Language barrier for outlander parties

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Language barrier for outlander parties

Post by Jonus »

Each region has its own language. If I plan for all my pcs to be outlanders, how are they supposed to overcome the language barrier?

Maybe they aren't? Do RL DMs usualy ignore the different languages in such cases? Maybe the wizard with a comprehent languages becomes invaluble?

I was thinking of granting a minor re-chargable item that allows the cast of a version of the spell "tongues" some times per day. Maybe they will gain it on the end of their first adventure.

Is that too much? Any other advice?
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Re: Language barrier for outlander parties

Post by FiranDarcalus »

You may not even need to do all that depending on what domain they are arriving in & what world your characters are from. for instance, if your PC's are from Forgotten Realms, plop them in Hazlan, Nova Vaasa, Kartakass or even Valachan. In those domains, they speak a language called Vaasi. Since all these domains have some connection to Forgotten Realms based on their Darklords, you could simply say that your PC's Common tongue from FR is equivalent to Vaasi, with maybe a couple of differences in dialect just to throw them off. Same for other domains; Falkovnia equates more or less with Krynn/Taladas, Darkon w/ Oerth, etc.

If you're more of a homebrewed, then you could certainly have them in another domain that is not connected to a specific Wizards world, and just say that domain originated in your PC's homeworld. That way it kinda makes sense that the Darkl Powers plopped your PC's there.

Hope that helps!
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Mephisto of the FoS
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Re: Language barrier for outlander parties

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Also the Kartakan (Vaasi dialct) has similarities with elven, so someone who speaks elven can catch up Kartakan, then maybe even Vaasi.
Also when staying in a domain long enough character can use a skill slot to learn the local language, and since some languages (Balok, Vaasi, Mordentish) are spoken in various domains characters can pass this problem by gaining a level.
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Wolfglide of the Fraternity
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Re: Language barrier for outlander parties

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

I believe one of the core books for 3.0/3.5 Ravenloft recommends possible approaches to the language issue. While sourcing the characters from the origin world of the domain they arrive at provides a fair rationale for a common language, the DM can declare the local domain language to be equivalent to outlander Common regardless. It may be the will of the Dark Powers to remove that barrier.

Also, Draconic still exists in Ravenloft, so the party may have an easier time communicating with wizards---if they can find them, that is.

When I first encountered Ravenloft, all of the PCs were outlanders, and we didn't know any of the domain languages. Until we learned them, my character actually became extremely valuable for his psionic powers. He could form a Mindlink, then the DM allowed him to use his acting skills to convince people he was talking in the local language, instead of straight into a person's mind.
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