Resonance of Twilight: Player Poll

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Should I do intro threads as characters are created or wait for everyone?

Go ahead
No way you impatient bastard
Total votes: 5

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Post by Desertrising »

Hey all, just letting you know that we will probably be starting by Monday. Hope everyone is ready. I know I am psyched!
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Post by HuManBing »


(Vote Cthulhu. That way you can't blame the other guy for wanting to postpone the debate!)
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

::Mort eyes Florian suspiciously:: I'm supposed to squander my good standing with the Weathermays and their guests so you can con some naieve courtier? Does not ring of a sound business decision for ME, my friend.

::Takes the bottle of wine and observes the candlelight through the bottle::

::Tucks the bottle under his arm with a sigh and walks toward the party::

Hurry up.
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Post by HuManBing »

Ah, my suspicious friend Mort - you say "con" like it's a bad thing. Let's treat the word with the respect it deserves from a true artisan... "encourage to charitable acts".

And it's not a mere courtier. This is the lady Elga du Lussac we're talking about. She's a noted philanthropist (though she doesn't yet know it) and she will be famous as the patron of the early polymath and Renaissance man, Florian... the only problem is she hasn't quite given this generous gesture much thought. I'm sure with a few choice words and a liberal application of honey-tongued flattery, she'll see the manifold returns from endorsing this promising young dilettante!

And if she doesn't, I'll just have to beat her at cards won't I?

Look, how about this. You get me into that party and into the Lady's sta-- I mean, graces, and I'll get you a copy of that treatise on mycophagic anthropophisbaena that you'd been unable to get from Darkon. I know a few friends who can lift a book from the library at Neblus and copy the pages out... but I'd really have to pay them for this and it's just one way that Lady du Lussac could help endorse the freeflow of knowledge.

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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

You're overthinking things again, Florian. This is Mordent! The ruling class is not so snobbish as those in Port-a-Lucine. Just follow me in and i shall introduce you to my patron. Jules Weathermay is a good sort, and, from my research, was something of a rogue himself in his earlier decades. Just do ME a favor and keep a low profile once inside. Deal?

Who is this Elga du Lussac anyway? Can't say i heard the name during my time in the City of Lights. She IS Dementlieur, isnt she?
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Post by Desertrising »

The doorman looks at the two companions with a quizzical tilt to his head.

"You have not hear of the du Lussac family?" He questions them, the sound of disbelief plainly obvious in his voice.

"I do say that is quite odd given their ties to the markets in the area. The Lussac's are one of the chief trading houses for fine wood products made only from wood native only to the forests of our fair Mordent."

With the sudden realization that he may of spoken out of turn the door man bows slightly. "M'lords." he ads as an after thought.

(Vote Cuthulhu, his cultists make great cannon fodder!)
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Post by Strahdsbuddy »

::Looking around as though searching for trees:: I'm not sure how long they've been in business, but i daresay it can't be much longer!

::Snickers softly at his own joke and steps inside, shaking off the cool evening's touch::
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Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Hey everybody,

Sorry to post this here, but I did not see a "Cast of Characters" thread.

Here goes:

Name: Sheridon “The Coachman”
Race: Caliban Class: Fighter
Gender: Male Height: 6’8” Weight: 350 lbs Age: 33
Hair: Translucent and Pale. Size: M Align: CG

Appearance: Sheridon,, an ugly beast as some would describe him, stands taller than many men. He is as broad as he is big, and as such still slumps forward at all time. His pale skin does little to conceal the blue veins that course his body, which may be why the man wears a battered and weather beaten old dark brown highway coat and tri –cornered hat at all times. Collar up of course to conceal the lower portion of his face. Underneath his upturned collar is a visage that would frighten the most stout adventurer. Beneath his deep set, beady grey eyes, is his oversized jaw, which causes such a grotesque under-bite his tiny child-like teeth jut up and over his upper lip, which causes him to speak in an odd slurping lisp.
Sheridon is well aware of his unsettling nature, which is why he take precautions not to alarm other, yet still his enormous size is enough to keep his coachman business un rewarding. He makes little more than enough to pay for room and board, and a simple meal in the evening.

STR: 15 +2
DEX: 7 -2
CON: 12 +2
INT: 8 -1
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 4 -3

Hit Points: 11

Savings Throws:

Fortitude: 3 (2+1)
Reflex: -2 (-2+0)
Will: 1 (1+0)

Base Attack Bonus: 1
Melee: 3
Ranged: -2

Wood Cutting Axe +3 d8 6lbs Slashing

Skills: Attribute Ability Ranks Misc. Skill

Appraise INT -1 0 0 -1
Balance DEX -2 0 0 -2
Bluff CHA -3 0 0 -3
Climb STR +2 0 0 2
Concentration CON +1 0 0 1
Diplomacy INT -1 0 0 -1
Disguise CHA -3 0 0 -3
Escape Artist DEX -2 0 0 -2
Forgery INT -1 0 0 -1
Gather Information CHA -3 0 0 -3
Handle Animal CHA -3 4 2 3
Heal WIS +1 0 0 1
Hide DEX -2 0 0 -2
Intimidate CHA -3 0 0 -3
Jump STR +2 0 0 2
Listen WIS +1 0 0 1
Move Silently DEX -2 0 0 -2
Perform CHA -3 0 0 -3
Ride DEX -2 0 0 -2
Scry INT -1 0 0 -1
Search INT -1 0 0 -1
Sense Motive WIS +1 0 0 1
Spot WIS +1 0 0 1
Survival WIS +1 0 0 1
Swim STR +2 0 0 2
Use Rope DEX -2 0 0 -2


Animal Affinity
Power Attack


The clothes on his back. A Carriage. 1 heavy horse. Wood cutting axe (used to clear fallen branches from the roads…and sometimes splittin’ heads)



Sheridon has always known life as an outcast. Every since the day he was born, people always told him his mum should have bashed in his skull with a heavy stone, just to save the people the site of him. As a youth, he unfortunately never learned to dodge stones as the first incident shattered his kneecap. An injury that still haunts him to this day, and is apparent as he walks with a constant limp.
Sheridon spent much of his free time as a child locked away in the barn with the animals. Mum always said that this was for his own good, so he wouldn’t have to hear the awful things guests would say about how horrifying he was to look at, at how absolutely grotesque and how unfortunate that one such as he were allowed to live. This “protection” led to Sheridon developing a keen understanding of animals. At first of course, they rejected him as well, biting and neighing and rearing back with flailing hooves before them, but after time the boy learned how to earn and keep an animals trust.
As an adolescent, Sheridon did not get to experience much of the foolishness and running about as the other children his age did. No, Sheridon was kept working, often tasked to help the servants in their chores. Thus Sheridon grew up cold and distant.
As time went on, Sheridon’s family slowly died off, leaving the young man a neglected farm, falling into decay. Sheridon sold the land and with his earnings purchased a carriage and horse to pull it. He then earned a place, albeit a shakey one amongst the community as a coachman. A job which he has done for 15 years.
These days Sheridon is still despised by the community, but offers a valuable coach service to those who can afford the modest fees. For the length of his shift, he rarely leaves the drivers seat, to not upset his customers with his enormous size. He always keeps the collar of his highwayman coat turned up to conceal his disfigured features. His tri-corn hat is always worn low to hide his darting, deep set, beady grey eyes. And always, he keeps his mouth shut, unless of course to say: “Put t’da copper in ‘da bhucket, Gov’na.”.
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Post by Desertrising »

Okay everyone, today is the start day. I will be starting the RP thread sometime today. I think we can just keep this thread as our OOC thread for now.

Looking forward to it!
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Post by Desertrising »

First post is up. It is very general and pretty short. I wanted to give you all ample opportunity to introduce yourself.

Have fun!

Now back to the grind I suppose.
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Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Desertrising wrote:Rent moved through the door way a bell ringing above his head alerting whoever made residence inside to the presence of another being. Looking around Rent noticed that almost every inch of the small room was filled with shelves, tables, and a dizzying variety of equipment ranging from flasks and beakers to parchments and pins.

"ello?" said a rasping voice from deep within the room "Can I help you?"
Too funny, sorry for the confusion. My characters name isn't "Rent". In his inner monologue he was thinking about how he hadn't paid the rent at his residence. His name is "Sharidon". Too funny.
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Post by Desertrising »

Kevic is a crippled man who owns and operates a company called Ethereal Investigations. He is considered strange by most folk who know him and while crippled has a slight grace about him. Not in the way he moves, but in his presence.
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Post by HuManBing »

I've just posted a bit about Florian.

I'm assuming that Lamordia is fairly close to Germany and Austria, culturally speaking.

Der Föhn is supposedly a Lamordian navy vessel - and if Florian is to be believed, a fairly important one (as the ship-of-the-line was the battleship of its time).

A Gymnasium is similar to an upscale private high school. Florian apparently attended that but did not go to join the army, as he was lacking in character.

Now it seems his purpose in Mordent is to learn to "take life as a man should" by learning from this race of Mordentish people that his godfather allegedly holds in such high regard.


We can only hope that, unlike Adolf Hitler, his Germanic regard for the Anglo way of life will survive his first encounter with cricket.
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Post by Desertrising »

I like the thought you put into the background.

Also wanted to let you all know you have been doing a wonderful job so far. I consider myself blessed to take part in this given the talent of the group.

Well done!
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Post by WolfKook »

Well, I wouldn't know: It's my first time in PbP, and I'm not that confident with my use of the english language (i.e. Sometimes I know exactly what I want to say but I don't know how to express it in english, moreso, my character is expected to have a certain use of the language I'm afraid lack). I hope you'll be patient till I get used to this.

In the meantime, I'm having a great time! I also feel blessed to play with such a great group! (And I feel almost at home: I've always liked to discuss themes with HMB and Strahdsbuddy, and have always found BigBadQDaddy's opinions very interesting).
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William Blake
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