A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

Nicolae, upon hearing the doctor's interpretation of the recent events, exclaims, "Who would cast such a malicious spell upon an entire region, and for what purpose?! What could anyone possibly have to gain from the misery of an entire region of the world?" He pauses for a moment and ponders his own words before continuing, "Unless of course, that person also possessed the antidote. Then it seems the villain could demand exorbitant sums from the local populace."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"I have not made a study of the thought patterns of psychopaths, sociopaths and megalomaniacs," Doctor Auschluss says, his voice indifferent. "Yet. I would, however, be interested to find out how it was done. Souragne may be an island, but its size is not irrelevant. Whether this is the work of a single archmage or a large cabal, it still presents a considerable effort. The amount of coordination needed to maintain this unnatural weather pattern alone is impressive."

The Doctor looks into the middle distance and frowns. "Not to mention the amount of support rewuired. The swamp is rithe with natural hazards, there are brigands in the towns... Whichever wizard or wizards is or are responsible must have a cadre of efficient wilderness guides and bodyguards available to them."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

"So the problem is in the swamp after all. And now it makes sense that the voodans would be prisoners, and not collaborators. Interesting",

Zumba says apprehensively.

"I know the swamp, a bit", he continues, "I think we have to go there, to look around and see who's doing what. Then we'll think of a way to stop them. Thank you, Monsieur Doctor."
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Indeed, thank you," says Lucien, staring at the maps as though trying to commit them to memory. "As it happens, Herr Doktor, I'm in possession of something that might prove your theories to be true. We found several large stone blocks buried in sections of the land, white as marble and indeniably enchanted. Any moisture -- even blood -- that falls on them is instantly absorbed or evaporated.

"If they've been placed strategically around the swamp, they could be serving as arcane lodestones, if you will, supplying the very 'coordination' you describe necessary to maintain the weather pattern." He pauses to let the information sink in before continuing slyly, "Would you care to examine the stone?"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"That depends, young half-elf," the Doctor says with a brief, bloodless smile. "Would you care to pay me for my labor if I do?"

The scientist holds Lucien's eye for a moment, then starts tidying up. "I will not deny that the current situation is interesting, but the weather and its calamitous change are not my current research subject. As such, any work I do for you is effort added to my own, which requires compensation. However, I will also not deny that your idea is... interesting. I will give you a ten percent discount off the top of the reward I will determine for the work.

Bring me your stone tomorrow. I wish to return to my bed now."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"If you wish to pass up an opportunity to examine a mystical lodestone capable of draining the moisture from a geological landmass, that is your loss," says Lucien. "I briefly mistook scientific experience for scientific curiosity. Forgive me. Good night, Herr Doktor."

He looks at Zumba, Vincent, and Goren. "Gentlemen, we have learned all we can here. Let us not tire the good doctor more than we have. Molliana, thank you for your hospitality. Good night, mademoiselle."

With that, Lucien begins to head out of the room unless interrupted.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by steveflam »

Goren nods and bows to the doctor and Molliana. Once they get outside Goren will say in Souragnien "I hope temple will pay for doctors machine. People need water. Come thinking of it, doctor is not a nice person and should have make arrangements sooner. Stone good idea, Lucien. Now, we go see man chicken bone?"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

Zumba exits the room after Lucien closes the conversation, greeting the Doctor and his assistant in the process. Then, in answer to Goren

"I understand your hurry, but let's not get ourselves killed. We need rest, we need to be at the top of our strengths. And in any event, I'd rather go there in the day, not the night."
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

Vincent has been not mingled in the conversation nor made any remarks during the whole event standing next to Molliana. As Lucien steps outside and the rest follows, he seems to realize there was something going on around him. "Well" he says slightly wetting his lips and looking around "the swamp calls" he says cheerily to Molliana. "See you in five days" he adds in almost a whisper and bows slightly.
He turns to the doctor and bows. "Thank you for your help oh great knowledgeable one" he says with sarcasm and follows the others outside.

"So, what do we do?" he asks, having apparently not been listening inside "Whatever the plan is, I agree we need to be at the top of our strength and we need to get back alive" he says with a smile.
"Does anyone have experience in finding people in the swamp?" he asks suddenly "If we track the little girl down, she might lead us straight to this Chicken Bone character we need to help".
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"We absolutely need rest," says Lucien. "We don't know what we'll be facing, it's dark, and we're exhausted. We go back to the inn, rest up in shifts -- I don't want a repetition of the attack on Goren -- and then go to save the 'beset on all sides' Chicken Bone at Lac Noir. He may be the only one who can help at this point. Zumba, you said that Lac Noir was a bad place. So do you know how to get there?"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by steveflam »

"Yes, we sleep now but in morning going to Lac Noir to see Chicken Bone."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

You soon arrive back at the Beached Alligator. The barman is incredibly relieved to hear that the candles have apparently not been enriched with Polecat Surprise, and proceeds to amaze and amuse all with the speed with which he switches the last pitiful inches of candle stub with fresh candles in the dining area.

The Inn is blessedly peaceful after this long, long day. Even sleeping in shifts, you all manage to get sufficient rest for the day to come.

You'll need it.

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