Thom and Petrie, log

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Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »


Early morning in the harbor of Gauntcliff
Thom and Petrie have checked and rechecked the supplies in the skiff. It’s all tallied and secured; enough food and fresh water for a week at sea.
Petrie remarks, ‘’We ought to make port in a day or two if the wind treats us fine, Thom. “
The big man lashes his fishing spear to the mast. ‘’Just in case any sharks come calling.”
Denys and Melmoth stand on the pier near the post where the skiff is tied.
“Good luck, and may the Lady watch over you both”, Denys says as the two voyagers climb into the small vessel. The stout merchant shakes a little windblown sand from his rose colored robes. “Mind you keep those victuals hidden while on Ghastria. Some of the local thugs might knife a foreigner for a good cheese or some fine wine.”
Melmoth grunts, not quite a laugh. The laconic hireling raises a hand in a wordless farewell, and then turns to walk back up the planks towards the dunes’ edge where two mules stand saddled.

"Will do." Thom says in regards to Denys advice. He waves farewell to Melmoth and Denys.

Turning his attention to Petrie, "Right, let’s be off then young man." He says to him.

A short while later, at sea...

Petrie leans on the oars, resting as the wind fills the sails.
''Well, Thom, the wind is blowing in the right direction, and it's a fine lovely day. Aye, and would you look at that..."
He turns his face back toward Gauntcliff, where the receding dunes and scarps lie half-hidden in a veil of pearl gray sea-mist.

‘’So, what do you know about our destination? I’ve never visited it.”

Looking back at the receding dunes of Gauntcliff Thom says nothing, he admires the scenery for a bit and than turns his attention back to Petrie. "I haven't been there myself, so I only know what I heard and the little I have read. This is to say, I don’t know much at all. I will say this though, we'll be glad Sancerre gave us plenty of food." He tells Petrie.

"I just we can find something to help the others out."

Petrie nods.

The big man adjusts the sails, muttering "That looks about right."
He sits down on the rowers' bench after trimming the sails, and begins prepping a fishing line with colored glass bait and a hook.

"No reason we can't make the rations last longer by eating some fresh fish, eh, Thom?"


Thom spots a sailing ship coming out of a patch of fog a few miles distant, to the northeast. It looks about the same size as the ship that brought him to Gauntcliff.


Thom looks at the boat. "Petrie there is another boat, perhaps the same vessel that brought us here in the first place." He says pointing the boat out to Petrie.

''I believe it may be, Thom."

Petrie tries to hail the ship, but the vessel sails into the fog bank and vanishes from sight.

''Hmm-- Looks like they are bound for Gauntcliff."
"So it would seem, hopefully Sancerre will send them all back." Thom says as he watches the boat disappear into the fog.

"Aye, Thom, I'm sure he will. That was the plan."


The rest of the day passes with smooth sailing...

(Spot Check for Thom, please)


1d20+10=24 Spot Check


In the soft evening light, Thom spots land north-by northwest.
Looks like an island.
(Denys gave you guys a compass and a chart)

Thom is no navigator by sea or by land. "Petrie-- Think that is Ghastria? Here is a chart and compass’’, he says, showing Petrie.

Petrie fiddles about with the chart and compass for a few minutes.

''Hmmmm...It might be. If it isn't Ghastria, then it's probably a nearby island. We must be close by now, unless I'm reading this wrong. Do ye think we should land, or spend the night at sea?"

"You think you can land this skiff at night?" Thom says.
''Sometimes the night plays tricks with a man's eyes, makes things look further or closer than they really are. We'll have good moonlight and bright stars, though, so I could land her, aye. Truth be told, -Thom, I haven't done much sailing on the wide seas in a wee boat like this one."

Petrie laughs.

""I spent time on fishing boats. When I have been sailing far, there have been other men trained to the job to read the charts and handle the rigging and all. I'm better at this than anyone else Sancerre could have sent, except maybe that boy Jurgen, but I'm not an expert sailor."

Thom laughs. "Well then, how about sleeping on some solid land than?" He says. "Take us in easy Petrie."
''Aye; that will do."

Petrie manages the sail well enough, and sends the vessel gliding over the calm seas towards the island.
Last edited by ewancummins on Tue May 22, 2012 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

part two

''Aye; that will do."

Petrie manages the sail well enough, and sends the vessel gliding over the calm seas towards the island.


An hour or so after sundown, by the light of the gibbous moon and the thousand visible stars, Thom and Petrie haul the skiff onto the beach.

After preparing a basic campsite, Petrie asks Thom,

“’Shall we have a look about, get a sense of how big this place is, and what’s here? I can’t be sure if we are on Ghastria without comparing what we find with the charts. “

"Yes, I think that will be a good idea. Let's secure the skiff and prepare a couple of torches." Thom says to Petrie.

Once the skiff is secure, he prepares a couple of torches. "Let’s not wander to far, don't want to get lost." He says handing a torch a Petrie. " If we have to fight any thing, just drop the torch. I still have some sun rods."
Petrie nods and sets off, walking with a loose easy stride.

Having hiked along the beach for maybe an hour, avoiding for now the tangle of grass and shrubs that covers the inland region, Thom and his companion see the skiff ahead.
They have circled the whole island.

‘’No way this is Ghastria, Thom. The charts show that island being larger than this. I think we must be on some little uncharted desert island. “

The big man turns his head inland.
‘’Well, it’s deserted if nobody lives back in the brush. Should we look there too?”

"We should be wary boy; an uncharted deserted island is the exact kind of place for pirates." Thom says. "In other words, we should proceed with caution." He says with a small smile.

''Boy? BOY?"

Petrie guffaws, slapping his knees.

''Tam, now, that's funny. Sure, you're getting' on in years, but I'm a man grown. "


"Ha! True, you may be all grown physically but that doesn't always make someone a man. Stick with me for a while and I can show a side of life that Benn and Dorgio have only scratched the surface of." Thom says.

"Come on; let’s see what we can find inland."

Thom starts walking inland at a careful pace.

Petrie laughs--

''A side of life I've never seen-- that sounds like something a whore would say to get a sailor in the sack. I know we've been on the boat for a while, Thom, but I don't swim that direction.''

Thom shakes his head. "Neither do I and that isn't what I meant." He says.

'’ That’s reassuring. Ha!"

Petrie tramps uphill into the brush, one hand clapped on his sword hilt and one holding a torch aloft.

(spot, survival, listen, and search checks, please)

OOC: Listen (1d20+10=20)

Spot (1d20+10=26) Spot

1d20+7=26 Search

1d20+3=23 Survival
Exploring the island by moonlight, Thom finds a clear stream that runs through a little gully. Tall grass and shrubs grow in clumps along the water-margin.

Petrie checks the water, sniffing it before swishing a little in his mouth.

''It's good to drink."

Poking about the lower end of the gully, Thom hears something moving in the brush upstream. He looks up in time to see a four legged beast moving behind a screen of grass. The beast squeals, turning away into cover.
Petrie draws near.
"Wild boar perhaps? I got a cross bow, care for some fine dining?" Thom says hefting his heavy cross bow off his back; he stares at the finely made cross bow for a moment with a sad smile on his face.

"My wife, she passed away some time ago, she had this made for me. Told me if I were going to pretend to be a lord, better hunt like one." He says with a short laugh and then proceeds to load the crossbow.

''Hmm..I don't have a cross fitted spear, but I'm game. Let's get some bacon.''


Petrie finds tracks that look like they might be from a pig and broken branches or trampled grass that indicates an animal’s passage through the brush. Following these signs, Thom and Petrie move upstream for a dozen yards and then exit the gully on the eastern side. The vegetation on the rocky high ground is sparse, but rock formations provide numerous possible hiding places for a pig—or maybe other things.

(Another spot, search, and listen set, please. Survival or knowledge nature may apply)

Spot 1d20+10=24

Listen 1d20+10=16

Search 1d20+7=26

Petrie and Thom move into the rocks, back to back, armed and vigilant.

Thom hears something crunch to his right, and spots the hairy flank of some four-legged beast moving past him between two tall stone pillars.


Thom raises his crossbow and fires at the beast!

Attack roll and it happens to be a natural 20


Confirm Crit 1d20+4=19

Damage if hits and is a critical 2d10=12

The pig squeals and rushes off into the night with a bolt stuck in its side.

Petrie lays a hand on Thom's shoulder.

He whispers, ''Great shot! Might be that shot has killed it-- only the pig doesn't know it's dead just yet. Could still be dangerous. We can follow the blood trail. Walk, don't run "

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by RocEter »

"Right!" Thom says and follows Petries lead.

The two men move warily into the rock formations.

(listen and spot rolls, please)

Spot 1d20+10=27

Listen 1d20+10=26

Thom hears pebbles rolling and then, an instant later, sees the dirty gray bulk of razorback bearing down on him, straight through a narrow defile dead ahead! Long yellow tushes flash in the mingled light of the stars and Petrie's torch.

Petrie back is to Thom's back.




Thom raises his cross bow at the beast and lets loose another bolt.

Thom fires the bolt.
He feels something grab his belt, and then he's off the ground! The pig runs under him, brushing against his feet.

Petrie sets Thom down none too gently.

The big man wheels about and faces the pig where it lies in the dirt.

''You hit again. It’s dead, probably..."

He steps forward and prods the animal with his sword.

''Yes. Good shot."

"Yes. Have to say I never thought myself for a excellent shooter." He says. "Now, I do hope you know how to gut this all proper like. I am afraid my area of expertise lies only with killing my prey, not preparing it." He says smiling.

Thom slings the cross bow across his back and turns towards their camp. "Back to camp?"

''Aye, Tam, back to camp."

Petrie crouches down next to the dead piig and begins to prepare it to be moved.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

Morning of October 4th

Thom wakes up after sunrise, his belly still pleasantly full of barbequed pork.

Petrie is already at work loading the sailboat.
‘’Morning, Tam. I’m going to take that meat with us. Rub some sea salt on it and it’ll keep for a while. We aren’t far from Ghastria. Pray that the winds are kind.”
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

Later that day, at sea...

Thom and Petrie steer north-by-northwest, headed for the isle of Ghastria.

Petrie is munching on some barbequeed pork when Thom spots something on the horizon to the east-- a white sail. The other vessel draws nearer over the next hour. Looking through the spyglass Denys had lent the two men, Thom sees that the other craft is some sort of large double masted sailing vessel.

Petrie asks-
''What do you think, Thom? Merchant vessel? Should we hail it if it draws close? Looks like she's headed right for us."
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by RocEter »

Lowering the spy glass Thom looks at Petrie. "Could be a merchant's vessel, could be a pirate ship too." He says. Putting the spy glass back up to his eye Thom looks for any identifying marks on the ship, such as a flag or standard of some kind.

"Thinking we should hail them though, they no doubt spotted us, they could be going towards Gauntcliff..." He says while looking through the spy glass.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

RocEter wrote:Lowering the spy glass Thom looks at Petrie. "Could be a merchant's vessel, could be a pirate ship too." He says. Putting the spy glass back up to his eye Thom looks for any identifying marks on the ship, such as a flag or standard of some kind.

"Thinking we should hail them though, they no doubt spotted us, they could be going towards Gauntcliff..." He says while looking through the spy glass.

''No, I think they are on course for Ghastria. They are steering our way, and that's where we are headed..."

... Later in the day, Thom spots land; the long sandy beaches and low, rolling hills of a large island. A second look reveals a little town tucked in a small bay. Petrie checks the charts. ''That's Ghastria, for sure."
Looking back, the two men can plainly see the larger vessel sailing behind them at a couple of hundred yards. With the spyglass, Thom makes out armed men moving on deck—swords, bows, some spears.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

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"Well there are armed men on that ship, probably merchant guards, still though don't enjoy the company of that many armed men." He says.

"Let's make ready to port our boat. The first thing we do is secure us some proper lodging and then go about delivering this letter. After that we can start making some inquiries into Gauntcliff's past." He says.

Thom keeps the spy glass handy and keeps an eye on the larger vessel, if looks like it is going to over take them he will warn Petrie.
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. What ever history remembers of me if it remembers me at all, it shall only be the fraction of the truth.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

RocEter wrote:"Well there are armed men on that ship, probably merchant guards, still though don't enjoy the company of that many armed men." He says.

"Let's make ready to port our boat. The first thing we do is secure us some proper lodging and then go about delivering this letter. After that we can start making some inquiries into Gauntcliff's past." He says.

Thom keeps the spy glass handy and keeps an eye on the larger vessel, if looks like it is going to over take them he will warn Petrie.


Thom and Petrie sail their boat into the little harbor and tie off at the pier.

A small crowd of locals emerge from cottages and storefronts to approach the boat. One of the men, a tall old man with a fine blue coat and a walking stick, walks up to the sailboat as Petrie checks the knots that he's just tied.
The silver haired gentleman addresses Thom,

''Sir, welcome to Southport. Are you connected with that ship out yonder-"

He points out to sea, where the ship is under full sail, gliding swiftly towards the pier.

''Do you know if--"


Something crashes into the water a short distance from Thom's boat. The sound of the explosion came from the strange ship. Looking that way, Thom sees a puff of dirty white smoke seeping from the mouth of a little cannon mounted on the forecastle!

The blue-coated gent shouts-

''Gah, pirates!" and falls flat on the boards.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by RocEter »

"Get up you cod!" Thom says a little harshly to the old man. "If your going to die, at least die with some dignity! Gather the townsfolk and get them to safety out of the cannon range. While your about it, have some men bring me jars of lantern oil. Be quick about it too, if hit my boat we all be doomed!" He says.

"Petrie, lets take what we can ashore! We got any lantern oil with us?" He says to Petrie.
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. What ever history remembers of me if it remembers me at all, it shall only be the fraction of the truth.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

RocEter wrote:"Get up you cod!" Thom says a little harshly to the old man. "If your going to die, at least die with some dignity! Gather the townsfolk and get them to safety out of the cannon range. While your about it, have some men bring me jars of lantern oil. Be quick about it too, if hit my boat we all be doomed!" He says.

"Petrie, lets take what we can ashore! We got any lantern oil with us?" He says to Petrie.

The old man rushes away, down the pier.

Petrie grins.

''Oil, yeah!" He hops down into the boat and grabs his gear, along with a crate.

''I'll carry the oil, you grab your kit."
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by RocEter »

Thom nods and grabs his kit from the boat. "You understand what my plan is don't you?" He says to Petrie. "Either let me explain, I want to set their ship to fire. Throw jars of oil on the hull and shoot a flaming bolt into it.. As I understand it ships are actually very flameable because of something to do with petrification or some such." He says.

Thom doesn't recall the exact details, but he has read some where that a ships greatest weakness is fire.
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. What ever history remembers of me if it remembers me at all, it shall only be the fraction of the truth.
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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

''Aye, she'll burn!
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by ewancummins »

The two men make hasty preparations. Thom loads his crossbow after first wrapping one of the oily rags (from the oil crate) around a bolt. He lights the rag and then starts towards the enemy, his smoldering bolt pointed at the pirate ship.
Petrie runs towards the oncoming pirate ship, holding up a broad oar as a makeshift shield. In his off hand, he carries the crate of oil flasks and rags. Thom moves behind him, crouching low and moving zigzag to present a harder target. Arrows, bolts, and lead balls fly towards the two men. Miraculously so, neither man is struck!
Petrie shouts-

‘’MacLugash!Buaidh no bas!”
-and hurls the crate of oil in a high arc, aimed at or behind the enemy’s bow-mounted cannon.

Thom fires his bolt…

The bolt strikes the crate. Flaming oil rains down on the pirate ship’s bow-gun.

Pirates leap into the water. Something flares behind the gun. The smoking iron cannon bursts, spurting fire and acrid smoke from every crack and gap. The foresail catches flame from flying drops of hot oil.
Last edited by ewancummins on Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Thom and Petrie, log

Post by RocEter »

"Ha! Now to deal those who will swim ashore. Let's get back to shore and pick them off as they wash up!" Thom says to Petrie. "Hopefully these fools know when they've been bested and surrender, otherwise we might have our hands full!" He says as they make their way back to dry land from the docks.

Once back on dry land, Thom loads another bolt to fire at the first pirate he sees coming ashore.
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. What ever history remembers of me if it remembers me at all, it shall only be the fraction of the truth.
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