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Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:26 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
"I smell magic at work here," says Blaise to Rardi. He says to the prisoner, "If you can speak, then tell me of the man in question ... but do NOT mention his name! We can help you if you tell us what you know, but do not say his name again."

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:49 am
by VAN
Inovidil looks around surprised to see the mess.

"What the..." She doesn't have time to finish her phrase since the information Alain and Shana tell her are more important.

"Great job Shana, this diary might help us. And Alain if you want I can join you, at the ball we might learn many useful things as well".

When Jamethon explained she just nods and looking to Ironheart she says:

"I'm really happy to have you by our side! But what happened? You have been attacked or you just joined the browl?"

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:07 am
by kintire
"hmmm.. a ball eh? Well, even if this necromancer is there I don't think I fancy snooping around his home on my own. Who knows what twisted horrors lurk in there? I could snoop better at the party. Hmm. I wonder if they are hiring entertainers... or if anyone needs an escort..."

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:34 pm
by ewancummins
the cell....

The man feebly lifts his head and nods slowly.

''Yes...I won't say his name again!''

The prisoner's skin is pale and sweaty. His bloodshot eyes scan the shadows of the room, as if looking for some hidden menace.

''Thank you...I feel a little better now.''

Rardi and Blaise can see that the swelling of his black eye has vanished entirely. He still looks ill, but not so bruised and battered.

''He is an old man, not too old, maybe fifty years. He used to call on Nell most every week. I haven't seen him down at the Palace in a while, not since the day before the fires and the fighting. I remember...I know some alley men who tried to rob him once....they're all dead but one, and he's stark mad, locked up in the House of Dawn. They...their bodies....ohhhhhh'''

The man retches again, but this time nothing comes up but a thin trickle of saliva.

<gasp> ''Unnhhhh....they were dead with not a mark on them...but their eyes....sweet merciful gods...their eyes!''

At this point, the prisoner abruptly loses consciousness. He slumps against the wall and slides to the floor in a limp pile.

Checking his pulse or breathing will reveal that he is very much alive. He doesn't seem to be badly injured, not now that Rardi has healed him, anyway.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:46 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
Blaise makes sure the unconscious man is not resting in his own vomit -- even this brute doesn't deserve that -- then he stands up and looks at Rardi. "Fortis is ... troublesome," he says, stepping away from the cell. "He placed some sort of curse on this idiot to prevent his name from being used, and he effortlessly dealt with a group of thugs in the alley. That's powerful magic. The ties to Delthrin have just gotten a little tighter, I'm afraid."

He manages to smile as he looks back at Rardi and says, "I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to put your interrogation tactics to work! Perhaps next time? Let's ask up front if they know about this robber who was sent to ... what did he say, the 'House of Dawn'? Very pretty name for an insane asylum... We can follow up there tomorrow, if you're game."

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:30 pm
by steveflam
"I agree on tomorrow, Blaise. Lemme just try to discern if he was under a spell to begin with by Detecting Magic on 'im. I kin learn what type o magic it is if he was under a charm. I can't no remove it but mebbe we can find him someone who can."

Rardi goes through the motions and casts her Detect Magic. Once done she concentrates on the unconscious man. "Ah, by tha way. I know he done wrong, but them guards had no right ta harm him. Let the judge decide 'is fate, not some eager guards who be abusin' of their power of authority. I wanna talk to 'em and get Rask ta suspend or fire 'em."

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:46 pm
by ewancummins
Rardi's spell detects only the faintest lingering aura of magic....perhaps the fading essence of her healing prayer and perhaps a little something else. Whatever it is, it is gone very quickly.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:58 pm
by ewancummins
the gnomish smithy

Glim departs the front room and heads to his own quarters.

After a little while, he rejoins his brother. Glim is now dressed in his fancy clothes: an Cormyrean style overcoat of duck-cloth with a dun colored loose robe beath. He wears a brown silk scarf on his head, cowl fashion. The curling toes of his leather shoes stick out from under the hem of his robes.

''Well, I'm ready for the party. It's due to start in an, what, an hour? Two hours?''

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:34 am
by Lord Skybolt
"Yes, lets be off to the party my brother . I'm always up for free food and drink . " Threan says after departing and coming back with his own suit fancy dress clothes on . But also wearing his signature Kukri in a fancy sheath . And peace-bonded in a fancy slip-not as per the custom of the city .

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:54 am
by VAN
Waiting Ironheart's answer Inovidil looks around and when she is sure that noone else can listen, she leans forward and in low voice tells her companions that she followed Delthrin and explained in details where he went and what she saw.

"I was not feeling to enter alone in any of these places. Delthrin is a powerful necromancer and didn't want to risk get caught by him. We can easily go and check all these places and interrogate the people at the Orphanage and the woman at that house. The hidden place will be a little more difficult to enter I'm afraid. I can lead you there, but guess we need a signal to open the hidden door at the rock. But we can always try. I do believe that Delthrin has gotten a child from the Orphanage and gave it to that undead there. What do you think?"

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:13 am
by steveflam
If Ken doesn't wish Blaise to follow Rardi, that's fine by me. She can go and take care of this business by herself. I'll edit if not ;)

Rardi and Blaise exit the prisoner's cell. Looking at Blaise, she says "Awright, let's finds them guards an' then I wanna report 'em ta Rask."

Walking with purpose, she soon finds guards relaxing in a room. Without knocking she enters and speaks in a very serious and cold voice. "I be Rardi Silverhelm, member of a special squad assembled by Captaion Rask to investigate strange goings on in the city. Who in tarnation brought in the prisoner I questioned? Speak up, now!"

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:10 am
by Ken of Ghastria
Tarlyn: No problem with me. I like to keep things moving!

Blaise hangs back a bit as Rardi vents; his mind is still whirling with arcane possibilities after their chat with the brute. He then says, "And did anyone NOT of the guards approach the prisoner on the way here?"

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:51 am
by ewancummins
Militia HQ

There are seven men in the day room, throwing dice and drinking aromatic tea out of big clay mugs. Two of them stand to answer Rardi and Blaise.

The older of the two men speaks while his youthful comrade stands by silently,

''I'm Corporal Rawnel and this here is Olvaur. We brought that sack of scum down here, if you mean the one what sliced up that whore at the Palace. 'Tis true we bounced him about a little, for he tried to fight us. Indeed, he bit Olvaur. Show them, Olvaur.''

Olvaur dutifully rolls up his sleeve and displays a forearm wrapped in a white linen cloth bandage.

The other five militiamen regard the intrusion of Rardi and Bliase with a vague sort of indifference, and are soon back to playing games and telling jokes.

Rawnel adds-

''We had no trouble from anyone but the prisoner. None else got too close, nor even talked to him. Folks know better than to meddle with the city watch, or else they're like to get hauled off to gaol. That's Cormyte law; we don't abide troublemakers.''

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:46 pm
by steveflam
"Well I healed 'im just fine, Cpl. Rawnel. An it appears that 'es unner some kind of enchantment. I'd like ta think that if the same thin happened ta you, the guards wouldn't treat you tha same as they treated that prisoner."

Rardi sighs. Looking at Rawnel she adds in a less hostile voice "I had the same thoughts as you did at the brothel about this one. But alas I was wrong. Sometimes we jump to conclusions too fast, I be thinkin'. Now this prisoner mentioned a fella to me an me comrade" she nods at Blaise.

She goes on to describe the man Blaise and she had been told about by the pirisoner. "E'er hear anything fittin this man's description before? Could help us in our investigation."

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:13 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
The Old Shell

Alain looks troubled as Ino lays out her suspicions. He follows her lead and keeps his voice quiet.

"It wouldn't hurt to look into those avenues. Unfortunately their is still quite a bit of speculation in regards to Delthrin's disposition. Perhaps the we will be able to learn more at the ball."