Timeline events post-758

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Timeline events post-758

Post by Jester of the FoS »

The RL: PHB set the timeline to 758, although it was a little bare after 755.
Advancing in real-time, it's now 762. So what do you think has happened in the Mists over the last 7 years?

Is Falkovnia gearing-up for a new war?
What about the Twins?
How is Azalin kept busy? What about Strahd?

Any events of note that should be included in a revised timeline?
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Post by Joël of the FoS »

Another important mover and shaker: what is Malloccio up to?
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Re: Timeline events post-758

Post by Nikolas of the Mists »

Jester of the FoS wrote:How is Azalin kept busy?
Let us not forget all the hints given to us from the adventures of S. between Gaz IV and V :P

As for S herself in these last years, I wonder what trouble has she gotten herself into? :o
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Post by Amicus »

Late in the year 761, Urik von Kharkov's eyebrows were stolen. He just woke up one night and they were gone. He didn't even notice for like three days. Nobody else in the castle had the nerve to ask him about it.

When in panther form he now has two bald patches above his eyes, which looks even weirder than his eyebrowless human form. He doesn't know whether they're ever going to grow back, or what. It's freaking him out, but there's really nothing obvious he can do about it. Discreet consulation with various sages about vampiric panther eyebrow loss have proven frustratingly inconclusive. He is currently investigating the possibility of illusion magic to create permanent false eyebrows, or perhaps a large hat. (In game terms, apply the "Eyebrowless" template.)

Some in Valachan are whispering that the eyebrows may have left on their own. Any characters who manage to track the eyebrows, or who locate information leading to their recovery or capture, will certainly have a lot of explaining to do.
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Post by High Priest Mikhal »

I see the Twins publishing another VRG, though they seem to be running low on topics. Other than the Mists and Serial Killers (neither which technically got "published" in Ravenloft) they seem to be down to three choices: sea horrors, aberrations, and celestials. Can anyone add to that list? I'm in a creative slump something bad. :?

As for ol' Strahd and Azalin...well, that really depends on what the lich was up to with S. Is he looking for a weakness in Ravenloft's planar fabric by surveying each domain? And what if Strahd finds out? Would he try to horn in on Azalin's plan?
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Post by Amicus »

Autumn, 759 BC: Falkovnia accidentally invades itself.

Spring, 760 BC: The Weathermay twins are shocked to discover the unpublished draft of a manuscript entitled "Van Richten's Guide to All the Fine Ladies."

Summer, 761 BC: Sheriff Von Zarovich dies in a tragic boating accident.
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Re: Timeline events post-758

Post by Sorti »

Jester of the FoS wrote: Is Falkovnia gearing-up for a new war?
Always! Is there even need to ask?
Jester of the FoS wrote: What about the Twins?
They're hot! Buy the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins 759 calendar; now with added sexy lycantrophy!
Jester of the FoS wrote: How is Azalin kept busy? What about Strahd?
They're playing chess by mail. Seriously, I can't really use them in my campaign :( I always have the feeling they overshadow my PCs...
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Re: Timeline events post-758

Post by Sorti »

Sorry, double post :(
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

August 762 - Sorti is replaced by a doppelganger, which imitates all of Sorti's posts. :wink:
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Post by Zettaijin »

763 - Thaok-An forms the first official support group for transgendered Darklords. Sadly, Harkon Lukas, the only other potential member, is unable to attend their first meeting due to the unfortunate nature of his Darklord curse.

764 - A brewer in Paridon markets a sticky, foul tasting spread with apparently exceptional nutritive qualities. The Dark Powers take notice and he is quickly exiled from the demiplane - there are some things even the Dark Powers won't tolerate.
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Post by Zettaijin »

On a more serious note, some folks are getting older...

Malus Sceleris hits the big 5-0 and yet he remains the "baby" of the extended Darklords family.

Gabrielle Aderre is the second youngest at 52.

Don't go in those woods alone just yet! Alfred Timothy might be turning 53, but he's not slowing down! Watch out, mankind, Alfred's on the prowl!

Draga Salt-Biter is still a legitimate sea-faring business man after all these years at 60.

Dominic d'Honaire should be 62.

d'Honaire's eternal foe, Rudolph von Aubrecker, should now be 69 and doesn't look a year over 19! Not bad for a disembodied brain in a jar of chemicals.

Ivana and Ivan are 73 each. Ivana has the secret of youth, Ivan doesn't, bully for him...

The Renier sisters celebrate their mutual 74th birthday and haven't lost their groove yet!

Everyone's favourite riverboat captain, Nathan Timothy, is still sporting all of his natural pearly whites at 78.

Isolation isn't going to stop Frantisek Markov from furthering the progress of science even as he reaches age 87.

Praise Zhakata! The esteemed Yagno Petrovna is now a spry 88 years old, thus proving that religious zealotry and worship of a false god is a great way to keep young.

Hazlik's still doing his thing at 89.

Vlad Drakov is keeping busy as the years go by at 97.

You know you can't keep a good man down, let alone two, as Tristen Hiregaard is nearing his first century of existence at 98. Meanwhile, Malken reflects on his 80th year as an active serial killer by penning a controversial book entitled "If I had done it" and crediting Tristen for it.

Dr.Mordenheim turns a venerable 113 and would have celebrated his 90h wedding anniversary the year before, but instead must deal with the fact that his wife Elise has been in a coma for almost 80 years now.

His "son", Adam, becomes an octogenarian in 763, but seeing as how he's made up of dead bodies, it's a bit irrelevant.

"Great Grandfather Wolf" would be a good name for Harkon Lukas who outlives many of his other "mortal" peers at 180.

But look out, Elena Faith-Hold is way ahead of the pack at 195, a born leader as always.

Mind you, I'm only considering "mortal" Darklords, that is those who should, technically, still be "alive" and do not have any special immortality powers per se. In the case of the sexy threesome of middle aged/elderly vixens Jacqueline Renier, Ivana Boritsi and Gabrielle Aderre, this is a tad more complicated. Jacqueline turns into mist when "killed" (brought to 0 HP) whereas Gabrielle and Ivana are forever youthful looking (but what about their inner organs?).

Malus, Tristen, Drakov and d'Honaire also seemingly have similar "youth powers" that slow their ageing.
Last edited by Zettaijin on Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Zettaijin »

I wish to thank John W. Mangrum for his unofficial timeline without which compiling this list would have been a pain in the neck.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

FWIW, at the other extreme, Baron Lyron Evensong has been bored out of his skull for at least 913,125 subjective years, now. :shock:
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Post by Zettaijin »

Yeah, I'm missing some names here...

Malocchio Aderre grew up real fast, reaching adulthood well before his current 15 years of age.

Gregor Zolnik is struggling not to be forgotten at 53.

(edited to correct the Dukkar's age)
Last edited by Zettaijin on Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

If you're looking for the baby of the bunch, Inza's only 26.
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