The Shattered City: Chapter One

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Post by DocBeard »

Tomas stops himself from following his first, second, third, and sixth instincts. This is mostly done by biting his tongue. He can't respond to this insanity with anger and violence...that's letting whatever happened win. He'll fight it another way.

"Priest." Tomas looks over at Cyrus, "Can you heal?" He steps forward, and turns to look at the wounded policewoman. "Are people still inside of the building? If not, maybe we can stop it before it spreads through the district."
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Post by Nerit »

Nerit blinked at the passing siblings and tried to catch Alice's hems. Was Richard completely daft? Well, maybe...

But that wouldn't mean she'd give up on him. Hence, she followed.

(Perception fail!)
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Post by yalenusveler »

Kerrian was about ready to say something to join in with the attempt to get in to see the scene of the crime, when suddenly he moved, as if reacting to a sound rather loud, and began to sniff at the air.

"That was a gunshot...and that's smoke. Something more important has just come up." Needless to say, Kerrian was following after Richard, Celeste, and Nerit, and motioning for Lia and Alice to do the same.

If of course, by "following after" one means running like the very hounds of hell themselves were after you. Though why one would run from a hound of hell, directly towards gunshots and fire is anyone's guess.

27 on a perception
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia stands still, looking blank for a second when everyone starts to rush away - but then Kerrian gives his explanation, and she curses.

"Look, you!" she snaps at the guard. "If there is a fire, all the evidence is going to go up in smoke! See if you can't get a bucket chain started, or barring that, pack up bloody everything in that room and get it outside. Understand?"

Without waiting for a reply, Lia runs after the others.

(OOC: Perception check: 5. But Lia is willing to take Kerrian's word for it.)
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"He didn't send me," Cyrus said coolly, "I chose to come. However, if it consoles you, I can easily obtain authorization from another of your superiors." The Hazlani adjusted his dark glasses and smiled condescendingly at the constable, then turned to Tomas.

"I am not that kind of priest," he said simply.*

The burning factory presented an opportunity. Ordinarily, Cyrus was hardly one for altruistic endeavors. However, if he could save the people in the building, it would give him a chance to show the value of the Lawgiver's faith.

"I will, however, help with the fire," the dommer continued. "Perhaps then, you will see the earnestness of the Lawgiver's doctrine and accept His good will."

The Hazlani adjusted his dark glasses once more and looked at the newest arrivals.

"Please set us on the best path and we shall go do what we can."

*It took all my strength to not write "Me not that kind of orc!"
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Quartier Ouvrier, Port-a-Lucine; March 11th, 770, 8:37 PM
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DocBeard wrote:"Priest." Tomas looks over at Cyrus, "Can you heal?" He steps forward, and turns to look at the wounded policewoman. "Are people still inside of the building? If not, maybe we can stop it before it spreads through the district."
"It was a trap set for us," the woman dully stated. "We didn't find anyone else. Captain Cedolin stayed behind as long as he could to double check. If there was anyone still alive when we left, they aren't now."

"Stop it? Stop it?" the mad gendarme captain snapped. "I wouldn't waste the manpower! Let the Quartier Ouvrier burn to the ground, maybe then the nobles will finally be satisfied! Let the entire city BURN!"

"Blessed saints-" the burned man managed to croak out, in between coughing like he'd inhaled a bucket of tar. He lifted hopeless eyes to look up at the other gendarme captain. "Don't tell- this madness- gotten you too-?"

The Tessier Gallery, Quartier Savant, Port-a-Lucine; March 11th, 770, 8:37 PM
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Contrary to his sister's fears, Richard was not running directly to the gunshots, instead taking a small detour by way of the main hall. This did not prove as comforting as one might have hoped.

The main hall was a scene of barely contained chaos as Lia and the rest of the group arrived. The gathered aristocracy and Gallery staff were in a full panic once more, though this time they had more cause. People yelled and shouted to one another, even as women in their massive bustles clogged the double-doors leading outside. Others huddled at the center of the gallery, cringing every time another bullet crashed through the gallery. The remainder, wounded by the broken glass or else near-trampled by their fellows, wandered in a daze.

Outside, there was the sound of battle. Several of the windows were broken, from both flying bricks and rifle shots, and people screamed in raw fury outside the gallery. Even as you watched, another one of the windows shattered as a stray bullet hit, the nobleman watching it barely managing to avoid a face-full of glass. Meanwhile, smoke poured from the rear galleries, black and acrid-smelling, the chemicals in the paint contributing to its noxious presence.

"Ah, Lia, what a pleasant surprise." Marcos Vedarrak appeared, a small oasis of calm, rationality, and sarcasm. He was bleeding from a small wound on the scalp, staining his iron hair a deep red, but he didn't seem to be much bothered by it. Lieutenant Jaeger was nowhere to be seen. "I understand that as representative of a foreign power, I'm not legally entitled to shout commands and maintain order. Under the circumstances, I hope you'll forgive me."

"What, what is going on?" Richard asked, pitching his voice to be heard above the din.

"A gang of thugs apparently collided with a nobleman's militia right outside the gallery. Things are getting violent outside." Vedarrak waved towards the chaos outside. "And as you may have noticed, the Gallery is on fire. Apparently the only water pump in the building, unless one wishes to wander outside, is in the kitchens, which is somewhere behind the flames."

Vedarrak paused for a moment here, rubbing his forehead in frustration. When his hand came away, it was sticky with blood. The Falkovnian regarded it for a moment then turned back to the rest of you.

"Lia, get these nobles out of here before the whole Gallery burns down." Vedarrak said it softly, but it was unmistakeably an order. "Try a back door, the battle is only at the front. I'll hold the militia and gangs off to give you time, but if we don't evacuate soon, it'll be a slaughter."

Vedarrak gave a curt nod, and then, with a thunderclap of inrushing air, disappeared to somewhere ahead of the jammed doorway.

Mr. Agale wrote:"Christophe," Agale says evenly, "consider the situation and your wounds. Withdraw yourself and try to cut him off from behind. I shall engage him from the fore." With that, he purposely strides through the flames, completely disregarding their danger. He gives his assailant a disdainful look, as though he were inspecting an unruly pet. "Really sir. You are outnumbered and surrounded, besides, your gun has just jammed." Once again, the lawyer's words took on strange undertones. They seemed to seethe around the room as though alive.
As Agale emerged from the smoke, he finally got his first good look at his assailant. He was a middle-aged man dressed in the smock of a kitchen-worker, with sandy-blond hair and freckles dusting his face. He gripped an old pistol so tightly that his knuckles were white. For a moment, he just stared at the unburned Agale like a man seeing a ghost, but if he meant to say something, he lost his chance.

Christophe Renier burst through the flames, shouldering Agale aside as he charged. Of the amiable, good-natured young man you'd met earlier, little was left. Christophe's clothing was on fire, his hair smouldered, and he was bleeding freely from the side of his face. But more than that, there was fury in his eyes, a bottomless anger at the fact that this man had dared hurt his family.

Christophe balled his left hand into a fist, long fingers curling together, and punched the kitchen worker in the jaw. The crack of broken bone was clearly audible, and the man staggered back, raising his pistol and firing at point-blank range into the Renier. The bullet tore through Christophe's upper arm, but it was arguable whether he noticed.

Bertram, Bertriz, and MR are off the map and safe.

Christophe totally ignores Agale and charges the sniper. He takes 25 fire damage from crossing all those squares, and is now bloodied. He hits with a 24 and deals 29 damage. He takes 5 fire & poison damage and makes his save.

The sniper panics, shifts back a square, and shoots Christophe in the gut, dealing 13 damage.

Fire squares deal 5 fire damage for each square moved through. People who start their turn in a fire-square take Ongoing 5 Fire and Poison damage (save ends).

Squares on Fire are also Lightly Obscured, meaning a -2 to ranged or melee (but not Burst or Blast) attack rolls that go through them.

Agale = 40/40 HP, Ongoing 5 Fire and Poison damage (save ends), Cover (-2 to ranged and melee attack rolls against)
Christophe = 25/76 HP, Bloodied

Sniper = 33/62 HP
AC 19, F 18/R 19/W 17; Cover (-2 to ranged and melee attack rolls against)

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"I find it disappointing," Cyrus regarded the captain with a sneer, "that the forces supposed to uphold the most holy and sacred Law are unwilling to do so. Perhaps if you stuck to your duty as enforcer, you would not be in this mess. Very well, if that is your attitude, I will report your dereliction of duty to your superiors. Your insubordination will go neither unnoticed nor unpunished."

The dommer looked at the other gendarmes. "Who is the next in command present at this station and still of sound mind and body?" he asked dully.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Quartier Ouvrier, Port-a-Lucine; March 11th, 770, 8:40 PM
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Kaitou Kage wrote:"I find it disappointing," Cyrus regarded the captain with a sneer, "that the forces supposed to uphold the most holy and sacred Law are unwilling to do so. Perhaps if you stuck to your duty as enforcer, you would not be in this mess. Very well, if that is your attitude, I will report your dereliction of duty to your superiors. Your insubordination will go neither unnoticed nor unpunished."

The dommer looked at the other gendarmes. "Who is the next in command present at this station and still of sound mind and body?" he asked dully.
"My duties?" the gendarme captain asked indignantly. The captain leaned forward, his eyes bloodshot, and dropped his voice to dangerously low levels. "You're foreign, so let me introduce you to the most holy and sacred Law around these parts. Firstly, you have no authority to report anything, to anyone, about anyone, nor to appoint who's in charge around OUR country! Secondly, anyone who assaults member of the gendarme is a criminal, and I have no DUTY to do anything for any of them! And thirdly, under the Sevrigold laws, anyone obstructing a member of the gendarme is breaking the law and will be arrested. So," he hissed, "I suggest you stop trying to obstruct me."
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Cyrus stared down his nose at the gendarme chief, his lips drawn into a tight line. For several moments, it seemed he might address the man again. Instead, he turned to Katja and Tomas.

"We should go. We will neither find help here nor will we help anyone. There is a plague on this city."

He glanced briefly at the two injured gendarmes. "May the Lawgiver protect you from this madness and may you mend well for service to His cause."
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Post by DocBeard »

"That's enough." Tomas's voice snaps, a chord of authority that's somewhat uncharacteristic manifesting itself. "Both of you are losing your wits, and this isn't the time. Kat, take the injured man and lay him down, I want to examine him. Miss, give me your shoulder."

Waiting a moment for this to happen, Eisenwald gently but firmly takes the woman's injured arm; he has been quietly ignoring the captain as the man goes more and more insane, figuring that confrontation isn't going to help. "I'm Tomas." Tomas says, giving a happy nod because of that darn mask. "What's your name?" This is basically a distraction from the brief, sparking sensation the woman will feel as her arm starts to heal itself; there's a crackle of static electricity, as though Tomas had just gotten out of an industrial dryer before touching the woman, and she'll find that her arm is a heck of a lot less ruined.

And, while this is going on, Tomas leans in and murmurs, "Look, I've only got a second. LaGarge's party...something happened. Bad. Magic related, I think. I can't give details, but he said one of you red hatted folks would know how to help."

"...and see?" Tomas says aloud, then. "These Cathi pressure point techniques really help the natural healing process. Your arm should be as good as new in a couple days."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Quartier Ouvrier, Port-a-Lucine; March 11th, 770, 8:45 PM
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DocBeard wrote:"I'm Tomas." Tomas says, giving a happy nod because of that darn mask. "What's your name?" This is basically a distraction from the brief, sparking sensation the woman will feel as her arm starts to heal itself; there's a crackle of static electricity, as though Tomas had just gotten out of an industrial dryer before touching the woman, and she'll find that her arm is a heck of a lot less ruined.

And, while this is going on, Tomas leans in and murmurs, "Look, I've only got a second. LaGarge's party...something happened. Bad. Magic related, I think. I can't give details, but he said one of you red hatted folks would know how to help."
"Jacinthe-Joséphine Taillefer," the woman introduced back. She looked her arm over, neither surprised nor happy, simply acknowledging it was healed.

"Captain Maximilien Cedolin," the burned man managed. The burns on his hands and face began to fade, and he nodded gratefully to Tomas as he stood up. He then walked over to the berserk captain and punched him in the face. "And I'm relieving you of duty," Cedolin said, vengefully.

It didn't work out like how it did in the pulp novels. The crazed captain lunged at Cedolin, flailing and trying to snap his neck, and it took a mob of gendarme to yank him off. Cedolin shook his head as the guards carried the raving man away, rubbing at his newly blackened eye. "By all that's good and holy," he pleaded in between mild coughs, "tell me you're as sane as you look. The entire city has gone completely mad, and I'm starting to think I have as well. That was damned stupid of me to attack him like that. You're the first level headed people I've seen outside of my own squad, and I swear a pack of paisley werewolves wouldn't cause half of them to bat an eyelash."

Taillefer shrugged. Cedolin sighed. "I suppose if an oil barrel exploding next to her doesn't faze her, the entire city rioting wouldn't. Something magic related happened, you said? I think I can say it's still happening."
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by DocBeard »

"....!" Tomas gets what the plan was.

"Damn it..." Eisenwald rubs his temple, leaning against the wall with an agitated huff. "Can any of you dispel a magical field? I think I might have an idea on how to stop this, but we've got to get back to the art show!"
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

"When did all of this start?" Cyrus asked of the new captain. The Hazlani very pointedly ignored Tomas's reprimand, as if he didn't even feel it deserved comment.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Quartier Ouvrier, Port-a-Lucine; March 11th, 770, 8:48 PM
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DocBeard wrote:"....!" Tomas gets what the plan was.

"Damn it..." Eisenwald rubs his temple, leaning against the wall with an agitated huff. "Can any of you dispel a magical field? I think I might have an idea on how to stop this, but we've got to get back to the art show!"
"I can try," Cedolin said, "but an effect of this magnitude would have to be... far, far beyond my power, or even understanding. But if there's even the slightest chance of stopping this madness at the source, I certainly must come. Taillefer! Take my squad, and only my squad, and get on that fire - if it spreads the entire Quartier could go up in smoke!" The woman gave a nod and obeyed.

"Ten to one says the citizens are already there, risking their lives to put out the fire they started," the new captain muttered to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "By Ezra, what could possibly be doing this? We'll talk on the way to the art show. Stick to side streets and don't stop for anything. People are starting to put up barricades in the main roads."
Kaitou Kage wrote:"When did all of this start?" Cyrus asked of the new captain. The Hazlani very pointedly ignored Tomas's reprimand, as if he didn't even feel it deserved comment.
"I'm not certain," Cedolin called back as he ran. "An little less than an hour ago, perhaps, maybe less. It was all calm, and then suddenly we were simply overwhelmed by demands and emergencies. Half of them were just excuses to haul us out and yell at us. Some merchant even demanded we arrest a shopkeep for serving him an awful tasting pie! The real emergencies got lost in all the mess, and before we knew it, people were throwing things at us for failing to answer promptly. Some of the younger gendarme panicked and botched their situations..." Cedolin paused to swallow, looking very grim. "Half an hour or twenty minutes ago we started getting reports of murder, riots, arson, looting-! And more than one poor civilian has gotten killed for trying to play the hero and do our job for us. It seems to have, quite honestly, come out of nowhere..."
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by DocBeard »

"Mm..." Tomas frowns, hunking his shoulders down as he lets the copper lead the way. This guy's the native, after all. "Its at least worth a try..." Run run run run!