The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

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The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by NeoTiamat »

1 Days, 4 Hours, 25 Minutes
Robichaud et Fils Steel Foundry, Quartier-Ouvrier, Evening of April 23rd, 770

It was past sundown when Mercator led you through the streets of the Quartier-Ouvrier to the lair of the Firebird, where the symbol of the Soul could be found. Robichaud et Fils, proclaimed the words emblazoned in cheap brass above the door.

It was a steel foundry, one of several that could be found in the workers quarter. Here, men labored at the crafting of steel and iron, making everything from wrought iron fences and elegant window frames to gun barrels and sharp blades. It was good work, and not Robichaud et Fils ever lacked for willing bodies to push into the foundries. They paid well, more than one could earn at most other work in the Quartier-Ouvrier. The men who worked here earned, and earned well.

And they earned well because they gave up their lives. The endless, blasting heat, the clouds of soot, the fumes from the great chemical furnaces, and the molten metal itself, all took a toll on the bodies that worked here. It was hard, grueling work, and accidents were plentiful. When one deals with iron heated to temperatures with four digits, even the slightest error can cost lives. And should by some miracle one avoid being murdered or mangled, the fumes would kill you just as surely, albeit somewhat slower. Very few steel workers lived long past their thirtieth birthdays. Even the administrative staff, locked away in the upper levels, handling payrolls and inventories, breathing in the deadly substances, they too rarely lived out their full span of time.

M. Robichaud and his sons were never seen in the foundry. They lived in the Quartier-Savant, where the air was sweet.

The frenzy of daytime production had ended by the time Melanchthon led you to the foundry floor. Most of the workers had done their time, served out one more day, and gone home. But the mighty steel furnaces were never left alone, and so a skeleton crew remained, men who worked these deadly jobs in the dark, their too-few lanterns supplemented by the glow of the molten metal.

The Firebird was here, nesting in one of these crucibles, vast furnaces that dwarfed mortal men. In the hottest one, according to proverb, the one in the deepest depths of the foundry. That was what Mercator Melanchthon had been told.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Well," Lia says as she looks around and draws her cloak closer around herself for some odd reason. "Here we are. I brought a little present for the Firebird." From an inside pocket, Lia produces a large packet of incense. "Do you think that would be acceptable?"
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"I've no idea," Mercator replies absently as he scans the gloom. "Perhaps we can ask. Now, I have been instructed in the song with which the workers invoke the phoenix. It is as follows. Please listen carefully."

So saying, he sings a brief, haunting melody in a pleasant baritone twice through, then falls silent.

"All of you, please sing it with me. It is not hard to learn, but it would be well to have the taste of it before we perform for an audience."

Nerit has posted me singing some very bad Greek over at her blog, so you can go over to click and listen.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by NeoTiamat »

1 Days, 4 Hours, 22 Minutes
Robichaud et Fils Steel Foundry, Quartier-Ouvrier, Evening of April 23rd, 770

Mercator's song could be barely heard above the clank and clatter of the machinery. Some of the nearest workers joined into the song, singing the bizarre Sithican words in raspy voices and with half-ruined lungs, a quiet little song to make the time pass faster. And when you were done, the air of the foundry seemed perhaps not quite so oppressive, the aura of gloom not quite so pervading, as it had been before. Nearby, one of the workers sent a friendly wave at Mercator. In the distance, the crucible beckoned.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia extracts a single stick of incense from the packet she brought, and mutters a word under her breath. The stick ignites, sending a single thread of sweet-smelling smoke into the air. "Do we approach in any particular order?" she asks as she gently waves the incense in the air, spreading the scent. "Did the Phoenix state a preference? I would not wish to upset... Is it a male or a female Phoenix? Do gender roles apply to immortal Firebirds?"

From her tone, it is obvious that Lia's scholarly instincts are running at full throttle.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"I have always supposed them to be genderless," Mercator says quietly, waving back at the foundryman. "The stories of their life cycle would seem to indicate so. As I have not yet spoken with the phoenix, it has had no opportunity to express a preference. Let us approach as a group, sing, and await developments. If the language of the song is indicative, someone who speaks the Sithican dialect might open negotiations; in the absence of such, I will do my best to make myself clear. Or, perhaps, it does not communicate verbally at all...we will have to see."

As he speaks he leads the group deeper into the darkness and heat, finally stopping before an old crucible of great size at the back of the foundry. "I believe...we have arrived," he mutters, more to himself than to the group. Then, more loudly, "So. Let us sing."

Counting out four beats, he leads the group in the phoenix song again.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia frowns behind the veil, listens intently to Mercator and starts to sing. Or at least she attempts to; the noises issuing from the Mage's throat approach the rhythm, they form the appropriate words, but the whole is less than successful. Once the song is done, Lia grimaces apologetically. "Can't carry a tune to save my life," she says. "I'm better with a flute."
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by NeoTiamat »

1 Days, 4 Hours, 16 Minutes
Robichaud et Fils Steel Foundry, Quartier-Ouvrier, Evening of April 23rd, 770

The molten metal inside the crucible was a ruddy orange in color, relatively cool as such things went, though still possessed of unimaginable heat. The metal churned and moved with languid grace, and at first, it seemed that the Sithican song, the old song, had had no effect. Save that it did.

One might have mistaken it for a trick of the light, a bubble of metal rising up from the depths of the furnace and then bursting into a spray of red-hot liquid, blessedly contained in the stout walls of the crucible. And yet, there was more to it, for in this spray one could see wings, and in the shadows the outline of a bird, two eyes like glowing embers.

It was not large, the phoenix. Mercator had been told it was the size of a pheasant, and if anything this was a small exaggeration. But what it lacked in size, it made up for in presence. It was not a creature of storybooks, with golden-red feathers and a peacock's crest. It was an elemental entity, something constructed of fire and shadows. You felt a wave of heat roll over you as the firebird turned its burning gaze upon you.

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia's eyes widen and her mouth falls open at the sight of the Phoenix. Words come spilling out of her: "Magnificent! I never thought I would be privileged to see an actual... My apologies, I am violating proper protocol, but you are... You are magnificent." There is nothing but sincerity in her voice, and her eyes practically glow with admiration. "Would you mind terribly if I made a few sketches of you while we talk?"
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Stepping forward, Mercator clears his throat and begins to speak in Elvish, doing his best to imitate the cadences of the Sithican dialect. "We come before you, most noble firebird, as petitioners. Hear our plea, we pray. We seek to rescue a young man, like yourself a fiery spirit, who has gone astray. He has been thrust into the role of Death*; having consulted with oracles, we have learned that we must have your help to remove him from that place and restore him to the world of men. Will you aid us?"

Diplomacy 19. At one point we discussed RT for the recording of the phoenix song, NT...if those are available, I will use them to up the result to 23. Assistance welcomed!

*Thanatos, since Elvish~Greek.
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by NeoTiamat »

1 Days, 4 Hours, 13 Minutes
Robichaud et Fils Steel Foundry, Quartier-Ouvrier, Evening of April 23rd, 770

The Firebird turned its eyes first to Lia, but there was nothing in those pools of darkness. Neither recognition nor acquiescence nor anything at all. But then Mercator spoke in the dialect of the Sithican Elves, the language of the Fair Folk and of the creatures of the other worlds, and the bird bowed its head. I am willing to help to restore the balance. What would you require of me, son of the stars and daughter of the night?
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

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Lia blinks and mutters a little something under her breath. Then she whispers to Mercator: "What is the Phoenix saying? I can not understand a word."
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"That it will help us," Mercator replies briefly. Then, to the phoenix, "We are most grateful that you are willing to assist us in restoring the balance, o firebird. We will, to the best of my knowledge, require only your presence at the Midnight Market, at the stall of a young woman called Inkeri. Do you know the place?"
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by NeoTiamat »

1 Days, 4 Hours, 11 Minutes
Robichaud et Fils Steel Foundry, Quartier-Ouvrier, Evening of April 23rd, 770

“I am familiar with the Market. I shall be--” The phoenix's words cut off suddenly, as the creature swiveled its head to stare off into the depths of the factory. What those shadowed eyes saw was difficult to make out, but in another moment the phoenix turned its attention back on Lia and Mercator. And it's attentions now were significantly less polite. “You seek to draw me out, earthen things?”

Heat rose in shimmering waves about the two petitioners now. It was so hot it was painful to breathe, so intense was the phoenix's gaze. It was not a safe thing to be under the eyes of a firebird. Stifling hot, the skin near scorched, but it lasted for only a few heartbeats, when both your attention and that of the phoenix were distracted for much longer.

The men who tended the great crucibles of molten steel began to shout, and not in a comforting manner. Cries of confusion, which in turn quickly gave way to fear as they began to scatter and run from one of the giant furnaces. The thing tipped downward, spilling glowing metal onto the floor. It was too bright to look upon, and the heat from it was unimaginable. It occurred to you that you didn't really need to worry about being burned alive by the molten metal. The heat would kill you long before you could touch it.

You may make an Athletics Roll to run for the door, or a Perception roll to figure out what's causing the sudden industrial trouble.

Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Re: The Shattered City: Chapter Four (Intermezzo)

Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Mercator looks upward just in time to glimpse a dark form scamper from above the overturned cauldron (if that's the right word for these things), and then the flash of light reflected from a cat's eyes as it stops over the next cauldron in the row. "Draw you out?" he replies, confused and not bothering to hide it, and not yet willing to flee despite the heat. "I don't know what you mean. Did that cat actually tip that cauldron somehow?"
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