Unlucky QtR #13 - Anything special?

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Rotipher of the FoS
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Unlucky QtR #13 - Anything special?

Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

It seems that QtR 12, with its lack of a constraining theme and its great presentation, has been a hit. So presumably these netbooks will keep coming for the foreseeable future.

Any news on the status of Unlucky #13? With a number like that, it ought to be something special! Maybe it's time an article was dedicated to the ToUD prophecies ("Really Dread Possibilities"...?) and ways they can be (mis)interpreted by characters and exploited by DMs? Or perhaps even an in-character article about the Dark Powers, themselves...? We've seen the twins' reveal their own thoughts on the Mists this year; perhaps an FoS writer could pen a critique of the girls' latest publication, that brings up various theories about the "watchers" and Mists we've seen proposed by IRL gamers over the years ... but all collected into one place (and with Dread Possibility and/or Behind The Curtain sidebars for each), and viewed from a native Ravenlofter's perspective? How about a bit of fiction that would cap off the 'S' storyline -- seeing her trapped and unable to finish her mission, or Azalin abandoning her because something she's uncovered makes further exploration unnecessary -- since we won't evidently be seeing her anymore, in fan-produced Gazes?

I'm not suggesting a theme here -- it's too limiting for submitters, to lock out unrelated materials; plus, I'm sure there's a variety of topics already in the pipeline for the next QtR -- but I do think that #13 deserves a little something extra. I'd be happy to contribute material of my own (that idea about the domains being gigantic "phantom shifts", probably), whether or not there's anything special about the issue, but it would be nice if this particular QtR has some items that stand out as exceptionally portentious and revelatory, just as Dragon's October issues stand out amongst the mostly-horror-free other months.

Just a thought. I know there may not be time to make such additions to a netbook, what with the Souragne project taking up the mods' time and all, but I figured it deserved a mention (beg, beg, beg!) anyway.
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Post by alhoon »

I agree. We could also add oments, sign etc of bad luck, local beliefs of bad luck, What does this mean etc.

For example:
- In Barovia, slaying a bat at sunset is considered bad luck. Because of the strong beliefs of the people there, doing this gives the players a -2 to all ability and skill checks for a day.
- In Mordenshire and surrounding areas, singing on the nights of new moon is considered to be a call to the spirits of disease. A -2 penalty to foritude saves for the week.
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Post by ScS of the Fraternity »

Right now, the fraternity is wholly focused on the move to souragne. We have the gazaetteer to finish, as well as the upgrades to the website and, hopefully, some upgtrades to the message boards.

QtR 13 isn't schedualed to begin until the spring - and perhaps for publishing at the start of summer.
It really depends on what, if anything, we decide to do about the Undead Sea Scrolls.
Though nothing has been decided yet, we will probably work on the USS before any work on QtR13.
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