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Beyond the Black Rainbow

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:37 am
by MichelKesin
I watched Beyond the Black Rainbow, recently, and honestly, I quite liked it! The soundtrack and sound design were immaculate, and the cinematography was gorgeous. The story was also, rather intriguing! What brought it down, a bit, (IMO) was the pacing. The movie literally crawls at a snail's pace in some parts, and thus, can be a hard watch, for some people. Has anyone here watched it? And if so, what are your thoughts/opinions on it?

Re: Beyond the Black Rainbow

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:03 am
by order99
MichelKesin wrote:I watched Beyond the Black Rainbow, recently, and honestly, I quite liked it! The soundtrack and sound design were immaculate, and the cinematography was gorgeous. The story was also, rather intriguing! What brought it down, a bit, (IMO) was the pacing. The movie literally crawls at a snail's pace in some parts, and thus, can be a hard watch, for some people. Has anyone here watched it? And if so, what are your thoughts/opinions on it?
I have seen Beyond the Black Rainbow, and it was awesome! As far as the pacing goes-I thought that the extra time that they took with the characters was worth it-and really paid off n the end. I can understand how many modern audiences could find the timing of the film to be a bit too measured, but I have glutted myself for decades on European horror (particularly the 1940's-1970's Eras) and to me that stately gavotte towards the open pit at the end only makes the slow dance all the more suspenseful...

Having said that, I think that the director did actually mistime the film slightly-it was like Panos Cosmatos was trying for a clinical, technical Kubrick vibe-and missed it by just a hair! Having said that, it was Cosmatos' debut film, and to see so much quality in his first feature just makes me want more! :mrgreen: