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Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:02 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:Dominica, in the nicer parts of the city as the sun goes down-

It hasn't proved difficult to secure a place inside the cathedral for the coronation, not after flashing a writ of nobility-- and a little cleavage--under the nose of the stuttering young clerk in charge of the list.

Walking around the better parts of Haes in the evening, Dominica notices the lustful stares of men, envious sideways glances of women-- and the clumsy attempt at shadowing made by two strangers on her trail.

The pair of men, overdressed bravos with brutish looks that fancy clothes cannot hide, reel along behind her at about half a block's distance, doing a bad job of acting drunk.

Both wear rapiers.
As Dominica takes the steps of the Cathedral, she stands at the entrance, looking at the magnificent building and its structure. Turning slowly she looks at the rest of the buildings, then her eyes fall on her two followers. She eyes them both and winks, then blows each of them a kiss. Turning, she enters the Cathedral with a grin on her face. She finds a seat at the edge of the pew, so she can have a good vantage point and spot who enters and hopefully see Devlin and go from there. She saves a seat next to her in case anyone she knows may need a place to sit, though far improbable.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:04 pm
by RocEter
Adam wrote:Cormac hustles out from the privy, hastily stitching up his trousers. "Frackin' bad timin'," he mutters as he snatches up bow and arrow.

"Oy, 'untsman. What's this abou' enemies comin'?"

He hustles to the door.

"Surely they aren't stupid enough to attack an armed village?"

"I suspect there is more going on here than simple banditry." The Huntsman says. "Prepare yourself for battle, twenty or more men and goblins ride toward us."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:32 am
by ewancummins
Devlin, Ducal Palace Dining Hall

Deviln redoubles his attacks. His staring, smiling opponent does not seem to feel pain, and does not flag or falter. Long fingers and a broken blade stab and grab at Devlin's face and throat. The Flaertes heirs strikes again and again, but most of his blows do little more than scratch the clown-- and all without a drop of blood spilled.

One of the two uninjured guards who has rushed to help Devlin swings his halberd in a tight arc aimed at the clown's head. He misses, burying the blade in the craved doorframe. Another guardsman attempts to trip the assassin with the half of his pole arm, but the masked clown nimbly leaps over the pole and presses forward towards its target.

It manages to land a glancing blow on Devlin; the sting of pain and the instant bruising suggest lethal potential in the cold, hard hands...

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:51 am
by ewancummins
The Auld Oak-

Leaderless, the peasants and travellers begin to scatter or form smaller groups. Several men rally to the mysterious stranger who calls himself the Huntsman. Others prepare to return to their farmhouses. A few creep towards rooms in the loft or try the door to the cellar.

Brennan grabs Gunnar's arm-
''This is not good, Gunnar. Some of the men here will follow the Huntsman, but not all. Those just passing through have likely not heard of him--you see not all the locals are impressed. Folks are scared. The sheriff is gone to Benton and we've got no leader. "

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:03 am
by ewancummins
Toymaker's house-

VAN wrote:Since he cannot see Baubb at the room Filbert goes towards the chest and searches it before open it.
The room that contains the chest turns out to be a modest bedchamber with plain furniture. The only decorations are half a dozen dolls seated on a shelf over the bed; the bed is sized for a large man. A single open window on the back wall admits a mildewy draft from a dark alley that runs behind the house.

The chest is locked, but doesn't appear to be trapped. Popping it open, Filbert finds a red and orange rattle resting on top of a folded bolt of blue damask.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:18 am
by ewancummins
Dominica, Cathedral
As Dominica takes the steps of the Cathedral, she stands at the entrance, looking at the magnificent building and its structure. Turning slowly she looks at the rest of the buildings, then her eyes fall on her two followers. She eyes them both and winks, then blows each of them a kiss. Turning, she enters the Cathedral with a grin on her face. She finds a seat at the edge of the pew, so she can have a good vantage point and spot who enters and hopefully see Devlin and go from there. She saves a seat next to her in case anyone she knows may need a place to sit, though far improbable.
The Cathedral is already filling with nobles, officials, well-to-do-merchants, and other persons of rank and station.

The two bravos stand out in their cheap finery. They shift in their seats at a pew just three places behind Dominica.

When City Watch men begin to arrive and politely ask for invitations, the two goons quickly beat feat, vanishing through the high oak doors of the ancient church.

A heavy set man dressed in the fine clothes of a master artisan or successful merchant takes the spot next to Dominica as the pews begin to fill.
Over the sudden brass tones of the organist at practice, the plump man turns to speak with Dominica-
‘’ Excuse me, gentle lady, but do you know when the ceremony will begin? “

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:37 am
by ewancummins
Steps of the Cathedral of Haelyn, to the right side and out of sight of the guests gathered within

Sergeant Gilly salutes his commander.
The other men of the special squad stand at attention, waiting for orders.

The sergeant reports in a subdued voice, just loud enough to carry to Renn's ears-
"'Lord Commander, the squad hasn't found much yet. Turkell says his contacts report trouble brewing between the Militant Order and the Imperial Temple. Hotheads that want to go to war-- and they were often at odds with the Old Duke. Mudson says that a ladies' maid told him that an Alamien crone has been offering to take care of unwanted and unborn babies at court. The women are ferried over the river to Lofton where the deed is done in secret. No clear sign of a connection to any plots to kill the old duke, but still, a poisoner connected to court--seemed worth looking into. That's all we have so far, sir."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:46 am
by ewancummins
The guardsmen try to bring down the murderous harlequin by tripping or bullrushing him, but he evades their attacks and presses Deviln to the edge of the long table at the center of the hall.

Devlin drives his swordpoint through the assassin's right eye and tears it loose with a smooth motion to avoid snapping the point.
The clown's mask comes free to reveal not a human face but a mass of spinning brass gears, twitching wires, and immobile wooden pegs!

The faceless killer scrambles onto the table and grabs an empty beer mug, lifting the stein as a bludgeon.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:46 am
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:The Auld Oak-

Leaderless, the peasants and travellers begin to scatter or form smaller groups. Several men rally to the mysterious stranger who calls himself the Huntsman. Others prepare to return to their farmhouses. A few creep towards rooms in the loft or try the door to the cellar.

Brennan grabs Gunnar's arm-
''This is not good, Gunnar. Some of the men here will follow the Huntsman, but not all. Those just passing through have likely not heard of him--you see not all the locals are impressed. Folks are scared. The sheriff is gone to Benton and we've got no leader. "
Taking the group of men who have volunteered defend the inn and those inside, the Huntsman lays out a plan of defense. "The plan is simple. First you will secure the Auld Oak, make sure the doors are locked and barricaded. Get the windows too. Now there ain't no getting around this, some of those bandits and goblins will make past us. Try not face them on equal terms, attack them while they are trying to get in or while they are alone. Any who surrender their arms will be taken prisoner and handed over to the sheriff in the morning." He says look at them. "Now go prepare yourselves for battle.."

Once the men move away from him, the Huntsman steps outside and begins chanting a prayer and making gestures with his hands.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:38 am
by Lord Skybolt
Gunnar moves on to those that are preparing to go back to there farms and/or checking for places to hide gathers them up into a group to speak with them:"What are you going to do hide like cowards or go back to your farms to do the same . We must stop them here and now as they will not stop at just this Inn along the road in there search loot and women . If they get past those already trying to defend this place do you think they will have mercy on you . It better to stand and fight than die in some hole that you may tried to hide in either here or at your home ."Gunnar says at length to those that looked as if they were going to sit out the fight either by hiding here at the inn in the cellar or fleeing to there farms . Gunnar glares at any that try to interrupt his speech to trying to flee from the coming fight .

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:59 am
by VAN
Filbert goes to look from the window if Baubb escaped from there, then returns and pokes the rattle with his dagger ready to jump back if something goes wrong.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:08 am
by ewancummins
The Bedroom
VAN wrote:Filbert goes to look from the window if Baubb escaped from there, then returns and pokes the rattle with his dagger ready to jump back if something goes wrong.

Filbert sees a dark and mucky alley on the other side of the window. The wall of the building across the alley from Baubb's house is a blank stretch of bricks and crumbling stucco.
Baubb might have fled this way, or maybe not.

Back at the chest, Filbert examines the rattle with care.
It makes a musical clatter when he picks it up.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:23 am
by ewancummins

As he turns back to check on Roald, Filbert feels something light fall on the back of his neck-and suddenly his breath is cut short as his throat clamps tight. He feels something slicing into his neck, strangling him. He cannot cry out.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:25 am
by VAN
Filbert tries to get loose.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen IC

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:40 am
by ewancummins
VAN wrote:Filbert tries to get loose.
Filbert reaches back and grabs at the thing that chokes him. He knocks it loose. The halfling falls to the floor , coughing and gasping. From his low angle of view he spots a small humanoid shape scuttle under sheets that hang from the bed. The thing was no bigger than a child's doll.