underarms, Humans smell terrible, I’ll never get used to the odor! , he uncermoniuosly flipped him over his shoulder. Steadying his feet for a good center of balance with the man over his shoulder, Tarlyn trudged tiredly to the house Pietro pointed out. Not knowing what to expect as it was after dark, and he knew that in Barovia after dark meant nobody let you in no matter what. Trying the door, not bothering to knock at that, Tarlyn breathed a sigh of relief as the door opened, as he just realized there were no lights.Kicking the door closed behind him in the process. This meant Pietro lived alone or if he did have a wife or “friend” they were either asleep or not home. This bode well, as Tarlyn was in no mood to try to explain this mess. Concentrating slightly, dancing lights appeared in the home, and Tarlyn found what he was looking for, a bed. He lay Pietro there none too gently, and breathed a sigh of relief. Taking a few moments to relax his aching muscles, he looked around the home. Seeing a lantern, he got up and looked or oil as well. Seeing none, but looking closer at the lantern he saw it was full. Good! I’m in no mood to start looking for oil for this fool. Looking around the place he saw a fireplace, but no wood. A cold storage box was on the west side of the home, near the back by another door. The firewood must be outside, near the door. Tarlyn grunted as he got up. Listening at the door, he heard nothing, so cautiously opening it, he peered into the gloom, his eyes adjusting again to the night. Indeed as he suspected, there was the wood, stacked against the home. He quickly grabbed a few logs and returned inside as he heard in the distance howling wolves, almost seeming as if it was a strange song of mourning.
I must be really tired to think wolves sing. Tarlyn closes the door behind him and using his flint and steel, starts a fire. Looking around some more he spies a chest, a modest dresser and another door. Oh well that can wait till the morrow, I am exhausted, and there will be ample time tomorrow to speak with this Pietro. With that Tarlyn removes a bedroll from his traveling pack, laying it on the floor and collapses on it. He fell asleep right away.

The next morning he woke to the smell of eggs and some meat cooking. Lost for just a moment, he then remembers where he is and what happened last night. Pietro was whistling a very annoying ditty about some lass from Karg. Tarlyn slowly opens his eyes and stretches , looking around. “I thought I’d let you sleep, friend elf. I am making some eggs and bacon, would you care for some? I also have some goat’s milk too if you like” Pietro said cheerily, he whistles and hums a bit more. “So, what do I call you? I seem to remember telling you my name, it’s oly fair you tell me yours”, Pietro says this to Tarlyn with a smile.

Tarlyn yawns as he stands up stretching a little, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and shaking his head clearing the cobwebs of sleep. “I’m Tarlyn and that is all you need to know. I did save your life after all. Yes I will have some food, I’m starving. Um, where am I and what was that beast last night?”

Pietro stops humming and gets a serious look in his eyes. Pondering a moment, he breathes deeply, then starts talking as he serves Tarlyn who had by that time sat at an old beat up table.

“Well you are in the village of Pel, which is situated in the country of Kartakass. Here you have 2 things: The Forest and the Bards! There is nothing else, oh and lots of wolves and things like we killed last night. There seems to be an abundance of that here as well. She was the Burgermeister’s wife, who unfortunately was stricken with a strange fever a few weeks ago and last night was the end result of it all, unfortunately for her. Only silver can kill a beast like that, unfortunately, and I had to trade, scrimp and sell many favors to the villagers to procure myself some silver bullets. By the way have you seen my pistol? I think I may have dropped it back there last night”. Pietro finally stopped talking enough to let Tarlyn get a word in edgewise.

Tarlyn reached inside his pouch and pulled out the pistol, handing it back to Pietro. “Silver you say? Hmmmm I’ll have to remember that”, Tarlyn eats a bit, as does Pietro. Tarlyn continues “ There are Bards here in Kartakass? Might you be persuaded to introduce me to any? As you know”, Tarlyn explains as if talking to a child. Well in all actuality he speaks like that to everyone who isn’t drow, come to think of it. “Bards can have a wealth of information, and information might be useful to me in getting back home, Pietro”. Tarlyn finishes his plate as does Pietro, the silence welcome to Tarlyn. Hmmm I certainly hope I’ve seen the last of those beasts. I’m not looking forward to meeting anymore at all. Pietro seems a decent enough human except for the smell and he talks too much. I do hope I can meet some Bards and maybe get information on how to get back home from this land. Once they were done eating, Pietro stood up, as did Tarlyn. “Well we must travel to Harmonia this day if you wish to meet Bards. Too bad it isn’t next year, as there are contests of singing which happen once a year in Harmonia. You just missed it. People travel from all over Kartakass to go see the Bards sing and to sing as well!” With that, Pietro grabbed a bag and tossed it over his shoulder. He tucked the pistol in his trousers, and reaching under his bed he removed a sheath, attaching it to his belt at the hip. “Well, no dilly dallying Tarlyn we must make good time if we wish to get there before sundown by horse!” And with that, he bolted out the door and walked down the street. “Close the door behind you!” he yells back. Tarlyn does, then catches up to Pietro. They arrive at an old barn and proceed inside. There are a few stalls and Pietro approaches an elderly gentleman, who upon seeing Tarlyn, swallows and blinks. Pietro talks to the man as Tarlyn waits near the door, and finally after some loud voices and the fact that the man finally calmed down at seeing an elf, they must have agreed because the old man went and got 2 horses and handed the reins to Pietro. Along with saddles and riding bags. The man even smiled shyly at Tarlyn, who nodded politely to him. 5 hours later they were tethering the horses at a stable, Pietro tipping the stableboy. “Let’s go find us a bard!”

Over the next few weeks, Tarlyn and Pietro traveled all over Kartakass, meeting bards and scholars. Tarlyn had his fill of singing very early on and learned to block out the human’s miserable attempts at music and song. Tarlyn didn’t learn much from the bards. He did however become quite proficient at killing wolves as there seemed to be an abundance of the foul mutts in Kartakass and they never seemed to want to leave him or Pietor alone when they traveled. Well a few weeks turned to a year and Tarlyn, once again bid farewell to another Domain and traveled to Sithicus briefly. Here he slaughtered a few elves upon which the mists came and brought him to Darkon.

June 20th,758 BC Darkon

Tarlyn quickly discovered how much he really hated undead here, and the only thing that kept his remotely sane was the elves here. He was more careful here playing with the elves, hardly killing any(By his standards).

April 760,BC Souragne

The next thing he knew, he was walking in a godforsaken swamp, and his memory returned. Where have I been and what am I doing here? Is it always this hot in this province? And the mosquitoes are enough to drive even the sanest insane. Upon emerging from the swamp, Tarlyn tried a different approach before he entered the settlement he saw in the distance. Concentrating slightly, his form shifted into that of a human of Barovia. Maybe that will make my acceptance easier. Why must the people of this land hate the elves so? It must be the land’s joke on me I suppose I’ll never understand. Upon entering the village, an elder man who was rather well dressed approached Tarlyn. “Pardon me” he whispers to Tarlyn “But we don’t see many of you in these parts, I’d be careful if I was you, friend elf” the man winks at Tarlyn then his eyes go wide as he looks at Tarlyn closely. “You are unlike any elf I’ve ever seen before!” the man exclaims excitedly. “Please, you must come with me. Are you as good with those blades as you are black?” he asks Tarlyn bluntly.

Tarlyn sighs inwardly. Am I to be this man’s object or toy? I will follow him for the time being, but if he tires me I’ll be gone.
“Yes I can use these blades very well indeed, otherwise, old man, I’d not have them would I? You seem to have a fine eye for such an old man, are you a mage?” Tarlyn asks bluntly.

“No no, I’m no mage, I only dabble, dear elf. Now what do I call you?” They arrive at an establishment, and upon entering are approached by a man. “Yes Mr.Rivtoff, une table pour 2?” he asks.

“No, Gaston, bring a meal for 2 to my quarters, thank you. This gentleman will be around quite a bit now, please, anything he needs, do offer it to him on my account, thank you.” And with that Tarlyn followed Mt Rivtoff up the stairs and to a very lavish room. “Come in, sit! Sit!”he motions to Tarlyn to sit on a sofa and then sits as well. Tarlyn approaches the sofa and sits , waiting for more questions he could almost feel it.

“Your name for starters, and where are you from. The Brothers would so love to study you I fear! But you’re my little secret for now.”

Tarlyn groaned inwardly at the Rivtoff.Who were the Brothers? Must I beware of them?And why is he so excited about me?

“Well first off I am Tarlyn, which is all you need to know for now. I am a Dark Elf from Faerun, which I’ve discovered is not part of this land at all. I came to this land”, Tarlyn thinks hard a moment “I believe it was 4 years ago to a province named Barovia via what I call mists. This has happened to me twice since I arrived to these lands as well. I left this elf settlement Har Thelen in a province I knew not the name and it brought me to this province with so much undead creatures. I have a hard time remembering this place but I think I spent a few years wandering it and only recently, having again traveled the cursed mists, did I find myself wandering the swamps here for days upon days. I finally got my memory back as I emerged from the swamp. Upon entering the village you spied me and you know the rest.” Tarlyn stops talking, and sits back, letting his revelation sink in on Rivtoff.

“Well Tarlyn that is quite a tale you have there, although I’m positive you leave some out. Memory loss I have heard of but that is all. The mists are the mists, let us leave it at that. I however offer you this: Employment as my bodyguard. Free run of the town, do be a little careful, people tend to be wary of newcomers, especially elves. I must depart for a few days so you may visit the town. I warn you , when we speak you address me as Sir or if you speak to one of my “brothers” about me I am Lord Rivtoff, is this clear?” He hands a pouch over to Tarlyn, dropping it in his lap. This is yours, your first payment for services rendered and information gained. Now I must be off, get yourself a room and I shall contact you in a few days”.

“It is clear Sir” Tarlyn stresses the Sir so to show he understood the old fool. He gets up and nodding politely to Rivtoff, leaves, closing the door behind him. He goes down the stairs and heads for the desk at the entrance. “Pardon me my good chap, would you be so kind as to get me a room and put it on Lord Rivtoff’s bill. Thank you Gaston.” Tarlyn follows Gaston up to his new room , gets settled and then leaves, going to visit the town as “George the Barovian”. A few days later at the Inn he meets Dadrag……………………………………………………
Last edited by steveflam on Tue May 15, 2007 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 12102
Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:12 pm

Tarlyn in Darkon: Year 2

Post by steveflam »

Basically I wrote this because first of all I felt like it and second of all I felt it important how it comes about that Tarlyn comes to work for Valry Rivtoff of the FOS.

This is the year after he arrives in Darkon, so he goes by the name of Seaven only because of the memory loss etc..... The year he arrives in Darkon shall come later. He is already working for Rivtoff in this chapter. The next chapter shall be how they meet.

As a sidenote I exaggerate his memory loss, that is my right :lucas:


July 15th,759 BC Karg,Darkon

He crept along the alley, eyes and ears alert to the first sign of trouble. The Master must really want this item else he would not have sent me here to this place. If they ever find out I was here or Master is responsible we are both better off dead. He peered into the gloom, eyes searching for any hidden guards or surprises. This is the witching hour. Most all humans are lackadaisical at this hour, secure in their false beliefs noone will bother to try anything. Not here of all places! Clinging to the wall and silent as the wind he arrives at the corner and holds his breath, then lets it out slowly. Going low to the ground he peers around the corner quickly and sees what he suspected all along. The guard at the door. And as he suspected his head is drooping. Who would think of even trying anything here? That was the beauty of his plan, who would even dare break into this place? And steal!

Looking up he calculated the distance and reaching to his hip, he removed a rod and pressed a button. A grapple popped out. Judging the distance accordingly, he pressed the button again and as he swung the rod, the grapple started to twirl from the end of a rope which had emerged from the rod. The rope kept emerging until the distance he had projected was met. Now with a final twirl of the rod, he cast the grapple and it passed over onto the roof and hit it with a slight thud, not enough to alert the guard. Pulling the rope with the rod until the grapple caught on the roof solidly, he clicked a button and the rope became taught, securely attached to the roof. Gripping the rod firmly in both hands he pressed a button and as the rope started to reenter the rod, he jumped up and with his feet started to walk up the wall as the rope reeled him in. Once at the top he put away his prized possession and stopped a moment to get his bearings. Looking around he saw the roof had no trap doors. Spying the building the guard was at, he walked over near the edge and peered down. The guard’s head was drooping and he kept jerking awake.

He judged the distance about 30 feet. Concentrating a moment he utters a few arcane words and feels suddenly very confident about using the hand crossbow. Reaching behind him, he removes the hand crossbow at his back. Removing 2 bolts from a pouch he loads one to his crossbow and lays down eyeing the guard. Taking a deep breath he holds it. Aiming carefully and taking his time he exhales. As he exhales he fires. The bolt flies across the distance and hits true, embedding itself into the guards eye. The guard grunts once then slumps to the ground, dead. Quickly putting away the crossbow, he utters a few more arcane words and grabbing the wall he crawls like a spider down the wall and upon reaching the ground jumps down and sprints over to the dead guard. Quickly he props up the dead guard against the wall and removes his bolt.

Searching the guard he finds a set of keys. Eyeing the lock on the door he tries the handle. It is unlocked! He pockets the keys for himself. Listening at the door he hears nothing inside and boldly opens it and peers inside. Seeing no shapes he enters and closes the door behind him. Peering into the darkness he spies what he was told he would find, a stairwell. These people are overconfident, a mistake. That will teach them to hire unprofessional guards in the future. Well so far so good, it is exactly as the Master said it was. Just a few more feet and I’ll be up the stairs and near my goal. Silently approaching the stairs he stops and listens for noise upstairs. Nothing. Taking the steps one by one he painstakingly goes slowly so as not to make a noise. Upon reaching the second floor, he stops and breathes deeply letting his breath out slowly.
A hallway, just as the Master had promised him, were 5 doors. 2 on the left, 2 on the right and 1 at the end. The one he was concerned with was on the far right. Silently approaching the door he was careful to look for any traps. Patience paid off because at the door he found one. Taking his time, he observed the trap and studied it. Certain of the type of trap it was, he disarmed without any trouble.

The door was locked. Reaching for the keys he pulled them out. The first 3 were not the proper ones, but the 4th one was. Turning the key as quietly and silently as he could, he opened the door and held his breath as he looked in. Nothing more than an office was what Master told him he would see. But the trick, the Master told him, was to reach remove a certain book on the 3rd shelf of the bookcase and pull a switch. Looking inside he searched as thoroughly as he could, sure he was in fact alone.
Entering the office he closed the door silently behind him and approached the bookcase. Spying the said book, he removed it and pulled the switch. At first nothing happened, but then he heard the distinct sound of tumbling gears then a click. The bookcase opened slightly and behind he saw a short 5 foot passage. As he passed through he saw a lever and realizing what it was, pulled it. The bookcase closed behind him. Now hurrying he came to the end of the passage and an open doorway. Past the doorway was a sparsely furnished room comprising of a bed, a dresser a night table and a chest. Of course the chest is what any old thief would try for but alas the Master had told him to look elsewhere for the item and maybe a small reward for him. Walking up to the bed, he crouched and got on his knees. Pulling back the covers he removed a dagger. Slicing the mattress he reached inside and felt around. Sure enough he found what the Master had told him he would find. Pulling it out he laid it on the bed, opening it. Inside was what he was told to get, a staff. But with the staff was a ring. Is this my reward he thinks as he holds up the ring and looks at it. He felt a tingle and shuddered slightly. Magical? I certainly hope so.

He put the ring in his pouch and the staff back in its case. Pulling the covers over the bed, he left the room and the passage, arriving back at the lever. Pulling it he hurried out and closed the bookcase. He left the office and was just closing the door when the closest door to him started to open. Hiding in the shadows as best he could, he held his breath. A form headed to the next door and using a key, opened it, then stopped as if suddenly alert to some strange sensation. Turning around he seemed to concentrate. “Do not move on pain of death fool. I feel you” and as he said that a light appeared in his hand.

The man was small in stature, in a robe. He looked rather furious . The intruder moved quicker than the robed man anticipated, removing 2 blades from each hip and charging the man. The robed man started uttering arcane words, but the intruder slapped him on the arm with his blade and the other one appeared as if by magic at his throat. “You will turn around and head back whence you came or die yourself”,he whispered to the man. The man started to move but got cocky and reached for his belt. The intruder sighed and his blades flashed twice, permanently marking an “X” on the man’s throat. Who is the fool now, dead man? Not I. Pain of death, indeed. That would be you. Rest in peace foolish human.

The pretense for stealth was gone now as he hurried down the stairs. Reaching into a pocket he removed a small stick. The Master said to snap it in half once my task was done. Doing so he felt a strange sensation. Before he blinked again he was back in the Masters abode, in the den. Looking around he saw that the Master was sitting and perusing a book “Back so soon, Seaven? Were you successful? Did you run into any problems?” he asked.

“To answer your first question, yes I am back. I was indeed successful, Master and I did have a slight run in with the person you told me might be there. Unfortunately for him, he cannot breath through the gaping hole in his neck. Furthermore the extreme loss of blood did not help his health any.”. Reaching into his bag he removed the case and handed it to the Master. Thinking a moment he says “Master I did find this as well, but as you spoke of reward, I took it upon myself to keep it.” Seaven said as he showed him the ring that has been with the staff.

“Excellent work, my dear dark one! You have earned this trinket.” Concentrating a little he smiled. “It is as I suspected, magical. Give me an hour and I’ll tell you what it does as a reward for your good work this evening.” He shooed Seaven out of the room. Seaven headed down the stairs and walked to the kitchen for some food. Making himself a snack he waited. True to the Master’s word, he did come down an hour later and sat with Seaven. “Well my dear boy, this is a fine ring you have earned. Once you have worn it for a full week the magic will take effect upon you. First of all you will not have to eat or drink, as it will sustain you. Lastly you will only need to sleep 2 hours a night to get a full nights rest. I do know you elves have some sort of meditative sleep but this is by far superior. You have earned it. Now get some rest, we travel tomorrow to Nevuchar Springs. It is a very long and tiring journey. I have business there and wish you to accompany me there.” he said.

With that he rose from the table and retired for the evening. Seaven did as well, tired from his errand. He slept soundly and awoke before the Master did. He prepared his things and waited for him. A little later the Master descended and had Seaven get his things. When Seaven had the Master’s things, the Master opened the front door and a carriage was waiting there. Seaven carried the Master’s things while the Master embarked into the carriage. Seaven then got his backpack, locked the door and enterred the carriage. It left Karg and traveled to Maykle. They stayed a few days there, Seaven acting as the valet, servant and bodyguard. They soon left Maykle for Nevuchar Springs arriving a few days later.

October 17th,759 Nevuchar Springs,Darkon

“Ah finally we have arrived! I do so hate traveling by carriage, Seaven. I have some business I must attend to here alone, so you will be left to your devices.” He hands Seaven a pouch. Inside are gems. “That is for you, enjoy! Just up the street from my abode is a Jeweler shop, Ovo’s. Exchange them there, you won’t get asked any questions. Keep to yourself here and try to stay out of trouble. I will see you in a few days” He hands Seaven a key. “This is to the abode, so you may come and go as you please. Night time can be tricky as it was in Karg, Seaven. The undead have no mercy on the living, so stay away from them or do as you have done in the past, terminate them. It’s good sport!” he winks, then leaves Seaven to his thoughts.

A few days go by and he has no sign of the Master. Every once in a while he has dreams of another place, and it all feels so familiar ye so far ! He has often woken to the whisper of a name he cannot place. It is always on the tip of his tongue yet so far away. Each night he goes out and frequents mostly Elvish Inns. And every night as he goes back home he hunts the undead, zombies and ghouls and disposes of them. Foul creatures. Worse than humans and they even smell worse than humans or dwarves for that matter.

October 30th,759 Nevuchar Springs,Darkon

One day while he is out he spies the Master in a shop talking to some men. Catching his eye he nods to let him know he is about in case he is needed. The Master nods back and his voice enters his head Stay close by Seaven, and follow me. These men are associates and I was expecting you. The Master and the men leave and Seaven follows discreetly from a distance. They head towards the port and enter an Inn. Enter after we do and wait for me at a table, Seaven. He complies and waits, having a meal and surveying the Inn’s occupants. Most were seamen yet some looked rather like doubtful characters. Seaven smiled inwardly at that. An hour later the Master came out of a back room and after saying a few words to the men he was with, they left. The Master sits with Seaven and orders a beverage, leaving coin for both Seaven’s meal and his order.

“I hope you had a good time here as we must part ways, but we will meet again in the near future, Seaven I can assure you of that” he smiles. “You may have use of the home. You might try a trip by boat, as you never know where you may end up” he says with a wink. Getting up he nods once to Seaven then leaves.

Seaven stays a few days more and decides before he does take a trip by boat, to visit this land called Darkon. He travels for several months, working as bodyguard sometimes, others finding little odd jobs. His best jobs entail mostly taking care of “problems” or “bad credit” cases. He was very good at what he did. Finally he made it back to Nevuchar Springs months later.

March 17th,760 Off the coast of Souragne, near Port D’elhour

Taking the Masters advice he indeed takes a boat trip. Not sure where he was heading he felt the Master was teasing him almost. That night he dreamt of the name again but this time he remembered it! Tarlyn!

Waking in a sweat he felt renewed. Going on deck he saw they were approaching land, but not Nevuchar Springs of Darkon. No it looked to be an Island. When the boat docked he got off and headed for an Inn. The people talked funny here. He stayed for several days and 2 weeks as he was walking on the outskirts of town he felt a jab a his memory! I remember now! I’m Tarlyn And as he remembered that he remembered his home, his travels his time in Darkon and the cursed mists. He wandered lost and ended up in the swamp, and upon emerging the Master(Lord Valry Rivtoff) approached him and took him back to an Inn.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:12 pm

Tarlyn in Darkon Year 1

Post by steveflam »

Morning of June 20th 758 BC Karg,Darkon
Tarlyn approached the city after he emerged from the mists. These mists will drive me mad! I am positive I’m not he first person nor the last to travel via them either. I wonder what I’ll find here in this city. Hopefully no more Lycanthropes as I have had my fill of them for this lifetime and the next!

He passed through the gate as the guards at the guardpost looked him up and down closely. They approached him and bid him to stop. First speaking to him in a language he did not quite understand, then in a broken Mordentish that he did “What brings you to Karg, stranger?” he asked rather brusquely. Spying Tarlyn’s weapons, he stood back.

Tarlyn responded dryly “ I arrive here from the cursed mists, good Sir. I only wish to enter your FINE city and partake of what it has to offer.” he bows lowly, then stands erect. “You would not turn back a lost soul would you now?” he winks slyly to the guard and approaches him, his hands at his side away from his body to show he meant no harm.

“Just let me visit your fair city, Sir. I only wish to sample what it has to offer before I go on my merry way. Come one now, you wouldn’t turn me back would you?” and as he says this he slips a few coins discreetly into the guards hand, smiling into his eyes. “Now just let me pass, I only wish to visit” he says

The guard eyes widen as he feels the coins slip into his hand and casts a glance into his hand, seeing GOLD!. “Well of course fair traveller” he winks slyly at his partner “Please do enjoy your stay here in Karg and do try to stay out of trouble.” He stands back and lets Tarlyn pass calling after him “Head straight then turn right at the decrepit building, you will find an Inn there called the Roaring Bard”.
Tarlyn pulled his cloak around him and walked slowly, absorbing the city Karg for the first time. Looking around, he saw many militia about. And the citizens, whether Elf or Human seemed to give them a wider berth than would be expected of a civilian in regards to their protectors.
Well that is odd. This bears some investigation on my part. But right now I should get accommodations at this Inn and a good hot meal!

Finding the Inn he entered the premises. Looking around he saw it was a modest Inn. Not many patrons at this hour he saw. Then again they were probably still sleeping. Behind the counter was an elderly woman cleaning glasses. He approached the counter and asked her in Mordentish “Pardon me, Madam, but have you a room and a hot meal for a tired traveler?” he said with the sweetest smile he could muster. My experience with Humans in these lands might just pay off. Make them feel at ease you with you from the start.
She looked at Tarlyn with no expression on her face “Yes I do.” she said listlessly and reaching under the counter, she retrieved a key. Handing it over she said “We don’t tolerate trouble from your kind in here and meals are included in your fare for the room.” Leaning in she whispered “Beware the secret police, they hate outsiders especially your kind. That’ll be 6 silver crowns for the night, please” she leans back waiting.

Tarlyn smiles at her. Reaching into a pouch inside his cloak, he discreetly slides a few gold coins over to her, nodding. Her eyes register the coins but she shows no emotion on her face as her hand quickly slides the coins off the counter and into her other hand. “I’ll have a meal prepared for you, Sir. Come down in a few minutes. It is the last room on the right, number 7.” With that she heads towards a doorway and calls out “One breakfast on the double, Fred! Make it snappy will ya, the man ain’t got all day for Ezra’s sake!!”.

Tarlyn heads up the stairs and walks down the hall to his room. Unlocking the door, he opens it then enters. It is a modest room with a bed, a dresser, a desk and a window with a view into the city. Well a view is good. I can observe the everyday happenings in this ’KARG and see for myself what I might discover. A good Assassin observes and has great patience. Information is like gold to me. I prefer it to coin actually. Especially in this land as I am discovering the hard way. Gold can only get you so much. But being an Elf with a long life I have different needs and philosophies a Human would. Thier lives are so short.FOOLS!. Stashing his backpack under the bed, he stretches. He exits his room and looks around. Seeing noone he removes a hair from his great mane of hair. As he closes the door, he puts the hair in the nook between the door and the frame, smiling to himself. He walks down the hallway and descends back into the Inn, heading for a quiet table. Keeping his back to the wall he leans back and smiles.

A short while later the old woman approaches him with a plate of food and a beverage. She hands it to him, then goes back to her duties. Nodding his thanks, he digs in. As he savors his meal, he ponders his next move. Judging by his past experience, he figured the evening would be his best bet at gathering information as well and perhaps some work.
The evening favors my type of person. Let me rest this day and head out this eve and see what I may find! After his meal is done he approaches the old woman, smiling. “Pardon me, Madam? I shall retire for the day and shall wish a meal this evening. It has been a tiresome journey. If by chance, during my rest, you can think of any establishments that attract a large crowd in the evening, please do let me know when I descend this evening. Thank you”. With that he turns and heads up the stairs and walks to his room. Opening the door he sees the hair and smiles. Reaching up he takes it between his fingers and slips it into a pocket in his cloak for future use. Closing and then locking the door, he slumps onto the bed and closes his eyes. Breathing deeply and long, he starts to build a rhythm. After a few minutes his mind wanders into a state of meditation. Tarlyn stays this way throughout the day until the evening.

Sept 27th,758 BC Karg,Darkon in the rented home of one Valry Rivtoff, esteemed member of the Fraternity of Shadows(FOS)

There is a knock at the door. Sighing, he puts down his book. I asked not to be disturbed. This had better be important. Maybe Carl has some information on the last known whereabouts of that traitor Van Rijn? “I’m coming already” he says impatiently as he arrives at the door. “Yes who is it?”

“It’s me Carl. I have information for you” comes an answer from the other side of the door.

Rivtoff opens the door, an incantation ready in case it is not indeed Carl but one of Van Rijn’s minions. It is Carl and Rivtoff breathes a sigh of relief, letting the young man pass then closing the door and locking it.

“So what have you got for me, Carl? Did you find information on the individual I asked of?” he asks impatiently.

“Um no Sir I did not. But a source tells me that a visiting elf not of these parts is in town. Furthermore I have it on good authority that he is not what he seems to be. He is in “disguise”. He has been snooping around the city at night. He seems quite capable of taking care of himself, judging by the trail of zombie and ghoul bodies that are now permanently dead. He is hard to follow and asks questions that are dangerous. One of my “acquaintances” can detect certain types of magic and sees very well through disguises. He tells me” and at his Carl barely says it loud enough “that this Elf is in fact, well I don’t know how to explain it really. He is Black? I have never heard of a black elf, Lord Rivtoff.”

Rivtoff takes in the information and he grins. “You have done well, Carl. Now do tell me where I can find this fellow, would you? I wish to speak with him” he says. Smiling inwardly, Rivtoff deems it profitable to indeed speak with this “dark” elf. Hmmm if he is not a native his memory will indeed falter, and this will be my cue to take advantage of his memory loss! A dark elf of all the things. He must be mine! I’ll hire him as a bodyguard and try to keep his identity secret from the others! He may in fact come in handy in finding that filthy undead traitor Van Rijn. I will speak to Brother Roeccha on this dark elf’s behalf then.

“He is staying at the Roaring Boar, Sir. Days he sleeps and nights he is out and about” Carl says “Have I done well, Sir?” he dares ask.

“Yes Carl I am pleased. You are dismissed. I’ll be in touch”. With that he opens the door and ushers out Carl Oh I cannot wait to meet this dark one. I grow tired of Carl. Ah the irony of it all. This dark one can take care of Carl. Hence noone but I will know of his true nature! I have heard rumors of some dark elves here in Darkon but never have I seen one. This should prove most interesting.

Nov 27th, 759 BC Roaring Bard Inn, 7 p.m

He ate his meal slowly, savoring every bite. Looking around he saw it was a normal crowd. As he brought the mug to his lips and leaned back, an elderly man enterred. He seemed to look around then approached the elderly serving woman/owner Megan. He spoke with her a few moments then she nodded towards him. Suddenly he felt like he forgot something and ........ What am I doing here? Who am I? Looking around the Inn with a puzzled expression, he spies the elderly gentleman approaching him. The man was smiling at him as if he knew him. Confused, he nodded and waited. The man asked “Ah there you are! How does this fine evening find you, Seaven?” Rivtoff asks.
The elf thinks a moment “Pardon but I do know you, right? You do seem familiar. I seem to be having a lapse of memory for some reason” the elf offers to Rivtoff.

“Well yes” Rivtoff lies “We do know each other. Your name is Seaven and you work for me. I was to meet you here to discuss a small job I have for you, nothing extravagant of course.”

“I work for you? Well it feels plausible. Who are you by the way?” the elf asks.

“Why, I am your employer, Seaven. But you usually call me Master, which suits us both fine I assure you. Now down to business. I have this problem with a man who disrespects me. He does not pay coins owed me and spreads lies about me across town.” Rivtoff says to Seaven “I grow tired of his foul mouthing me and wish him taken care of as only Seaven knows how.” Rivtoff winks at Seaven knowingly.

Rivtoff reaches into his coat and removes a piece of paper, handing it to Seaven. Nodding , he looks at Seaven then the paper. “Memorize it then destroy it, understood?” Rivtoff looks to Seaven to make sure he got the gist of the information on the paper. Seaven read it over twice then holding it between his fingers he held it over the candle on the middle of the table, burning the paper. Nodding to the Master he rose. “Well Sir, I must be going if you wish this fool taken care of” Seaven says in all seriousness. “I’ll await your visit on the morrow and payment for services rendered”. With that he rises from his seat, nods once to Rivtoff, then leaves the Inn. He is precious! I must absolutely keep him as a bodyguard. Think of the possibilities. A Dark one in my employ! The other FOS members will be envious most surely.

Seaven wanders the streets of Karg, pondering his mission.This seems a simple task. This fool must have really disrespected the Master. Oh well it is the last time he shall, ever!

Nov 27th, 758 BC Rivtoff’s home,Karg. 1 a.m

There was a slight knock at the door, barely audible to Rivtoff. Yet he was waiting for it so heard it clearly. Anxiously approaching the door, he shuddered in anticipation.I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. If this is indeed the dark one. Oh how competent he is. The others would be jealous to learn I have a dark elf in my employ!

Opening the door slightly, an enchantment ready, he sees Seaven and lets him in. Closing the door he locks it then turns to Seaven. “So, were you successful in your endeavor? I wager that yes you were, Seaven.” he says with baited breath.

Seaven leans against the wall and observes the Master. Yes he does seem confident in my abilities. Fair enough. I also picked up some nice information for myself this evening. A secret police? This is why the populace are so afraid of the militia then. No matter I do them a favor by spending my evenings terminating undead filth. What else is there to do in my hometown? Twiddle my thumbs? I think not. The Master most surely has plans for me. If not I will prove myself to him. He does seem overzealous at times when dealing with me. It must be my mannish good looks, Seaven muses as he chuckles inwardly

“The person in question is no more, Master. I made sure of it, and thoroughly at that. His abode is no more as well, a tragic yet accidental fire in his abode. Isn’t that just terrible news?” Seaven says to Rivtoff in a lightly sarcastic tone.

“Ah the poor fellow, Seaven. What a tragedy for not only him to perish but his home as well. Whatever shall I do? I of course will never receive the coin he owed me. Oh well life moves on I suppose Seaven. Here’s something for your services of late” he hands Seaven a case and nods. “I wish you to stay here in my home with me, so to better protect me from my enemies and serve me, Seaven”.

Seaven ponders the offer a moment while he feels the case and observes it, then looks Rivtoff in the eye. “Well if you wish it, that can work for me, but the payment is more , Master. Standard fee for live in bodyguard. Shall I use the spare room here on the 1st floor, Master? I have little belongings as you well know. I shall take you up on the offer tomorrow, Master. I need to take care of some personal matters tomorrow during the day. If you’ve no more use of me this evening” he looks to Rivtoff expectantly. Seeing as the Master says nothing, he excuses himself from the room and leaves the home. Heading towards the Inn he muses over the Masters offer and smiles. Well that would be an easy task, guarding the Master and living in his home as well. If I pay attention I am postitive I can learn some new information I have not learnt as of yet in Karg. The Master seems knowledgeable in many aspects of Karg. He seems to belong to a Brotherhood of some sort. Some kind of organization if it were.

Enterring the Inn he nods to Megan as he enters and heads up the stairs to his room. Once securely in his room, he lays on the bed and opens the case. Inside is an black ebony rod. Upon further inspection he sees 3 buttons. Curious he presses the button numbered “1". A grapple pops out. Inspecting the case thoroughly he finds a hidden compartment with a papyrus in it. Reading it he discovers how to use the rod and was taken aback by the Master’s generous gift.I will use this wisely, Master as you suspected I would. He smiles to himself

Several months pass in which Seaven does little jobs for his “Master”, whether it be assassinating or more valet like work. Rivtofff relishes having a dark elf bodyguard/assistant and Seaven does work without complaint.

Oct 10th , 759 BC Karg,Darkon Rivtoff’s home 12 p.m

Rivtoff stared at the letter. He read it again to be sure of its contents, cursing the traitor. The bastard! He is sending us on a wild goose chase to that godforsaken sinkhole of an island? As if we will find an answer to van Rijn’s whereabouts in Souragne, he scoffs. Some mumbo jumbo Voodan can help them find information on the ring? This remains to be seen. Well it is time to head to Nevuchar Springs and meet with the FOS and head for Souragne afterwards

He summons Seaven to his quarters. “Sit please. I have some news I wish to share with you. We must travel to Nevuchar Springs on the coast tomorrow, Seaven. You will like it . It is on the sea and quite the busy little port. You should find it more accommodating to someone of your pointed eared race. I have business I have to attend to there and wish you to see the city. But first I have a job for you” and with his he hands Seaven a piece of paper with instructions, Seaven studies it twice then burns it. “I’ll see you tonight after the job, Master” he says, and leaves.
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