Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

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Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

A player of mine, after voluntarily retiring his ex-paladin/blackguard character, proposed making a new one based around the use of the infamous Vampire Killer from the Castlevania games, altered to be more like the Combat Cross from the Lords of Shadow spin-off series except in shape. Functionally it's like a spiked chain with a solid shaft at one end that houses a blade stout enough to act as a stake/stabbing weapon. That part isn't too hard, it's a unique exotic double weapon combining the stats of a silver spiked chain and a silver short sword that deals piercing damage rather than slashing. It's also a finesse weapon, which works since the character he's coming up with has been narrowed down to either a rogue or a swashbuckler.

To up things and make it a weapon worth keeping around even if we get into epic levels, he wants it to be a legacy weapon that grows in power with its wielder. Two enchants he wants it to develop are flaming burst and bane (undead). Not too big of a problem there. But what's tripping me up is the development and progression of additional powers and abilities that legacy items invariably develop as part of their history. Additional resistances and effectiveness against vampires, their spawn, and their minions are pretty obvious. At some point the ability to score critical hits (and maybe sneak attacks as well) against the undead or at least vampires and spawn specifically is one thing I'd like to incorporate.

I do own the 3.5 remake of EtCR and the legacy sun blade there, but I don't want to draw on too many of its abilities since this is supposed to be unique. Plus it has to be balanced for a character that uses agility and cunning rather than brute force. This whole thing reminds me of why I didn't get too much into WoL beyond using the already published stuff; I'm terrible at coming up with balanced legacy items. Despite that, I'm a huge fan of the Castlevania series so this was a chance to pay homage to it that I just couldn't pass up.
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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

could this be of some use?
Shadow and Steel: Weapons of Legacy in Ravenloft

(I don't actually know much about it. It's been on my to-read list for a while. might be helpful to you. might not be what you need.)
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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

The link to the netbook file is dead. :( Seems it's been taken down.
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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by Dion of the Fraternity »

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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Dion of the Fraternity wrote:USE THIS LINK
This is going to help a lot. Thanks.

If anyone else has comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by A G Thing »

Wow... Been a while since I posted. I may be really late but here.

To answer is that you could also look at the legacy of the vampire killer whip which was developed in the Castlevania canon.

A 1st point is that there are two sources. Combat Cross version and base Whip version.

For the combat cross version lets look at the wiki reference which I will draw inspiration from. I am posting a few highlights of the weapons background.

Made by an Alchemist: Understanding, unlocking or fixing the weapon may require alchemy.
Forged of cast iron: Weapon was made of iron.
Says drenched in holy water but I am guessing that should be quenched during forging: Give it the effect of holy water or a bit of holy damage.
Was also blessed: Could confer on the wielder the bless spells effects.
Gains a hook tip addition: Perhaps can be used to give a grapple bonus on enemies and also to improve the climb and or use rope checks to set the whip to help the wielder grab things and climb or swing with it.
Has a spiked chain: In the games used to saw through wood or to tame large beasts and was considered cruel. Perhaps it could just make it more intimidating if the foe is struck with it and perhaps it deals extra damage or negates some of the hardness of any objects the player attacks. A beast grappled by it may also be easier to control due to the pain which may or may not cause a powers check as you are effectively torturing a creature to do as you want.
Stake in the end: You already got this covered really.
Kills immortal creatures: It's up to you but perhaps it bypasses their damage reduction.

For the original whip version lets go over the highlights of its powers.

Made by an Alchemist: Understanding, unlocking or fixing the weapon may require alchemy. In this version it was originally known as the Alchemic Whip before becoming the Vampire Killer.
Needs a willing but tainted soul to be used in its creation: A woman about to become a vampire let herself be slain and her soul was used to complete it. This may be part of its backstory and this soul has made the whip able to kill powerful vampires and demons. It also appears to have requirements such as requiring those of the bloodline linked to it through that souls association to her and if that soul senses the bloodline is cursed or corrupted it can deny use. It can also drain the life of those who wield it should they not be worthy and it can summon the soul of its last wielder to test such an unworthy one.
Whip can change forms: It changes in response to a variety of conditions giving it other powers or abilities usually having to do with the wielder triggering them or having grabbed a power up or such and they each have an entry below.
Upgrades from base, to chain, to morning star head at the end: This is the base pattern that seems to suggest that it grows more damaging as the wielder grows stronger supporting legacy upgrades. This is covered slightly as we continue on.
Can shoot small fire blasts for a time: Perhaps they can use a fire cantrip such as the 5th edition firebolt a number of times per day or only under certain conditions.
The weapon can be covered from fire for a time by the wielder: Perhaps some control over the flaming or fireburst ability so it can only be used for a duration each day.
It can be covered by lightning for a time: This would be similar to the flaming or fireburst ability but with shock and shocking burst instead.
Often had elemental upgrades in 3d games: This could just establish that it can shift elemental property as the wielder wishes or has multiple such properties for each of the elements.
Will hit twice with a second hit for less damage on each strike: When its potential is fully unlocked with a worthy wielder it in game hit a second time for 7% of its base damage on the second hit. Honestly I would just give it an extra d2 damage which would just be an odd or even roll on another die.

These are just based on what is known about the two versions of the Vampire Killer. Hope it helps.
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Re: Castlevania Inspired Weapon of Legacy - HELP!

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

The basic idea of the Combat Cross was used to form the basic stats of a combination short sword-chained spike, but neither of us is terribly fond of the Lords of Shadow retcon/spin-off so we avoided any further allusions to it.

The ideas for the whip versions I like. I need to spend some time on the Castlevania Wiki, it seems.
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