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Do you believe in the supernatural?

Would if you see one
Don't know
Wouldn't believe in them even if you saw one
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Post by jamesravenwing »

I never thought of the Black Dog angle. But if it is that, what about the shadowy figure?
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Wiccy of the Fraternity
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

AoD, it doesn't matter how old the place you live in is. I went to school with a girl whos house was haunted and at the tmie it was less than a year old. A builder died in an accident while making it *my friend was only a baby at the time, so her parents told her all this later in life). Her parents wouls wake up in the night and hear noises in the house as if furniture was being dragged or bangedabout, but looking about the house revealed nothing. One night they woke up to hear loud dragging suonds in their bedroom and decided to hide in their bed. In the monring when they got up their wardrobe had been moved several inches forawrd in the night. It took 4 people to lift the wardrobe into place once it had been crane lifted through the window (which they had to remove) but during the night some force had moved it of its own accord.

They later had the house exorcised but it did no good (modern exorcisms rarely are beneficial since they are not belived in), later a druid cleansed the hosue and everything was fine.

As for spirit guides I have 7, these are those I am more familiar with, the others are still hard to discern after contacting them for several years.:

1. A domestic house cat
2. A tiger or lion (not sure which)
3. A small young woman, possibly in her teens
4. A middle-aged man
5. A shapeless entity with a definate female signature, possibly an extremely old spirit.
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Post by Ordovician »

Absolutely I believe in the supernatural. Always have, always will, though I don't know why. Maybe it was being brought up with old horror movies, I dunno. Had a few experiences myself.

One isn't overtly supernatural, I guess, just kinda odd. I've always had really vivid, recurring dreams (though in the past few months, those've died off somewhat). One local haunt, the admissions offices at Gettysburg College (and a hospital during the war) *always* appears in my dreams, whether it makes sense there or not. I also have had quite a few dreams concerning a woman named Eleanor, despite the fact that I don't know anyone named that, or, for that matter, anything even close to that. Then I got a paper with some things about the family tree of the relatives of mine who came over from Ireland around the time of the American Civil War, and found that Eleanor was one of the children of that family, and about 17 or 18 at the time. I dunno, I always made the connection in my mind that it was the ghost of my ancestor communicating with me about something.

The other I've had is a little more overtly supernatural, and involves one night in 1997 or so. At that point, I was in a really bad way, my grades were horrible, I was about to fail out of school, my girlfriend had broken up with me, etc. So one night, at about 3 AM, I wake up very suddenly, with a feeling of terror. I'm just laying there staring and I see this figure of a tall black man (not black as in African, black as in he looked like a shadow almost, and had no features at all) with his arms held tightly against his sides. He was just standing there, looking out my window. Then somehow, I managed to close my eyes and when I looked again, he was gone. Now I'm reasonably sure that was actually one of those sleep paralysis deals associated with a hallucination, but maybe it was a ghost...

Also, once I saw what may have been a UFO. A huge, brilliant orange light in the sky. It wasn't the moon, because that was behind the car. It zipped around a bit and then went straight up.
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Post by sabbattack »

I really never thought I would ever chime in this thread... It's just that one might not believe another here. I for instance, remain skeptic even though I had something of a little trip to a personal hell, if I can put it this way...
It all happened 2-3 years back, when I (sadly) was really into the laveyan philosophy and had some rather stupid "pals" who were "into mysticism". Well, back then I was kinda stupid enough to believe them. Right now I have changed my personal philosophy and strengthened my skepticism to deal with the whole situation. Let me state it:

Our group of seven were to gather in a common friend's house for a "seance" (sp??). Good so far. All the time I was to the point of LMAO because as I said I was really into the "orthodox" La Veyan belief of satanism and I just wanted to play with them and let them think they actually did something. So, we went to (I'll name him John Smith) John's house and we started drawing the chalk circle, lighting the candles etc. Well, to make long things short, they started mambo-jumbo chants and stuff, making pentagrams and all....About one hour later (it was about 2 in the night) the front door of the appartment opened and A man came to our room (common, bald, in his 60s) and told us to go home and stop all this bullcrap because he was going to call the cops. We packed, left and while we headed back we were discussing how we were going to complain to John because he said that noone was supposed to be in his house.
Next day we meet John and start to tell him off. He panicks and asks for a better description of this man. We describe the man as above and he takes out a photo from his wallet and it was actually the same man. All of a sudden John starts shouting and cursing us and is really upset because we: "planned this thing all along to him, who thought of us as friends, and we played him a cold-hearted trick by using his late father, who's not even a year gone!" . . . .

I still don't believe that this thing happened. I stopped hanging out with them a little while after that and still haven't learned if this all was a farce.The last straw in this story is that, about a month ago, I was waiting at the bus stop near my house (which is in the same area as John's) when an old man who was sitting next to me turned and said "you boys shouldn't have used Mr. Smith's house for your stupid ritual bullcraps".

I couldn't find the guts to share this story with anyone. What do you think? Stupid mind tricks?
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Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

Well, my new house is haunted by a man, but that's all we know. He stays on the stairs mostly, but my flatmate Vicky, who's lived in the house for a year, is convinced he watches her sleep.
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Post by Corrupted_Loremaster »

Well sabbattack, not much I can say as I wasn't there. Could have been mind games on the part of just about any of those involved, including the one with the late father, could have all been one hell of a coincedence, or (least likely) could've been something genuine. Not a clue really.

As for the old man, it's been my own experience that word travels farther and memory last longer then you often estimate. I've seen people with knowledge of local events who were at least two dozen steps away from any of those actually involved, and give a fairly decent account there of. It's rare as hell, but it can happen.
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Post by Maximillian »

Well, one's mind can certainly play vicious little tricks on one's self. Especially when someone has an active imagination (roleplayers, fantasy fans, etc.). On the other hand, if its not mind tricks OR a prank, then who knows... And when too many coincidences begin to add up... Well, let's just say that sometimes it's not a friggin' coincidence any more. But I don't believe you have any reason to worry now. Probably the old man just heard the story from someone. You surely know about "The Art of Gossip" in our country. :wink:
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Post by Scipio »

Hey all, finally got a working computer again lol. The thing that's been following me has been showing up more frequently lately. It just watches me from the edge of my bed, or the doorway to my room. He/It doesn't seem to come near me lately and I'm not sure why. Any ideas what this thing is?
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