Maison d'Sablet: Night of April 10th

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Evil Genius
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Post by steveflam »

There's something more going on here than Buchvold and Draxton are letting on. WHat is this Family and Uncle? There is more than one "Brotherhood"? And then this dagger. Hmmmmm. So much intrigue, I feel like I'm back home! Tarlyn grins as he bails. I won't ask the guide again for now, he seemd rather nervous for some reason about this Chicken Bone.
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude turned her attention away from the discussion on the disgusting dagger as Serd began to detail some of its nature. Such a waste of talent and energy, she thought to herself. She wasn’t thrilled with weapons, or even destructive magics, but she understood their necessity in this world, but to delve deeply into ways into encouraging such violence and depravity…Madness…As if life isn’t hard and ugly enough without such pursuits.

Her attention was drawn back when Rolande spoke, and she quietly wondered what matter had drawn the young man out here in the first place. She of course had no intention of asking. She heard the exchange between himself and Gerard, and then nodded at the guide’s answer. “Then we will hope for the best, and turn our thoughts from such pessimistic possibilities.”

She closed her eyes as the conversation around her resumed, content to ignore it all. She began to slip into a simple breathing meditation, her body relaxing even as her mind remained alert to any sudden calls of trouble.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

VAN wrote:"I don't know if there is a criminal organisation with such a silly name, but I guess the point is that such an evil dagger is around and someone has it. Ihave never heard this item before."
There is heat in the Darkonian's voice as he speaks -- far more than any hireling should properly direct to his employer, for all that he struggles to cloak his retort's anger -- that, for the bard, raises a mental eyebrow. A bitter heat, that resonates with some personal enmity, not merely a professional rivalry or routine underworld double-cross.

And it is more than just anger, perhaps, that disturbs the rhythm of the bodyguard's bailing as his swordplay-hardened muscles tense. Could it be shame, or regret ... or grief?

Crow thinks back to Dadrag's prior reactions in Nevuchar Springs -- how "Remington Curwin's" comment about 'leaving one's past behind' had struck this man far more deeply than expected -- and he wonders.

I knew you were a cad, Serd, when I first laid eyes upon you ... but if you're delibrately teasing this man with such hints, knowing how much knowledge of this 'Uncle' plainly means to him, then you're far crueler a scoundrel than I suspected.

For a moment, the spy's attentions turn wistfully to Kingsley, seated directly behind him -- the calmness of her breathing, the gentle ease of her meditative state -- and he envies her the unworldly ignorance that lets her relax, thusly, in a boat filled with pitiless conspirators and bloody-handed assassins. A familiar envy, in truth; Crow feels much the same way about his well-intentioned, obliviously overmatched, yet ever-determined VRS colleagues.

He wishes, as vainly as ever, that he could believe he did not rightly belong in such company as he now keeps, and far more fittingly than the professor....
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by alhoon »

OOC> I have made a better post than this about 2 days ago. :( It seems it wasn't posted.

IC> Draxton leans close to Buchvold and starts whispering to him details about what he knows about the Falkovian Fraternity cell just refering to them as they were members of that ...overoptimistic scholar fraternity. He makes attempts to not be overheard by the mercenaries but doesn't use much innuendo. Far less than usual on that matter.
Everyone knowing Richemulotease nobles would understand that Serd values the information about the dagger Buchvold provided to him so he is honoring his part of the "bargain" so to speak.
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Post by VAN »

Dadrag tries to listen what Draxton is saying to Buchvold.

OOC> Listen 20. You decide if it's enough.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
Evil Genius
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc: Tarlyn has 20 as welll. In a confined space is the difficulty easier?
I presume Dadrag is near Draxton, right?Is his Dc easier?
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Post by alhoon »

OOC> Since Dadrag leans near Buchvold, trying to not be overheard I guess the DC would be 15 instead of 10. You both passed.
PS the DC according to the rules to overhear a group of people speaking to each other is 10. ;)

OOC2> Anyone knowing the brotherhood of Frendin would be rebuffed by what Draxton says. He mentions members that are not/ were never in that brotherhood (FoS members actually) and hints at activities that are usually outside the scope/power of that brotherhood.
Draxton doesn't know much about the activities of the Falkovian cell BTW, and is careful to not make the cell appear more powerhungry than: "Mr. X tries to ingratiate himself to Drakov's Captain Y by using magic to become a closer aquintance with the Captain's daughter."

OOC3> (Yes, I know! This is the last) Sense motive & spot: 17 & 18 (and that is a 3 and a [/i]15[/i] at the dice!) Draxton both saw and understood he was being overheard.

IC> Draxton didn't have to check to see that Dadrag was paying attention to what was being said. It was difficult to keep a secret from this one. Soon he would have to talk to him, tell him only what he needed to know and tell him to not look deeper.
The other one though, Tarlyn was also paying attention and he was also good at hiding it. It seems to Serd that he had developed a knack at bumping on interesting people.
After a small pause, pretending to be lost in his thoughts, he turned to Tarlyn. "This doesn't seem to be so exciting, perhaps we could chat the time away. So Tarlyn, may I ask, where are you from? Can you tell me a few things about you just so the trip may become more interesting for both of us?"

OOC4> (OK! Call me a liar) Draxton is hinting that if Tarlyn has any talents that Draxton would need in the future, Draxton may call him and offer him a job.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by steveflam »

So Draxton is trying to get the upper hand here by trying to get me to give information to him. That is one commodity which is worth more than gold to me. I can give him worthless information at that, dos waela rivvil(you foolish human).So the trip becomes more interesting for you, you mean

Tarlyn appears to be thinking about Draxton's question, well aware that not only he will be listening.Oh I almost feel like home here!

"Well where I come from, it isnt as dreary. And it doesn't give you a sense of hopelessness that this land seems to give it's residents. There are most certainly more Elves,Dwarves,Halflings,Orcs..... Well you get the picture." Tarlyn says the race names with disdain, especially the Elf name. He continues "It is a land called Faerun. As to my qualifications that you imply. Let me see, as I'm sure most of the others here wish to hear this as well", he smiles smugly at Draxton and nods slyly, then goes on "Where I am from I attended Fighter School for 25 years, then branched off into information gathering. In my city you sell your mother for advancement if you can even as you stab your brother in the back. Sounds a lot like the Brotherhood to me. It almost makes me feel at home around the Brothers" he smiles knowingly at Draxton then continues "Here in this land I've controlled a wolf problem in Barovia for some Count there. In Kartakass I took care of some Lycanthrope problems and once my memory returned here I remember taking of some zombie, ghoul and vampire problem in Darkon. How about you, sir?What of this Richemulot you are from? What kind of life is it there?Are there undead or other types of creatures there that are common to the rest of the places I've been?
Evil Genius
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Post by steveflam »

alhoon wrote: OOC4> (OK! Call me a liar) Draxton is hinting that if Tarlyn has any talents that Draxton would need in the future, Draxton may call him and offer him a job.
Ooc : I never say you are a liar in my response to you! :lucas: but you can judge yourself by my responses hee hee :lucas:
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Post by alhoon »

Quite straightforward this man Draxton noted. With a shrug he said "I'm a noble and a merchant from Richemoulot. In my land secrecy and privacy are valued, but we also think high on traditional human values, such as family, integrity of character, courage etc.
Most of the people from my land are keeping these standards; the noble try their best to be just and keep the peace and most of those lower in the social and economic pyramid try to uphold the law, protect the country from external and internal threats and generally mind their business. Unfortunately there is a small part of the nobility in Richemoulot that are corrupt and want mostly to increase their own coffers and expand their influence at other's expense as there are some common folk who prey upon the others.
Unfortunately my homeland has its own monsters that plague good people. There are confirmed facts that we have far more than our share of wererats in Richemoulot."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn ponders Draxton's words a moment, mulling them over in his mind. Sounds like Richemulot has a "ratr" problem, and I'd bet a spider's life that the Wererats are part of the nobility that are corrupt. Who would try to prove it, else not have a long life.

"I'd be willing to wager, Sir, that the rodent problem and your crooked society acquaintances are linked. Who would oppose such people anyways?Risk death or worse?" Tarlyn says to Draxton,paying attention to his reaction as well as those around him at his sentence.
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Post by VAN »

From his position at the boat near Crow, Dadrag pays very much attention at Draxton's words. The ex-assassin notices how the merchant has tried to answer Tarlyn's curiocity without exposing very much how important are the information and how they use them. As Draxton mentions the wererats, the mercenary barely holds himself not to speak. Dadrag knows only a little about the brothers, but he knows that if he reveals to them his hate to the creatures that have killed his daughter 3 years ago they might use it against him. So he just gets the boat's edge with both hands, squeezing the wood in order to calm himself. He also keeps staring the swamp without turning to face the people in the boat.

OOC> If you want to do a spot or a sense motive check to get Dadrag's reaction, do so. I don't know the DC, I know only that it's dark, Dadrag is looking away and he tries to hide his emotions.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
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Post by alhoon »

OOC> So he gets a bluff roll +2 to +5 for the darkness VAN ;)

IC> "Well, such questions lead to dangerous answers, answers that a merchant looking after his business and the good of his family should not seek I'm afraid." Draxton smiles and winks.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by steveflam »

Indeed Mr Draxton, very wise answer. You get my meaning exactly, and I'd love to look into this rodent problem in Richemulot. Such foul foul creatures these Wererats, the worse of all the Lycanthropes I'm positive. I'm sure Mr Draxton could guide me in the right direction for the reduction of the Wererat population in Richemulot. Oh what a treat it would be too!Almost as much as my blades tasting Elf blood!Almost!

"But of course Sir, I wouldn't think it any other way of you. Maybe in less busy times you may perhaps show me the sights around your home and point out the places of interest in Richemulot. Give me a guided tour as it were?" Tarlyn winks at Draxton then pays attention as the craft stops
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