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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:56 am
by JinnTolser
Blackpaws wrote:I wouldn't see Lovecraft as forgotten either. Most people are probaly more familar with things influenced by his work, than his work itself.
Yeah, I'd say that's definitely true.
Dion of the Fraternity wrote:I love Lovecraft's works! Just last Tuesday I bought an old 60's paperback titled "The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories" for PhP9.00 (roughly US$0.10), and I loved every bit of it, especially the story about the guy who got stuck in a tomb and got out only after a corpse bit his ankles.

That was my first exposure to Lovecraft! My local library had the hardback version.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:54 am
by Brandi
Dion of the Fraternity wrote:I love Lovecraft's works! Just last Tuesday I bought an old 60's paperback titled "The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories" for PhP9.00 (roughly US$0.10), and I loved every bit of it, especially the story about the guy who got stuck in a tomb and got out only after a corpse bit his ankles.
Was this the Scholastic Press copy with the guy with a good case of Innsmouth Look on the cover?

I have fond memories of that. One of the few things I really enjoyed about junior high school.

ETA: Whoops, wrong title: It was, less surprisingly, The Shadow Over Innsmouth and Other Tales of Horror, and it looked like this:


Does your book look like this?


You might want to check out the Pictorial Bibliography of HP Lovecraft where I found those pictures. (Warning: sucker loads SLOOOOOW for dialup proles like me.)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:11 am
by MatthiasStormcrow
Joël of the Fraternity wrote: You are in Rhode Island? Then you could perhaps help me - while in Providence last summer (in a trip from Boston to NY) to pay tribute to HP, I found nearly no mention of HP anywhere, or as I say in my review:
I didn’t see a thing about Lovecraft in the travel guides or in the official city travel literature found on the net. Not a line, nothing when the guides mention the Who’s Who that lived in Providence… It’s like he never lived there. No ‘Lovecraft road’. Also, I didn’t see any Lovecraft mention in commercial signing either – no ‘Shoggoth Pub’, or whatever :)
Why ? Why ? Why ?

We could start an online petition ? :)

Hmm, well. I'm not *in* Rhode Island per se, but I'm not far and various family members live there as well. Not sure how much help I can be - you are right, there's not a lot of Lovecraft "marketing" going on in Providence; I'm not sure that's a bad thing as from what I've seen they tend to turn into "kitcsch" pretty quick. What there is tends to be seasonal (and by seasonal, I mean Halloween..) - same with Poe stuff in Providence.

Why? That I don't know. Perhaps because no daring entrepeneur has tried it yet? Why he's not listed in the Who's Who? I suppose because the people that write those guides aren't Lovecraft fans; like I said, he and Poe tend to only show up in Halloween-oriented tourist guides, etc.. For what it's worth, Rhode Island does an astonishingly poor job of promoting any of its tourist attractions; it's amazing the number of tourists that show up anyhow.

As for an online petition, an online petition for what, exactly? An online petition for someone to start the Shoggoth pub? (An idea which has GREAT potential, in my opinion, by the way.) You just need to find someone willing to provide startup cash for such an enterprise...

<wanders off pondering decor ideas for the Shoggoth Pub>

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:50 am
by Joël of the FoS

OK, so my observations were not wrong. It's a shame he's never mentionned at all. HP himself told me so wen I was there...

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:49 am
by Dion of the Fraternity
Hey brandi! :)

yep the cover looks exactly like that. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:31 pm
by Platinumwarlock
If it's any indication, I have a CD of the musical created by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society...."A Shoggoth on the Roof".

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:31 pm
by Joël of the FoS
Platinumwarlock wrote:If it's any indication, I have a CD of the musical created by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society...."A Shoggoth on the Roof".
That's a classic in my CD library :)

And for those interested, I fianlly grabbed a copy of "To Quebeck and the Stars" by HPL :D


the nameless city is one of my personal favs

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:26 pm
by vipera aspis
the man inspired me to write, sculpt, learn other languages(working on russian now) and most of all; gave me a want and reason to become an FX/makeup artist. i wish i could shake his hand and thank him. someday i WILL do the work on a cyclopian film. no cgi for Dagon thankyou very much. (though i still adore the film)


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:18 am
by Kel-nage
I don't think Lovecraft is so much forgotten, just more of a "cult" phenomenon. I know quite a few people who've done English to high levels and only a couple had heard of Lovecraft. The people who know Lovecraft's works, in my experience, tend to be roleplayers :)

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:11 am
by Charlatan
I know it's a bit belated right now, but Happy 115th birthday, H.P. Lovecraft!