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Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:21 pm
by steveflam
Brethana walks with the others across the bridge, anywhere but back there is better she thinks. I hope we dont run into any more ghosts this is getting to be a regular occurence and it is quite nervewracking to say the least!

Jarg just walks behind everyone, looking back making sure noone is following them, hoping they get to the castle soon, he could sure live without any more ghosts and people who seem to like them!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:22 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
As they move quickly toward the castle in the distance, Blaise takes the opportunity to examine the others more closely. Since he first spotted them, he's scarcely had a moment to think, let alone appraise his fellow travelers in this hell.

"The ghost child," he says to Moorcroft as he walks. "Whatever you said, it helped us. Thank you. Some of you seemed to know her...?"

He then asks Fallenleaf, "Do not take offense, but ... who and what are you? You obviously have a knowledge of the arcane and have used it well, but your visage..." He begins coughing as the smoke gets into his lungs. "I'm simply curious."

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:22 pm
by ewancummins
Jamethon replies to Blaise, ''The girl is the child of most holy Ezra, Our Lady of the Mists. She died . The others know more of manner of her death. There is a boy, also. He was taken up by his mother , saved from the fires. ''

Jamethon moves across the bridge at a good pace. He slings his musket and draws his rapier in his right hand. He takes out a small black book with his left hand and holds it in front of him.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:00 am
by BigBadQDaddy
Alain spins around at the sudden change in his surrounding, growing increasingly frustrated.
"Cursed boy!"He shouts to the skys. "Enough with these wicked games and mind tricks you play with us!" He says as he waves his mighty shovel defiantly to the heavens.
He then lowers his head and becomes silent as he stares at the ground beneith him.

OOC: Is this the same stone bridge we encountered earlier, the bridge over the ocean with no sound?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:52 am
by VAN
Inovidil folows the discussion between Blaise and Moorkroft. Very curious looks around and asks addressing all of them:

"But why you don't save her? And most of all why is she still here? I know some things about ghosts and I know that it should be a very important reason to keep her here. Maybe she wants revenge or justice. Should we do anything about this?"

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:54 am
by steveflam
Brethana is quite frustrated by all this changing , snorts "BAH!!!!!" and starts walking on the bridge mumbling to herself "Ghosts, mages, demons ! You can keep them all! That castle better be close!!"

Jarg still doesnt quite understand the reason for tolerating ghosts , the lava , the changing scenery.. what place is this! This mus be Ghauanadar's idea of a joke maybe! Fickle deity i say, as they all are! Curse the mists that brought me here! Jarg walks slowly with the others, keeping pretty much to himself, listening ot the others, to maybe get some clue as to what is going on

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:07 pm
by Don Fernando
Seeing Alain's frustration, Jarryd aproaches him and says: "My friend getting out of this madness with our sanity intact is, and I guess has always has been our goal. Let us try to find a way out of this toghether!"

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:42 am
by Le Noir Faineant
So, you dare to cross the bridge to Castle Stonecrest...

The bridge looks almost like iron, and you find out that it composes from polished, molten stone... It is very narrow, and two pwerson cannot stand on it side by side. To get over the bridge, you have to walk one behind another...
BigBadQDaddy wrote: OOC: Is this the same stone bridge we encountered earlier, the bridge over the ocean with no sound?
[The bridge looks awfully similar... Though you might doubt that it is the same...]

Benath you, the red lava flows into a huge bassin, painting the scenery in an unnatural red light...

Nathan of the FoS wrote:
*If the raven sees anything dangerous it's supposed to return and make a ruckus; if it gets to the castle without seeing anything dangerous it will wait there for the party to arrive and snoop around a bit.
Fallenleaf will see his raven fly high into the scorched, open rift between the dimensions, and then stop...

The bird seems have to found something of interest, some 300 meters before you, in the sea of lava...

In the meantime, Shana and Jarryd will have the sensation of seeing a long red band... A monstrous tail... Somewhere in the distance...


[Please name the order in which you walk along the bridge! Are you moving fast, or slowly and carefuly?]

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:49 pm
by VAN
Since the bridge is narrow I guess we are moving slowly and carefully, According the previous posts the first who gets to the bridge is Blaise then Fallenleaf, George, Inovidil and Brethana. Jarg is the last one.

I cannot say about the others, but since Blaise is talking to Fallenleaf and Jamethon, I suggest that the cleric should be close to them too. As about Alain I guess he should be near Jarryd.

So if you agree we can do it like this:

Blaise, Jamethon, Fallenleaf, George, Inovidil, Brethana, Shana, Jarryd, Alain, and Jarg.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:00 pm
by ewancummins
Jamethon will be near Blaise, as they were just talking with one another.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:04 pm
by VAN
You beat me on timing! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:09 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
OOC: That order sounds good to me. As for pace, well, we probably had been going at no faster than a quick walk, because of the terrain, but I think this pace will pick up a bit! :shock:

IC: "Look!" Blaise points in horror at the tail. "Surely this is a world of the damned! Move quickly!"

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:45 pm
by steveflam
Yes we should move quickly Brethana says that tail doesnt look friendly at all!

Jarg follows behind everyone, hoping htey get to the castle soon this place is getting under his skin!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:15 pm
by VAN
OOC> I'll edit my post since Inovidil hasn't see the tail.

IC> Looking at the castle Inovidil wonders if the are going to have some rest when they arrive there. From the moment she gets up to this strange place she remembers herself quite always running in order to avoid battles. That situation is so different for her, she always likes using her magic to defeat her enemies and she hated flee. The wizard hopes only that the situation becomes better later.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:09 am
by kintire
Shana replies to Inovidil

"We didn't save her because we had no idea what was going on. It wasn't as obvious as 'demon looming over girl'. It was more... metaphysical than that. Since I've never...even...heard....of....ez.."

Shana's voice trails off as her eyes widen

"w..what's THAT?"

She turns to the bridge

"Okay, forget I asked, I DON'T want to know, lets move along..."

[I'm going for 'cross the bridge quite quickly' but since I'm near the back,I guess I don't get the choice! I'm certainly not going to try pushing past people on this narrow bridge]