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Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:51 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Buchvold starts just as Marie comes out. He is not as suprised by the fact as some might have been (he had studied his copy of the gazeter earlier in the day, and was basicly aquainted with some aditional backround on the Voudan ways from the few Sourangen members he knew.)

No, what made Buchvold start was the fact that the situation had just hit him. He had never witnesed the native's perticular brand of magic, he was standing in a room full of people he coundn't trust and had just provided his blood for a ritual which he could be far from certian as to precisly what it did

After all, we are dealing with a Diviner of some sort here. We don't know what he knows. We can take nothing for granted.

Buchvold was keeping his eyes wide open now. He cast his eyes around the following, barely paying any attention as Chicken Bone came round, pausing in his observations only to put out his hand for the old man to make the cut.

He'd spoted Crow's anger with ease. The bard was far from easy to read, but he'd been trying for a while, and had managed to isolate one or two little tells, such as his habit of clenching his fist when angry.

As useful as the fact would be in a game of Geas, It's less helpfull here.

Professor Kingsly was mostly observing the ritual, looking at the circles that they were in. That made the Borcan start for a second time. He hadn't spotted their indervidual nature. He starts the process of comitting the various veve to memory when everything started pulsing.

Buchvold put one hand on his sword, more out of instinct than actuall fear.

Here it comes...

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:14 pm
by steveflam
Dadrag stops talking as he listens Tarlyn talk with Rolnad. He drops the conversation with the samurai and turning surprised to the drow asks:

"You... you really want to go back here tomorrow? Do you want to face this strange voodan alone? Are you sure about it
"You misunderstood the conversation, Dadrag. I stay tonight and Roland comes back tomorrow with his friend there" Tarlyn nods at Gerard "To get me. I have some business with HIM upstairs and I think he has some with me. I'll return tomorrow evening, fear not. This is something i need to do" he says reassuringly to Dadrag "I do know how to take care of myself as you have seen in the swamp today."

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:59 pm
by VAN
Dadrag shrugs.

"As you want. It's true, you can take care of yourself very well."

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:32 pm
by Coan
Hiro looks up from his scroll.

"You want help? I can stay if you want." turning his head towards Dadrag he inclines the scroll to him "It's just some information about a place I intend to visit, an old fey tale but I believe it might be based on some truth that's all."

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:55 pm
by steveflam
"You want help? I can stay if you want."
Tarlyn smiles at Hiro "Thank you for your kind offer, but this is something only I can do. As you may have heard already, I am most definitely not of this land. How about yourself, might you hail from Faerun?"

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:07 am
by Coan
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:
"You want help? I can stay if you want."
Tarlyn smiles at Hiro "Thank you for your kind offer, but this is something only I can do. I don't think I got your name. As you may have heard already, mine is Tarlyn and I am most definitely not of this land. How about yourself?"
OOC: Hiro introduced himself way back with the group, but he can reintroduce himself.

"Hiro. I am of no land as well. What, if I can ask, do you need to talk about?"

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:57 pm
by steveflam
I am of no land as well. What, if I can ask, do you need to talk about?"

Tarlyn thinks a moment before answering. "Well Hiro I have questions and I seriously doubt that the 'Brothers' " he says looking up " would truthfully answer my questions. I have a strong belief that HE would answer mine. And foremost I have a very good idea that HE would be most interested in what I have to tell him. It would be a mutual exchange of information, very beneficial to both parties" Tarlyn says to Hiro and looks up again at the tree house with interest. An old fey tale hmmm?

"What kind of old fey tale is it you have heard? I am an elf after all I may be of some assistance in discovering some of this fey tale, when I return to the town tomorrow. Maybe Dadrag or I have been to this location you have on your papyrus, Hiro. I'd be glad to discuss it with you tomorrow at length if you wish". He looks at Hiro and smiles.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:56 am
by Coan
Hiro inclines his head in acknowledgement.

"It sounds a fine idea. Although I am not sure either man or elf would know to much about the yokai and unseelie without study but then again kappa-no-kawa-nagare." he shrugs "Tomorrow we can discuss it further."

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:07 pm
by VAN
"I'm interested too, I can help you, if you want of course. But I have no idea what yokai, unseelie are."

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:28 am
by Coan
"They are perhaps known to you as the dark fey? Those who have turned to the darker side of life and possibilities from the land of the enchanted. Some demons may even count among their number." he takes a breath "Some call them simple ghost stories but I believe we know that not all that is told by a bedroom fire to scare children is false. I have even seen them on occassion..." the last sentance he whispers as he looks over his shoulder, the swamp seemed ever so slightly darker for a minute, the glow of the fireflies brighter and hovering closer together.

"Jato elim." he mutters before the area seems to return to normal just as suddenly. Whether it was simple imagination or something else was unknown.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:50 am
by steveflam
"You are talking about the fey'ri, Hiro? They are common in Faerun and enemies of elves". Tarlyn says. "I have yet to encounter or ehar of them in these lands. There are rumors of some?".

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:39 am
by VAN
Dadarg looks a bit nervously around.

"It's better talk about this tomorrow, in sunlight, don't you think?"

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:43 am
by steveflam
Tarlyn smiles at Dadrag So our friend fears the 'fey'ri' and has possibly dealt with wererats. I'll register that information for a later conversation "No problems, we can discuss this tomorrow,Dadrag"

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:45 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Chicken Bone's chanting grows louder, and the veves around you become even brighter, writhing slowly around your feet.

Suddenly there is more than one voice chanting--or is it only that Chicken Bone's voice has changed? Something* has entered the room; you cannot see it, but you feel its presence, darker and more ominous than that of the storm outside. Outside there is burst of light and a clap of thunder, and then someone speaks.


After a confused moment you realize that Chicken Bone is speaking, but this is not his voice; he is staring at Serd, arm raised and pointed at him--in accusation? Or merely in indication? For a moment his eyes glow yellow; then he convulses, dropping his candle and falling to the floor.

He writhes for several seconds, then freezes, back arched; after a moment he rises, slowly, and speaks again, in a thin, cracked voice more like his own--but still subtly different.

"Excuse-moi, m'sieurs, madame," he says, making the faintest suggestion of a bow. "Deduis que me cherchez?***"

OOC: Spot checks, one at at DC 25, one at DC 18, please! Your 19 would apply here, MM, I suppose, so you've made the first.

* Does anyone have the Ghostsight feat?


***Pardon me, m'sieurs, madame. I understand you're looking for me?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:40 am
by Moral Machivelli
OOC. Ok. 19 used, and Buchvold's passed the first test only.

IC Buchvold wasn't suprised by the "possession". After all, it was what was suposed to happen. However, he took the oppertunity of the others bing distracted in media res to finish survaying the area. Nothing much came to light, though when the first Loa came, he thaught he noticed the circle arround Serd fade slightly

When the second, and infinetly more plesent Loa arrived, Buhcvold bowed low. Upon arrising, he simply indecated Kingsly.

This is still your area of expertise Professor, not mine