Doctor Who (It's Spoilerific)

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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Re: Doctor Who (It's Spoilerific)

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

when this thread was posted to last, I'd never seen Doctor Who. (that's a lie, I saw maybe one episode of the 4th doctor as a kid, and the 8th doctor movie when it aired, but that's it.) Since then, I've started with NuWho and caught up to date, then started back at the beginning of OldWho and I'm a few eps into the 1st Doctor. So now I can actually know what's going on and post. :)

I liked Day of the Doctor. Didn't love it as much as I'd hoped, but as a die-hard 10 fan, it would be hard for it to live up to my massive expectations. I was a bit disappointed that Rose wasn't really Rose, and that the end of Name of the Doctor (which I loved) wasn't really resolved. I'd like to know how 11 and Clara got from there to here. But other than that, the fan-service was perfect for a 50th anniversary event, and the story wasn't too shabby at all. Some great lines, some great acting. Maybe on a re-watch, I'll let me expectations go and enjoy it more.

And yes, Night of the Doctor was awesome. The Five(ish) Doctors reboot was cute too, worth checking out if you haven't seen it.
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