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Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:48 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
I've always loved the concept of comic characters answering questions from the readers, aaand I may be curious.
Without further ado: would any of you like to ask any questions of the cast of the Chibiloft strips that have been appearing since Quoth the Raven #28?

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:19 pm
by Mistmaster
First question, there is a Darklord they have not managed to peplex yet?

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:25 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Slice: "We haven't MET them all yet."

Wick: "The closest we have come to actually meeting a so-called 'dread lord' was Daniel Spicui of Lack-Light, and even that was at a safe distance."

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:32 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Slap: "Don't tell them about Lemot Sediam Juste! I have tickets for his next show, and I want company."

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:39 pm
by Mistmaster
Mistmaster"Oh, but I already know that, I'm the Mistmaster, you are living in my world" :D

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:36 pm
by DustBunny
Since the regrettable incident when you invited the Darkity darkest darklord of the dark land of darkness over for some 'spell testing', have you found other assistants? Anyone we know?

Juste must have had real problems with the writers strike, especially as he is self publishing. Will you still get up on the stage if the actors go on strike as well? I know you are non union, but you're not scabs are you?

Slap, given your knowledge of the abyss I have a question. I believe I have failed some powers checks and am turning into a demon. Thinking back on what could have caused it, I suspect it was when I put pineapple on my pizza. What sort of demon will I become?

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:23 am
by Rock of the Fraternity
Wick: "Oh, we've had several uh, 'research assistants' over since His Darkness, who was actually not a 'dread lord'. All of them introduced themselves as being from the 'Braaaiiiinsss'-family, which must be a particularly expansive clan."

Slice: "There hasn't been a writers' strike in the Core. The only places it hit are Paridon and Nosos, where they're experimenting with labor-saving automatons. As far as I'm aware, the local writers and actors just walked en masse. This means we've had a huge influx of new art, and Nosos and Paridon are in trouble due to people rioting over the sudden lack of entertainment. Mr. Juste is doing fine."

Slap: "Think harder, that can't be it. Pineapple pizza is freaking delicious, especially with honey-glazed ham; no way that triggered a Powers check. Every demon I know goes ga-ga for a ham and pineapple pie."

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:33 pm
by IanFordam
I recently overheard speculation that the Levkarest Lycanthrope is so formidable that the Crew fled when confronted with its wrath. Is the Lycanthrope really so fearsome, or was it just... funnier... that way?

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:35 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Slice: "Getting chased by a rampaging lycanthrope is a million laughs, alright... I'm being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell."

Dr. Huevo: "I am still very sorry about that. But to answer the question: the Levkarest Lycanthrope is very fast, very strong. We were forced to retreat; I had not brought the right equipment for the job."

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:52 am
by DustBunny
Comoară, have you ever considered taking up a part time career as a dentist? With the increase of blood sugar levels in Ravenloft, surely vampires would have need of your services. Not only have you demonstrated vampiric tooth extraction, it would permit you to legally rob them blind when you present your bill for services rendered. You could even do a side hustle for lycanthropes as I understand they're not to big on dental hygine.
Slap: "Think harder, that can't be it. Pineapple pizza is freaking delicious, especially with honey-glazed ham; no way that triggered a Powers check. Every demon I know goes ga-ga for a ham and pineapple pie."
Cool. I have to think it over while having a pineapple pizza

*Ding!* "Now arriving at corruption level...6....6. Please disembark for bat wings, pointy tails and our range of questionable clothing. Thank you for shopping at the DP emporium...."

Sigh. I really should have given Arueshalae a call first....

Re: Chibiloft Q&A

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:09 am
by Rock of the Fraternity
Comoară: "What... like, have an office? Work at fixed office hours? And save up for my retirement while juggling smart business investments? Pay taxes? Ewww~, no!
Besides, I only stole those teeth 'cause I thought it'd be a fun challenge and my friends would say I was cool. Instead, it was gross, that dump vampire wrecked our front door, and everybody yelled at me! Pass."

Slap: "... Where the *expletive deleted* are you buying your ... *sniffs* ... pineapple and longpork pizza? Vo Mytteri, that explains a lot!"