Which Borders do You Close?

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Rotipher of the FoS
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Re: Which Borders do You Close?

Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

I think the presentation of a closed border ought to be staged differently for different borders. For darklords who are openly recognized as being powerful spellcasters, or the mouthpiece of a mighty god, it's less of a stretch to make a border's closure a spectacular, sudden event. If Strahd's choking fog comes pouring across the Old Svalich Road, flames burst into being around Hazlik's turf, or a jeering wall of bones erupts from the earth at the border of G'Henna, it's not breaking suspension of disbelief: it's just demonstrating that such-and-such a spellcaster is really good at it, or Zhakata's one badass capricious deity.

For others, the gradual process recommended earlier is better, if only because it seems more naturalistic. The storms that close the borders of so many maritime domains could be a fluke of climate, not sinister supernatural forces. Seeing more and more rats as you approach the border of Richemulot, until there's so many that the squeaking carpet is crawling all over itself, could be a mass rodent migration, perhaps fleeing a brush fire or other threat. Finding yourself headed back into the domain you were just leaving could be a matter of losing one's way in a borderland utterly devoid of landmarks. If a darklord isn't known for magic, then this is usually the best option.

For really petty, isolated locales, like Shadowborn Manor, the borders can be used just as blatantly as written, IMO. As these sites tend to be pretty weird from the outset, a freaky border-barrier is just part of the overall strangeness of such pocket domains.
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Re: Which Borders do You Close?

Post by Kjeran the Unholy »


Border closures...difficult things to use. I agree that they're more useful as a plot device than a railroad device.

I would say agree with what others have said: that it depends on the perception of the people of the Realm as it whether or not the ruler/DL is viewed as a mage and whether or not the effects or visible or subtle in nature. The Borcan town crier idea is a good one, as well. :)
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Re: Which Borders do You Close?

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

DeepShadow of FoS wrote:
Strahdsbuddy wrote:Darkon is probably the only one that makes much sense because the walking dead are such an integral part of the domain's history, mythology and culture. In fact, I'd say they are no different than Falkovnia's or Verbrek's patrolled borders; they are the agents of the darklord doing his bidding.
What a beautifully ironic example: the undead of Darkon ARE just the DL's agents doing his bidding. Darkon's actual border closure since the black box has always been the memory swapping. Remember, border closure is supposed to keep people in, not out.
Check again. The Black Box and Gaz II agree that the undead ARE the border closure. They rise up out of the ground in ranks too massive to be just the result of Azalin's undead control. (The memory issue doesn't really stop anyone from leaving, does it? unless they are too horrified by the paradigm shift to leave...) Now, I'm not sure if it says anywhere whether the Dead Man's Campaigns were turned back by the border undead or simply Az's normal minions fortified by the animated Falkovnian casualties. But it seems that a mob of undead could go either way. Either they attack anyone in the area, no matter which way they are headed, or they eerily ignore anyone headed inward.

The sections in the Black Box, Domains of Dread and RLPH regarding border closure are sadly brief. They do focus on no one getting out, but the don't specifically mention that people headed in can bypass them. In some cases (like Dominic's "all roads lead back to Dementlieu) it makes perfect sense that they only keep people in. (If it worked both ways, it would probably mention that all roads in from the outside twist around and lead out) But for Hazlik's Gaz I just says anyone touching the wall takes the damage. I'd imagine that fire doesn't care which side you touch. I think it's a case-by-case basis.
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Re: Which Borders do You Close?

Post by Galeros »

All of them.

Oh, wait, we are not talking about THAT Borders.
Last edited by Galeros on Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which Borders do You Close?

Post by HuManBing »

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