Page 4 of 7

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:50 pm
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
Page 12 is up.

Here's the thing about drawing a web comic. This page ultimately took a bit more time to do, if only because of the last frame. I found that drawing an action scene with a guy wielding a hammer one handed can get fairly awkward. Now, I have no problem with this, since it's a challenge as an artist, and overall I walked away with a better idea of how to draw this in the future.

The problem arises with prospective. Having spent some more time on this page, I naturally look at it and see said hours of work. But from a readers perspective, I imagine some people must feel ripped off since it contains little more than Vincent putting the smack-down on a vampire. I unfortunately couldn't get an extra page done this week, and I want to save my buffer pages for when I really can't finish a page.

So, in light of this, here's a little extra something I've been working on. I assume there are some Order of the Stick fans on this board.


I intend to get most of the Darklords done (please forgive me if I don't bother with some).
Happy New Year Everyone!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:25 am
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
Page 13 (dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuh) is up.

So I've got a question. Just what kind of trouble would I get into, were I to get a website up and make this an independent webcomic? I'm afraid I don't fully understand the basics of Open Gaming License, or if they even apply in the case of fan fiction such as this.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:35 pm
by Isabella
Well I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would answer but as it is...

As far as I know Open Gaming License does not apply, because you are using a specific campaign setting and NPCs which can be copyrighted, as opposed to general terms which cannot. However, as long as you're not making profit off of it, I can't see how it would be any worse than any other fanwork, including the Fraternity's Netbooks. You will need a disclaimer. Unfortunately copyright law is a horrible, many-headed beast with intricacies that I cannot hope to understand and which get ignored half the time anyway, but generally they send you a cease and desist letter first if you've violated their rights.

I have to say your comic is inspiring, I've already got all sorts of idea running through my head! Makes me wish I'd thought of a comic first :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:48 pm
by DocBeard
Best case sceneario: Someone likes it, and wants to put it in an issue of Dragon or something.

Worst case sceneario: WOTC sends a letter telling you to take it down. As long as you comply with that...

Generally, though, WOTC seems fairly relaxed towards fan work as long as it's made very clear that no one's making any money off of their property. As long as you make that clear, you should be fine, I think.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:45 pm
by VAN
I have read your comic only today (I don't look this board very often :roll:) I find your work awesome as all the others I guess. I hope you manage to make it independent webcomic.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:56 am
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
Page 14 is up.

Thanks so much for the advice guys. I think before I make it independent though, I'd like to get a decent number of pages finished (maybe fifty or so). At the very least, get it to a point when Strahd has entered the picture.

Isabella, I'm honored that the comic has inspired you. And frankly, who says there needs to be only one comic on these boards :wink:.
Best case sceneario: Someone likes it, and wants to put it in an issue of Dragon or something.
Now that would be awesome. But wasn't the Dragon magazine canceled?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:10 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
It wasn't cancelled, it went digital. WotC took the license back from Paizo, then began releasing it (and Dungeon) through the D&D Insider website. It's free to look at the issues so far, but they'll start charging a subscription fee when 4E comes out. For now, just sign in with a WotC forum account, and you're there.

If you missed it, BTW, Mouseferatu had a new (!) Ravenloft fiction piece released on the site in October, so WotC's apparently willing to at least consider the idea of presenting RL-related material:

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:15 pm
by alhoon
What happened to Vincent? Did the vamp broke the hammer and the shock hit him or what?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:18 pm
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
What happened to Vincent? Did the vamp broke the hammer and the shock hit him or what?
I apologize if those last two panels were a little hard to understand. Something like was I was intending is a little hard to interpret in a comic.

The Vampire catches the hammer with his right hand, demonstrating his strength. With his left hand he smashed through the wall and grabs Vincent by the throat, who presumably has dropped the hammer.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:53 am
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
Page 15 is up.

This week introducing: Raphael Cheslav! Every Ravenloft party needs a token shifty half-vistani.

Raphael Cheslav and Vincent Fairchild are the two non-canon main characters that I'll be featuring in the comic.

I'd say their my contribution to the world of Ravenloft, but technically these two characters are actually PCs from a previous campaign I ran. Two of my players made characters that were in-tune to the setting, complimented each other, but most of all just down right memorable. In truth, for the past while I've been getting Vincent's player to look over and write his character's lines, as I did this week with Raphael's player.

And no, this isn't going to turn into a "Greenwood power-trip". In fact if anything, I'm jumping at the opportunity to start being a bastard to the characters again :twisted:.

On that note, aside from being Half-vistani, Raphael is also Borcan in origin. But since I don't know Italian, I'm going to be using Spanish in a lot of his speech. Hope you guys don't mind :).

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:24 am
by Isabella
I always look forward to Sundays. :wink:

A suggestion, if I may: I feel that the addition of sound effects in some of the frames could help accentuate the action. The pistol shot, in particular, unless a silent flash is what you were going for.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:59 pm
by alhoon
That vamp is really taking a smack down! Beating, Searing light, shot... And still looking menacing. Why isn't he running for his unlife yet? He's a tough guy.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:21 pm
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
*A day late*

Page 16 is up!

Ya sorry I didn't put any comments when I added the page. I was kind of on the go when I posted it.
A suggestion, if I may: I feel that the addition of sound effects in some of the frames could help accentuate the action. The pistol shot, in particular, unless a silent flash is what you were going for.
A good idea. In some cases I'll probably implement it. My only worry is diluting any atmosphere I might have by giving the comic "80s style Batman-syndrome".



Tara: Raphael, what on earth are you doing?

Raphael: I am cutting carrots Chica. Would you like some?



It now occurs to me: why would there be a <ZAP> while cutting carrots? Any ways.
That vamp is really taking a smack down! Beating, Searing light, shot... And still looking menacing. Why isn't he running for his unlife yet? He's a tough guy.
I'm hoping to emphasize the idea that the creatures of the night require brains, not brawns, to put to rest. Now obviously Vincent's a bit of a powerhouse, if not an outright meat-shield, but nevertheless our Heroes will not be able to defeat this villain with sheer-force.

Just as a heads up guys, I'm going to try and get a page done for next Sunday, but truth be told I've got a bit of a heavy week ahead of me. And unfortunately, the buffer pages I had before have since been spent :roll:. I will have something for you guys, be it an unfinished page, some sketches I made during the character designs, or both. Everything depends on how this week pans out.

It also doesn't help that my Room mate just bought Rockband, but for you guys I'll try and resist my nibbish fantasies of Rockstar fandom.

:D Thanks guys, you all Rock!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:56 pm
by Phantom of the Sketchbook
After a week without anything...

Page 17 is up! Yay!

Hey everybody, again sorry about the empty week. I have this condition where I keep on having to fight off Ninjas when I get up in the morning, and lately they've been keeping a closer tab on me.

That said, the final panel of this page has to be one of the funnest pictures I've drawn in a while.

And alas, I caved: I am now drumming to songs on 'Hard' difficulty in Rockband. The game is crack; crack in five different colors that shoot into you to the beat of classic rock. For extra fun I based my Drummer off of the Prussian military Genius, Otto Von Bismark (pointy Germanic hat and all), and to top it off I gave him an eye-patch.

Ya, I know: go play a real instrument.

Hope I didn't lose you guys with that missed update.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:16 am
by Laufey
Love his attitude, and I'm terribly interested to see what he can do when he eventually runs out of bullets. Keep it up Brother