Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

Hey play what you want to play is my answer. :D
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by alhoon »

Interest for new play by post game query

Hey fellow members of the FoS. After quite some time of consideration, I decided I would like to start a Ravenloft pbpost game, based in a homebrew domain. I have in mind a low level (like starting chars between 2nd-4th lvl) game, kinda-low fantasy and kinda-low magic; I want the supernatural to be something mysterious and unexplained, not common occurence although divine magic is more common and better understood.
My plan is to have a story in place, but an open world where the PC may decide to travel, explore and defend. It's a big place, with many things going on and heroes are needed for the never-ending battle with the forces of evil to make a small piece of the world a better place for at least a short time.
The plan is to have a mix of Mystery, Interaction with NPCs, Combat and exploration in the quantities the PCs will dictate through their actions.
I generally plan to do kinda long and descriptive posts.

If anyone is interested, let me know.

What I require is that any PC is not native from this homebrew domain, knowing next to nothing about it. I would prefer (but not ban exceptions) not magic oriented PCs since some of the magic rules in the domain are not exactly the same and as said, I want to keep magic mysterious. I would also prefer races (again I won't ban exceptions) of human, half-elf or dwarf.
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

Editing you into the table on the first post. :D
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Ocule »

Didnt see that post was old, well looking for a group. Im pretty open to what system is used i just want to play a good ravenloft game.
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Ocule »

Guess ill make this post sound a little better unless there are no games who can use another player.

Looking for group to play ravenloft with. I have a little bit of experience with the setting and ran my own campaign on a vt for a couple sessions before it tanked and id like to run another one but id prefer to actually play in a ravenloft game for a little while before touching that again. I am familiar with a variety of rulesets most noteabley any pathfinder and d&d so willing to play anything but 4e really. I prefer roleplaying to rollplay and make characters that arent cliched and fit well within a setting usually mapping out an actual personality and i am comfortable playing any role within a party. Made my own "Dramatis Personae" book with character sketches to use for games. Im able to post on a regular basis and ive never really done a play by post before. Anyway PM me or something if you have room
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

Ocule wrote:Guess ill make this post sound a little better unless there are no games who can use another player.

Looking for group to play ravenloft with. I have a little bit of experience with the setting and ran my own campaign on a vt for a couple sessions before it tanked and id like to run another one but id prefer to actually play in a ravenloft game for a little while before touching that again. I am familiar with a variety of rulesets most noteabley any pathfinder and d&d so willing to play anything but 4e really. I prefer roleplaying to rollplay and make characters that arent cliched and fit well within a setting usually mapping out an actual personality and i am comfortable playing any role within a party. Made my own "Dramatis Personae" book with character sketches to use for games. Im able to post on a regular basis and ive never really done a play by post before. Anyway PM me or something if you have room
Ocule, I currently got a game running with 3 people, and 3 NPC's to fill the party. I'm open to you joining if you want. It's "A bridge to nowhere" If you want to take a look into it before joining. It's just getting rolling it seems. :D
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Ocule »

Yeah im interested. Just need the character creation rules and anything else I need to know about playing pbp
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

Check the first post of the OOC topic of the same name.

I'm using Pathfinder but we have one character prefering to play 3.5. Letting them but using monsters and things like that are all pathfinder. :D wanted to see how pathfinder worked for ravenloft. :D
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Ocule »

awesome. yeah i prefer PF to 3.5. Bit of an improved machine. Ill take a look at it now, you have skype or something?
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

I do have skype however i am currently at work. xD

my skype i think is Zilfer or Zilferofshadows

one of those two. xD Also in American time zone. Pacific Standard I beleive, living in Washington in the north west part of USA. :D Not sure your time zone but i get off around 5 o clock and will be home 6. I'm nursing a large head ache right now so i might not be on this afternoon xD
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Intrepid »

I am very interested in finding pbp game to join and am kicking around the idea of starting one myself.

I have a lot of experience with play by post gaming so I understand the flow of it and can commit to at least one post a day. I don't mind taking over a unplayed character or making a whole new one. While ideally I would prefer to start in a fresh game, I am more than open to joining in one that is already going.
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Satyrwyld »


Is anyone recruiting for a game? Starting a new one? 23 years experience, conversant with all editions, interested in stretching myself beyond what I've found myself limited to in my live meetup groups lately.
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Zilfer »

Satyrwyld wrote:Hello,

Is anyone recruiting for a game? Starting a new one? 23 years experience, conversant with all editions, interested in stretching myself beyond what I've found myself limited to in my live meetup groups lately.
I can definately put you on the list. My game currently moves slowly and already has too many players, sorry. :/ but if something opens up i'll keep ya in mind!

Just let me know if you wanted to be edited into the first post. xD
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Ail »

Hi, I am planning a MotRD campaign, and I have two free places For more details, see here: ... f=3&t=8744
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
Brother Eustace (The Devil's Dreams)
Robert de Moureaux (A New Barovia)
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Re: Players seeking PbP Games / PbP DMs seeking players

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

I must be a glutton for punishment... ^^; I have an idea for an -- ideally short -- campaign and hope to play it here. Should it be well-received, there may be follow-ups!


Working Title:
The Culling #1: Hospital Stay

Pathfinder (with a few tweaks)

The United Colonies of America.

Starting level:

Expert, Gunslinger, Monk, Rogue, Witch.
When choosing a class, please make sure to justify your choice in some detail. Remember that you are playing in a modern society.

All classes with Ride as a class skill may add the Drive skill to their list of class skills.
Use magic device is NOT available as a skill at first level, but is replaced by the Intelligence-based skill Use device, allowing the use of mechanical items such as computers. Any character class with UMD as a class skill may add UD to their class list.

All traits from the Advanced Players Guide are available, as well as the racial traits provided by the Pathfinder OGC, but please list and justify them. Remember that this is a modern setting based at least in part off of contemporary America. If you have a trait that grants you the use of a cantrip, why is this? Are you a descendant of an old Salem family, for instance?

All surface-dwelling, bipedal races capable of breathing air but not capable of independent flight detailed in the Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide. Note that races with spell-like abilities have been conditioned since birth not to display them in public, for fear of attracting negative attention and/or being "disappeared".

Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Core Rulebook, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic.

20-point buy, as per the Core Rulebook.


The United Colonies of America are America as it exists today, but with a few 'subtle' differences. The many creatures of the Advanced Race Guide that would at the very least elicit raised eyebrows on Earth, are simply another ingredient in the great cultural melting pot that is America. While racism is rife throughout the colonies, nominally everyone has the same chances under federal law.
Magic and the supernatural do exist, but have been forced deep into the shadows. Most people simply do not believe it exists, as there is no scientific evidence. Those communities with a magical background are terrified of showing any of it in public, as these communities are well-acquainted with stories of the Men in Black, who make magic-users disappear not just from sight, but from all records. As a result, magic is considered a thing of fairytales and illusions, more commonly seen in children's books and on T.V. than in any serious treatise. Likewise, demonic and undead manifestations are considered to be either the unproven ranting of lunatics, or part of religious doctrine, which is equally lacking in empirical evidence. With the strict separation of Church, State and Jurisprudence, such doctrine is becoming increasingly unpopular in the media.
Currently, the United Colonies are suffering an economic depression, as well as the threat of World War Three. The borders have been closed off and all international travel is forbidden, due to aggressive posturing by Vorostokov (the United Colonies' version of the USSR), and trade has suffered. Food prices are on the rise, many workers' wages are being slashed, and the workers' unions either appear to be apathetic or are being leaned on by the government to 'show some damn patriottism for once'.
There are rumours of illegal immigrants and emigrants being gunned down on capture instead of receiving due process. Conspiracy websites claim there is an unnatural fog at the borders, which may be the result of an application of toxic gases. The news reports a buildup of foreign military and atrocities committed by Vorostokov troops, and there is an undercurrent of fear in today's society that all the glitter and glamour of the MTV awards can not eclipse.

It is an America of the internet and Goblin ghettos, of gunpowder weapons, greyhound buses and Tiefling restaurants. A nation of lavish nature and polluted cities, of political skullduggery and alligators in the sewers. Welcome... to the America of Ravenloft.

Faith & Spirituality:
Other religions do certainly exist, with the many races still hanging onto some racial gods, and fiendish cults hiding in the darkest corners of corruption, but Ezra and Hala have the most widespread faiths. In contrast, the Lawgiver is not an issue in the United Colonies of America.

The Church of Ezra is the United Colonies' official state religion. All sects are represented, but modernized. UCA history indicates the sects are the result of violent religious schisms, which arose as the Church attempted to adapt to a changing, ever more secular society.
While the LN sect is recognized as the oldest, most venerable sect, it is also often ridiculed by the media for its unwillingness to admit that its doctrine about monsters lurking in the darkness might be at all metaphorical, and it is viewed as hopelessly outdated. Many people actually believe that members of the LN sect are dangerous fanatics and Luddites...

The LE sect is rather in vogue with the nation's elite, as it has publically shifted its stance from protecting the nation from the Legions of the Dark to defence against 'foreign pollutants'. The LE sect fully supports all efforts to safeguard the United Colonies against "Voros aggression", not to mention "protecting American workers from illegal immigrants stealing their jobs". The LE sect, while seen as racist and imperialistic by many of the common folk, is tolerated and endorsed by the State, as it fully supports the State in turn. Many politicians make sure to be seen as supportive of the LE sect, which maintains a power base due to its "humans first"-stance.

The LG sect is small and relatively weak. Founded in response to the LN sect's intransigence and the LE sect's ever more racist and imperialistic stance, this sect of the Church strives to provide people with the help they need. The LG sect sponsors hospitals and psychiatric clinics, provides counselling, offers shelter and gives acceptance to all who seek it out. As a result, the LG sect is as bereft of influence over politics and jurisprudence as the LN and N sects. While it represents a kind and compassionate faith, it is often attacked by the media for being too lenient towards illegal immigrants, and for unpatriottic tendencies. LG buildings have been raided by the police more than once on suspicion of collaboration with and sheltering of Voros saboteurs and spies in recent years...

The N sect is larger than the LG and LN sect, is as powerless to change society as either of them -- and cares not a whit. The N sect is a product of modern times, scholars banding together under the once venerable mantle of Ezra's faith to benefit from the rights and privileges granted to a Church. The N sect sponsors all manners of scholarly pursuit, from the sciences taught at universities to what is contemptuously referred to as 'the occult', all in search of some grand unifying theory. The N sect professes faith in the teachings of Ezra, but what it truly seems to have is a curiosity about these teachings and their cause, and a desire to unriddle it in order to drag great truths into the light. While the N sect has a public face, which mostly pops up on university campuses, many of its members prefer to remain safely anonymous, benefiting from the support of likeminded researchers without exposing themselves to ridicule in the media or occasional raids by police on suspicion of brainwashing or 'amoral activity' during services.

The faith of Hala is making a comeback in the UCA. As people desperately seek to fill the spiritual void left by disappointment in classic religion and the modern consumer society, some people are turning to old 'pagan' faiths. The UCA's Wiccans and Neopagans pray to Hala as the great mother goddess. The modern media, ever eager for scandal, have been running lurid stories about the sexual component of Halan worship, but the renewed faith is quietly hanging on, not just in the shrines of college kids seeking their spirituality, but also in the ancient groves still tended by families who never abandoned their old faith. As Neopagans continue to practise 'the old ways', Hala's faith is being modernized in the cities and towns, and there are a few thriving temples, despite censure by the media and government.

It is worth noting that Hala's True Neutral clergy has been forming positive connections with the True Neutral sect of Ezra over the past years, especially where they are most likely to share territory; at universities and colleges throughout the nation.

The darker side of Hala's faith has also been undergoing a bit of a revival. People and creatures who celebrate the darkest aspects of nature have profited from the faith's resurgence into modern society, and where once the priesthood of Ezra would persecute and burn Halans, they are now no longer allowed to do this. Most civil authorities fail to see the signs of true evil, or are hesitant to be branded as 'ultra-Ezran' by the ever fickle media by keeping a constant pressure on Halan groups; the media are ever fickle, and as eager to embarrass those who persecute Neopagans as the Neopagans themselves...

The UCA's national language is a dialect of Low Mordentish, with a smattering of Darkonese and Balok. Those interested in languages are free to study pure High Mordentish, not to mention Balok and Darkonese, in school and higher education, or even on their own initiative. In addition, each of the races that calls America its home has its native language.



For one reason or another -- most likely to find work or to pursue further education, though other reasons may certainly be just as valid -- are just arriving to New York by greyhound bus. You are young (early twenties at the most), you are energetic, you have everything ready to start the next phase of your life -- and then fate or chance takes an unpleasant turn when you find yourself in an accident. You black out and wake up in the prestigious Cullingsworth Hospital, on the city's buck. Your stay is fully paid for, you are receiving excellent care, but something is just... off. Things only get more dicey as you... But that would possibly be saying too much. :twisted:
When applying, please give some thought to your backstory. Who are you? Why are you coming to New York? What is your opinion on the recent political developments? What do you think of magic, religion and science?


I have been playing RPGs for years now, and have DM'ed a few. Some of you may recognize me. ^^
A fair warning at the start: I sometimes find other events in life taking precedence over games, and so posting from my side may well turn out to be slow and even intermittent. I hope to at least post once a week and to make up for my deficits with quality of gameplay, but we shall see... If you are still interested, then please drop me a submission. Entries close Friday next. I am looking for a group of up to six people. I favour well-developed backstories and RP-driven roleplay. This is not to say that there will not be any combat, but I do not intend it to be the main focus of the story.
Most of all, I hope for all involved to have fun.
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