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Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:02 pm
by Revka et al
DeepShadow of FoS wrote: Drakov's eyes linger on his oldest daughter a moment, then stands and ambles slowly down the carpet toward the messengers. "I know many women with the spirit for festivities," here he pulls Revka close and eyes her cleavage, "but sadly, few of them could serve as diplomats!" He breaks into a hearty laugh, and the others in the room join him.
Revka lightly blushes and smiles at this, then laughs with everyone else. Beyond that she remains silent and watchful.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:14 pm
by DeepShadow of FoS
isignasl wrote:Alright...Neerajah and Liesel will slowly and quietly (not silently) enter the throne room, and approach the center floor. If they are accepted/allowed, they will mutually bow to Drakov, ask forgiveness for the intrusion (if any), and request to speak.

--From there, if allowed: she will politely and by Vistani traditions (whatever it may be) greet the messengers. Then turn to the Kingfuhrer and speak
Drakov's eyes narrow as Neerajah enters, and absently rubs his jaw just below his right ear. He gives permission to enter and remain with a curt gesture and a grunt, and the whole room listens as she introduces herself to the Vistani.

"Of course, we have many talented women at our disposal here," Drakov rumbles, still rubbing his bruised jaw, "but again there's the issue of previous engagement." He leans on the last word with relish, as if grinding a bug into the ground.
WhisperingWolf wrote:I am simply the messenger sent by my Queen, Kingfuhrer. What was written within the letter was not passed onto me for what her requirements were. Yet if I gather from your words, she has extended an invitation to our day of Unspoken Talents. As it is often the women within the Vistani whom are the leaders of our most undefined abilities, that would be going along with the celebrations.

Drakov's lip curls into a sneer at the reference to the Vistani matriarchy. "I suppose women need something to do after their chicks have left the nest. Very well, if this is a woman's thing, I'd hate to offend Grandma."
Also I have heard that the women of Falkovnia are also wonderful with being scene more often than heard. Which is also a major factor in this special celebration.
His head snaps around at Neerajah and he barks a laugh. "Well that rules you out! That's one talent of Falkovnian women that must come more from the blood than the brand!" His cronies join him in a laugh, but there's no laughter in his eyes as they stay locked on Neerajah.
We shall be leaving in four days to make it back home to Maridrar in time both to rest before the day, as well as to have plenty of time to travel.
"Four days is plenty of time. My ministers and I will select our choice and deliver her to your camp by then."
Once again the young woman bows to Drakov, before starting to turn then as if to recall at the last moment speaking out in a voice that was soft but carried as well

We will be outside of your great city with the rest of our clan to await your reply and the woman or women you would wish to meet with our Queen.
There is a titter of acknowledgement from the room at the emphasis on the new royalty: this new queen already has powerful allies.
By your leave, we must return to our encampment for the evening, walls are so... confining.
Drakov nods his assent, and snaps his fingers at the guards to escort the messengers out, but Hans van Laake is already moving.

"Kingfuhrer, if it pleases you, I would like to escort the messengers back to their camp, that they get more than a mere honor guard. I would hate for such noble visitors to see us as graceless or inhospitable."

He steps deliberately between the guards and the messengers, shooing away the guards with a polite shake of the head and fixing a winning smile at the Vistani. He reaches for the messenger's hand and leans down to give it a polite kiss.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:59 am
by WhisperingWolf
Her head was bowed slightly, lips twitching almost imperceptibly not so much at the words, but at the bruising on the jaw and how the KingFuhrer rubs it as he speaks to the one called Neerjah. Then simply shrugs wondering as to the words. But simply listens and waits for the response to my own words. An eyebrow simply raising at the comment about the comment about the Vistani matriarchy, making a mental note of the sneer and the words. Grandma would be more than interested in knowing of the words said this day and by whom. But not a word is said yet, she simply listened and waited.

For some reason the comment to the forward one seemed to bring up all three Vistani up short, their looks just a bit sharper. As blood most often was thicker than water among the Vistani. But still she kept silent and waited for him to speak to her, all the bite simply biding her time and biting her tongue.

Nodding her head at His words and bows once again. Speaking easily.

That is most Gracious of you KingFuhrer Drakov. The clan shall await the arrival of your choice, as well as the Grandmother of our clan.

Dark eyes simply look around the room at the titter of those within at the mention of Our Queen, and Our Clan. Seeing the snapping of fingers then looks to the guards for the escort, a intelligent and considering look within the dark eyes, she had learned at a young age to watch, learn and keep her mouth shut. Once again the eyebrow raises as the man comes forward to speak to Drakov. Although her own thoughts at the words for an escort were considering, as they had made it easily through the city to their encampment without escort. Even though the castle must have already had word of herself and her escort coming with a letter from their Queen.

Still she watched and listened. Honor guard? Seemed more like simply guards escorting them away, and from the knowledge of the Vistani, there were times to be known when people had disappeared in Falkovnia at any given time. But still not a word was said. Watching as the man shoos away the guard with the shake of his head, then smirks slightly as he fixes the smile towards her, the men barely holding back a chuckle. Then a shocked expressions as he reaches for her hand to lean down to kiss the messengers hand. With a slight smile and a shake of her head, making a soft sound and pulls her hand away, leaning in slightly as she pulls away her hand and tsks slightly.

We do not like to be touched unless invited, and you Sir were not invited. But if you wish to come with us to the encampment, then that is welcomed. I hope your horse can keep up.

with that the three move together as one with simple precision, moving out the doors and then out of the building towards the stables for their horses. If the one known as Hans Van Laake wished to join them, then so be it but he would have to follow quickly as they had delivered the letter and simply wished to be back amongst their own and out of the city walls.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:54 pm
by Revka et al
DeepShadow of FoS wrote:
Also I have heard that the women of Falkovnia are also wonderful with being scene more often than heard. Which is also a major factor in this special celebration.
His head snaps around at Neerajah and he barks a laugh. "Well that rules you out! That's one talent of Falkovnian women that must come more from the blood than the brand!" His cronies join him in a laugh, but there's no laughter in his eyes as they stay locked on Neerajah.
Revka heartily joins in the laughter at this.

**More to come

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:00 am
by DeepShadow of FoS
As Hans is being rebuffed, Kara turns to her father:

"Your Majesty," she begins, with a slight bow, "We have forgotten protocol in the presence of our esteemed guests. If anyone is to give this young woman's entourage an escort, it ought to be some of my Daughters."

Drakov looks at her for a moment, then back to the Vistani, and finally nods his assent.

Pointing to the other women in the room, Kara gives her orders: "Revka and Neerajah will escort this woman back to her camp." Pointing to Liesel, she says, "You will stay with me until my bodyguard Revka returns."

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:44 am
by WhisperingWolf
DeepShadow of FoS wrote:As Hans is being rebuffed, Kara turns to her father:

"Your Majesty," she begins, with a slight bow, "We have forgotten protocol in the presence of our esteemed guests. If anyone is to give this young woman's entourage an escort, it ought to be some of my Daughters."

Drakov looks at her for a moment, then back to the Vistani, and finally nods his assent.

Pointing to the other women in the room, Kara gives her orders: "Revka and Neerajah will escort this woman back to her camp." Pointing to Liesel, she says, "You will stay with me until my bodyguard Revka returns."
As the young woman and her two escorts had already turned to leave and were heading out the door. She had heard the Assent of the KingFuhrer and the one that she had been notified prior to leaving to being Kara, this being confirmed by her mentioning of her Daughters. She looks to the the two with her on each side doing a barely perceptible nod and still they continued out of the room and follow the hallways back to the exterior of the building. The two mentioned, the busty one and the one whom had apparently come to blows with the KingFufrer himself, would have to follow quickly, as the walls truly weren't something that was well liked.

Just before the doors closed she looked back to the one known as Revka and Neerajah as if to ask are you coming before turning back down the hallway and leaving this building behind. The hood of her cloak lifting and once more covering her features, from view

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:47 pm
by Revka et al
DeepShadow of FoS wrote: Pointing to the other women in the room, Kara gives her orders: "Revka and Neerajah will escort this woman back to her camp."
Revka bows to Kara and says "Yes, M'Lady"
WhisperingWolf wrote:
Just before the doors closed she looked back to the one known as Revka and Neerajah as if to ask are you coming before turning back down the hallway and leaving this building behind. The hood of her cloak lifting and once more covering her features, from view
Revka rolls her eyes at the rude manners of the messenger and follows them at her normal brisk walking pace. Once she is out of the throne room, she calls to them down the hall "I hope you realize that if you get too far ahead of us you will be arrested...or worse!" adding under her breath "then we'll see how much you dislike walls."

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:38 pm
by WhisperingWolf
Revka et al wrote:
Revka rolls her eyes at the rude manners of the messenger and follows them at her normal brisk walking pace. Once she is out of the throne room, she calls to them down the hall "I hope you realize that if you get too far ahead of us you will be arrested...or worse!" adding under her breath "then we'll see how much you dislike walls."
the three continue with their current pace, as they had already started to leave, everyone has their time lines, and the three had their own to be back at the encampment, even those within the Vistani had heard of strange things happening to visitors in town when the sun went down. They enjoyed the sunlight and hoped soon, it would return once again to where they called home. their pace only slowing a hairs breath, but still they kept within the sight of the one throwing not so unveiled threats to the group. They continued along the same path they took as they went into the building to leave it. The two men soon following the female in moving to cover their heads with their hoods, and simply holding their staffs as if to help with walking. the three looking between themselves and curious if all the things barely holding the one woman within her gown was slowing her down, although with how the bosoms seem to be barely contained they considered waiting for her to catch just to make sure nothing fell out of the gown. (OOC:Sorry just HAD to considering the constant emphasis on the boobs!!)

The woman turns around almost as if a bit exasperated, asking softly, just enough for possibly the one woman to hear.

I had heard that Daughters were much faster than this.

and with that she waits, although those dark eyes danced almost with a type of laughter

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:16 pm
by isignasl
Drakov's eyes narrow as Neerajah enters, and absently rubs his jaw just below his right ear. He gives permission to enter and remain with a curt gesture and a grunt, and the whole room listens as she introduces herself to the Vistani. "Of course, we have many talented women at our disposal here," Drakov rumbles, still rubbing his bruised jaw, "but again there's the issue of previous engagement." He leans on the last word with relish, as if grinding a bug into the ground.

Upon seeing Drakov rubbing his jaw, Neerajah smiles widely and quietly chuckles to herself, remembering her 'victory' over Drakov. 8)

As Kara gives her orders for Neerajah and Revka to escort the Vistani back to their encampment, Neerajah quickly bows and moves to exit with them.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:39 pm
by WhisperingWolf
(OOC: so no one takes offense. the main aspect Drakov pointed out about Revka was her breasts. Also make nore that the Vistani as a whole tend to wear more loose fitting clothing, so the clothing which would be so binding and exposing would be something she would MENTALLY note but not mention out loud. Especially if someone else pointed them out whether by word or gesture, which is what happened. also it is apparent that there was a misunderstanding on Recka's form of dress)

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:55 pm
by Revka et al
To clarify a few things:

Revka is wearing armor, which she buttons so that the little (but apparently distracting) cleavage that was showing is now covered.

She followed orders at the same time as Neerajah and, so, is not behind.

Her comments to the Vistani messengers were not a threat, but a warning since they seemed to be so intent on not having an escort. She was not being slow, she was just not going to chase after them. Without an escort they would be arrested since it is not lawful in Falkovia for non-citizens to walk around without an escort or special papers of some kind.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:15 pm
by WhisperingWolf
with the happy (or maybe not so much) little band of travelers heading out of the building, the messenger and her escorts look around and just grin slightly as they see a couple of the guards trying to get a closer look at their horses which had been posted rather than stabled, then a shrill of three whistles rang out into the air of the outer court yard, and the animals heads all swung to look at the group, huffing at the people around them before lifting their heads, releasing the lose knots holding them to the posts and walking towards their riders. the three beasts going to each of their riders almost as if on instinct knowing whom belonged to whom. The woman smiling for the first time since entering the city as the horse almost carefully removes the hood then butts her and almost appears to try and rifle through the woman's cloak as if looking for something hidden within.

looking over her shoulder at the other two. the grin still upon her face as she speaks softly, as if to give a hint still not sure about the trust she was expected to give, then stands by her horse's side and with a light tap upon the supple shoulder the horse bows to the other women giving a knicker in greeting.

I am sorry I was unable to introduce myself inside, I am Tara, and this is my lovely lady Inga.

as her name is said the pure black mare straightens and dances a bit to the side, and for the first time, you see an ensignia on the messenger's stirrups, that of a wolf's head. Tara smoothly jumps into the saddle of the horse at the same time as her two companions and grins slightly.

We are ready whenever you are to head back to the encampment.

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:36 pm
by DeepShadow of FoS
As the group moves through the halls of Draccipetri, an awkward silence grows between Neerajah and Revka.


Neerajah and Revka Mini-game: I have secretly made note of three critical subjects that will advance the story. Either of you start the conversation by asking a question. The other person answers the question as best they can and asks their own question. Try to avoid radical changes in subject, unless the situation really calls for it.

First one to broach a critical subject earns a point of Fate. Once broached, you can work together to move a critical subject forward toward some resolution, which will earn you both a point. "Resolution" does not have to mean happy ending. Moving things toward a fight is just as much advancing the story as moving things toward understanding.

Ready? Go!

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:20 pm
by DeepShadow of FoS
Okay, this is my first time posting a pic, so I hope this works:

Castle Draccipetri

Re: Kara's Daughters: A Royal Invitation

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:26 am
by Revka et al
DeepShadow of FoS wrote:As the group moves through the halls of Draccipetri, an awkward silence grows between Neerajah and Revka.
Revka asks Neerajah quietly "Do you think it wise or beneficial in any way to act so smug regarding your actions against the Kingfuhrer right in his presence, in his own throne room?" She gets a bit more forceful there at the end, but manages to reign herself in. Then, "and just as you have gained your citizenship back and he holds your very future in his hands."