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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:24 am
by VAN
OOC> So Inovidil will do it to the ring and at one potion, since they have the same liquid. Two hours. :wink:

IC> Kel stands up, gets his sword with both hands and goes near Brethana.

"I'm ready, we will use the braod side of the swords of course and not all of our strengh. We will goto a village today and I don't want to be all bruised!" Says Kel laughing.

OOC> How will we do the practice? Kel has 20 STR.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:35 am
by steveflam
Ooc Brethana has 19.

IC>Brethana nods. She uses the flat of her sword as well, not using it to harm but more for technique. The others watch while they eat or relax before they hit the road. AFter a good 30 minutes, they stop. "You are quite strong there, Kel! And very good with the great sword, I like your technique. And your sword is nicer than mine is. I need a sharper, finer one.". Brerthana smiles ans puts away her sword and gathers her gear putting it away in her backpack, then sits by a tree, relaxing till they leave.

Thalar did observe the both of them as did Elvira. Both were mildly impressed at Brethana as they knew KEl was very strong but Brethana kept up with him, though smaller and lighter. This just reinforced in their mindsmore and more the idea of teaching Brethana new ways of fighting and maybe for Thalar a new way of seeing things.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:29 am
by VAN
"You are very good too. Actually you are faster than me, more agile. You have dodged some of my attacks pretty easily. When we get home, I can ask my father do your sword magic as well, it will be as good as mine". Says Kel as sits down a tree too.

After an hour Inovidil opens her eyes and call the others.

"I'm done here. The vials contain healing potion, not very strong though. The ring makes you need less sleep and food."

Looking at Brethana the witch continues:

"I think you should have the ring Brethana, you fought well yestersay and it can be useful to the future. I'll get one potion, since it seems the most vulnerable here. Elvira do you want the other one?"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:41 am
by steveflam
Elvira doesn't even think twice as she goes up to Inovidil, grinning, and takes a potion."Thanks Inovidil, it'll surely come in handy some time soon!Lucky you Brethana you get a nice ring" she giggles as she puts away the potion and winks at Brethana.

"Is this ring really necessary? I eat and sleep ok don't I? Does that mean I won't have to eat? And I won't have to sleep as much? Magic does that???My shaman never told me about that." Brethana holds out her hand as Inovidil gives her the ring. She truns it over a few times in her hand, then picks it up and inspects it closely, almost expecting it to blow up in her face. Very very carefully, and schingly slow, she puts it on her finger, then jumps back, looking at her hand. Thinking a moment she speaks up "Hey I dont feel anay different. Are you sure this thing works?". Brethana shakes her hand and looks at it expectantly. "Well at least my finger didn't fall off so thta's a good thing. Well Kel you say your father can make my sword better?Interesting. I never thought you could make a sword better that it already was until I saw these elf blades. Maybe when we return to Waterdeep I can ask you father."

Brethana sits down and looks at her hand, holding it out and shaking it maybe this will help.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:51 am
by VAN
Inovidil laughs as sees Brethana's reaction.

"You are unbelievable Brethana, you still don't trust my magic don't you? You should get used of magic and magical items. You are in Toril now, magic is everyewhere and I can assure you the magical items are really handy. You should wear your ring always, the effect will be the next week. If you get it off you should wait another week to have the effect again. You can sleep 2 hours only the night and the morning you will be ok. You can eat and drink also less. I think you will understand that yourself. It depends on the person."

"My father will be glad to help you and don't worry about the money. Get it as a gift for your help. Ibet you will be very important to us to this journey."Says Kel.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:04 am
by steveflam
Ooc: Looked on the map and Daggerford is the next "dot" we come to.

Brethana smiles."THank you but I think we are all important, I'm only 1 person and we are 6. I am new to here and you are all used to each other and Toril. With time I'll be good like you guys are, for now being around people is still a fairly new concept for me. Thank you for the ring,Inovidil, I'll use it wisely."

"Well if we are done here,might we get on the road people?"Thalar asks everyone. "Brethana you are a valuable member of our party and have proved it yesterday. Just be level headed and think before you rush into a fight. You'll do fine I think".

Thalar hops on his horse and waits for the others to do the same. "I think Daggerford is the next place we'll come to, if my memory is good," Elvira says to everyone. "Ah to sleep in a bed,that's what I'm looking forward too. Oh that and a tall tall ale!"She laughs. "Think we can get as drunk as we did that one time, Inovidil?You almost burnt the Inn down with your spell that time. Luckily Thalar smoothed things up with the owner and we fixed his Inn good as new!"Elvira winks at Inovidil, then follows Thalar as they all leave the campsite and head for Daggerford.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:17 pm
by VAN
"I was drunk yes, but that bugglar has tried to steal me. He has gotten my purse. You know how I feel about my personal belongings! I have only defended myself, I have burnt his ugly face. Unfortunately, there was a wooden chair beside him, which caught fire. Till we have time to react some tables and chairs were on fire. We were lucky no one got hurt. It wasn't a happy day for me. I hope this time will be better."Says Inovidil.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:43 pm
by steveflam
The party travels for a few days till they arrive in Daggerford. Waery from travelling they go straight to the Inn and get rooms. FOrtunately for them, the innkeeper doesn't remember the party, and they setlle in for a nice supper together. Sitting by the fire afterwards they tell stories and about places theyve been, getting to know each other better.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:14 pm
by VAN
The party have been to the inn nearly an hour eating and talking till the door open wide and a young boy rushes in. His face is pale and looks really afraid. He waits a moment to catch his breath adn heads toward the bar.

"Mr Polywer... another attack... the caravan... the black cloaks... I..."

The bartender offers a glass of water to the boy. His face is serious and very concerned as he speaks:

"Calm down Roy, you are safe here. What has happened? Another caravan get in an ambush of the black cloaks? Who has told you that? Are there any injured people?"

"Yes, they have killed the 2 caravan's bodyguards and injured the third one. It was an ambush not far away from here. Fortunately my father was passing from there and helps the injured man. He has brought him to our house. I came here to ask for help. Is Mr Lavez here?"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:06 pm
by steveflam
Brethana perks up at the boy's troubled words. A caravan attacked and black cloaks? That sounds like something that would happen in Sithicus, not here in this nice place She stands up abruptly and approaches the innkeeper and the boy. "Did you say that a caravan was attacked? By black cloaked people?My friends and I might be able to help." She points back to the table they are at. Thalar and Elvira just look at Brethana then at the others. Thalar nods to the others then stands up and joins Brethana.
"Yes we are capable adventurers, and might be able to help you. Is your father all right,young man?" he asks the boy. Brethana continues on with the innkeeper "How often has this happened?Can you show us where it happened, little one?" she asks the boy with more gentleness than Thalar thought she had. Thalar grows concerned at the mention of 2 dead guards "Can you show us the place, young lad?" Motioning to the others to get up and join Brethana and him. "I am a capable ranger sir,I can track these brigands in the light of day tomorrow" He looks to the others and smiles. "Looks like we've found something to do here, guys. Let's go see the place wher the ambush took place.Roy is it?Think you can take us back there? We'll protect you. See that big guy there?"pointing to Kel and turning to the others, "We'll make sure nothing happens to you. Don't be afraid, ok?" He smiles at the boy reassuringly and nods to him towards the door.

Elvira smiles really big. HOw I hate brigands!They give us good thieves such a bad name! MY daggers will teach them a lesson or 2 when we meet, I assure you little "Roy"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:27 pm
by VAN
The young boy looks the two elves and answer to both of them:

"My father is ok, he was only passing near the old oak tree when he has heard the screams of the injured guard. When he gets closer, sees what had happened and get the man to our house. I'm here in order to find Mr Lavez. He is a cleric, he can help the poor man. The black cloaks are very evil bandits, they attack caravans, get the money and the other stuff, but they don't spare the human lives. It's over a year they have appeared."

He pauses for a momment and looks Kel and Thalar.

"I can lead you to them, but I should find Mr Lavez first."

"He is out of town Roy, he will be back in two days. Don't you remember it?"Says the bartender.

"I'm a cleric too, I'll take care of the injured man. Don't worry little one, everything will be ok. You can go to the place of the ambush, I'll stay to Roy's house. We will meet after we will have finished."Says Renad.

"Let's go then".Says Inovidil and hands a few coins to the barman for their meal.

"You will go after the black cloaks? Pelor bless all of you. You should pay very much attention, they are unpredictable and I some people here say that they might have infiltrators among us."

"Don't worry sir, we are experienced adventurers. Thank you for your help."Says Kel and follows the others out of the inn.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:46 pm
by steveflam
When they arrive at the tree, they let Thalar look around and inspect the scene with the aid of a torch. "Well I think there are quite a few brigands, jusging by the footprints. They are not amateurs either, judging by the death wounds of the guards. Very precise work. My advice is we should rest up tonight and tomorrow morning, early, we can come at the break of day. I'll be able to follow the tracks easier.What do you guys think?"

Brethana thinks a moment"Well as much as I'd like to rush off and kill these cretins, I think that resting i s for the best. Tomorrow we'll all be alert and ready for trouble. We are tired this evening, friends.Tomorrow I'll take out my rage on them" Brethana laughs good heartedly and smiles at the party.

Elvira opens her mouth then shuts it. Then opens it then shuts it.
"Well I agree as well,guys. we can't do much in the dark anyways. ONe thing in our favor is that the bastards won't be expecting us at all. I feel like giving them a taste of their own medicine" she says icily, grinning.

"Well why dont we carry thses dead bodies back to the town, guys?It's the lest we can do."Brethana says as she approaches a dead body and gently grabs it and carries it in her arms, not looking back. She heads for the Inn then Roy takes her to the Church. There she enters and leaves the body to the priests there. Kel carries the other one in and thne the group heads back to the Inn to retire for the night.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:15 pm
by VAN
Renad knocks the wooden door of the house Roy has said. A middle-aged man opens the door.


"Good day sir, I'm Renad. I'm a cleric. Your son Roy came to the inn a few minutes ago and told us about the injured man. For this reason I'm here, to cure him."

"Of course, thank you sir. Follow me please, the poor man is lied to the bed. He has lost very much blood, I have found him just in time."

Renad follows the man to other room and sees a tall man around 30 sleeping at the bed. A briest plate was beside him as long as a long sword and a bow. The cleric looks his wounds for a moment and then gets his holy symbol and touching the man's body starts praying. The man wakes and tries to speak a wave of energy gets his body and his wounds starts healing. Renad smiles adn prays again since the man is very injured. Then says:

"You are almost healed my friend. Pelor wants you with us for more time."

"Thank you sir, you... you have saved my life.... these bastards... we haven't seen them. It was an ambush. There were 7. A wizard was among them. We saw nothing. We could only hear screams and arrows. When the darkness cleared, Joe was dead. Two arrows have gotten him. One of them was poisoned, I got that since his face was pale and a little green. The bastards attacked us we their swords soon after. Karim was dead only after a few seconds, a sword cut his neck. I was fighting three of them, I got unconcious, it seems they believed I was dead. I started screaming adn fortunatelly Mr Sopel has heard me adn brought me here. Pelor bless you sir for your kindness."

"Thank you. Tomorrow will be able ok. I'm here with some friends, we are adventurers, we will revenge your friends death. Now rest. Maybe tomorrow we will come here and ask you soem further questions about these black cloakes."

"I'm at your disposal kind sir, for everything you might need."

Renad says good night and heads to the inn where fills the others up.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:23 am
by steveflam
In the morning , early, the party meet downstairs and have breakfast, discussing the plan.

"So who are we going to go about this?" asks Brethana "I'm still used to being alone pretty much. It was only untill recently that I actually travelled with people".

Thalar smiles then answers "Well Brethana, we will go to where we were last night, and I will do some tracking. In the daylight it is much easier to track. The brigands shouldn't be expecting us if this has been going on for a while and nothing has happened to them. While I track, I am sure Inovidil and Renad will prepare their spells for the day as well."

Elvira sighs as she eats her meal.Only 1 breakfast this morning, I hate adventuring sometimes! Well these brigands are really starting to piss me off! Taking my 2nd and 3rd breakfast away from me like that!!!!!!

Thalar speaks up after everyone has done eating. "So right we'll go to the ambush site, then I'll go tracking, maybe Brethana can come with me, that way if I find trouble I won't be alone. Any other suggestions, guys?"

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:33 am
by VAN
"I'll stay with my sister nad Renad, so I can protect them if necessary."Says Kel.

"The plan is very good Thalar, but pay attention ok?"
Says Renad and then turns to Brthana.

"Please follow Thalar's advice, don't rush to enter in a battle if you find them. Remember that there are at least 7 and that they have a wizard with them."

"What are you going to do Elvira? I thin it's better stay with us. We need your sharpr eyes adn ears as long as my brother's strength."Says Inovidil.