Maison de Soulombre, morning of April 11

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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"If there are no further questions?..." Loder looks around as if not expecting many after the recent display, and, indeed, there seem to be none. "Then we will adjourn. Afternoon lectures will begin at 2 P.M."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude gave a mere hint of a nod in answer to Crow’s quiet reply, but her posture went stiff as the hated Loder abruptly brought an end to the meeting.

She quickly took up her carpetbag and placed her journal within then stood up. Located at the end of the row as she was, she was able to make an exit without disturbing any of the Brothers- or be held in place while they took their deliberate time.

She therefore rose and stepped out and behind her chair, looking out the window. “I will be going back to town. I am too tired to appreciate the rest of the day’s events,” she said quietly to the bard as the others began to rise from their chairs and move about. “I am sorry that I was unable to be of more help.” She saw a couple of her Zherisian brothers glancing- and smirking- her way and she did not wait to hear the bard’s reply. She glided towards the doors to the lawn. It would take little time to saddle the mare she’d ridden to Maison de Soulombre, and involve as little interaction as necessary.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by alhoon »

Rotipher of the FoS wrote:
[OOC: Hey alhoon, did you remember that Serd's Bluff-enhancing magic item was returned to him? It won't make a difference for Crow (Sense Motive 31), but it might matter if other Frat members are watching your PC, too.]
OOC> Yeap. How you think I got 22? :) 10+8+4 from the item. 22 isn't bad Roti... we're not all have skyrocketing sense motive. And anyone not suspecting Draxton's hiding something would get a penalty.

IC> Draxton proceeded to have some coffee and think. He leave for Richemoulot in a couple of days to take care of some trading business... He just hoped that his personal library in his manor won't have been ranshacked.
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Post by steveflam »

Helmut had remained quiet throughout the entirely unpleasant meeting. Typical. Fight and bicker amongst ourselves. And for what? Only to feel more superior than the next sorry sod. What a disgraceful display towards Ms Kingsley. If they put as much effort into trying to find the traitor instead of delivering barbed words to each other, perhaps more headway in finding him would have occured at present. Helmut mused.

He put away his effects and having glimpsed Gertrude leaving hurried out of the meeting and headed in the same direction she'd taken. Seeing she had headed for the stables, he hurried after her. "P-Pardon me, Ms Kingsley! P-please wait a moment" he called after her. He nearly stumbled on his cloak, but recovered rather nicely, all things considered. At least this time he was still standing and luck was with him as he wasn't coverd in mud like the last time. He panted as he hurried after Gert.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

[OOC: No offense intended, alhoon; Crow was just being his usual cocky self, calling Serd's facade "laughable". :roll: But both our PCs need to be careful with their respective secrets, nevertheless: Sense Motive is a class skill for the FoS prestige class, and there are some awfully high-level, high-Int NPCs at this gathering. It's quite possible that at least a few of them did invest heavily in SM ranks.]

At Kingsley's dejected departure, the bard starts to rise, hesitates, stays in his seat as she takes her leave of an ungrateful Fraternity. A sad sight, to see the tigress retreat; the professor really must be tired, to excuse herself from the afternoon's events.

A quick glance at his program confirms this -- he can't imagine anything short of sheer exhaustion would keep the prim Zherisian from her own compatriot's lecture -- as well as verifying that Brother Paul Dirac, whose company Crow must now seek out, will be presenting in the Library this afternoon, in tandem with some Vaasi aristocrat. Recalling his own recent foray to Liffe, the bard wonders if Dirac's lecture might offer any information of interest, above and beyond his current search for Van Rijn's agent. Certainly, Larner's talk on Paridon might be enlightening, if he's to take the two Zherisians up on their invitation to visit that city.

Typical, he ponders in irritation, as he collects his instrument-case, steps past Kingsley's vacant seat, and moves down the aisle to intercept Paul Dirac. Only when the game is progressing well do the lectures actually start to sound of interest! Pity I've too few hands to fiddle with rings and take notes....

Oh, well. It's not much of a sacrifice compared to most the VRS spy has made, for his work's sake, and he can always talk Dirac into granting him a peek at his lecture-notes later.

He moves on into the hall, a few steps behind the young Dementlieuse, pausing only to snatch a sugar-bun from the buffet near the entrance. Coffee would be welcome, but he can't afford too much of a 'crash' later: not tonight, of all nights.
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Post by eocine »

There were of course questions that concerned him, but there was little point in voicing them at this point, he wanted to take the time to think them through before actually asking them. More than that of course it seemed that, for some reason, everyone was a little on edge...

As the other's left he remained in his seat until the room was virtually empty, before rising, bowing to the gathered members on the stage and then exiting.

Briefly he considered mingling with the others, but came to the conclusion that it would be better to pin down his thoughts properly before the afternoon's lectures, and so instead retreated to his tent.

Once there he divested himself of his clothing and lit the small coal brazier, using a small bowl to then wash himself before dressing again in clean clothing. Having completed his toilet he pulled his small writing desk across and began to note down the morning's revelations.
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