Zherisia gazetteer: Fraternity notes.

Coordinating community projects
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Post by Pamela »

Done: Divinity of Mankind
Worldview and Outlook
Indigenous Peoples

All these require NPC stats and any adventure hooks people can provide.

Working on: Daily Life

If we still need help on other parts of the sociological survey for either Paridon or Timor, I'm willing to give a hand. I'm also more than happy to try to collaborate or toss ideas at anyone else who'd like to try to tackle what's required. :P

Just going through a lull myself, but can feel the mental gears trying to gather steam once more to work on the Daily Life section. I have also been busy reading so many Victorian novels or novels set in that era that I'm surprised I've not begun to dream in it! :lol: PS- Anyone interested in Timor's top tunnels and a fun murder mystery might want to check out Anne Perry's Dark Assassin- mudlarks, rat-catchers, and toshers are just a few of the local sights. :P
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Undead Cabbage
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

What's done on my part:
- Map of Paridon
- Climate
- The Docks
- Riverside
- Blackchapel
Adventure hooks and Dread Possibilities are currently included but there is always room for more...hint hint!

I am currently part way though the Bowels. This leaves only Shadewell, King's Quarters, and the Southshore District before all of the text for Part I is finished. If you're wondering, the information for indigeonous plants and animals is pretty well covered in the description of each borough.

After completing my text for part I, I will basically work where ever I am needed. Currently, it's looking like I'll be taking on Part II stuff. Once again, I'm not going to dedicate until I get Part I finished.

I apologize if I'm taking long on the Blackchapel+Bowels installment. My campaign with my uni people will be ending this weekend. Expect the next two boroughs soon.
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Post by Joël of the FoS »

Questions on the project!

After the QtR13 release, we suggest there will be a deadline set for this project - any suggestions?

And who is gathering all the texts and putting them into one document?

Is there a "first line" editor reading and smoothing all the texts (for continuity)?

Other than formatting, do you guys need FoS help?

"A full set of (game) rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole" (Adams)
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

We were thinking maybe july 13th or so for submitted articles, with of course some lee-way afterwards for late entries.

As for the project itself, I know that we'd all like to get the majority of it wrapped up by the end of the summer. What would be great is to get this thing done soon enough so that it doesn't interfere with anything else. Since it pretty much 'officially' started as soon as the Sourgane Gazeteer was subimtted, which had a writting period of about 6 months (Oct-Apr 1st), perhaps we could get the gaz out around when the Souragne Gaz started. Might create a nice cycle for the future :D.

Other than formating, would any of the FoS members be willing to do even a little editing? Nathan has already quite kindly offered to give me some help with part I and making it in the prospective of Larner. Even if we could just get input along the way, that would be great as well. Of course, you guys are likely bogged with the 13th QoTR.

Question for forum members: what would you like to see in this Gazetteer? The Anton Misroi legacy bit of the Souragne Gaz was a hit. What sort of section would you guys like to see at the end of the Paridon Gaz? I was initially thinking some stuff on psychological disorders and serial killers as a theme for the realm.

Since it's what started this whole conversation, would you guys like to see a lot of maps? I've already constructed an over-view map of Paridon; would there perhaps be some desire for more specific maps, such as of boroughs or the districts within?
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Post by Pamela »

Further updates: Rotipher will be working on the arts, early photography, and an underground press (oops, forgot to ask, Roti- are you also working on the Newsbill?); Don Fernando on a secret society; Boccacio Barbarossa, sports in Paridon; and Samael, a religious secret society.

We'd discussed a deadline earlier between ourselves and established it for July 3rd. It still gives everyone a month and a half for submissions- the same amount of time the Souragne survey had. Extensions won’t be a problem of course, just so long as we know what you’re up to- and don’t be shy to ask for help! :D

I’ve been gathering texts myself into one large document, thanks to Joel’s suggestion a month ago. I don’t know if anyone else has been. First-line editor: nobody’s had an official position like that, though I’ve been getting help from the others, as well as giving my own.

Thank you, Joel, for the comments and advice you’ve offered so far, both here and on my submissions. :D Beyond formatting, I’d hoped the FoS would do a final edit for the ongoing storyline involving van Rijn. I personally have no problem with any of my submissions being reworked to fit Larner or van Rijn’s style- except for the one on the Divinity of Mankind of course. Religion will always remain my baby. :P
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Post by Joël of the FoS »

Yes of course, I forgot ot mention it, the short IC fiction involving our chase of the the traitor will be done by us :)

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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Undead Cabbage wrote:What sort of section would you guys like to see at the end of the Paridon Gaz? I was initially thinking some stuff on psychological disorders and serial killers as a theme for the realm.
Well, if my idea to add some primitive (daguerrotype-grade) photography to Paridon's list of technological innovations isn't shot down for being too advanced, I'll need to come up with game rules for Craft (photography) as a skill. Sounds like DM-Appendix material, as it'd look awkward as a sidebar in the middle of the sociological survey. :?

One thing that'd be both cool and virtually critical to the Survey would be a short discussion of the doppelganger as a Ravenloft monster, similar to those entries in the RLPHB that briefly address each of the old VRG creatures. There never was a "Van Richten's Guide to Imposters", so doppelgangers never got their fair helping of salient abilities, nor have we seen any suggestions on techniques for hunting them or making them scary. It wouldn't have to be in-character, just useful.

This would set a nice precedent, BTW, as future domains' surveys could do the same thing for their dominant monster-species, in the event that their resident oogey-boogeys weren't covered in the VRGs. Indeed, the Timor part of the survey could do something similar for the marikith, an underdeveloped monster-type if ever there's been one in Ravenloft.
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Undead Cabbage
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

We'd discussed a deadline earlier between ourselves and established it for July 3rd.
Right, whoops. Meant the 3rd.
One thing that'd be both cool and virtually critical to the Survey would be a short discussion of the doppelganger as a Ravenloft monster, similar to those entries in the RLPHB that briefly address each of the old VRG creatures. There never was a "Van Richten's Guide to Imposters", so doppelgangers never got their fair helping of salient abilities, nor have we seen any suggestions on techniques for hunting them or making them scary. It wouldn't have to be in-character, just useful.
A thing on Dopplegangers would be Bad-ass indeed. And the same with Marikiths. I'd love to do it, but its the type of thing I can see multiple people having their hand in on. Maybe Agatha Clairmont's Guide to Imposters, in honor of her friend Doctor Van Richten?

Although really I was just fishing for an idea. The important thing is that we get all of parts I-III finished first. After that, I'm all up for making a guide to 'Imposters' or 'Things that crawl'.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Undead Cabbage wrote:A thing on Dopplegangers would be Bad-ass indeed. And the same with Marikiths. I'd love to do it, but its the type of thing I can see multiple people having their hand in on. Maybe Agatha Clairmont's Guide to Imposters, in honor of her friend Doctor Van Richten?
After a little more thought, I'm pretty certain that any advice on using doppelgangers in Ravenloft really should be OOC, as one thing it'd have to address is the classic issue of: "How do I stage this without ticking off my players, either at me or each other?". Infiltration of a PC party is one of the most-delicate plotlines a DM can instigate -- using the wrong approach for your gaming-group can bruise a lot of IRL feelings -- and that's hardly something that we can discuss in-character. Agatha Clairmont could certainly contribute some introductory flavor-text (like a letter to the twins that showcases her own doppelganger-caused feelings of paranoia and betrayal, possibly never mailed because she'd been replaced :twisted: ), but it'd better serve the needs of gamers to stay out of character, for the actual blurb on dopps.
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

The text on Blackchapel and Bowels has been sent.

Llana, after Part I is out of the way, where do you think it would be best for me to work next?
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Post by Pamela »

Good question! It seems that we've got nearly all the substantial matters covered in the Paridon Gazetteer except for history, but we can all yammer together about that. So bearing that in mind, I'd say do what you want to do. I think your idea about the Clairmont Guide does sound very good- why not go ahead with that?

I emailed Tobias, who's been very busy, but has said that he has the majority of his work done. Yayyyy! :D David and Nathan, are you aware if any general topics remain to be done in the Timor section, and post up what they are, if any?
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

Ok, for the Appendix.

We need one section on 'Who's Who'. We've also discussed a section on Dopplegangers (a guide to Imposters, per say).

What Else? Obviously, not a Legacy of Blood thing like the Souragne Gaz. I like Rotipher's idea of a section on higher tech items. I think we should take the mentality as if these items were magic items, although really not; they aren't a part of every day life, but they are still there for the players or the GM to use. This way there's no issue with tech levels, and people can add what they like. If we do this, I'd certainly like to add my 'Saboteur' class here.

Or, should we do a section on urban adventures, sort of like how Souragne did one on adventures in the swamp?
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

I sent in the spells I created last night. I did as much as my work schedule would permit, I hope you enjoy them and put them to use.
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Post by Undead Cabbage »

Status Update:

We currently have nearly 100 pages of material, with about 10 illustrations. Other than a few minor things, some editing, and some more pictures to scan, the Paridon Gaz is in the bag.

Where people can really make their mark is the Timor Gaz. There are still some fairly large gaps available for people who wish to join in. At some point, the ship will have left, and Llana and I will fill in the blanks.

Now is your chance to make Timor as you saw it. Many regard Timor as a realm with not enough material for all the potential it has behind it. There is no need to be shy or modest: we've accepted material from writers both new and old.

Come on, you know you waaaaaaaaaaaana!
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

Send me what you have and I'll take a look. I'll likely also fill some holes while 'editing' Paridon but I have no problems doing some major additions and revisons to Timor.
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