To use the Pathfinder rules's for Ravenloft

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Nikolaï Von Zarovich
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To use the Pathfinder rules's for Ravenloft

Post by Nikolaï Von Zarovich »

Hello again !

I have a question to ask you. I think to use the rules of Pathinder for mastering at Ravenloft. And I would like your point of view. What do you think the elements of rules that I can used and the elements to forget?

And also In the many classes of Pathfinder what are those are typical and the atmosphere of Ravenloft and those are different and not to use for Ravenloft ?

Thank you very much !

Nikolaï Von Zarovich
Nikolaï Von Zarovich
Jonathan Winters
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Re: To use the Pathfinder rules's for Ravenloft

Post by Jonathan Winters »


I played RL for a couple of years with PF.

I had no problems with it. It really goes to your players to be in the proprer frame of mind for RL.

My only gripe is probably the o level spells at will. It does not work well with RL IMHO. So nothing major.

No preferences for PC classes really. It's how you role-play them really.

Mysteries of Darkon (AKA Miranda Cornelius' Journal)
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Ryan Naylor
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Re: To use the Pathfinder rules's for Ravenloft

Post by Ryan Naylor »

I find Pathfinder works quite well for Ravenloft. I also agree that your players have to be in the proper frame of mind, otherwise no system will work.

In my campaign, we use as many mundane explanations for things as possible. Divine magic has no visual effects. Priests use holy icons, not wands. Hit points are mostly luck and courage, not actual wounds, so a good sip of brandy (a potion of cure light wounds) will restore them. And so on.

As for the classes, all are probably appropriate depending on how you play them. Some of the abilities need to be re-skinned or altered - e.g. any class that gets a familiar gets a dread familiar instead.

I find the outcast ratings from RL3e too unwieldy, so I've simplified it to xenophobia - you either cause it or you don't, and so your starting reactions are never better than unfriendly or hostile (depending on how much xenophobia you provoke).
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