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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:55 am
by Pamela
“Then they’re very well set up, indeed,” Gertrude remarked. A darklord involved…that would be all we need, especially if it’s Death. As if Azalin weren’t enough. I suppose we can take pride in the powerful enemies we attract, she thought wryly.

Every now and then she glanced around the room, seemingly to admire her surroundings or others’ clothing, but watching to see if anyone showed any undue attention in the pair. “If it were Death, surely van Rijn would be at the Necropolis? Or somewhere close by in order to transport the device without attracting undue attention from Azalin? But what would Death want it for? To see if he can succeed where Azalin failed, and take solace that if he fails he might be able to extend the borders of his land? It would have to be a city near Il Aluk- Martira Bay?” she asked with some disbelief.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:04 am
by Tobias Blackburn
"Not necessarily. Azalin is known for having 'some' influence over the undead. It might be too dangerous for Van Rijn to attempt the journey to Necropolis. It is also possible that Death, or whoever is guiding this venture, wishes to set up bastions of undeath in other domains. Imagine Port-A-Lucine, or Pont-A-Museau as a second Necropolis. Any large city would swell the ranks and there are few with the ability to deal with them as efficiently as Azalin.

"And that does not assume that they have discovered another use for the Device."

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:27 am
by Pamela
Gertrude sat back in her chair, trying to imagine the city she was presently sitting in rendered a giant crypt. But why, she wondered, would Death want creation of a city he couldn’t control? Or Azalin, for that matter, unless the city was in Darkon? She said nothing however; she was speculating without any solid evidence. “Another use,” she repeated thoughtfully to herself. Let the world share in their miserable un-lives? She shook her head, taking in the vibrancy of their surroundings.

“I do hope that there were members who’d expressed an interest in this topic before van Rijn,” she stated. “I will admit that it is not promising that it has taken three years for the Institute to even notice the absence of the documents. There must have been someone in Richemulot, though, to have created that folder in the first place. Surely van Rijn didn’t create it himself and forget to leave it behind? Hazan certainly didn’t seem ignorant of the topic.”

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:52 am
by Tobias Blackburn
"Perhaps a visit to Sourgane, and a discussion with Hazan might be a wise next step."

(OOC: Sorry... I'd post something more but my brain is toasted today.)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:32 am
by Pamela
Gertrude tilted her head, considering the thought. “I don’t know how much Hazan is able or willing to say. Rumours suggest that he was quite close to our van Rijn. How many of the other members of the Richemulot cell were familiar with both van Rijn and the papers on the Device? If Hazan should unfortunately be the only one, I’d imagine he has been undergoing his own personal review.” She looked up at the tall scholar. “I do want to make it clear that I do not believe Hazan to be a traitor any more than you.”

She sat back and sipped her wine. “Do you think the Time of Unparalleled Darkness is utter balderdash? If you had asked me five months ago, I would have said yes. But I must admit I am beginning to wonder. First the Great Upheaval; now I learn that a device is behind the creation of the Necropolis, and that it might be replicated. The walls of the cage are being loudly rattled, it seems…and perhaps something more will come of it.”

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:19 am
by Tobias Blackburn
Hartly nodded slowly.

"I do not know. It seems to be rather silly, worrying that everything will go wrong all at the same time. But I have seen many prophecies in my research. Many of them are about as reliable as those that foretold the Great Upheaval."

He reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook. He continued talking as he started to make notes in it.

"We all know how real that event was. The only question is whether or not the shaking will cause the cage to collapse and crush all within."

"Have you spoken with any of the others on this topic?"

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:33 am
by Pamela
Prophecies were rampant for every topic, and the majority by far were false. Was it a matter that a prophecy was true, or that circumstances were always available to fit any prophecy? It was an area of her field to which Gertrude had devoted little attention. “Is there any common thread in these ‘reliable’ prophecies- anything which makes them stand out before an event, rather than after?” she asked.

She nodded at the mention of the collapsing cage. This was the concern. It was one thing to take on the Dark Powers, but after the Great Upheaval… “It seems that the most spectacular attempts are also the greatest failures, doesn’t it...”

She looked up from her momentary reverie. “Not really,” she replied, honestly enough. Crow had given her ideas, but they’d never gotten around to actually discussing what he had known or suspected about the Device. Serd had wanted to meet, but had revealed very little in his letters. The Countess…that had been of a different matter entirely. “I told you Serd’s theory about van Rijn; had you heard about that open letter where he boasted of having obtained a curse?” She shook her head at the oddity. “I suppose it must have some advantageous side-effect for it to be worthwhile, but I’d personally consider it a dangerous mixed blessing.

“When I went back to Paridon, none of them revealed any knowledge on the matter and my husband’s letters don’t suggest any change of events there. The Braustlava Institute-” she pursed her lips- “Were not eager to discuss matters with me. I suppose part of it is natural caution. Who are the true Brothers, and who are spies in the wings? Everyone is bringing their houses into order, and are afraid to speak outside of them.”

“Have you heard from anyone yourself?”

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:52 pm
by Tobias Blackburn
Hartly shook his head.

"No. A number of members have shown reluctance to speak with me since my confinement. I do hope that this does not cause you any trouble, Professor."

He had a mental flash of the interviews, the long hours of isolation, the interrogations that they had put him through and shuddered. It was an understandable proceedure, one he would have ordered himself if the roles had been reverse, but the memories still haunted him.

Realizing that Kingsley was waiting for a further response, Hartly added,

"I have sent letters to an acquaitence of the Veiled Palm, in the hopes of finding a medium who might be able to use the dead to track the dead. Say what you will about charlatans, but I have found their aid to be useful in the past."

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:57 am
by Pamela
“Please don’t concern yourself about that, Hartly,” she remarked. She had too few friends in the Fraternity as it was to willingly ignore one. And really, what would be the point, pragmatically? If anyone were watching Hartly, they’d know about her correspondence. Ambition at the cost of loyalty was foolish; van Rijn was himself a prime example of this. Trust had to be recognized and cultivated, or else there’d be that slip into paranoia, and there was enough fear in her life as it was.

But beyond these sensible reasons, there was the simple fact that Gertrude did like Hartly. One of the things she still privately maintained from her early years of devotion was the belief in the necessity of a healthy balance between the mind and the heart. Rupert still taught her the wisdom and joy of it, as did the circle of acquaintances scattered throughout the Core and the islands.

She saw the shudder and was tempted to reach out, but held back, unsure of how the gesture might be received. She did pour Hartly a little more wine, and waited in sympathetic patience for him to return to the moment. She smiled at the mention of the Veiled Palm, eyes dancing. “I am sure that most are indeed charlatans, but that there must be some who truly are…gifted? that skill. I’ve never had reason to have recourse to one. But who are you planning this person to talk to?” She assumed it to be one of the traitor’s dead allies, but was suddenly drawn to wonder about who had done the honours of burying those wretches.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:20 pm
by Tobias Blackburn
*Sorry, I've been having fun with a lung infection and it's put me behind on a number of things.*

"That I have not decided." Hartly admitted, taking a moment to dab his mouth with a napkin. "It would depend on the abilities of however I am put in contact with. Perhaps one with a 'Spirit Guide' of sorts. One that can... test the spiritual waters, as it were."

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:38 pm
by Pamela
"I will not ask you to reveal your results, of course, but I would like to hear your impressions about the experience." Gertrude sipped her wine, thinking back over the reports she'd heard of medium. "They became very popular in Paridon after the Great Upheaval. Even those sent to court for outright fraud had numerous witnesses testifying to their 'gifts'." She recalled one time, years later, when she'd been desperate and possibly mad enough to consider contacting one and quietly lay the memory aside. "They still have a following back home, though I've never spoken to any."