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A bit of a sneak peek into my latest.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:32 pm
by Scipio
After many, many false starts and life getting in the way I've been back at writing. A little taste of what is to come in my newest netbook. Also, if anyone had a character or hook for Monte Mal they would like included, please let me know, as its latest incarnation is now well underway.

To my colleagues in the Fraternity,
I write to you at a difficult time for the city of Monte Mal. We are in a time of great upheaval and unrest. The brewing tensions between the citizenry and the Doge of which I previously informed you reached a boiling point not long ago, erupting into riot and melee in the streets.
For so long the people have suffered under the oppression of the Doge's government. Turned to backstabbing and espionage against their neighbors by his policies. The non-human races of the city forced to live in squalor, viewed with suspicion by those who considered them their “betters.” It was inevitable that there would be an uprising of one kind or another.
Six months ago, from when I write this, that tipping point was reached. The resistance, led by strangers from beyond the mists, and having had enough, marched on the palace. Many more were swept up in the fervor, forming a veritable mob of those who were unhappy with how events had transpired.

The battle went well at first. The adventurers from beyond our fair city taking on many of the city guard. Then it happened. One of the strangers, the one who called himself Barash, turned on us. Many died in the initial onslaught. Many more were arrested in the aftermath. Only a few of us escaped, and the secret police look now for even the thinnest pretense on which to arrest those of us who were known to The Beast, as we have taken to calling him.
I write to you in the wake of these events to update you on the status of our home, to let you know of the fight that continues, despite the setbacks, and to provide an updated description of the city and its surrounding lands for those who have not read my previous writings. With hope, this document does not end up in the hands of The Beast, or those working alongside him.

If it does there is little hope for me.

Yours, as always,
Marcus Sempronius