Sanguinia - The Land

by Ken Hurt

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The Land

The domain of Sanguinia (formerly known as Kryoso) is formed by not much more than Mount Radu and the small villages on its flanks.
The mountain is guessed to be over 11,000 feet high, rivaling some of the highest mountains in the Core. It is not entirely certain how high the mountain really is, however. The Mists make it hard to determine 'ground level'. The lowest point in Sanguinia is estimated to be at 700 feet altitude.
Due to the strong and chilling wind that blows from Mount Radu, the domain is very cold, even in summer. Lake Argus freezes over as soon as summer time is over, and in spring the rivers swell with melting water, and periodically flood the cities and farmlands.
The northern part of the domain contains stony hills, rumoured to hold goblins and other ferocious creatures. No-one ever goes there. Those that do do not return.

Cultural Level


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