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RL:O - Chapter IV: Chronicles of the Forest Kingdom, Part I

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:35 pm
by Le Noir Faineant

After suffering a severe loss,
the company led by Sergej von Zarovich and young Harkon Lukas
finally arrives at the place of their destination,
in peaceful and idyllic Cormyr...

United by fate, our heroes are more divided than ever.
What about Jarryd's disappeareance?
What about Moorkroft's strange transformation?
And what about the strange visions they had on the Hill Of The Lost Souls?

Could it be that SHE, who is the reason of our heroes' journey,
is already befouled by the touch of evil...?

In Cormyr, our adventurers are welcomed as heroes.
But soon they will discover that their journey isn't over,
but merely about to begin...

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:19 am
by Le Noir Faineant
Since the party will probably spend some time in Cormyr,
here is some information on the lay of this land...

Most texts are more elaborate than the knowledge the players obtain will be. However, Sergej, Alek,
and even Gondegal will spill a few beans on their week-long journey with the party...

Map of Cormyr. - The party will enter by the North West, through the Faresea Marshes.

On the political situation in Cormyr

Though there are strong reasons why it shouldn't be, Cormyr is a steadfast and prosperous land. Despite an often-violent past, constant armed vigilance against beasts and border perils, and frequent treasonous intrigues, Cormyrians remain loyal, content, prosperous, and peace loving folk. While the serious reverses of the last two years have shaken the kingdom, Cormyrians expect better days ahead and are willing to work to achieve that goal.
The Obarskyr family rules Cormyr, assisted by wise Royal Mages. The long reign of Azoun IV, aided by former Royal Magician Vagerdahast, gave the realm a legacy of stability and prosperity that is the envy of much of Faerun.
Beneath the royal family is a wealthy, sophisticated, often fractious group of noble families of long lineage, influence, and demonstrated loyalty to the crown. The War Wizards - a force of battle mages under the command of thoughtful wizards such as Caladnei - temper both royal and noble excesses. As the sage Bradeaskras of Suzail put it, the Obarskyrs, the nobility, and the War Wizards "form three legs of a stool on which the common folk sit."
Most Cormyrians are farmers, ranchers, horse-breeders, foresters, or craftsfolk. The country also maintains a large, capable army, the Purple Dragons - not to be confused with Azoun IV, the king who was called the Purple Dragon, or the Purple Dragon Thauglor, long the largest and mightiest wyrm of the Dragon Reach.

On Marsember

The second largest city in Cormyr, Marsember is a seaport constructed on a series of islands connected by bridges and cut with canals. Originally built on a swamp, Marsember grew to include nearby terrain, but it still often smells like a marsh. Known as the City of Spices for the local trading companies that procure those goods from far nations, the city relies on trade. Small boats crowd the canals, and many dealings are done in secret to avoid the law. Flat, hard ground is hard to find here, and only the wealthy can afford large paved areas, usually on top of buildings. Marsember's single large temple is to Lathandar, though it also has small shrines to Tymora, Umberlee, and Waukeen. Bledryn Scoril has taken over as lord of the city since the untimely demise of the previous lord. A twelve ship detachment of the royal navy is stationed here.

On the Mercenary Company called "The Red Ravens"

One of the few long-standing mercenary companies that operate in Corymyr, the Red Ravens have a strength on paper of 110 swords, but can easily triple that number with new hires if they get a sufficiently large contract. They have been kept on retainer by the government of Cormyr with the stated purpose of cleaning out the Stonelands to the north. They have been moderately successful in this goal, but the Stonelands are still far from being a safe territory.

The Red Ravens are commanded by Rayanna the Rose, a veteran of the Horde crusade. They are noted for their honesty and trustworthiness, as they don not wish to jeopardize their royal charter. Most of their troops are armed with studded leather and carry long swords. They charge 200 gold pieces per week for the services of their 110-being unit. Their symbol is a red raven amulet.

On the Tales on "The Lost King"

Arabel, long under the dominion of Cormyr, for a time became the center of a swordsman's empire. This swordsman was Gondegal, the Lost King, who in the Year of the Dragon attempted to carve a kingdom for himself centered on Arabel. It was to extend north to the Desertsmouth Mountains; south and west of Wyernwater and the farms outlying from Eveningstar; and east to Tilver's Gap and the mountain passes. In the years following, people would say that Gondegal's reach was no longer than his blade. He could not hold any of the territory against the might of Cormyr, Sembia, Daggerdale, Tilverton, and several of the other Dales -all of whom he drew the blood and ire of in the making of his throne.

Gondegal ruled for less than a season, though he reigned officially for scarcely eight days. The remainder of his rule was spent fighting here and there against one foe or another in the lands he claimed. His troops were largely mercenary, and his treasury of seized goods was small and soon gone. One night Gondegal's force simply melted away before the advancing troops of Cormyr, and was gone. King Azoun IV retook Arabel on that morn without wetting a blade. No one has ever found the body of Gondegal; he is known to have fled north and then east via Teshwave, but then his fate becomes a matter of conflicting rumor and legend.

Some believe he still lives with a score or more of loyal followers, keeping court in the wilds somewhere, a careful and ruthless bandit who takes care that none survive his attacks to carry tales anywhere. When entire caravans vanish at times anywhere between the High Dale and far-off Impiltur, he is blamed by talk in the taverns. Gondegal was said to be a tall, gray-haired warrior of considerable personal skill and intelligence. His badge was a gray wolf's head, face on, with red eyes. Caravan guards often warn merchants to beef up the escort on a particular caravan; " else thy gold'll soon be gilding Gondegal's throne."

Gondegal was an impeccable swordsman and somewhat chaotic in his self professed neutral alignment. If he does indeed yet live, the magic or treasure he carries, and who his allies might be, are all unknown. Gondegal's reign had a great influence on the King of Cormyr, at that time in his second decade of rule. Not only was Azoun forced to put down an effective rebellion in his own country, he was forced to pay more attention to matters outside Suzail, to become the ruler of a nation as opposed to a city-state. Further, the bloodless assault on Arabel was Azoun's first true experience at the head of his army, and the joy of "freeing" the people of Arabel is one that remains with him.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:58 am
by Le Noir Faineant
And here's the record of our epic session:

What an adventure! Jander dead, Alek killed, Jarryd a vampire, and Sergej in open despair!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:00 am
by Le Noir Faineant
Rafe: Early summer of 1373. Year of Wild Magic.
Rafe: You have been living in Cormyr for over two months now,
Rafe: All of you live in and around the palace of the BAron.
Rafe: What have you been up to? :-)
VAN: well we freed the slaves
Jarg: we been learning how to sail!
Rafe: ...And other things...?
kintire: Victoriously freeing slaves, and cruising the town looking for opportunity and adventure! and watching some people learn how to sail.
Jarg: ha
VAN: Inovidil has visited any magic school
VAN: or famous wizard thre
Rafe: Alek has been courting Shana all the time. DId they, um, end up as a couple.
Jarg: Jarg has searched for any thieves guild or Zhents in town
Rafe: Feel free to detail the time gap between the slavers and this event (three weeks) as you wish.
Rafe: I rule that Allan is busy discussing his book with scholars from Cormyr and the Dales.
kintire: Alek will by now have learnt that Shana is happy to be friendly but wary of long term commitment, and suspicious of Alek's employer. In fact, of nobles generally
Jarg: Jarg looks for a thieves guild and trues to see if there are any Zhents in town
Jarg: tries* that is how he spends his time
Rafe: There are thieves in town, but they shun Jarg for his relation to the baron... He could be some kind of spy...
VAN: Inovidil was busy searching and studying magic
kintire: They may have ended up dating, but no firmer commitment than that
Rafe: Others, that can look through his disguise, think even worse of him...
Jarg: Oh he also replaces his elvish blade that Jundar took to the sea with him ! heh
Rafe: Shana is one cold rock... :-)
Jarg: he is used to that
VAN: poor Alek...
Rafe: Though her suspsicions might be based on truths...
Rafe: So, right into actions...
kintire: Oh she's happy to be very non-cold but no long term commitments no a noble's servant
Rafe: You wake up at the hour of dawn, in your rooms in the Baron's castle...
Jarg: ah she only wants nobility
VAN: actually I guess none of us like nobles,,,
Rafe: You all feels a little woozy, because you all drunk a bit more than you should have last night...
Jarg: Can Jarg have his home like I posted in our game?
Rafe: Sure, but yesterday you were so drunk that you chose to remain in the castle... Or maybe you simply dowsed on a bank...
kintire: I've woken up at dawn? after a night's drinking? something is very wrong...
Jarg: ditto
VAN: agree
Rafe: You all wake because of the silence... Something is wrong...
VAN: we need more sleep!
Jarg: WHERE ARE MY PANTS?????????///
VAN: the silence make us wake??
kintire: woah... I roll out of bed and listen carefully...
Jarg: I think we find the silence is wrong
VAN: same thing
Rafe: The world around you is like dead, and white foam can be seen through the windows of the castle...
Jarg: Jarg rolls out of bed and opens his door
Jarg: white foam or fog?
VAN: Ino goes to Shana's room
VAN: have you felt that?
Rafe: Thick, heavy fog covers everything in sight. Good that the windows and doors are locked, or the mist would maybe get in...
VAN: something is wrong
kintire: Shana mutters a few words and swirls her fingers, a glow surrounding her, then fading *Mage Armour*
kintire: Yes, I think you're right...
Jarg: OOC: Jag came to RL thorugh mists is this fog the same?
Rafe: You realize that you're alone in the castle. Where are the others? The tables are deserted.
VAN: "the mist..."
VAN: "I dont lik it"
Rafe: You hear just one sound,
Rafe: The carking of a single raven. Outside.
Jarg: Jarg dresses first off ans arms himself then goes in search of his party first
Rafe: Those are not your clothes.
VAN: Inovidil waves her hands [mage armour]
Rafe: Nothing happens.
Rafe: Shana has blood on her hands...
kintire: [Did my Mage Armour fail too?]
Jarg: Not my clothes? UM what am I wearing?
Rafe: The clothes of a nobleman, for sure. Too big for you small drow.
VAN: "Very weird! My spell failed!"
Rafe: A raven and sword are stitched on the jacket's arms..
VAN: "That never happened before"
Rafe: Yes. Your magic didn't work.
Jarg: Have I ever seen this raven and sword before?
VAN: "Shana, your hands..."
VAN: "Look at them.."
kintire: Shana checks for her clothes and equipment, and any sign of where the blood came from "neither did mine... anti magic of some kind? I'm not sure"
Rafe: A door opens. Torrence Bleysmith, the mad lord of Staunton Bluffs, stands in the door.
VAN: "Maybe."
kintire: "yes... I must have... cut myself... oh hells..."
Jarg: OOC : Never met him before
Rafe: You all can see him, though you are not in his reach.
VAN: me neither
VAN: [how is he looks like?"
Jarg: OOC Jarg looks at his hands making sure he is in fact himself and looks for his weapons
VAN: OOC [the lord I mean]
VAN: Ino check her equipment
kintire: Shana backs away from the figure, looking white
Rafe: A man with a rope around his neck, white hair, and a shield with the symbol of a sword and a lily on it...
Jarg: OOC did JArg join the girls yet or he is still in his room?
VAN: [a g host?]
Rafe: Through the door steps Moorkroft, his skin almost azure blue.
Rafe: MY LOVE...
VAN: "What happened?"
VAN: Ino steps back
VAN: "Do you feel ok Jamethon?"
Rafe: Moorkroft doesn't seem to see you. Blood runs out of his mouth...
Jarg: OOC still waiting 1) I have my weapons 2) Do I have my equipment....
Jarg: ?
VAN: [OOC Have we met Jamethon these 3 weeks?]
VAN: he was ok?
Rafe: 1) no 2) no
Rafe: Moorkroft was looking terribly, but emotionally well.
Rafe: He even drank a wine with Sergej yesterday, without the usual arguing...
VAN: OOC INovidil has her equipment?
Rafe: No... Ino fionds herself naked...
Jarg: Jarg heads for the first of his party's room he finds and knocks on the door, unless he sees someone beforehand
VAN: lol
kintire: and Shana?
Jarg: OOC : Re last post Jarg runs to Ino's room! HAHAH
Rafe: Music for your pleasure...
Rafe: JArg sees Ino and Shana dead...
Jarg: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Jarg tries to discner how they died...
Jarg: discern*
Rafe: You feel the sting of long, beastish teeth in your necks... And wake up...
Rafe: You all find yourselves wherever you dropped last night.
kintire: Screaming...
VAN: jumps up all wet
VAN: "What a dream!
Rafe: Clothes on, the skin on your necks unhurt, but itching...
Rafe: (Sorry, wo the hangover, I'd surely made that better)
VAN: Inovidil checks her neck on a mirror
kintire: OOC: it was fine
kintire: Shana also goes for the nearest mirror
Jarg: Jarg jumps up and finds a mirror and looks at his neck
VAN: "Good grief!"
Rafe: Everything seems alright...
Jarg: any bite marks?
Rafe: nothing visible...
VAN: Inovidil goes to Shanas's room and knoecks the door
kintire: Shana breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes slightly "just a dream"
VAN: "Shana, I'm Ino, may I come in?"
kintire: "Come in!"
Jarg: nothing visible....... Jarg feels his neck then with his fingers
VAN: "Hey, I had a bad dream"
VAN: "A realy bad one."
Rafe: Yet, your heads ache terribly. Something more in your drinks that just the wine?
Jarg: Jarg gets dressed and goes to fins the girls
kintire: Shana tenses "oh? what was it like?"
VAN: "We were alone in the castle"
Jarg: OOC by dressed I mean ready to kill evil circus midgets
VAN: The magic didn't work
Rafe: While you are still wondering about what happened, pages are sent for you, poiltely asking to follw them... The baron's waiting, they say...
VAN: and I felt like being bitten by a vampire
kintire: Shana swallows "we saw a blue Moorkroft..."
VAN: "actually my neck is still heart"
VAN: "Ywa
VAN: "yeah. You saw him too?"
kintire: "oh great.. i had the same dream. This is not good..."
Jarg: When Jarg meets up with the girls if he has time he'll speak to the girls if not he'll wait.
kintire: Well, better not keep our generous host waiting
VAN: "I agree, lets go to see how is he."
VAN: "Better go to Jamethon first, then go the the Baron."
Rafe: On a pleasant balcony overviewing the harbour of The City of Spices, you find not the baron, but Sergej sitting.
VAN: "Lets see if Moorkrof t is ok."
Jarg: "Did you girls by any chance have a bizarre dream, to say the least?"
VAN: "Yes. We both did. You too?"
Rafe: The young von Zarovich seems plaer than usual. Maybe he's sick...
kintire: "Yes... but we'll discuss it later. Somewhere private"
Jarg: Jarg looks at Sergei "You're not the Baron.."
VAN: "Goodmorning,...ehm... the baron?"
kintire: "Good morning!" Shana looks around a little warily
Rafe: "Hope you had a good night, comrades."
Jarg: "If this is some kind of joke..... where's the Baron?"
VAN: Inovidil looks him suspiciusly but says nothung
kintire: "A little disturbed... too much wine I think"
Rafe: "I'll be short. Your friend - the one who disappeared during our journey; the one who so bravely fought Jander, he has been sighted."
Jarg: "Jarryd?"
VAN: "what?"
VAN: "Where? How is he?"
Rafe: "The baron has already Moorkroft and Allan to investigate the matter. he seemed reluctant to" look at Shana "bestowe a woman of questionable reputation and" look to Jarg with this task.
Rafe: "-look to Jarg - "a drow with this task."
Rafe: (Sorry, my error.)
kintire: Shana looks amused, but says nothing
VAN: "What about me? For what stupid reason I was not called"
VAN: "He is our friend. All of us should have gone after him."
Jarg: "Ive proven myself already to this Baron. Heritage or not, and women or not" he looks at Ino and Shana "Theyve proved themselves as well. WHy do u bother us then, if not to merely insult us?"
VAN: "Not only Moorkroft and Alan."
Rafe: "However, you are his friends. I have seen many of mine die under terrible circumstances."
kintire: "now, now... Sergej has not insulted us. He's merely being honest"
Rafe: "If Jarryd has to die." -sighs - "Then you all shall be with him."
Jarg: "If there's anything else ingratiating ud like to say please do then get to your point otherwise I have better things to do than be here."
Jarg: OOC : Jrg doesnt like Sergei too much
VAN: "Anyway, may we know what they found out til now?"
kintire: Shana smiles again "I'm not sure I would have put it quite like that, but its a worthy sentiment! where was he seen?"
Rafe: "I am not sure how intense the bond between a vampire and his is." Maybe it can be broken."
VAN: "Really? That's great. How?"
Rafe: I really have no idea. I just thought should I'd let you know. These nightmares... I can barely sleep. Just know that I wish you well. The best. You have proven yourselves to be extraordinary heroes, and
Rafe: ... I feel that my cousin is abusing your trust by leaving you out."
VAN: "You had a nightmare yesterday?"
Rafe: I might be a hard man, but if I could make the world better if I died, I would do that. You must trust me on that."
Rafe: Sergej sighs again, and covers his eyes with his hands.
Rafe: "Every night, Inovidil. Every night since we left Barovia more than a year ago, - I see them die, and then die again. My love, my family..."
Rafe: Sergej looks close to burst into tears...
Rafe: *You notice, I am warming up again. Writing getting less dizzy.*
Rafe: Off for a sec.
kintire: Shana looks symapthetic, almost despite herself, but still very slightly reserved
Jarg: "Why trust you if you dont trust us. You nobles, whether human or drow all alike. Forgetyour dreams a minute. WHy are we here?" jarg says forcefully. " I thought Alan and Moorkroft were taking care of this since we dont seem appropriate or able".
Jarg: OOC Jarg doesnt look sympathetic far from it
VAN: "Oh sweet Mystra! That's awful. I had a nightmare like that yesterday"
Rafe: *Cold pizza. Life is sweet.*
kintire: Shana leans over "jarg, to be fair, its Sergej's cousin who doesn't think we are able. I believe we are here because Sergej doesn't agree"
Rafe: "No, you misunderstand, my friend. <--Friend?!
VAN: "Hope this dreams not start coming to us everynight..."
Rafe: "I... I feel sorry because JArryd lost himself for me. I would go if I could, but I am bound here..: To her..."
VAN: "Tatyanna?"
Jarg: "Sergei is the same as him..... HE doesnt respect us, Shana"..... "Ive seen no effort on his part and wont trust us with anything. WHen hes ready to I'll be ready to listen, until then I bid you good day." Jarg nods to the girls, ignoring Sergei and leaves
Rafe: "Give him a merciful death, if the others cannot do it.. You, Shana, where with him right from the beginning. You have the same right as Allan or the priest to release him from his curse."
VAN: "You mean her right?"
kintire: Shana frowns ever so slightly, but replies "of course. It's my duty to do whatever I can"
Rafe: "Yes. By all the gods, three months and she has remained like that. There must be a way to reverse this curse... If we can save JArryd, maybe we can save her... By the gods..."
VAN: Ino gets Jarg's arm to stop him
VAN: "Wait. don't go. Listen to him"
Rafe: Sergej has sunken into his chair, wheeping.
Jarg: OOC really want me to dodge you?
VAN: "I hope so Sergei"
VAN: OOC lol!
kintire: "Well, we shall see. But Sergej, where IS he? where was he seen?"
Rafe: How tormented must the man be to show those feelings in front of people he clearly despises...?
Jarg: OOC Jarg heads for his home
VAN: "We will try to save both of them"
Rafe: Shana? Ino?
Rafe: *Darn, my think machine is working again! Sweet pizza!"
Jarg: OOC sweet sweet coffee! Its 9 am here
kintire: Shana steps a little closer "where was Jarryd seen? Sergei"
Rafe: Sergej doesn't answer, just keeps crying silently...
Rafe: At JArg's home, the drow finds blind old Gendagal sitting on small stool, playing is harp...
VAN: Inovidil hands him a tissue "Please Sergei. Do an effort to remember"
Jarg: "Ah Gondegal, mght I invite you in for a drink or food perhaps?"
Rafe: Sergej quietly handles you an envelope, then turns around and walks away.
Rafe: Flees.
VAN: Inovidil looks him leaving and sighs. Then open the envelop
kintire: Shana sighs, then looks at Inovidil "any help?"
Rafe: "I have heard we are marching into battle again, my good squire? - Prepare my horse and polish my weapons!"
VAN: "Let me see. I hope so!"
Rafe: @JArg
Rafe: @S/I:
Jarg: "yes yes, Gondegal" he takes him gently by the arm...."Let's get some food insinde you and themn we'll talk about battle, I promise." He tries to lead the old man into his home
Rafe: In the envelope, you find change paper worht three good horses, and an extra fee, as well as a map of Cormyr, marking a village in the MArsember Forest, two days from here.
Rafe: Rauburn is the name....
Rafe: *Ringing any bells? Hehehehe*
VAN: "I guess there they saw him."
Rafe: Gondegal follows without hesistation...
Jarg: OOC the village where we first met Jandar?>
VAN: Ino hands the map to Shana
Rafe: Nope! That was in the Silver MArches... :-)
kintire: *No. I is a ravunloeft newb *
Jarg: Jarg whips up some grub for gondegal as well as some wine then after sitting to eat asks the man "WHat do you mean we're off to do battle?"
Rafe: You're kidding, Kiney!
VAN: "I think we should prapre and go there"
Rafe: @J: "With Sir Allan and Sir Moorkroft, I mean! In a great phalanx! To Arabel! To Arabel we march, our banners in the wind!"
kintire: Shana glances at the map "Rauburn. never heard of it. Still no cause to delay I think! You grab Jarg and I'll leave a message for Blaise
kintire: *me? kidding? never! such a thing is unheard of. But I don't remember the name *
VAN: "We will meet to Jarg'shouse"
Jarg: "Yes, but I think only Shana Inovidil and I are here as those two are already on a mission for the ignorant Baron, sir."
kintire: Right!
VAN: Inovidil goes to get her backpack
Rafe: Blaise is in the royal library, researching something... He believes to have found an account that indicates that GEORGE (you remember, Louis Vendredi's character) lived here in this verycity, but over twohundred years ago... Blaise is sufficiently disturbed to feel this needs all his attention at the moment,
Rafe: George had a relation to today's ruling house in Cormyr, King Azoun and his princess daughter. He was a royal advisor, and a warlock as well.
Rafe: A vision of his face appears over one the books Blaise has been reading...
Rafe: @J: Gondegal simply falls silent, and within seconds, is napping in front of you, right at the table..
VAN: OOC Can we say that Inovidil gets to Jarg's house?
Rafe: @V: Yeah!
kintire: Shana raps firmly on the door "Jarg! time to brudh up on your riding skills! hup hup!"
kintire: *Thats "brush up"
Rafe: @S: Strange, just strange what you hear and see there. Blaise seems deeply bewildered, but can't give any reasonable explanation...
Jarg: Jarg gently picks him up and lays carries him to his bed, leaving one of his spare keys on the man's chest and a small pouch of gold(50)
Rafe: Off for a sec. prepare your journey! - Or stay here and wait... Harhar...
VAN: So there will be only the 3 of us I uess
kintire: Blaise needs to know where we are going and why, so if we don't come back in reasonable time someon can follow up.
Jarg: Jarg opens the door.."What do you mean horse riding? LAt time I did that I couldnt walk properly for says"...
Jarg: days*
VAN: "We know where is Jarryd"
VAN: "Well, where they saw him."
kintire: "well, you can run, and watch us ride then! If you think that will be better"
VAN: "In a village 2 days from here."
VAN: "We can leave Blasie a message and tell him where we go."
Jarg: "I am guessing we're doing this for the Baron? Ah JArryd well if it's for him then yes..... otherwise the baron can kiss my black a**"
Rafe: The sound of hooves outside. Alek enters the house without knocking, wearing his usual black armor.
Jarg: "Have u no manners?"
VAN: "Alek?"
VAN: "How you learnt that we are here?"
Rafe: "I'll be going with you. JArryd saved my life. I should have gone with Alan and Moorkroft already, but the master was so weak."
Rafe: "I was going to pick up the ol battleaxe for evening tea, Ino."
VAN: "He told you where are we?"
Rafe: Alek means Gondegal
VAN: "Ok, do you know where can we get horses?"
Rafe: Well, I knew the old harper would be here. Did you know he was indeed a famous warrior in his days?
Jarg: "Oh joy"... "He's sleeping.... I left him some gold and a key. Let him rest......
kintire: "I have the chits for them right here!" Glances at Gondegal "you're not about to tell me he's THE Gondegal are you?"
Jarg: "No I didnt. OH by the way, Alek,, you serve a noble you should know its polite and proper etiquette to knock, please do or next time I'll kik you out."
Jarg: "You guys ready?"
Rafe: Alek nods, thoughtfully. "He might be.But what is all the glory when you loose your mind...?"
VAN: "I'm. We should leave a message for Blaise though."
Rafe: Alek glances to Shana, then bows to Jarryd: "I apologize, Sir Drow."
kintire: "Already spoken to him". Glances at Alek with a slight smile "oh the glory is still around... for all the good it ever does. Still, its nice to have!"
Rafe: The black knight barks an order outside: "Page!" - and a small boy will enter and take Shana's and Ino's further orders."
Jarg: "Im no sir just respect me ans the girls, understood? Then we'll get along."
VAN: "We need horses."
Jarg: OOC doesnt the paper provide horses?
VAN: "May you provide them?"
Rafe: Alek looks firmly into Jarg's eyes. "I am not my liege, Jarg. "
VAN: OOC yes? sorry then\r
kintire: "Ino, we HAVE horses. We have chits for them right here"
VAN: "So if you have already spoken to Blaise, I think we can go"
Rafe: You will get your horses from the royal stables. Sergej has indeed bought you the very best steeds you could possibly think of. Horses for kings and generals, worth the amount of an usual citizen'S house.
Jarg: Jarg looks firmly back at Alek "I dont care. So far I see no reason to trust you or him, you've givenme no reason to. We've followed u blindly. But hey we have to go after OUR FRIENDS now so let's do that, shall we?
VAN: "That's the best horse I have ever seen, well...except from phantom steed..."
kintire: Shana looks at them a little doubtfully, and mutters "maybe I should have been brushing up on MY riding skills"
VAN: Ino mounts. "Shall we go?"
kintire: *I pick the one that seems most docile *
Jarg: JArg looks at Shana "Me too. I think I'll regret this but oh well all in days fun I suppose!" He choses a horse and attempts to get on.
Rafe: Alek seems almost intimidated by Jarg. Almost.
Rafe: So, let's go? Anything left open? - If not, I'll forward...
VAN: OOc I think we are good
kintire: forward!
Jarg: OOC JArg isnt trying to intimidate Alek only says what's the truth in his mind
Jarg: OOC Forward
Jarg: OOC RIde 9 oooooooooooooooooo
Rafe: Alek doesn't seem hostile, just a bit estranged by Jarg's hard words.
VAN: OOC hit the road Raf!
Rafe: He doesn't seem to take them personal, though... :-)
kintire: OOC: Jarg = Mr Grumpy
Rafe: Two days later...
Jarg: JArg looks at Alek "NOthing personal but I like to be treated right. We've been more than helpful to you and pretty much bent over backwards for you but you and Segie treat us like Iblith(WOrse than dirt in Drow)
Rafe: Alek suddenly reaches forward and lays his hand on Jarg's shoulder,
Jarg: OOC @K Nah he just doesnt like nobles and how weve been treated by them especially S& A
Jarg: Jarg looks at Alek with a raised eyebrow
Jarg: OOC My spock imitiation
Rafe: "I would die for Sergej and his family, That is my oath. - However, you can be sure that, when we fight side by side, I will do all in my power to protect you, my friend. That is all I can give."
Rafe: *Headache gone. I am back!*
Jarg: Jarg nods "That's fine by me. I don't have to like it though." Jarg nods politely to Alek and moves ahead
Rafe: The journey has been a rather pleasant one, with mild weather, and good deer flesh you hunted in the forests...
Rafe: Anything specific you want to do/talk/watch out on the journey?
VAN: "What we will do with Jarryd
VAN: we should decide if attack him on sight or else
Jarg: OOC not me. Unless Alek is more forthcoming about wjhats really going on, I will talk witht he girls only
VAN: Ino wants to help him
kintire: If I can strike up conversations with anyone we meet about Rauburn, I'd be interested in knowing where we are going!
VAN: but she is afraid since he is a vampire
VAN: yes that's one too
Rafe: Alek doesn't know more than you do. Sergej is increasingly worried about Tatyana's estate, and hopes that Jarryd's fate will give a clue of how she can be saved...
VAN: more we know he better
kintire: I think we will have to attack. we can try persuasion, but I fear he may be beyond it. But if we can subdue him rather than kill him, we can see if anything can be done
Jarg: "What do you girls know about Vampires? I dont know much really. I tyhink may be we need to stake one but that could be an old priestess tale
Rafe: The other travellers you meet on Cornyr's safe and patrolled roads assure that Rauburn is a quiet and reclusive farmstead. - And the legendary Gondegal's birthplace!
VAN: "We should decide what to do with him first."
Rafe: Famous for still holding his armor and weapons he wielded as the short-lived king of Arabel.
Rafe: Even though the nobility despises it, Gondegal is still a hero to the peasants,...
VAN: "As Shana;s we can try to persuade him."
Jarg: "Wow" Jarg says to the girls "THe legendary Gondegal sleeps in my home! Who is he anyways?"
Jarg: Jarg isd being sarcastic
VAN: "I think a King who infortuantely has lost his mind."
Rafe: Alek will frown at JArg's words...
Jarg: OOC
VAN: "He is a legend, I think he was a great person when he was young."
kintire: "well, he was a king. He carved a kingdom out of the lands around Arabel. he only lasted about a year though... defeated by Cormyr
Jarg: "I See"........
kintire: "but he had a long career before that. hero and adventurer.
VAN: "I think it's a pleasue we have met him, even now."
kintire: "he's pretty famous hereabouts... and in the Dalelands as well, but the nobility don't like people talking about him much"
Jarg: "Sort of like we are in a sense, except he hasn't been to those godforsaken lands we have where the Satyr is from
Rafe: "...When I was a child, I recall to have seen him on his white horse. The image of the ideal knight, he was. If our Gondegal is who we think he is..."
Jarg: Jarg laughs at Shana's mention of nobles not liking something...
Rafe: ..."You can believe me. My grandafther was an elf from the Korynn Isles. I am 65 right now."
VAN: OOC Who is speaking?
Rafe: Alek.
Rafe: <--- You might need to know this at some point...
VAN: OOC and he is 65!
kintire: "If our Gondegal is who we think he is we might do well to keep our mouths shut about it. He deserves a quiet old age, and he might well still be under death sentence in Cormyr. Or has there been an amnesty since then?"
kintire: OOC but very well preserved
Rafe: Alek snorts. "Not that I would know of."
VAN: "You are 65!"
Rafe: Hell yeah. Think of Ashram, from Lodoss War...
VAN: "Wow Alek!"
Jarg: "How can you serve a noble?" Jarg spits out "Anyways lets concentrate on OUR FRIENDS and not the past, shall we?
Jarg: OOC Yes call me mr grumpy
kintire: OOC: Mr Grumpy
Rafe: ... hstand.jpg
kintire: Shana shrugs "We can spend the entire two day trip in focussed silence if you really want, or we can worry about out friend when we get close enough to do something about it"
Rafe: "Sergej's and Strahd's father saved my parents from being killed by the ruler of Damara, a demon worshipper. I then swore the oath of alliegeance to him."
Rafe: Alek seems cool right now; maybe Jarg is about to overstep a certain border...
Jarg: "Let's concentrate on Jarryd and the other two right now, shall we?"
VAN: "Ok. What we can do with him?"
Jarg: " I dont know anything abou Vampires
VAN: "If he is a vampire it's difficult to knock him down."
Rafe: OOC I am glad I could emphasize the importance of that info. Watch your backs, friends...
Jarg: "Look at how we fared with Jandar
Rafe: Alek snorts again. "Let's wait until we find him, then look what we can do about it."
Jarg: OOC THanks but I satnd by my feelings about everyone but my party
VAN: "Well, they cannot stand holly symbols"
VAN: "and the garlic bothers them"
VAN: "The sunlight and a wood stick in the heart destroys them."
Rafe: ...Alek won't answer, just ride on grimly...
Jarg: "Maybe we should pick up some of these items at our next village or town, guys."
kintire: "how about incapacitate, but not destroy?"
Jarg: "Maybe if we stake him only but not cut his head off?"
VAN: "I don't know how that can happen..."
VAN: "Maybe yes."
VAN: "Also they can turn to mist and they need magic weapons to get them."
Jarg: "We need information abotu Vampires" he looks at Alek as he says "So as to be better prepared."
Rafe: ... Kintire is a genius. Can anyone already guess what path the campaign will take?
VAN: I have an idea...
Jarg: OOC we kill all the nobles?
Rafe: - No answer required... Harhar...
VAN: lol
kintire: OOC: People's Democratic Republic of Cormyr founded under Presidant for Life Gondegal?
Rafe: On the evening of the second day, it begins to rain.
Jarg: "Wouldnt a priest be helpful? MAybe we cna find one in the next village?"
Rafe: A soft, pleasant summer rain that cools you under your armor.
VAN: OOC wiat
VAN: we have time to get garlics etc?
VAN: from a village we have passed?
Jarg: OOC not that Raf said weve been to a town/village yet so I think not
VAN: ok
Rafe: You pass a clean waysign out of white wood saying Rauburn...
Rafe: No villages on your route right now, except very small post stations and inns,
Rafe: You'll get the garlic from there, though.
VAN: the inns have garlics...
Rafe: I plan to end the game in one hour, as usual. That ok for you all. :-)
Jarg: Yes its fine by me OOC
VAN: sure
kintire: OOC sure
kintire: Shana is riding in her performance outfit and just letting the rain run off her. She looks happy
Rafe: As the light of the day finally vanes, you are riding through a small wood. Raubrun is already in sight, like half a mile away.
Rafe: Dead silence.
Rafe: Like in your dream.
Jarg: Does the sign say just Rauburn? Or how far it is ? JArg actually enjoys the rain, that way everyone is quiet.... HE does listen though
VAN: "I don't like it..."
Rafe: Yes, no. :-)
kintire: Shana suddenly frowns "I don't like this..."
Jarg: OOC LIsten check and spot hecks everyone?
Rafe: nothing.
Rafe: Simply silent.
VAN: Inovdil forces her horse to stop for a sec and casts mage armor
Rafe: As you exit the wood, you see a headless bird lie on the road before you.
Jarg: Jarg looks to the others " I COuld scout ahead silently"
kintire: Shana does the same
Rafe: The magic works, no problem.
VAN: "Better be prepared..."
kintire: "don't go too far..."
VAN: "Pay attention"
Rafe: No peasants can be seen on the streets. No animals. the town is empty of life, as far as you can tell,
Jarg: Jarg hops off his horse and unsheathes one blade and nodding to the others he scouts ahead listening and searching, eyes darting everywhere until he reasches the beginnning of the village
Rafe: JArg might well check the surroundings. Nothing.
Jarg: ANy lights in the village?
Rafe: From his viewpoint, he sees a small church of Helm in the middle of the village.
Rafe: Gondegal's sanctuary.
Rafe: ???
Rafe: There's light in the church.
Jarg: HE waits for the others
VAN: OOC he didn't tell us to coem
Jarg: "Theres a light in the church....
Rafe: This symbol on the door
Jarg: 00c doh
Rafe: ... symbol.jpg
Jarg: ANy other lights on in the village?
kintire: Shana moves warily forwards, eying the church. "well, I suppose we had better look..."
Rafe: The eye... You have seen it already, Shana, but cannot recall where.
Rafe: In the land of mists, maybe?
Rafe: Off for a sec! Think, my friends!
VAN: OOC religion check? Idon't remember it
VAN: do you recognise this?
Jarg: We could have seen this in Waterdeep or our travels from Waterdeep to Shadwodale and back easily
Rafe: sure. it's the symbol of Helm.
VAN: OOC I know this holly symbol, but I don't remember it right now...
kintire: I... It is familiar. I mean, that's the symbol of Helm all right, I've seen it many times. But it seems to me I've seen that particular design of eye somehwere else...
Rafe: But Shana knows it from Staunton Bluffs, as she remembers. At the strange farm, when you fought Dru...
Jarg: OOC I think JArg came after that
VAN: yeah Ino too
Jarg: OOC BRethana would know hahah
Rafe: Yeah, you two don't recognize the meaning to her...
Rafe: Over there, with her children on the moonshaes...
kintire: OOC: Jog my memory Rafe
Rafe: You weren't required to remmeber . just suffice to say that you saw it there somewhere...
kintire: "This is bad. It was in the mists. Maybe we should..."
VAN: "Leave?"
kintire: "I don't know... maybe its just coincidence. I mean, that IS Helm's symbol, and how many ways can you draw an eye?" Shana doesn't sound convinced...
Rafe: Alek doesn't make any indication of what he is thinking.
Rafe: "There are innocents there." is all he says.
Jarg: "THe mists? Just wonderful........ well we need to find our friends, shall we enter the Temple and see/?? A church is a safe place as any, no?"
VAN: "I agree. Lets enetr."
kintire: "yes... we have to at least look" Shana squares her shoulders and advances... cautiously
VAN: "better check from a window first."
Rafe: The door to the church is open. A man stands there and enters quickly as he sees you come downhill into the village.
VAN: "And then enter."
Jarg: JArg looks at Alek "HOw do you know there are innocents inside. We just got here?" He heads for the church at a quick pace
Rafe: There are many people in the church, some of them armed, or with forks, you can't tell from outside.
Rafe: The people are quiet, though, and somebody is talking to them calmly...
Jarg: Jarg sheathes his blade and once in earshot listens
VAN: "They seem to afraid go out."
Jarg: "I think so"
Rafe: So, dou you enter, or check the surroundings first.
kintire: "maybe they have good reason..."
Jarg: OOC Check the surroundings
VAN: "Yes,"
VAN: check the surroundingd
Rafe: Most of the doors look like they had been recently renewed. Dresh, light wood. Newly cut and made to planks...
Jarg: Jarg tries to get a good look at the man talking ot the people
Rafe: There are only adults in the church.
Rafe: The man standing at the altair doesn't look like a preist, more like a mayor.#
VAN: Ino looks inside from a window
Rafe: TYPOS everywhere!!! Arrgh!!! :-O
Rafe: What you saw already, nothing more...
Rafe: Oh, several of the men are trembling, weeping...
kintire: "Oh well, in for a penny..." Shana knocks on the door
Jarg: Jarg enters the church then and approaches and advances
Jarg: OOC hehe
Rafe: Still so?
kintire: OOC: and you were the one saying is was rude not to knock
VAN: Ino follos
VAN: follows
Rafe: Alek follows
kintire: Yes, in we go
Jarg: this is a temple open to any not a private residence
VAN: "We come in Peace. We are friends."
Rafe: The door slams shut behind you.
Jarg: "Well met" Jarg says. "Is the Priest or Cleric if the Church here?" Jarg turns as the door slams
VAN: OOC Is there any lighgt?
Rafe: A man turns around to you. "Please, forgive us. He has taken our children hostage."
Jarg: "Who has?"
VAN: Inovidil frowns "Who did that. When?
Rafe: Grotesque laughter echoes from the stone walls...
Rafe: "I knew you would come, Sergej. I knew you would finally understand..."
kintire: Shana looks around, but keeps a close eye on the people
Jarg: "Sergei isn't here. Show yourself instead of hiding like a coward."
VAN: Inovidil looks around
Jarg: Jarg unsheathes both his blades and looks around
Rafe: "I will kill you first, bloodbrother, just for your arrogance. And then I'll your bitch, Alek. Just to see you suffer."
Jarg: Jarg looks at Alek "Who is this?"
Rafe: Alek's look is icecold. He whispers something, barely hearable.
VAN: Inovidil casts stoneskin
Jarg: "Speakup, man!"
Rafe: And you know who lurks there in the dark, no question...
Rafe: You can read from Alek's lips...
Rafe: "Jander."
Jarg: OOC: The Evil MOnkey? Sorry Family GUy reference...
Jarg: "SHow yourself, coward!"
kintire: Shana listens closely to the voice, trying to work out roughly where it is coming from
Rafe: Suddenly, the vampire is between you all, his twin blades swirling around cutting thorugh your gear, and barely blocked by your guard...
Rafe: Jander delivers one quick attack, then retreats between the peasants...
Jarg: Jarg runs after him "Yelling to the peasants "RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
VAN: "Coward!"
Rafe: "Folks, stand still, our children will die violently. My new pawn guards them now. Yesss, dear Jarryd, Shana, he dreamed of you when he died in my arms..."
VAN: Inovidil sends 4 light darts towards him
Rafe: Suddenly, JAnder pushes two of the peasants into your direction, and as they stumble against Alek, attacks Shana. With a single, perfect blow, he cuts her throat. [15 DAM] You must do something to stop the bleeding. NOW!
kintire: Shana turns and extends one hand at jander as he retreats. A ball of glittering light soars just above him and bursts, sending a shower of glittering dust over all in the area "Damn you! Hide now!" [Glitterdust: save or be blinded, but outlined by shimmering light for 7 rounds ]
VAN: [magic missile]
Jarg: AM I close nough to attack or can i get a potion to shana?
Rafe: Ino's missiles hit the farmers, but Shana's magic does at least some effect before she is cut. Jander is forced to stand for a second longer, alloweing JArg two attacks...
VAN: with magic missile miss?
Jarg: OOC can I innately illuminate jander and attack twice? Faerie Fire him I mean
kintire: Shana staggers back, looking shocked
VAN: Ino hands a potion to Shana
VAN: "drink it!"
kintire: OOC: The glitterdust illuminates him already
Rafe: qJ: No.
Rafe: @J I meant!
Jarg: OOC kk only attacking his then hope i chop 'is head off!
Rafe: As Kintire said!
kintire: OOC: Its Faerie Fire's bigger badder brother
Rafe: JAnder blocks the blow of Jarg with his bare hand.
Jarg: OOC yeah but mine is free!
kintire: Shana grabs for the potion and drinks as quick as she can
kintire: OOC: Hit Him!
Jarg: OOC i am trying!
Rafe: However, you see a big scar in the elf's once perfect face. Your fight on the boat in the MArches has left him marked.
VAN: Ino casts haste
Jarg: OOC 1 more attack
Jarg: "NIce scar, vampire. I like the handywork"
VAN: OOC now you have 2 attacks
Jarg: OOC yes next action I do
Rafe: Jander dodges, and his left hand drops the blade, a small flame beginning to grow there.....
Jarg: I alreadyu have 2 attacks
Rafe: Shana regains % HP, but is still bleeding badly...
VAN: the hate gives you one more
Rafe: 5HP
Rafe: LOL the HATE
VAN: 5? It;s cure moderate
Jarg: OOC K RAF one more attack then?
Rafe: Bad roll...
Jarg: OOC HAste
VAN: I have 2 pots, well now only 1 left
Jarg: OOC Ok damn i like fumbleayas LOL
Rafe: Alek attacks suddenly from behind, cutting deep into Jander's back...
Rafe: The vampire just laughs...
VAN: Inovidil casts magic missiles
Rafe: "With your weapons, you cannot harm me, mortal scum!"
VAN: again and hope not miss
Jarg: OOC : CAn Jarg stake him?
Rafe: LAy down your weapons, or I'll kill every innocent pawn here before I get you...
Rafe: @J: Difficult. Very.
Jarg: OOC I have two or three tries next action so lets try!
Rafe: Three, I rule...
Rafe: Shana?
kintire: "you will anyway, just to watch our faces!" Shana raises her hands and sends four sparks of scintillating light curling towards him [Magic Missile]
Jarg: Jarg drops his blades and removes tow stakes from his belt and attcempts to stake the vampire
VAN: OOC> Alek should grapple Jander
VAN: it would be easier tha tway
Rafe: Seeing that, Jander grabs JArg around the throat... With the other hand, he sends a fireball agains the altair...
Rafe: All, Reflex saves!
Jarg: OOC Ive evasion
kintire: OOC: any chance to counterspell?
VAN: 17
Rafe: Try,
VAN: yes counterspell!
Jarg: OOC SR 18 Raf
Rafe: Oh, no, this will get sad...
Jarg: Irolled 13 +10 for the reflex anyways
kintire: Its a caster level chack isn't it? 22. I'm using Dispel Magic
VAN: Ino can counter it with fireball
kintire: Failing that, reflex 21
Jarg: OOC the fireball has no effect on JArg
Jarg: OOC SHans has Evasion, no?
Jarg: *Shana
kintire: No
Jarg: oh lol
Rafe: Take your time...
kintire: I'm hoping the counterspell works
VAN: yeah me too!
Jarg: OOC I can distract Jander by casting a globe of darkness innatley
VAN: he will not be distracted
VAN: he can go out of the darkness in a round
kintire: Don't keep me in suspense Raf
VAN: Alek should hold him and you steak him
Jarg: IM in Janders hand by my throat
Rafe: Jander sends the fireball against the altair...
Rafe: And Shana comes to late... She was too focused on her missiles... Which hit the vampire in the face, and make him loose his balnce for a moment...
Rafe: Rather than hitting the altair, he hits the wooden ceiling of the building which explodes...
Rafe: And falls down...
Jarg: OOC : mother.........
Rafe: On the poor farmers...
Rafe: And on you...
VAN: we have reflex?
Rafe: End of this episode.
Rafe: To be continued on July 27th.
VAN: lol now? We have 10 more min!
Jarg: holy crap
kintire: YOU CAN'T STOP THERE!!!!
VAN: we have 10 more min!!!!!!!11
Jarg: +Z
Rafe: Just kidding.
Rafe: You all get buried under the stones and planks from the falling roof... Everyone [10 DAM] and remove three items from your gear. Those are broken now.
VAN: Ino has stoneskin
VAN: so she is o
VAN: ok
Jarg: ok removed 3 items( 2 potions 1 crossbow)
Rafe: You are lucky, though, because the roof chrashes on the opposite of the building, and you are not immediately affected by the impact...
Rafe: Ino can still stand (no hp damage then, but the items get lost.)
Rafe: Shana manages to tumble away, but is hit by a falling brick...
Rafe: Alek, however, is the one hit worst.
Jarg: Jarg tries to tumble but gets hit by part of the roof.
Rafe: The black knight vanishes under a pile of dirt, and falling stones...
VAN: ok items lost [quarter staff, the other pot and the crossbow]
Jarg: OOC and I suppose Jamder got away?
Rafe: All the while, though staggering, Jander manages to keep standing, his hand still iron-hard around the neck of Jarg...
Jarg: I can stake him?
Jarg: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rafe: Jander unleashes his fangs...
Jarg: OOC cause Ill try
VAN: Ino cast grease under Jander
VAN: hope he falls...
Rafe: And gives JArg a tremendous headbutt. (6 DAM)
Rafe: Shana?
Jarg: OOC ok picture this :::: CAN jarg swing in Janders hand and kick off of the vampire with his two feet hard enogh to make itlet him go?
kintire: Shana, wincing, murmurs under her breath, and suddenly, wit the shimmer of an invisibility spell wearing off, Sergei step up on Jamder's offside, Blackthorn stake raised to strike [Major Image]
VAN: OOC You are greatKintire!
Rafe: Yeah, that is just brilliant!
Jarg: OOC JArg asks KItire if she'll marry him LMAO
kintire: Well, that should be a surprise, and combined with that Grease spell...
Rafe: Jander is about to throw JArg away like a puppet, when the dark elf, in his desperation tries to hit him with the feet...
VAN: OOC Wait we have garlics right?
VAN: who has them?
kintire: OOC Old wive's tale I fear...
Rafe: His kick goes into nowhere, though, since the elven vampire had let him go already, and Jarg falls into the dirt to Jander's feet...
Rafe: Then, Sergej appears out of the nowhere, and Jander, more angry than surprised, staggers back, and stumbles over a fallen brick, magic fire springing from his hands and flying towards his archenemy...
Rafe: Three attacks of opportunity...
Jarg: "Turned to mist again! Hey!!!!!!!! Sergei whoa!!!! He's gone dont stake me!" Jarg tumbles out of the way
Jarg: OOC take that back
Jarg: can I stake him now?
kintire: Three times!
Jarg: do it Raf!
Jarg: HOpe I can hit one or twice
kintire: And he's on grease
Jarg: which means so am I
kintire: well, just don't run about
VAN: it's beneath Jander
Jarg: K 3 stake attempts on Jander coming up
Jarg: OOC I have +10/+5 normally
kintire: Shana concentrates, and the image of Sergej winces as the fire flares around him, but keeps coming forward, ready to strike [and hopefully providing a flanking bonus]
Rafe: As his magic dart pierce through the Illusion, Jander finally realizes the nature of the image...
Rafe: But this time, he can't dodge.
Rafe: Jarg hits him hard.
Rafe: Once.
Rafe: Twice.
Rafe: For the first time, you see heartblood of the vampire spill on the ground...
kintire: OOC: yay Jarg!
Rafe: Jander paralyzes, and falls down on the ground, two wooden stakes piercing from his chest...
Jarg: OOC Hell yeah!
VAN: go Jarg!
VAN: Qiuckly! Cut his head!
Jarg: JArg reaches for one of his blades and once he has it with nie fell swoop cuts the head off
Jarg: (I hope)
Jarg: OOC typoe nie=one
VAN: Inovidil looks for Alek
VAN: "Alek! Are you ok?"
Rafe: "By all means, no!" Alek breaks out of the ruins, bleeding from more than a dozen wounds, his sword broken, and his arm standing away in a bizarre ancle.
Rafe: "If you kill the vampire, his spawns die as well! Tatyana! And Jarryd! Killing him means condemning the others to hell! By the love of all gods, please, don't kill him, drow!"
kintire: "Alek! thank Mystra!"
VAN: Inovidil goes to help him, aware alaways what is happening with the vampire
kintire: "Alek... do we have any chance of getting them back? Any at all?"
Jarg: "Youd let a Vampire live? You sicken me....." Jarg still attempts to cu the head off
VAN: "We cannot leave Jander, if someone gets the steaks off him he will be ok."
VAN: "We have to finish it."
Rafe: Alek spits blood, and seems close to faint. "We can. We must:. The symbol of Ravenkind. In the church of Barovia. It can heal. I saw it once. With my mother..."
Jarg: OOC Raf I am going through with cutting the head off dont want any vampires to be left around and am not listening to Alek
Rafe: Hehe...
Jarg: OOC hehehehe
VAN: "Barovia! We are in Toril now Alek!"
kintire: Shana wavers "we could... but every night that Jarryd's state continues is a night an innocent dies"
Rafe: More falling than jumping, Alek plunges on Jarg, catching the hand with the sword, and piercing the blade deep into his own stomach...
VAN: "How can we get the Symbol of Ravenkind?"
kintire: "ALEK!"
VAN: "Noooooo"
Jarg: GEt him off of me and cut this head off!
Jarg: Jarg shoves Alek off of the blade and tries again
Rafe: The drow cannot dodge the attack, and is thrown down next to Jander...
Jarg: "Cut the head off now!"
Rafe: Jarg suddenly feels cold lips on his left leg, then a deep sting...
Rafe: Mwahahaha... I knew it would happen like that. Even my dice obey me...
Jarg: OOC Grapple check
Jarg: OOC gah girls do something!
kintire: Shana staggers forward and tries to drag Alek back off Jarg
Rafe: Alek's eyes are broken, and you believe he is dead. No grappling needed...
VAN: Inovidil gets Alek away
Rafe: Jander's face fills with pleasant surprise as he sucks Jarg's blood...
Jarg: "Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Rafe: And, in a move that is unimaginably brutal, removes one stake from his chest.
Jarg: Kikking at him with the other leg hopefully getting him a broken nose
Rafe: Blood everywhere...
Jarg: OOC ALek dosnt deserve to live
kintire: Shana grabs the other stake and rams it deeper, with the other hand sending a beam of white light into Jander's face [Disrupt Undead]
kintire: OOC A noble idiot... but an idiot!
VAN: Ino tries to get the sword to Jarg
VAN: and casts magic missile
Jarg: OOC is ALke off of me now?
kintire: "Hit him! just hit him!"
Rafe: Jarg's loosens Jander's bite, and the rolls away, taking Shana with him...
Jarg: Alek*
Rafe: JArg's and Alek's blood dropping from him on her, the vampire unleashes his fangs...
Jarg: Jarg grabs his blade and tries to behead the vampire
kintire: OOC: wait... Jarg takes me away with him... right?
Rafe: And stings her into the stomach with a long hunting knife...
kintire: OOC: oh crap...
Rafe: [4 DAM]
VAN: Inovidil tries to get Shana
Rafe: @J: Yes!
kintire: OOC: Mage Armour still up
Rafe: Crawling on his four limbs, Jander makes for the broken door...
Jarg: Jarg can run cant he?
VAN: He still honds Shana?
kintire: Shana struggles, frantically trying to claw away from the vampire
Rafe: The air seems to flir like from electricity as Jarg strikes...
Rafe: And cuts off Jander's head like a backer would cut butter...
VAN: Inovidil casts grease again
Rafe: Silence...
Jarg: Jarg quickly reaches and tales out alchemists fire
Jarg: takes out*
kintire: Shana struggles away, panting
VAN: Ino gets Shara away from Gander
Jarg: "BUrn you bastard, burn!" and amshes it on the vampire
Rafe: The vampire's crumbles into ash even before his cut-off head reaches the ground...
Jarg: Jarg looks at the others "Well that was fun..... what now?" And checks his leg for the bite
Rafe: The bite burns like hell...
kintire: "umm... a" Shana does not look well...
VAN: "You should see a cleric and fast!"
Rafe: The remains of the church door are smashed open...
VAN: Inovidil helps Shana to get out
Jarg: Jarg moves to Shana
Jarg: eyes on the smashed doors
VAN: then helps Jarg
Rafe: A female warrior , wearing a white armor, like the Paladins of Cormyr, the Knight's of the Purple Dragon, do, enters...
Rafe: "Who are you and what happened here?"
VAN: "A vampire...we killed it."
Jarg: "That hurts like the 9 hells Ino"...... "We just killed a Vampire and who are you?"
VAN: "He beheaded it."
VAN: points to Jarg as speaks
Jarg: JArg points to the ashes
kintire: "The village... was attacked by a vampire. We killed it. The church collapsed in the fight. there may be survivors under the rubble..."
Rafe: - The paladin seems to take a moment before she recognizes... "Alek! Oh graceful Mystra, we are too late! Tears run over the woman's face. - An elf, you realize, of almost otherworldly beauty...
Jarg: "And the childrena re missing
Rafe: The woman slowly staggers out, crying under her vizor, ignoring you for the moment...
Jarg: "Yes we're ok, ma'am" jarg says sarcastically as he helps the two women out....
VAN: "Lets search the rumbles to help any survivors"
Rafe: After a quick check, you realize there are no survivors...
Jarg: "What do we do now, guys? We head bcak to the city or?"
kintire: "I need rest. I'm a bit battered..."
VAN: "ehmm...can you heal my friend Miss?"
kintire: And we should search for the children... and jarryd
VAN: "they are in bad shape as you can see."
Jarg: Me too. Too bad about no survivors tho."
kintire: "If only I'd been a bit quicker with that Dispell..
Jarg: Im not sure Jarryd is alive but we can search the village
Rafe: The female paladin turns around, and from her heavy accent, you realize that she must come from the distant north - Damara, or Vaasa, indeed...
VAN: "Jarg, you realize that you have been biiten from the vampire right?"
Jarg: "Its ok Shana we did what we could. The important thing is the Vampire is dead. Shall we look for the children and Jarryd?"
VAN: "We have to look for as cleric maybe"
Jarg: Jarg sighs "Yes I know. I think a cleric might be a good idea"
Jarg: "It stings like crazy"
VAN: "I don't want to have to dea lwith another vampire..."
Rafe: "Alek Gwyllym was my step-brother. He and I were raised by the same parents. My name is Sasha Ivliskova. I was sent here by a man called Moorkroft..."
VAN: "Jamethon Moorkroft!"
kintire: "Moorkroft... is he alright?"
Jarg: "We know Moorkroft but right now more importantly we ned to find oif any children are alive, thats more important
VAN: "He is our friend. Can you hellp us?"
Rafe: "Indeed... But first... Bury the dead. Bury my brother."
Rafe: End of the episode, for now.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:11 pm
by VAN
Indeed an epic session! So many things happen! I loved it!

Looking forward for the next one! 8)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:04 pm
by steveflam
Me too. Though I'm a little bit worries about thebite I got from Jander(Whom I so nicely beheaded and burnt to dust!)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:58 am
by kintire

And I'm sure the bite will be fine. I mean, the vampire who bit you is dead, right? so I have full confidence that nothing will come of it.

I'm just wearing this garlic necklace as a fashion statement.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:53 pm
by steveflam
I'm just wearing this garlic necklace as a fashion statement.
I'm getting used to the garlic smell actually, just dont cook any thing, cause Jarg might use the garlid for spices!!!!!!!! :P