Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

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Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by kintire »

After the dessicated wastelands that have surrounded the group for so many days, the steady drizzle and damp cobbles of Paridon seem almost relaxing. The eager questioning of the learned sages being over, the familiar door of 27 Charity Street welcomes the returning travellers. All is much as it was left, the house warm and welcoming after the chill rainy air outside, the thick walls muffling the bustle of the street to a faint buzz. The silence is broken only by the faint sound of gardening in progress from the roof. As the wet overclothes are laid aside, the wanderers have a chance to take stock...
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by alhoon »

Seradon after he puts on some clean, dry clothes he puts a teapot on the fireplace along with some thin dry twigs and lights them up. He throws some sage in the teapot and calls the others if they want to share some sage tea and see what they should do now. Where to push the valuable items and gems they found should be their first priority in Seradon's opinion.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by VAN »

Catherine for once is glad she is back at their "house". At least there they should be safe and will be no strange witches that get back from the dead...She takes a hot bath trying to leave the desert experience back. Then she joins the others, taking a cup of tea says:

"Thanks Seradon, this is what we need, a bit of calm!"
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by Metaflux »

"They were my responsibility. All of them. How could I have been wrong? I charted the tunnels to the minutest of details, analyzed every opponent to the tooth, and yet, they failed. I must have overlooked something, somewhere; must have been too arrogant to see that which was right before my eyes. Still, I spent an ungodly amount of patience on this project, only to see it fall? No. I lost a factor in my gathering, relied on too many unknowable assets, or just plan got lazy. At this point, I will never know, and neither should I push further. If there's one thing I've learned in this last year, its to task yourself before you task others. Hopefully, she will learn the same."

A short rap upon the ashwood and bronze handled door jolted the man from his slumber. Misty light peared it's way through drapes on the opposite side of the room, allowing a portion of gloom to be banished. With a glare of defiance, he determinedly wished that whoever had awoken him would quite prominently fall in a dungheap. Lacking the motivation to gather himself from the rather comfortable chair he had reclined in, the man replied angrily, "What do you want?"

The sound of shuffling feet could be heard, and a small tenor voice peeped up from behind the bedroom door. "I have a message here for Icarum Beltonius. M-might that be you sir?" the lad inquired sheepishly.

With a sigh and a heave, Icarum stood up, gathered his belt, and made himself look almost presentable. He figured anything with a misshapen beard and lack of sleep would scare off a ghoul or two, but hey, an effort somewhere has got to mean something. After a wash of his face in the water basin, Icarum grumbled his way over to the door, opened it wide, and looked down.

There, standing before him was a lad, dressed in commoner's clothing, and a few years passed his ten or so, trembling in his black and polished boots. "Here is the message, sir," he said while thrusting forth a rather wet and mangled package the size of a small puppy. As the package shook from the sheer magnitude of fear Icarum was putting the boy through, he couldn't help but be reminded of his younger days, and how it might be a good idea to let off a bit on the whole do-not-bother-me act.

"Thank you," Icarum said with a slight grin as he grabbed the package with a lack of eagerness. As soon as his nail-splintered hand had a firm grip on the package, the boy sprinted off down the hallway and out of sight. With a sigh of frustration, he quietly closed the door, settled himself back down in the worn leather cushioned chair, and opened the package.

"Sir Icarum,

Its a horrible act for me to return to your everyday life, and I do not wish for this letter to be a demeaning factor upon my reputation, but I must ask for your assistance once more..."

Every word that he read sent his stomach into an ever deepening pit of grief. Icarum's dream assailed him with renewed vigor, yet how could he ignore it? Once he was finished, the tired and broken man calmly folded the parchment into quarters, tucked it inside of the breast pocket of his studded leather jacket, and grasped a better understanding of why he had previously scared off the boy. So exhausted was he that Icarum hadn't even noticed the maces still equipped on his belt, and the small crossbow hanging from his thigh. Turns out packing some tools can take you a long way, just depends on the direction.

Returning his gaze back to the package, Icarum pulled aside packing paper, and found something rather lovingly bundled up. Having fit comfortably inside the package from end to end, and rather long in shape, Icarum knew it wasn't actually a puppy of sorts. Otherwise, he'd be greeted by licks and grins. Instead, as he unraveled the bundle, the man almost pricked his finger on a short blade, for now that it was revealed, Icarum found himself staring at a gambler's knife, embellished with silver and leather pommel, and iron blade that glinted dimly in the dark room.

"Well...I guess I'm back to work..."
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by alhoon »

VAN wrote: "Thanks Seradon, this is what we need, a bit of calm!"
"And find someone who could appreciate and afford the gems and art we brought from the desert, so we can exchange them for money."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by VAN »

"Yeah that would help as well , I can ask around if anyone is intrested and maybe tomorrow we should go to the museum and tell that what happened at the desert."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Making his way up to the roof to check on the groundskeeper Helfried hears the sound of familiar voices coming from downstairs. He pauses momentarily; is that tea brewing?
His lip curls into a smile. He never understood drinking the stuff; smells like grass and flowers.
Shaking his head, he continues, hoping to inform the fellow of the companions return.
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by kintire »

The gardener straightens and looks pleased to see Helfierd. He speaks in the warrior's native tongue once more.

"Ah, welcome back m'lud. Good to see you well. There's been some funny stories going about that trip o' yourn. They say that fellow as was supposed to be your escort and his men were found here in the city after you left, killed dead! Lot of folks gave you up after that. Anyway, all's well here, got some lovely lettuces out of your back plot yesterday, do well for your homecoming dinner they will, and there'll be some carrots ready to dig tomorrer. Oh, and theres a message for you. Some fellow wants to call by and meet you."
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Helfried smiles at the mention of a home cooked meal and the over all warm reception given off by the care taker.
He straightens up a bit at the mention of a caller. "Interesting." He repies. "Any mention as to what this meeting was in regards to? "
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by kintire »

"Apparently he has heard your reputation and has a job for you. And something about collecting some belt? Noble type, mainlander. Darkon, I think from his talk."
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Helfried's casual demeanor flashes momentarily, betraying his apprehension, before returning to its previous expression.
"Darkonian you say?" He says in his low rumble. "Should be interesting."
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by alhoon »

Meanwhile Seradon is sipping tea at the kitchen. "I suggest you leave most of the valuables here Catherine for safety. Take a couple to show potential customers we mean business but don't get everything in order to not tempt anyone to steal them."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by kintire »

As the conversations proceed, there is a rapping on the door, three crisp strokes.
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by alhoon »

Seradon finishes his tea and stands. "I'll get the door" he announces and moves to open the door.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Re: Changelings part III: Return to Paridon

Post by VAN »

Catherine frowns.

"The news that we returned spread fast in this city...I will check from the window first and give you a sign if is safe."

Catherine goes at the window and looks outside who is knocking their door.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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