Are Traveling Domain Darklords Load-Bearing?

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The Wolfman
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Are Traveling Domain Darklords Load-Bearing?

Post by The Wolfman »

I will shortly be introducing a traveling domain that has a great deal of (eventual) plot relevance to my game (or at least one of the PCs), and it is very likely that the PCs will kill the darklord--demilord? I forget. Anyhoo, what happens to traveling domains when their darklord dies? Do they become part of the scenery and join the domain they happen to be in (this domain is a mysterious shop--yes, I know, how original), or do they vanish into the Mists, or what? I know that with regular domains, they either get absorbed into the surrounding lands, like with Gundar, or a new darklord is appointed, as with Sithicus, but I don't know for these itty bitty domains.
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Jester of the FoS
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Re: Are Traveling Domain Darklords Load-Bearing?

Post by Jester of the FoS »

I think it might depend on the domain.
The inhabitants might be ejected to another world, or deposited on the domain the temporary domain was laid atop. For example, if the domain was a moving tower and was in Borca when the lord died, the PCs would end up back in Borca or the death might punch a temporary hole in Borca (quickly filled) and the PCs fall through the crack into another land - be it a domain or entirely different realm.

I think I would just have the travelling domain cease travelling and become a fixed point in the world, a part of the domain it was in. The aforementioned travelling tower just being a regular tower, only now seemingly older and possibly matching the regional architecture, the Mists subtly making it fit its new home.
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