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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:21 am
by kintire
Shana stares up at the girl in panic for a moment, then slowly relaxes as the situation sinks in, sucking in deep breathes

"Yes...yes. A bad dream. I...had a rough night. I'll be fine..."

Wh.. how long have I slept? is it.. is Mr Moorkroft back?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:29 am
by ewancummins
The bailiff asks Ino-

''Did you find the bodies before or after your crew left the necromancer to the monster? Oh, and I would be happy to add that detail,with my own hand, right now in front of you.

Inovidil, my men have been zealous in pressing you, I know.
Two men are dead, one of whom was our neighbor. My own nephew was nearly beaten to death by your barbarian friend, and only survived because Master Threan healed him. Half my men were blinded- thank the gods that has proved to be temporary.

You obviously believe Delthrin to have been a wicked man , but you didn't know him as the people of this island knew him. When our poor folks fell ill, he paid for their medicine. When my men needed equipment, he donated his own money to our coffers. He set up a school that is free for all inhabitants of the Rock. Did you know that nearly all of us can read and write? He even opened his library to us, and let us borrow his books. ''

The bailiff actually looks close to tears for a moment, before his steely resolve returns.

'' I understand that some of your property was damaged. I didn't order that, but I do take responsibility for it. Master Threan has asked me if I can allow his brother, Glimzine, to repair your book.''

''Inovidil, sign this document and I will have a cleric brought in to examine you. She's a servant of Waukeen, and not from the Rock. She's neutral in all this, and the courts will accept her word. ''

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:32 am
by Ken of Ghastria
ewancummins wrote:''I wish to all the gods that you are right. We'll find out soon, I expect. I've requested to examine the body- and you are coming with me. They haven't charged you with anything, so the bailiff is releasing you.'
"Really? Well, that's awfully understanding of him," says Blaise. "I'd be happy to help you investigate. May I collect my belongings on the way out?"

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:32 am
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:Shana stares up at the girl in panic for a moment, then slowly relaxes as the situation sinks in, sucking in deep breathes

"Yes...yes. A bad dream. I...had a rough night. I'll be fine..."

Wh.. how long have I slept? is it.. is Mr Moorkroft back?
''He is still out, ma'am. He had told me 'Nelly, you check up on the lady regularly. Let her get some sleep and bring her whatever she needs.''

Then he gave me a gold crown!''

She holds up a shiny goldpiece.

Nelly adds-

''Oh it's near the end of seventh watch. You've slept right through lunch- but I saved you some food, ma'am.''

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:43 am
by ewancummins

''Yes, well, he seems convinced that you are innocent. He told me ''I am a man of honor, so it would pain me to hold an innocent man against his will for longer than necessary.''

Rask pats Blaise on the back.
''You did well, Blaise. You kept your cool and didn't let them shake you.''

W C Rask then leads Blaise to a cool room in the basement of the gaol [after first retrieving Blaise's gear]. The corpses of two men lie on a slab of rough stone. One is naked and missing its head- it's hand and feet are bound. The other body is Archedius, still dressed in the suit of clothes Blaise had seen him wear a couple nights ago.

Guards stand in the room, watching over the dead men.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:27 pm
by kintire
"Thankyou... I'll eat a little. I..don't want to sleep any more just now"

Shana will eat and drink a little, and try to relax. She won't leave her room until someone returns, or until dusk whichever comes first

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:44 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
Blaise nods at the guards, then walks toward the bodies. He walks around them for a minute, examining the corpses* -- but also placing himself in a position where neither Rask nor the guards are standing behind him.

His gaze lingers on Archedius first. "I didn't know him well," he says solemnly to Rask. "I always had the sense that he was dealing with some inner torment. Hopefully, he's found peace." Moving closer to the other corpse, he closely examines the fingertips and palms, looking for hard callouses or other signs that these hands would belong to someone other than a wealthy, reclusive wizard who usually ordered other people -- or zombies -- to do his manual labor.

With a resigned breath, he looks at the neck. He feels he's seen enough death in recent years to be able to tell the difference between a wound that's hours old and one that's days old, especially one of this magnitude.**

"Where exactly were these bodies found, Captain? And was there much blood around the neck at the location? I'm curious: If the head was cut off while the victim was still alive, then there should have been plenty of blood near the body."

* He's using his at-will detect magic ability.
** Perception check (1d20+1=11)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:50 pm
by steveflam
"Awrigh begin yer questions, then."

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:09 pm
by ewancummins

Blaise can see that the top of Archedius' head is missing [surgically removed with perfect precision] and something has removed his brains.

The other body has relatively smooth hands- like those of a gentleman and not a common laborer. It's of a height and build to match Delthrin's description. The neck has been severed in a surgical fashion. Whatever did it was very sharp. It appears to have been a single cut.

Both bodies are pale, cool, and rather stiff. Neither shows signs of rotting.

Rask says-

''Yes, Blaise, they found a lot of blood. The attic looked like a butcher's floor, from what I've been told...''

[Blaise detects zero magic on the bodies or in this room.]

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:19 pm
by ewancummins

Once Rardi has signed the paper [ a simple document, it states that Rardi agrees to be examined by magic to determine the truth of her words.]:

''Very well, then...''

Nissa clears her throat with a polite little cough, making sure to cover her mouth with a silk hankerchief.

She briefly speaks an invocation with accompanying gestures, asking Waukeen to reveal falsehoods. Rardi recognizes this as a divine spell of some sort.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:48 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
ewancummins wrote:Blaise can see that the top of Archedius' head is missing [surgically removed with perfect precision] and something has removed his brains.
Blaise puts one hand to his chin as he again looks at Archedius' corpse. "As soon as one question gets answered, another pops up. See this? From what I've read of mind-flayers, they're able to devour their victims' brain without damaging the head -- they go through the nasal passages, which are already disgusting enough without brain matter being pulled through. But THIS ... this took time, this was precise.

"Archedius' brain wasn't devoured. It was removed, carefully, by someone who wanted to preserve it. I'm wondering now if Archedius wasn't involved with this in greater detail.... As I said, he did seem to be seeking to escape some inner torment. And that blade that cut off the head over there --" he points to the other corpse "-- that took a good deal of strength, Captain, just as with the earlier decapitated bodies. There's trickery afoot.

"Can we look at the warehouse I found last night? After what's happened, I doubt we'll find any evidence of the smuggling, but it's worth a look."

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:59 pm
by ewancummins
Rask has joined Blaise in examining the corpses.

''I don't think so, Blaise. These cuts were never made by an axe or sword. It's far too precise. No signs of great force being applied- just incredible skill and something very sharp. No broken bones, no bruising to speak of....this was some other tool. I might guess an exceedingly fine toothed saw of some kind. Compare the cuts on this body with Archedius head. It's the same tool, we can be sure. Hmmm..''

Rask sighs.

''Yes, we'll look into the warehouse, of course.''

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:00 pm
by ewancummins

Nissa begins a rapid fire series of questions:

''Did you plan and carry out an unauthorized break in of Blackpillars, with Archedius and Inovidil, keeping your activities secret from those above you in the militia chain of command? ''


''Did you ever tell your freinds that you would like to kill Delthrin? ''


''Did you hate him? ''

''I also hate giants, goblins and orcs. I've een stated afore may times they dun deserve ta be livin either. An I'm sure I's not tha only dwarf 'oo as said that.

I especially hate Necromancers acuz o one Necromancer/Vampire is responsible fer most a me clan's demise. If it weren't fer a kindly Lathander Priest an Archedius, I'd not be 'ere today. So yeah I gots me a special 'atered fer Necromancers.''

''Did you assault him after he was bound, gagged and at your mercy- as your prisoner?''


''Was there any disagreement within your trio about how to handle the prisoner ?''


''Did Archedius disagree with giving him up to the creature?''


''Did Inovidil disagree? ''

''Yeah, at first.''

''I see, and did you argue in favor of giving him to the monster?''


''Did you at any time during the last night question him yourself, or allow him to speak in his own defense?''


''First off, I dinna know what this Illithid was afor that gnome telled us. NOw if ye'd of seen the state it were in, and ye were unkowin about this Illithid, but knowin about Necromancers, ye'd of probably done tha same thing I done.''

Rardi then gives a description of the state in which she found the illithid.

''Did you have reason to believe that the creature might kill him?''


''Did you tell Master Threan that Delthrin was evil and had done evil and that you believed that he deserved whatever happened to him?''

''Yeah, so what? He be an evil necromancer!''

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:38 pm
by ewancummins

Alain doesn't remember going to sleep, but he wakes up, just the same. The alcholic haze is gone, and he has a wee hangover coming on, for sure. Opening his eyes, he sees that he is in a shadowy space under some sort of stone vault. He's flat on his back on some sort of cold, hard surface. Child-sized figures cluster about him in the gloom, pulling at his clothes...

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:46 pm
by ewancummins

Nissa says-

''Well, it seems you have been telling the truth. I will report this to the bailiff. Is there anything that you wish to add? Any point of disagreement that you'd like to iron out?''