Ravenloft Reanimated: Darklords and Domains

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Irving the Meek
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Post by Irving the Meek »

Gnarfflinger wrote:I don't know that excluding domains or dark lords is the way to approach this. I can see the core as a living tapestry of torment, reaching out and replicating lands like a giant lump of silly putty. Like silly putty, it is easily warped into suitable prisons for these beings after their act of perdition.
I disagree - or I suppose it'd be more accurate to say I half disagree.

While this was most certainly accurate when discussing Ravenloft 3.5, the planar structure that supported Ravenloft doesn't exist in 4.0. More importantly, the "prison" aspect of the Darklords makes it very difficult to create a coherent narrative in and around the Core.

I would like to see Ravenloft established as a "real" world in 4.0 - one with some very sinister innate magical laws, including ones that bind evildoers to the land in immortality. But a more stable "core" that doesn't warp in a heartbeat would be useful.

Now, I do think that a "core" Ravenloft should have very thin walls between the Shadowfell and the Prime. The Nightmare Lands can be anywhere, at any time, and a more surreal version of the Core can intrude on reality at any time. But a "true" land that doesn't warp and twist in a heartbeat provides a lot of potential.
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Post by WolfKook »

Just to encourage people to keep voting, let's see at the results so far:
  • Azalin/Darkon have gotten a lot of love, with 6/5 points so far.
  • Strahd/Barovia and Mordenheim/Lamordia (Curiously, not Adam), are tied at 2nd place, with 4/4 points each.
  • Ivana/Borca and the Three Sisters/Tepest share the third place, with 3/3 points each. Ivan hasn't received as much love as his cousing, but at just 1 point from her, he'll probably stay.
  • Drakov/Falkovnia gets 3/2 points, for a total of 5. Mordent also gets 5 points on its own, but Godefroy is still at 0.
  • Ankhtepot/Har'Akir have also received support, with 2/2 points.
On the other side of the scale, these are the domains and darklords that would not appear in Ravenloft Reanimated, if the poll ended today:
  • Lord Soth/Sithicus, at last place, with -5/-1. There's no love for old buckethead, but Inza is close in the hate list, two places over Soth, with -2 points.
  • Tristessa/Keening, with -1/-3. Someone suggested that this domain should be absorved by Darkon.
  • Easan/Vechor and Hazlik/Hazlan, tied in a duel of lame magic with -1/-1 each.
  • Gabrielle/Invidia have curiously gotten just 0/-1, and are tied with Von Kharkov/Valachan, with -1/0.
If the poll closed today, Arkandale, Bluetspur, Mictlan, Nova Vaasa, Pharazia, Souragne and the Nightmare lands would probably be searching for new Darklords, while Death, Elena and Scipio's Rafaelle Feudale would be out there, looking for a domain to live in.
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Post by DilisnyaRevenge »

I lurk these boards quite a bit, but today I decided to chime in with my opinion...

My votes mostly have to do with the core since it is where most of the action (in my campaigns at least) has taken place...

(For those of you who said this is really hard... You are right!)

Keep Domain and Darklord:

Keep Domain only:
???/Mordent (Godefroy is so boring as a Darklord.)
???/Souragne (Find a place for it in the core or just across the ocean?)
???/Verbrek (I kinda like Nathan and Alfred as characters, but I think they both missed the mark as Darklords. We need someone truly worthy of the title "Wolf God".)

Keep Darklord only:
Elena Faith-hold/??? (I love the fallen Paladin concept, but I personally think it would be a more "tight" world if she was in the core and somehow tied to Ezra... Maybe the Nevuchar Springs Anchorites? Just thoughts...)

If I had an 11th vote:
Adam(Modenhiem)/Lamordia (The "Universal Moster" factor)

Dump Both:
Keening (I do like the merge into Darkon idea though...)

I don't like the domain or the darklord, and I would vote to dump it, but *something* needs to be there:
Nova Vaasa

I have nothing against the other core domains, but you only get so many votes, lol!
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Post by DasSoviet »

Been meaning to give my two cents here for a while now, so here we go

Tristen : I've never really focused much on this domain, but I liked some of what I read in the Gazetteer, moreso about Tristen than Forlorn itself. He seems like a very interesting character to run. However, the domain could use some change... more civilization, mayhaps?
Hazlan/Hazlik: Hazlan is a domain I could see with a great myriad of uses, particularly as it stands now as a centre of magic and sorcery in the core. Add that to it's close ties to Bluetspur, and the racial tensions , and you've got a good base to work of. Hazlik works well, also, however like his domain, he's better off as a base and concept. Play down the angst, and up the genocidal impulses. A rebuild for both are well in order, but the overall concept has the potential to work extreemly well.
Necropolis/Death: This is a really odd place... the ruins of a great city filled with undead, ruled over by a being that thinks it's death... and where any living creature who enters will join their ranks. A really interesting idea, but... not really playable without significant alterations. Maybe shunting it off into the Plane of Shadows or something along the lines could work... I don't know. However, it's still a good idea, so let's not throw it out yet without working with it first: KEEP
Nocturnal Sea/Meredoth: Really like what the Fraternity has done with this domain... the arch-Necromancer and this hand-shaped isle of... resources...are definite keepers
Nova Vassa : It would be far far better if Malken and Hiregaard were unaware of their condition, but... all together, Malken does not fit his domain, and vice versa. A new darklord work work well here, but Hiregaard could make a valuable PC ally, so let's keep the poor guy... and Malken therein.
Sithicus: like others have said, Sithicus has really lost something after Soth left. Inza just isn't inspiring enough to really serve as a central focus, and the overriding xenophobia of the elves really does isolate the domain. However... a human-minority domain is a bit of a novelty. Significant reworking needed, but I'm certain Sithicus could be made to work
von Kharkov: von Kharkov is a really novel idea for a villain and dark lord. Beast fighting against nature to become man... however, his domain really doesn't fit, it feels like a great big afterthought. No... von Kharkov works well, and should be kept as a sympathetic villain, but Valachan needs a serious overhaul. I think the biggest problem with Valachan is that it's just... there. It needs to be a bit more active, and maybe remodelling the Sea of Sorrows could change that.
Vechor/Easan : After seeing what the Fraternity did in the Nocturnal Sea Gazetter, I say Vechor's become a keeper. Really weird place to wreck your PCs, and a place that I could see used on occasion.
Bluetspur: Place this domain on the moon like I've seen suggested, and give the mindflayers some... interesting version of spelljammers. Then, what the pschisa hit the fan when Mind Flayers Attack
Pardion: Needs a place off the coast of the Core, prolly replace Markovia with the isle, add in some countryside surrounding it... I'd actually take the entire Zhestria island as demonstrated in Quoth The Raven II and incorporate it into the core somehow. The entire thing just works perfectly.

Invidia/Gabrielle: I really don't see much use for this nation... a sparsely populated woodland ruled by a despotic, Vistani mercenary lord, whose darklord is a Vistani-hating witch. This suffers from much the same problem as Falkanova, but unlike Drakov, Machello and Gabrielle just don't seem to have the capability to serve ye olde big bad evil guys. I don't see a rewrite possibility coming from here, unlike Hazlan or Valachan, so I'd have to exclude it.
Keening: Tristessa seems like an interesting enough villain, but darklord material? Eh... and the fact that her domain is easily enough avoided and overlooked, well... it either needs a significant rewrite to stay independent, or merge it with Darkon or Tepest and keep Tristessa and a baddie therein.
Markovia: Don't know much about this domain... but it really doesn't seem to have an outward role to play in the Core... it's just there, like Keening. However... with significant changes and rewrites I think this domain can become workable. But as it stands, not now
The Shadow Rift/Gwydion: No, just... no. This place doesn't fit the core at all... a great, big, shadow-cloaked rift in the earth populated by Fey and a dark god? Yeah... the rift would work much better as an extraplanar location, a dark version of Faerie/Feywild/what have you. The core would be much better served with other, mortal-inhabited domains in the Rift's place, a place where the PCs can go to and adventure, or, potentially, a place where the BBEG resides et al. The rift really doesn't fill either of those roles for me, so the decision is fairly easy
The Wildlands/King Croc: Another location that doesn't work within the ideals of Ravenloft. Sri Raja and Saragos are... passable, but not the Wildlands. No... this domain isn't something I can envision using as intended, so... remove it and replace it something more fitting for a South-Asian themed setting. There has to hundreds of ideas for something like that.

Okay... hope this helps, folks! Just my own take, as someone who likes his Victorian-Era imperialism settings!
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Post by Gnarfflinger »

Irving: Where the new Demiplane of Dread ends up in the new cosmology is less important than the fact that we have this living tapestry of torment and terror. Whether the Shadowfell touches each Material plane, or is tucked away in the Astral realms or Elemental Chaos is something that can be debated after sufficient interested members have had a chance to look over Manual of the Planes.

That said, I would like to see something done with the Nightmare lands. I liked the idea of the Nightmare court. They did a whole box set in 2nd edition that had the most interesting possibilities for horror of any of their products...


Nightmare lands (Nightmare Court)
Barovia (Strahd)
Darkon (Azalin)
Forlorn (Tristen ap Blanc)
Souragne (Anton Misouri)
? (Tristen Hiregarde)
Markovia (Frantisek Markov)
Kartakass (Harkon)
Har Akir (Ankhtepot)
Lamordia (Adam/Victor)


None. Sure some need to be on the back burner while we figure out where they fit, and in some cases why they are darklords, but I really don't want to "lose" these stories. By keeping Ravenloft as a Demiplane, we can still place these domains at the edges of the new core or in pocket domains or clusters as we decide...


Separate the poisoner cousins (Ivan and Ivana) again. Put them back in their own domains, with full knowledge of each other and on top of their curses, they are now PO'ed at each other and want to kill the other one, but the fact that they can't further adds to their agony.

In some cases, the act of perdition that some darklords have committed is not quite clear. Perhaps that story needs to be fleshed out.
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

OK, I'll bite. Mainly because some of my faves aren't getting enough votes. :)

Barovia & Strahd (hardly needs to be said, does it?)
Darkon & Azalin
Nidala & Elena (Nidala needs more detail, yes, but not to be thrown away)
Invidia & Gabby (She's the ultimate "home-grown" darklord. Daughter of a vistani and Vlad Drakov (Implied), killed her mother with the (unbeknownst) assistance of Alfred Timothy. Victim of the Gentleman Caller, mother of the Dukkar, what's not to love? And how can anyone read or play The Evil Eye and not fall in love with Invidia?)
Falkovnia & Vlad (I know a lot of people think it's time for Vlad to die and have someone else takeover, but I've got a soft spot for him.)
Harkon Lukas & Kartakass

Lamordia (I'm OK with giving it to the Dr., though. I buy Mangrum's explanation that Lamordia reflects the Dr. and not Adam as part of Adam's curse to be unaccepted, even by his own land. But I don't know if I buy the "born evil" path to darklordhood.)
Dementlieu (Love the place. Like Dominic, but I'm not too attached to him. Maybe off him and give the place to The Brain.)
Mordent (Sorely in need of fleshing out. Godefroy is a fine DL, but I'd be interested to see another spin on it.)
The Shadow Rift (respin it how you like, call it the land of Faerie, hide it away in a nearby plane, whatever. I happen to like the big gaping hole in the world, but that's just me. Wouldn't mind a more appropriate DL, though. Not Loht, though. He's more interesting if mobile, IMHO)

Malken (Might be time for Tristen to go and Malken to move onto another host, but I like him, as Romir's ghost, rather than a hereditary curse.)
Ivan/Ivana (does that count as two or one?)
The Nightmare Court
Ebonbane (Yes, in direct opposition to my dislike of "born evil" darklords. But I like what his presence means for the whole Shadowlands cluster. And with all the detail he's gotten since his first appearance, he's no longer the "silly sword darklord" to me.)

(On the lack of any non-canon domains: No offense to any who've written them, but I've rarely seen any that really grab me.)

The Three Hags (I like Tepest well enough, but I never see any real hooks to use with the sisters)

Avonleigh (I think the Shadowlands cluster needs more civilization and less abandoned wasteland)

Sithicus & Inza (should have just let it dissolve when Soth left.)
Valachan & Von Kharkov (they've tried and tried to make it interesting and it just doesn't work for me)
Tristessa & Keening (just seems like leftovers to me)
I'Cath and Tsien Chiang (Better a real Chinese-influenced domain or none at all. I much prefer domains where someone can actually be from, and things can happen that don't involve the DL or their supporting cast.)
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Post by impworks »

Being a little controversial I'm leaving off Barovia not because it shouldn't be there but because personally I don't think it should need to be considered - no Barovia and it just wouldn't be Ravenloft (actually I think a better question would have been which domains do you have to have for it to be Ravenloft first and then worry about the ones that didn't make that list after but thats just me)

Lamordia (Adam / Victor Mordenheim)
Dementlieu (Dominic d'Honaire)
Falkovnia (Vlad Drakov)
Tepest (Three Hags)
Mordent (Lord Godefroy)
Richemulot (Jacqueline Renier)
Borca (Ivana Boritsi / Ivan Dilisnya)
The Sea of Sorrows
Souragne (Anton Misroi)
Har' Akir (Anhktepot)

Get Rid of:
Bluetspur (The God Brain)
The Shadow Rift - As a geographical feature of the Core - make it more like the nighmare lands as a Pocket
That stupid river in Darkon (sorry not a domain or a darklord just a little too far past what I think RL should be)

Other than the get rid ofs any of the other Core domains could make the first list AFAIK...
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Post by WolfKook »

Well, at just one week to close votations, here are the partial results. For each domain/darklord listed you'll find it (him) listed in the following format:

number.name (votes for/votes against) percentage of inclusion in RLR

(If you want to know how the percentages were assigned, please email me to receive an XLS with the results).

So, the partial results are as follows:

DOMAINS (Top Ten Probably Included)
10. Dementlieu (3/0) 75,9%
10. Kartakass (3/0) 75,9%
9. Tepest (4/0) 81,1%
8. Falkovnia (5/0) 85,7%
7. Borca (6/0) 89,7%
5. Har Akir (5/0) 90,8%
5. Souragne (5/0) 90,8%
3. Barovia (7/0) 93,4%
3. Lamordia (7/0) 93,4%
1. Darkon (8/0) 96,9%
1. Mordent (8/0) 96,9%

DOMAINS (Top Ten Probably Excluded)
9. Avonleigh (1/1) 50 %
9. Invidia (3/3) 50 %
9. Markovia (1/1) 50 %
9. Vechor (1/1) 50 %
6. Forlorn (2/2) 41,2%
6. Hazlan (2/2) 41,2%
6. Shadow Rift (2/2) 41,2%
5. Sithicus (2/4) 32,4%
3. I'Cath (0/1) 30,4%
3. Wildlands (0/1) 30,4%
2. Valachan (2/4) 29 %
1. Keening (1/7) 9,4%

DARKLORDS (Top Ten Probably Included)
10.Ivan Dilisnya (3/0) 77,4%
8.Anton Misroi (3/0) 79,7%
8.Elena Faithhold (3/0) 79,7%
7.Harkon Lukas (4/0) 79,2%
6.Ankhtepot (4/0) 84,3%
4.Ivana Boritsi (5/0) 82,9%
4.Mordenheim (5/0) 82,9%
3.Vlad Drakov (6/0) 87,3%
2.Strahd (7/0) 90,8%
1.Azalin (9/0) 97,1%

DARKLORDS (Top Ten Probably Excluded)
10.Nathan Timothy (2/1) 57,7%
9.Easan (1/1) 50 %
8.Gwydion (1/1) 40,1%
7.Hazlik (2/3) 32,1%
5.King Croc (0/1) 27,6%
5.Tsien Chiang (0/1) 27,6%
4.Von Kharkov (2/4) 26,1%
3.Tristessa (1/4) 18,1%
2.Lord Soth (1/6) 13,4%
1.Inza (0/3) 11,3%

For those who have already bitten, thank you! I hope a lot of people do it in the following (final) week.

To impworks: I didn't separate the "defining" domains from the others for lack of time (This project is huge already), and in hopes that those domains would get the highest results (As it seems to be happening).
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Post by Guzrath »

Nice work with the overview Wolfkook :!:

Keep it up. Curious to see if there will be some changes.
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Post by cure »

Nova Vassa
Graben Island/Todstein
L'ile de la tempete



Shadowborn Manor

Sri Raji







Nightmare Lands


Ivan Dilisnya
Ivana Boritsi
Jacqueline Renier
Harkon Lukas
Vlad Drakov BUT reworked
Gabrielle Aderre

Doctor Dominani
Captain Monette
Lord Godfrey

Anton Misroi

Elena Faithhold
Ebonbane BUT reworked to remind me less of Stormbringer



Le Mot Sediam Juste


Nightmare Man & rest of court

King Croc
Alfred Timothy
Three Hags UNLESS individuated into three dimensional beings with at least slightly divergent agendas
Captain Pieter van Riese
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Post by WolfKook »

The voting is over, and Ravenloft Reanimated's now got 18 canon domains (And 16, probably 18 darklords) to fill part of its 50 domain quota. The selected canon domains (And their darklords) are:

Barovia (Strahd)
Borca (Ivan Dilisnya/Ivana Boritsi)
Darkon (Azalin)
Dementlieu (Dominic D'Honaire?)
Falkovnia (Vlad Drakov)
Har Akir (Ankhtepot)
Kartakass (Harkon Lukas)
Lamordia (Mordenheim, perhaps co-darklordship with Adam?)
Nidala (Elena Faithhold)
Nightmare Lands (Nightmare Court)
Nocturnal Sea (Meredoth)
Sea of Sorrows
Souragne (Anton Misroi)
Sri Raji (Arijani)

The cases of Mordent, Paridon, Pharazia, the Sea of Sorrows and Tepest are special, as many people voted for them, but comparatively few people voted for their darklords. That could mean that some of those domains would be needing a darklord change, or perhaps their darklords would need a serious retcon.

Something similar happens with Death, Ebonbane and Morgoroth: They received enough votes to be included, but their domains didn't receive as much love as they did. Perhaps those domains could be included, with a different approach, or these darklords would need to move to different domains entirely.

There are also domains and darklords which are still uncertain, having received enough votes not to be discarded, but not enough to be included either, they are in a limbo of sorts, and we'll probably be voting for them in the following weeks. They are:

Blaustein (Bluebeard)
Dominia (Dr. Dominiani)
L'ile de la Tempete (Monette)
Nova Vaasa
Richemulot (Jackie)
Rokushima Taiyoo
Scaena (Lemot Sediam Juste)
Sea of Sorrows
Shadowborn Manor

Plus Gabrielle Aderre, Frantisek Markov, Maligno, Malken and the Three Hags.

But this is just one of the first steps... There's a lot to come.
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Post by NykylaiHellray »

This idea is mainly from reading sandman to much.

Since necropolis is not really loved as such. What if we could radically change it?

As one idea I have been toying with, is that the city has changed into a city of funerals. Bit like the necropolis litharge of sandman, though of course with many alterations to make it more fitting and unique.

The unliving have changed there roles to funeral directors, creating monolithic tombs and caverns to intern the dead in a assortment of ways from every faith one can think of.

I dont know how I would fit this radical idea to the cannon of that place. Though when I think necropolis. I feel it should be more of a city of tombs and ritual. Maybe death sinking more into the fabric of his plane, ceasing to be what a usual darklord is.

A city where the music is funeral processions, and the subtle echo of prayers carried on the winds.

In this respect the idea that the living cant enter remains in an aspect. The bodies of those who wish to be buried within its walls are carried in. They dont rise as servants but enjoy eternal rest within its walls.

Does this sound like an way to take this domain?
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Post by Yaoi Huntress Earth »

I hope this isn't too late, but for the ones that were left out I just want to throw in my opinion if that's ok...

Avonleigh: I like the barebones description behind it has some merit if they added more to it.

Blaustein (Bluebeard): Never really cared for this one so unless some one Re-cons it, I'd ditch this one.

Bluetspur: I like the alien Cthulu type horror aspect, it needs an update.

Carnival: I like this one as a traveling "mixed blessing" I just don't see their leader as a Darklord, she deserves another title.

Dominia (Dr. Dominiani): Bleak House made this one quite awesome and creepy so it's a keeper.

G'Henna: What if fundementalism treated eating like they do sex. This one has merits and I'd keep it.

Ghastria: Some of the stuff being worked in the plot potiental thread could give this domain the boost it needs. Otherwise I never really cared about it.

Nova Vaasa: I'm pretty nuetral to this one so it can go either way.

Odiare: I like the city of children idea and for some reason don't mind the darklord as an aspect of twisted childhood. Another one that needs an update.

Richemulot (Jackie): I'm surprised this one didn't get any votes, it's a keeper.

Rokushima Taiyoo: I like the idea of asian horror, but Shinpi should be aloud to do more than just sit around. Because the story behind him as a man who seeked a perfect kingdom by twisting his own code of honnor upon others has a tragic edge. Let him temporarily possess people or something.

Scaena (Lemot Sediam Juste): I just really like the concept behind the domain and the DL so keep it.

Sea of Sorrows
Sebua: I like the DL but it could use more civilization and ties to the rest of the Amber Wastes.
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