Ravenloft Reanimated: Should We?

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Ravenloft Reanimated. Should We?

Of course! Let's start moving Ravenloft to the Shadowfell!
Of course, but let's keep it apart from WotC's vision of it.
We shouldn't. What's done is done, why reinventing the wheel?
Total votes: 46

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Post by ewancummins »

WolfKook wrote:
ewancummins wrote:No Richemulot!!! :shock: :shock:
Hey! There are still 16 domains in play, and Richemulot is one of them. And judging from the votes it's getting, I'm pretty sure it'll be chosen as one of the 8 that will make it to RLR :wink:


My ongoing PbP campaign is set in Richemulot. I've fiddled with the domain a bit. Now it is a league of confederated city-states ruled by merchant princes and aristocratic councils. It does have a history prior to the Renier's entry, BTW, but said history is mostly unkown. Sages and delvers [ dungeon crawlers] have unearthed bits and pieces, but the Old Builders remain mysterious. The current race of Richemuloise are basically squatters, living amongst the decaying ruins of a vanished nation.
Last edited by ewancummins on Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NykylaiHellray »

Its been a long while since I came down these shadowed halls.

I have been looking at this myself, and one thing that has always stood out was how small the realms are. Everything was to close together, and fear does not seem to work when you bump into someone every five minutes.

As for whether it should become a world, or stay as the demiplanes. I personally think it should be a mixture of both.

With subtle hints at each argument suggested by NPC's, maybe a random guy who remembers being in a city of gold surrounded by angels and cherubs. But killed his bother in cold blood out of jealosy, since his creator loved his brother more. But many considure him mad and remember him being a lad who stole fruit from the local shop.

(maybe possibly hinting that no one ever really escapes, and when you die your soul becomes part of the mist (loved that from FF9) and then reborn and damned to live once more in this purgatory)
A friend of mine who was familiar with the setting and he gave me the best model of the Dread Powers. There aren't any. Not any more. There might have been at one point but there aren't any now. Ravenloft is like a rotting prison hulk adrift. No-one can get off it but it's shipping water and gradually decaying. Eventually, it might meet another Aship, and some souls might escape. After all, the gaolers have gone. all that's left is various groups of prisoners carving out their little domains amongst the locks and the bars are still there but the fabric of the world is slowly slipping away (into the Shadowfell?).
Also I love this idea, but maybe its more akin to a virus now. Growing and changing as it grabs more beings that pass its way. Its history adjusting as more lost souls are taken in.

Another thing I would like to redig up the stuff on dark lords of elemental dread, which a few of us did on the forums a long while back.

Another interesting item from dragon I also remember was the asylum that existed both in gothic earth and ravenloft (well actually it belonged where you wanted it, but to me an asylum where madness is so deep that even the building becomes confused where it is, interests me).

I am also considering rewritting the story about grand central and the sand oblivion that surrounds it, which is a domain of my own creation i did some time ago. Any decisions on guns yet? as I am toying with a very steampunk low magic realm.

The original idea was concerning a being known as the trainmaster who is only ever hinted at (he might be a darklord, he might be a darkpower, he might not even exist and be a tool to control the masses no one knows).

The idea is trains where used to pull people in from other worlds into the domains of dread. A one way trip from anywhere.

Not many people liked this at first, though with the idea suggested about the shadowfell pulling the dread domains in. This could make sense, if I enhance the mystery of what the trainmaster and its purpose is. It could be one of the reasons things are being pulled together "connected" through these parasitic railways that seem to grow in the gulf between worlds.

I am happy to expand on any of these ideas for you and your project if you desire them I need another way to get my mind going (writting block with my novel atm)
[quote="Kelliack"] It is the lost coin of the gods when they first flipped to see who would get which portfolio.[/quote]
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Post by WolfKook »

As things go right now, Ewan, it's almost certain that Richemulot will join the other 16 domains in Ravenloft Reanimated, and I'm eager to see what you've done with the domain. The struggle still continues between Nova Vaasa, Odiare and Verbrek, and one of them will not get into the RLR lineup. Next weeks, we'll be exploring the seas of the core, where two islands will rise, and other two will sink!

Right now, I'm most concerned with the fan-made domains. After a process of filtering, there's still a list of 37 domains. Right now, I'm looking for three or four evaluators (Irving has already been chosen, and I'll complete the group of five if no one else does) to send them a format that will allow them to proofread those domains (In small groups, obviously). If anyone's interested, please tell me (In this thread, by PM or by email).

Finally, we're still voting for the Darklord of Mordent, and the thread has sprung several very interesting ideas! Would you keep Godefroy, would you use the House on Gryphon Hill as a different kind of darklord (That kind of sounds like the "one rule, many exceptions" policy of D&D 4E), or would you use a completely new darklord tailored-made to fit Mordent? How would you justify a house influencing an entire domain, or what kind of character would you create?

All those great ideas which have sprung in these RLR threads are being gathered and compiled, so please keep them coming!
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Post by NykylaiHellray »

Did not really get an answer so going to take out some of my posts rubbish.

As I said above, can I submit my own fanmade domain?

Also any of my ideas interesting?
[quote="Kelliack"] It is the lost coin of the gods when they first flipped to see who would get which portfolio.[/quote]
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Post by WolfKook »

Well, we're currently in a brainstorm process: Even if I don't reply to some things, I'm constantly browsing through everything that's being said in these RLR threads (And some others), and compiling it for future reference. I agree with you in that everything is too small (Even though some members would disagree on that), and the idea mixture of world/demiplane slowly expanding and decaying is becoming stronger as we discuss it.

IMO the Grand Central and its trains have an interesting potential if done right. To be honest, the ideas on the dread elemental planes have never been my cup of tea, but perhaps you could make them work.

Right now, we have around 18 domains from the canon list, and the goal is to expand that list to 24. Also, as one of our project tenets is to include fan-made domains, some of the domains from the fan-made list would probably be included, and that would leave us around 15 empty spaces to put all-new material.

My idea on this would be to create a contest, in which people would be able to submit their domains (there would be some word count restrictions, though), and the best of them would be selected to join the RLR domain roster (BTW, I still need volunteers for evaluators), so if you want to send your domain via e-mail to me right now, you could do it, but I'd recommend you to wait around a month until we open submissions for this contest.
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Post by NykylaiHellray »

I hope my reply did not sound rude :oops: as now that I reread it it does sound kinda pushy >_<...

Anyway, I will get to work on rewrtting my domain as acceptable and to the standerds you guys expect.

On the topic of fan made domains, the place of summer stars (I think thats it) was a very nice domain I enjoyed reading. That I believe should have a place.

Also what topic is the best to submit ideas to changes of the world?

As one part that bothered me is some of the placing of desert next to wetland. Maybe the world needs some extra bits of landmass inserted to make it seem more like a world then a patchwork quilt.

As for the elemental dread, yes it is kinda a little of an odd idea, though I feel confident I could forge it into somthing better. Though first I would like to fix up my concept for grand central.
[quote="Kelliack"] It is the lost coin of the gods when they first flipped to see who would get which portfolio.[/quote]
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Post by WolfKook »

NykylaiHellray wrote:I hope my reply did not sound rude :oops: as now that I reread it it does sound kinda pushy >_<...
No problem. It's not like you've earned darklordship or anything. :lol: You can always redeem yourself by evaluating those fan-made domains :wink:
Also what topic is the best to submit ideas to changes of the world?

As one part that bothered me is some of the placing of desert next to wetland. Maybe the world needs some extra bits of landmass inserted to make it seem more like a world then a patchwork quilt.
this one. There's where we're discussing the global matters affecting the entire setting.
As for the elemental dread, yes it is kinda a little of an odd idea, though I feel confident I could forge it into somthing better. Though first I would like to fix up my concept for grand central.
Nice. I would love to see how you've developed the concept. Also, there'll always be space for some oddities done right (Everybody loves a good Bluetspur). :wink:
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Post by NykylaiHellray »

Sure I dont mind reading over the fan domains.

Do you just want me to review them and write points down?
[quote="Kelliack"] It is the lost coin of the gods when they first flipped to see who would get which portfolio.[/quote]
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Post by WolfKook »

Project News:

Richemulot joined the roster of domains in Ravenloft Reanimated, and currently 4 maritime domains (Blaustein, Dominia, Ghastria and L'ile de la Tempete) are fighting their way into the group of chosen domains. So far, Blaustein and Ghastria are the most probable choices, but the fight's not over yet.

The candidates for darklordship are fighting their way into the seats that the voters left temporarily empty. By now, it would seem that Adam and Mordenheim will share the seat of Lamordia, and that the hags of Tepest will have to go through extensive makeover before being allowed to reassume darklordship. Godefroy, OTOH, has had a hard time, as it would seem that the House of Gryphon Hill itself wants to assume darklordship. The battle is burning, as both candidates are currently fighting for votes.

The fan-made domains are still under a process of evaluation, and we lready have three volunteers to evaluate their eligibility (Public thanks to Irving the Meek, Ronia Sun, and NikylayHellray). If anyone's interested in joining them, please download the evaluation form here, and send me your answers by e-mail.

Merry Christmas / Hanukkah / anything else for everyone!
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Post by WolfKook »

It has been long since I last published project news in this thread, but I had forgotten how few people visited the community projects forum, so -for those who are interested -here they are:
  • We've decided on which canon domains to keep in Ravenloft Reanimated and which ones to rule out. The list is in this thread
  • The list of fan-made domains which will join them is also pretty much ready, and available on the same thread
  • We're currently looking for all-new domains to join this list in the Ravenloft Reanimated Contest, which most people have surely seen on this forum. Right now, we have 32 domains in the contest, and awaiting the submissions for the second round of the competition.
  • That RLR will be mostly a rules-independent project has been pretty much decided. However, it's also been determined that it will be written with D&D 4E in mind, and that the rules for all other systems will be made as plug-ins. The details are on this thread
  • That RLR will be a Real World, a Demiplane or something in between is still undecided. We still need your ideas on how to settle the matter.
  • Is there any name or term that you consider out-of-place in Ravenloft? Report it, so we may correct it in RLR!
  • Last but not least, we're currently playing the Game of Conquest, deciding which domains should merge, or absorb, others, to make better, richer domains!
Hope this makes more people interested!
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